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rógǫrs rjóðandi hneitis eggja
‘of the strife-quick reddener of the sword’s edges’ = WARRIOR
the strife-quick reddener of the sword’s edges, → WARRIOR
[2] róg‑: ‘rǫg’ Hr
[4] eggja: eggjar J2ˣ, 61, Tóm, Hr
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
‘gold-breakers’ = GENEROUS MEN
gold-breakers → GENEROUS MEN
[3] ‑brotar: ‑stafir Hr
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
hati ormsetrs
‘the hater of the reptile’s home’ = GENEROUS MAN
the reptile’s home → GOLD
The hater of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
‘of the reptile’s home’ = GOLD
the reptile’s home → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
hraustr vinr hǫrða
‘the valiant friend of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the valiant friend of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
3. friend of the Norwegians
eyðir gráðar ulfa
‘queller of the greed of wolves’ = WARRIOR
Queller of the greed of wolves → WARRIOR
[1] eyðir: ǫðlingr Hr
[2] gráðar: gráðr Hr
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
eyðir gráðar
‘queller of the greed’ = FEEDER
Queller of the greed → FEEDER
[1] eyðir: ǫðlingr Hr
[2] gráðar: gráðr Hr
feeder, nourisher
1. destroyer of greed
skildir brands skeiðar
‘the shield-provider of the warship’s prow’ = SEA-WARRIOR = Sveinn Álfífuson
the shield-provider of the warship’s prow → SEA-WARRIOR = Sveinn Álfífuson
[3] skildir: skjǫldungr 325VII, 325V, 61, Tóm, Hr
3. shield-provider of the ship
inn ungi eggrjóðandi
‘the young blade-reddener’ = WARRIOR
The young blade-reddener → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
bræðir ara
‘of the feeder of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the feeder of the eagle → WARRIOR
[4] bræðis: ‘bræðir’ Hr
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘war-garb’ = ARMOUR
war-garb → ARMOUR
. clothing of battle
rýrir brimlogs
‘the diminisher of surf-fire’ = GENEROUS MAN
surf-fire → GOLD
the diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
‘of surf-fire’ = GOLD
surf-fire → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
søkkvi Sveins
‘the queller of Sveinn’ = Magnús
The queller of Sveinn, → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
3. defeater of Sveinn Álfífuson
sonr Ôleifs
‘of the son of Óláfr’ = Magnús
the son of Óláfr → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
geystu veðr gífrs
‘[their] troubled gale of the troll-woman’ = MIND
[their] troubled gale of the troll-woman, → MIND
[8] veðri: veðr Hr
mind, thought
1.1. storm, wind of the giantess
Yggr rimmu
‘Yggr of battle’ = WARRIOR
Yggr of battle, → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
tungurjóðr ferðar ulfa, kunnr ǫldum
‘tongue-reddener of the pack of wolves, renowned to peoples’ = WARRIOR
Tongue-reddener of the pack of wolves, renowned to peoples, → WARRIOR
3.2.3. stainer of the wolf
fiðrirjóðr môs Yggjar
‘feather-reddener of the gull of Yggr’ = WARRIOR
the gull of Yggr, → RAVEN
Feather-reddener of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.03. stainer of the bird of battlefield
már Yggjar
‘of the gull of Yggr’ = RAVEN
the gull of Yggr, → RAVEN
1.1. bird of Óðinn (A2)
fœðir blágamms kolgu benja
‘feeder of the dark vulture of the surf of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
the dark vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
feeder of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
blágammr kolgu benja
‘of the dark vulture of the surf of wounds’ = RAVEN
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
the dark vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
1.2. (black or dark) bird of the battlefield (A2)
kolga benja
‘of the surf of wounds’ = BLOOD
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
spjalli gotna
‘confidant of men’ = RULER
Confidant of men, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
gramr mœra
‘lord of the mœrir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
lord of the Mœrir, → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hati armsvells
‘the hater of arm-ice’ = GENEROUS MAN
arm-ice, → SILVER
the hater of the SILVER → GENEROUS MAN
[4] armsvells: so Hr
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
‘of arm-ice’ = SILVER
arm-ice, → SILVER
[4] armsvells: so Hr
1.1. ice of the arm/hand
auðvinr okkrum
‘our treasure-friend’ = GENEROUS RULER = Magnús
our treasure-friend. → GENEROUS RULER = Magnús
[3] auðvin: ǫðrum Hr
male, man
‘of the troop-controller’ = KING
the troop-controller; → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army
fjǫlblíðs fóstra Aðalsteins
‘of the most friendly foster-son of Æthelstan’ = Hákon
the most friendly foster-son of Æthelstan; → Hákon
hvardyggr arfi Haralds
‘the very reliable heir of Haraldr’ = Óláfr Haraldsson
The very reliable heir of Haraldr → Óláfr Haraldsson
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
1.2. heir of Haraldr inn grenski
sonr Tryggva
‘the son of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr Tryggvason
the son of Tryggvi → Óláfr Tryggvason
[6] sonr: son 39, E, J2ˣ, Holm2, 972ˣ(584va), 972ˣ(584vb), 73aˣ, Hr, Flat
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
faðir Magnúss
‘Magnús’s father’ = Óláfr Haraldsson
Magnús’s father → Óláfr Haraldsson
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
1.4. father of Magnús inn góði Óláfsson
veltir þjófs
‘toppler of the thief’ = JUST RULER
Toppler of the thief, → JUST RULER
[3] þjófs: þjóf 325V, FskBˣ, FskAˣ, H, Hr, 325XI 3, Flat
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
varmra benja tármútaris teitir
‘gladdener of the tear-hawk of warm wounds’ = WARRIOR
the tear of warm wounds, → BLOOD
the hawk of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
gladdener of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
[5] varmra: varma 325V, H, Hr
[7] ‑mútaris: ‘materis’ Hr
[7] teitir: teiti 325VI, 321ˣ, 73aˣ, 325V, 61, Tóm, H, Hr, 325XI 3, Flat
3.1.02. gladdener of the bird of battlefield
varmra benja tármútari
‘of the hawk of the tear of warm wounds’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the tear of warm wounds, → BLOOD
the hawk of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
[5] varmra: varma 325V, H, Hr
[7] ‑mútaris: ‘materis’ Hr
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
varmra benja tár
‘of the tear of warm wounds’ = BLOOD
the tear of warm wounds, → BLOOD
[5] varmra: varma 325V, H, Hr
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
‘battle-promoter’ = WARRIOR
battle-promoter, → WARRIOR
[2] ‑gegnir: ‑gegna 325VI, H, Hr, Flat
warrior encounterer of battle
‘battle-increaser’ = WARRIOR
battle-increaser. → WARRIOR
[8] ‑mǫgnuðr: ‑magnaðr Kˣ, 325VI, FskBˣ, H, Hr, Flat
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
skíð skorðu
‘the ski of the ship’s prop’ = SHIP
the ski of the ship’s prop → SHIP
ship, boat
2.3. ski of the ship
klæði ættar Gjúka
‘the raiment of the offspring of Gjúki’ = ARMOUR
the raiment of the offspring of Gjúki; → ARMOUR
. clothing of the legendary hero
fastligr garmr fýris
‘the powerful hound of the fir-tree’ = WIND
the powerful hound of the fir-tree → WIND
[3] ‑ligr: ‑liga Hr, Flat
[4] garmr: angr H, Hr, Flat
storm, wind
4.1. damaging creature of the tree
‘of the storm-steed’ = SHIP
the storm-steed → SHIP
[7] ‑mars: ‘‑mas’ Hr, Flat
ship, boat
1.4.1. horse of fair wind
angrtælir ylgjar
‘the grief-beguiler of the she-wolf’ = WARRIOR = Magnús
the grief-beguiler of the she-wolf → WARRIOR = Magnús
3.2.2. gladdener of the wolf
‘the grief-beguiler’ = GLADDENER
the grief-beguiler → GLADDENER
2. beguiler of the sorrow
grimmum gnýr grafnings
‘the cruel clash of the graven shield’ = BATTLE
the cruel clash of the graven shield, → BATTLE
2.1.3. din of shields
vísundr hléborðs
‘the bison of the lee-side’ = SHIP
the bison of the lee-side, → SHIP
[4] visundr: visund Hr
[4] hlé‑: hlæ‑ 39, J2ˣ, Hr
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
snarfengjan þengill sygna
‘the swift-acting lord of the sygnir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the swift-acting lord of the Sygnir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
[2] snarfengjan: snarfengan Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
bjóðr brynþings
‘the convenor of the byrnie-assembly’ = WARRIOR
the byrnie-assembly, → BATTLE
The convenor of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[5] bjóðr: blíðr H, Hr, Flat
warrior offerer of battle
‘of the byrnie-assembly’ = BATTLE
the byrnie-assembly, → BATTLE
3.2.1. meeting of mail-coats
œsir fetilstinga
‘the impeller of sword-belt stabbers’ = WARRIOR
sword-belt stabbers. → SWORDS
the impeller of SWORDS → WARRIOR
[6] fetilstinga: meginhringa H, Hr
. man of the weapon
‘of sword-belt stabbers’ = SWORDS
sword-belt stabbers. → SWORDS
[6] fetilstinga: meginhringa H, Hr
10.1. tool of the sword
mǫgr Ulfs
‘Úlfr’s kinsman’ = Sveinn Úlfsson
Úlfr’s kinsman → Sveinn Úlfsson
Sveinn Úlfsson (r. 1047-1076)
1.1. son of Úlfr Þorgilsson
sonr Ôleifs
‘Óláfr’s son’ = Magnús
Óláfr’s son, → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
gramr Skônunga
‘the lord of the Skánungar’ = Magnús
the lord of the Skánungar, → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
4.1. lord of Danish people
‘a weapon-blizzard’ = BATTLE
a weapon-blizzard, → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
allfrekr bani hallar
‘the most ravenous slayer of the hall’ = FIRE
the most ravenous slayer of the hall → FIRE
fire, flame
3.1. killer of wood
rammþing Glamma
‘a mighty encounter of Glammi’ = BATTLE
a mighty encounter of Glammi → BATTLE
3.5. meeting of the sea-king
konr Ellu
‘the descendant of Ella’ = Magnús
The descendant of Ella → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.4. descendant of a legendary king
meiri geirhríð
‘a greater spear-storm’ = BATTLE
a greater spear-storm → BATTLE
battle shower of spears
‘a sword-clash’ = BATTLE
a sword-clash → BATTLE
[4] hjǫrdynr: hjǫrdyn H, Hr
2.1.1. din of swords
hilmir hǫrða
‘the ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the ruler of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
skapvǫrðr himins
‘the shaping guardian of heaven’ = God
the shaping guardian of heaven → God
2.1. guardian of heaven
søkkvir sólar straums
‘the enemy of the sun of the stream’ = GENEROUS MAN
the sun of the stream → GOLD
The enemy of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[1] søkkvir: so H, Hr
generous man
. sinker of gold
sól straums
‘of the sun of the stream’ = GOLD
the sun of the stream → GOLD
1.3. heavenly body of waters (A1)
vald foldar
‘the strength of the land’ = Óláfr
the strength of the land → Óláfr
[3] vald: valdr Bb, H, Hr
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
áta Hugins
‘with the food of Huginn’ = CORPSES
with the food of Huginn; → CORPSES
[4] Hugins: ‘hugan’ Hr
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
kennir malmþings
‘the tester of the weapon-meeting’ = WARRIOR
the weapon-meeting → BATTLE
the tester of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[3] kennir: innan Bb, Hr
[3] malmþings: mildingr Bb, Hr
2.5.6. master of battle
‘of the weapon-meeting’ = BATTLE
the weapon-meeting → BATTLE
[3] malmþings: mildingr Bb, Hr
3.1. meeting of weapons
bróðursonr Haralds
‘the brother’s son of Haraldr’ = Magnús
the brother’s son of Haraldr → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.2. nephew of Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson
barr ulfa
‘wolves’ barley’ = CORPSES
wolves’ barley— → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
allnôttfǫrull marr vífs Yggjar áleggjar
‘ever prowling by night, the steed of the wife of the Yggr of the river-limb’ = WOLF
the river- limb → ROCK
the Yggr of the ROCK → GIANT
the wife of the GIANT → GIANTESS
ever prowling by night, the steed of GIANTESS → WOLF
[6] ‑fǫrull: so Hr
[8] marr: már Hr
[8] vífs: víf H, Hr
[5] Yggjar: yggja H, Hr
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
víf Yggjar áleggjar
‘of the wife of the Yggr of the river-limb’ = GIANTESS
the river- limb → ROCK
the Yggr of the ROCK → GIANT
the wife of the GIANT → GIANTESS
[8] vífs: víf H, Hr
[5] Yggjar: yggja H, Hr
giantess, troll-woman
1.1. consort of the giant (B3a)
Yggr áleggjar
‘of the Yggr of the river-limb’ = GIANT
the river- limb → ROCK
the Yggr of the ROCK → GIANT
[5] Yggjar: yggja H, Hr
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
‘of the river-limb’ = ROCK
the river- limb → ROCK
rock, stone
2.1.1. bone of waters
snjallr spjalli lausnara
‘the brave confidant of the saviour’ = Óláfr
the brave confidant of the Saviour → Óláfr
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
3.1. man of Christ
guðs riddari
‘god’s knight’ = SAINT = Óláfr
God’s knight → SAINT = Óláfr
holy man, saint
1.1. knight of God/Christ
gramr sólar
‘the king of the sun’ = God
the king of the sun. → God
1.2. lord of heavenly bodies
rammþing Glamma
‘a mighty encounter of Glammi’ = BATTLE
a mighty encounter of Glammi → BATTLE
[2] ramm‑: rym‑ H(10r), Hr(10ra)
[2] Glamma: glymja H(10r), Hr(10ra)
3.5. meeting of the sea-king
bitr brandleikr
‘biting sword-sport’ = BATTLE
biting sword-sport → BATTLE
[3] bitr á: bitra 39, F, E, Hr
[4] ‑leikr: lækir Hr
4.1.1. play of swords
bǫrr glóða grœðis
‘the trees of the embers of the ocean’ = MEN
the embers of the ocean, → GOLD
the trees of the GOLD → MEN
[1] glóða: glóðar H, Hr
[1] grœðis: ‘glæðis’ F, J2ˣ, H, Hr
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
glóð grœðis
‘of the embers of the ocean’ = GOLD
the embers of the ocean, → GOLD
[1] glóða: glóðar H, Hr
[1] grœðis: ‘glæðis’ F, J2ˣ, H, Hr
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
Heðins manþinga serkjar merkjandi
‘of Heðinn’s maiden-assembly’ = WARRIORS
Heðinn’s maiden → Hildr
the assembly of HILDR → BATTLE
the shirt of the BATTLE → ARMOUR
stainers of the ARMOUR → WARRIORS
[5] ‑þinga: ‑þunga H, Hr
1.8.1. stainer of armour
Heðins manþinga serkr
‘of the shirt of the assembly of Heðinn’s maiden’ = ARMOUR
Heðinn’s maiden → Hildr
the assembly of HILDR → BATTLE
the shirt of the BATTLE → ARMOUR
[5] ‑þinga: ‑þunga H, Hr
1.1. garment of battle
Heðins manþing
‘of the assembly of Heðinn’s maiden’ = BATTLE
Heðinn’s maiden → Hildr
the assembly of HILDR → BATTLE
[5] ‑þinga: ‑þunga H, Hr
3.4. meeting of the valkyrie
Heðins man
‘of Heðinn’s maiden’ = Hildr
Heðinn’s maiden → Hildr
1. woman of Heðinn and the Hjaðningar (C3a)
gnýr geirs
‘tumult of the spear’ = BATTLE
tumult of the spear. → BATTLE
2.1.2. din of spears
senna vápna
‘the slander-match of weapons’ = BATTLE
the slander-match of weapons, → BATTLE
[6] sennu: spennu Hr
5.1. strife of weapons
bǫrr baugs
‘trees of the ring’ = MEN
trees of the ring → MEN
male, man
1.3. tree of rings
‘battle-clouds’ = SHIELDS
battle-clouds → SHIELDS
2.1.1. cloud of battle
vǫrðr vagna kjalar
‘the guardian of waggons of the keel’ = SEAFARER
waggons of the keel, → SHIPS
The guardian of SHIPS → SEAFARER
[1] Vǫrðr: ‘Vardr’ Hr
1.1.03. guardian of the ship
vagn kjalar
‘of waggons of the keel’ = SHIPS
waggons of the keel, → SHIPS
ship, boat
4.2. chariot of the ship
Hrafn varar
‘of the Hrafn of the landing-stage’ = SHIP
the Hrafn of the landing-stage; → SHIP
[4] Hrafni: nafni Hr
ship, boat horse of the sea
inn dýri svanfoldar sólrýrandi
‘sun-diminisher of the swan-land’ = GENEROUS MAN
the swan-land → SEA
the sun of the SEA → GOLD
the excellent diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[2] ‑rýrandi inn: ‑rýrandin Hr
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
svanfoldar sól
‘of the sun of the swan-land’ = GOLD
the swan-land → SEA
the sun of the SEA → GOLD
1.3. heavenly body of waters (A1)
‘of the swan-land’ = SEA
the swan-land → SEA
6.1. land of the aquatic bird
stafr hjǫrva
‘to the staves of swords’ = WARRIORS
to the staves of swords; → WARRIORS
1.3. stave/pole of the weapon
viðr harðéls Hramma
‘trees of the harsh storm of Hrammi’ = WARRIORS
the harsh storm of Hrammi → BATTLE
trees of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
[1] Hramma: hrama Hr
2.1. tree of battle
harðél Hramma
‘of the harsh storm of Hrammi’ = BATTLE
the harsh storm of Hrammi → BATTLE
[1] Hramma: hrama Hr
1.2.3. shower of Óðinn
feigir hjǫrva gnýstafr
‘din-staves of swords’ = WARRIORS
the din of swords → BATTLE
the doomed staves of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
[6] gný‑: gnýs Hr
2.2. stave of battle
hjǫrva gnýr
‘of the din of swords’ = BATTLE
the din of swords → BATTLE
[6] gný‑: gnýs Hr
2.1.1. din of swords
mǫgr Ôleifs ins digra
‘the son of Óláfr inn digri (‘the stout’)’ = Magnús
The son of Óláfr inn digri (‘the Stout’) → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
‘sword-Gautr’ = WARRIOR
sword-Gautr; → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
árr auðs
‘the envoys of wealth’ = GENEROUS MEN
the envoys of wealth. → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.7. envoy of wealth
‘for the wealth-pole’ = WOMAN
For the wealth-pole → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
snarr harri Skônunga
‘the valiant ruler of the Skánungar’ = Magnús
The valiant ruler of the Skánungar → Magnús
[2] Skônunga harri: harri mjǫg fjarri Hr
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
4.1. lord of Danish people
aldrprúðr allvaldr Lundar
‘the life-splendid overlord of Lund’ = Magnús
the life-splendid overlord of Lund → Magnús
[4] aldrprúðr: ‘valldrvðr’ H, Hr
[3] nema allvaldr Lundar: sem veigðu skauti H, Hr
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
4.2. lord of Denmark
nýtum nefi Knúts
‘for the capable nephew of Knútr’ = Sveinn
for the capable nephew of Knútr → Sveinn
Sveinn Úlfsson (r. 1047-1076)
2. nephew of Knútr inn ríki Sveinsson (r. 1014-1035)
ræsir þrœnda
‘ruler of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
ruler of the Þrœndir; → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
vinr gœðinga
‘friend of nobles’ = RULER
Friend of nobles, → RULER
[6] gœðinga vinr skœðar: greiðlendinga skeiðum H, Hr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
land hróka
‘the land of cormorants’ = SEA
the land of cormorants → SEA
[1] hróka: ‘horda‑’ Hr
6.1. land of the aquatic bird
Freyr víga
‘Freyr of battles’ = WARRIOR
Freyr of battles, → WARRIOR
[3] Freyr: Freys H, Hr
warrior Freyr of battle
‘the weaving-Gefn’ = WOMAN
the weaving-Gefn → WOMAN
[4] vef‑: vé‑ Hr
female, woman
5.1. female mythical being of cloth (B2b)
glam vápna
‘the tumult of weapons’ = BATTLE
the tumult of weapons. → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
inn víða frægi vargteitir
‘the widely famed wolf-cheerer’ = WARRIOR
the widely famed wolf-cheerer → WARRIOR
[4] ‑teitir: teitr Hr
3.2.2. gladdener of the wolf
marga elgr vágs
‘many elks of the wave’ = SHIPS
many elks of the wave. → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
‘the ship-tree’ = SEAFARER
the ship-tree → SEAFARER
1.2. tree of the ship
regn rýgjar rógskýja
‘the rain of the troll-woman of strife-clouds’ = BATTLE
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
the troll-woman of SHIELDS → AXE
the rain of the AXE → BATTLE
[7] róg‑: so 39, F, E, H, Hr, R, Tˣ, W, U, A, C, 2368ˣ
[7] ‑skýja: ‘skyiara’ Hr
battle shower of the axe
rýgr rógskýja
‘of the troll-woman of strife-clouds’ = AXE
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
the troll-woman of SHIELDS → AXE
[7] róg‑: so 39, F, E, H, Hr, R, Tˣ, W, U, A, C, 2368ˣ
[7] ‑skýja: ‘skyiara’ Hr
1.1. female mythical being of the shield
‘of strife-clouds’ = SHIELDS
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
[7] róg‑: so 39, F, E, H, Hr, R, Tˣ, W, U, A, C, 2368ˣ
[7] ‑skýja: ‘skyiara’ Hr
2.1.5. cloud of strife
veðr Hǫgna
‘the wind-storm of Hǫgni’ = BATTLE
the wind-storm of Hǫgni; → BATTLE
1.1.5. storm/wind of a legendary hero
mætr gramr mœra
‘the excellent lord of the mœrir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The excellent lord of the Mœrir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
veðr Yggjar
‘a wind-storm of Yggr’ = BATTLE
a wind-storm of Yggr, → BATTLE
1.1.4. storm/wind of Óðinn
‘the corpse-vulture’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the corpse-vulture → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
rimma vápna
‘the roar of weapons’ = BATTLE
the roar of weapons → BATTLE
11.1. assault of weapons
bróðir Bjarnar
‘of Bjǫrn’s brother’ = Sveinn
Bjǫrn’s brother, → Sveinn
Sveinn Úlfsson (r. 1047-1076)
3. brother of Bjǫrn Estridsson
sonr Ôleifs
‘Óláfr’s son’ = Magnús
Óláfr’s son → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
ramr sverðdynr
‘a mighty sword-tumult’ = BATTLE
a mighty sword-tumult → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
sonr Ôleifs
‘Óláfr’s son’ = Magnús
Óláfr’s son → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
hilmir hǫrða
‘the prince of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the prince of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
[3] Hǫrða: harða Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
‘a thawing wind of swords’ = BATTLE
a thawing wind of swords → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the sword
ungr þorn auðar
‘the young thorn-tree of treasure’ = MAN
The young thorn-tree of treasure → MAN
male, man
1.2. tree of wealth
grennir ara
‘the feeder of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the feeder of the eagle → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
lituðr hringserks
‘the painter of the mail-shirt’ = WARRIOR
the painter of the mail-shirt → WARRIOR
[4] lituðr: so 39, F, E, J2ˣ, FskBˣ, H, Hr, Flat
1.8.1. stainer of armour
hverr herskyldir
‘which troop-commander’ = RULER
which troop-commander → RULER
[8] ‑skyldir: ‑skyldi Hr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army
hefnir Ôleifs
‘avenger of Óláfr’ = Magnús
Avenger of Óláfr, → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
2. avenger of Óláfr Haraldsson
haukr Hlakkar
‘hawks of Hlǫkk’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
hawks of Hlǫkk → RAVENS/EAGLES
2.1. bird of the valkyrie (A2)
‘the corpse-sea’ = BLOOD
the corpse-sea; → BLOOD
1.3. liquid of the corpse (A2)
rýrir setrs reyrar randa
‘diminisher of the home of the reed of shields’ = WARRIOR
the reed of shields, → SWORD
the home of the SWORD → SHIELD
Diminisher of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
[6] setrs: setr H, Hr
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
setr reyrar randa
‘of the home of the reed of shields’ = SHIELD
the reed of shields, → SWORD
the home of the SWORD → SHIELD
[6] setrs: setr H, Hr
5.3.1. abode of the sword
reyr randa
‘of the reed of shields’ = SWORD
the reed of shields, → SWORD
4.2.3. reed of the shield
fjórar hríð ǫrva
‘four blizzards of arrows’ = BATTLES
four blizzards of arrows → BATTLES
battle shower of arrows
‘the onslaught-sweller’ = WARRIOR
the onslaught-sweller → WARRIOR
[4] ‑stœrir mér fœri: ‘‑sterkum iofr merkívm’ Hr
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
buðlungr þrœnda
‘the prince of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The prince of the Þrœndir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
‘a shield-storm’ = BATTLE
a shield-storm → BATTLE
battle shower of shields
brennir Bolgara
‘the burner of Bulgars’ = Haraldr
the burner of Bulgars → Haraldr
Haraldr III harðráði Sigurðarson (r. 1046-66)
2. defeater of foreign people
‘helmet-stand’ = HEAD
helmet-stand. → HEAD
[6] ‑setr: ‑setrs F, E, J2ˣ, 321ˣ, Holm4, 325V, 61, Bb, Tóm, Hr
2.2. rest or support of headgear (A1b and A3)
‘a peace-diminisher’ = WARRIOR
a peace-diminisher → WARRIOR
[6] friðskerði: friðskerðir 39, 61, Tóm, Bb, H, Hr
11. destroyer of peace
—ungr hǫtuðr tandrauðs ormtorgs
‘—the young hater of the flame-red dragon-square’ = RULER
the flame-red dragon-square → GOLD
—the young hater of the GOLD → RULER
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
tandrauðs ormtorg
‘of the flame-red dragon-square’ = GOLD
the flame-red dragon-square → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
‘the troop-supporter’ = WARRIOR
the troop-supporter, → WARRIOR
[5] ‑skorðuðr: so F, E, J2ˣ, FskBˣ, H, Hr
4.3.4. supporter of the army
harðan leikr Hildar
‘the harsh sport of Hildr’ = BATTLE
the harsh sport of Hildr → BATTLE
4.2. play of Hildr
sonr Buðla
‘Buðli’s son’ = Atli
Buðli’s son → Atli
Atli Buðlason
1. member of the Buðlungar family
skyndir dolgljóss
‘the speeder of battle-light’ = WARRIOR
battle-light → SWORD
the speeder of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[1] ‑ljóss: ‑lauss H, Hr
warrior hastener of the weapon
‘of battle-light’ = SWORD
battle-light → SWORD
[1] ‑ljóss: ‑lauss H, Hr
1.2.1. light of battle
ómynda elja Rindar
‘the rival of Rindr lacking bride-payment’ = Jǫrð
the rival of Rindr lacking bride-payment. → Jǫrð
[3] elju: so Hr, R, Tˣ, W, U, B
3. rival of Rindr (C3a)
haglfaldinni mær Ánars
‘the hail-coifed maiden of Ánarr’ = Jǫrð
the hail-coifed maiden of Ánarr → Jǫrð
[7] hagl‑: hag‑ H, Hr
[6] Ánars: annars FskBˣ, FskAˣ, Hr
2. woman of Ánarr/Ónarr (C3a or C4a)
mjǫll skokks
‘the snow of the bottom-board’ = SEA-SPRAY
the snow of the bottom-board → SEA-SPRAY
. snow of the ship
valdr víga
‘to the controller of combats’ = WARRIOR
to the controller of combats. → WARRIOR
[3] valdi: om. Hr
2.5.3. causer of battle
herðir gunnar
‘the strengthener of battle’ = WARRIOR
the strengthener of battle. → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
gramr egða
‘of the prince of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
the prince of the Egðir → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
glóð handa
‘embers of the hands’ = GOLD
embers of the hands; → GOLD
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
stólþengill grikklands
‘the emperor of greece’ = Michael Kalaphates
the emperor of Greece → Michael Kalaphates
[3] ‑þengill: þengils Hr
[2] Grikk‑: grik‑ 39, FskBˣ, Mork, H, Hr
Michael V Kalaphates
1. lord of Greece
eyðir sútar heiðingja
‘the destroyer of the care of the wolf [lit. heath-goer]’ = WARRIOR
The destroyer of the care of the wolf [lit. heath-goer] → WARRIOR
3.2.2. gladdener of the wolf
eyðir sútar
‘the destroyer of the care’ = GLADDENER
The destroyer of the care → GLADDENER
1. destroyer of the sorrow
allvaldr egða
‘the overlord of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
The overlord of the Egðir → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
stillir Girkja
‘the ruler of the Greeks’ = Michael
the ruler of the Greeks → Michael
[7] Girkja: grikkja Kˣ, E, H, Hr
Michael V Kalaphates
2. lord of the Greeks
hjǫrtr vengis
‘the stag of the cabin’ = SHIP
the stag of the cabin → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
[7] Gerðr í Gǫrðum: so H, Hr
[8] gollhrings: so Hr
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
líð Yggs
‘Yggr’s drink’ = POETRY
Yggr’s drink; → POETRY
[2] Yggs: ‘ygs’ all
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
svipr sverða
‘a swinging of swords’ = BATTLE
a swinging of swords. → BATTLE
9.3. swinging of swords
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
[7] þó lætr Gerðr í Gǫrðum: ‘þo lætr. g. i. g.’ Hr
[8] gollhrings við mér skolla: ‘g. við mer skolla’ Hr
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
‘ the island-enclosure’ = SEA
the island-enclosure → SEA
1.5. enclosure of the land
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
[7] þó lætr Gerðr í Gǫrðum: ‘þo lætr .g. i. g.’ Hr
[8] gollhrings við mér skolla: ‘g. við mer skolla’ Hr
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
spjalli gauta
‘the confidant of the people’ = KING
the confidant of the people → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
víðis valmeiðr
‘stallion-beams of the ocean’ = SEAFARERS
the stallion of the ocean → SHIP
the beams of the SHIP → SEAFARERS
1.2. tree of the ship
víðis valr
‘of the stallion of the ocean’ = SHIP
the stallion of the ocean → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
‘roller-steeds’ = SHIPS
roller-steeds → SHIPS
[6] hlunn‑: ‘hlym‑’ H, Hr
ship, boat horse of the ship
ǫnnur unnvigg
‘other wave-horses’ = SHIPS
other wave-horses → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea
sonr Ôleifs
‘Óláfr’s son’ = Magnús
Óláfr’s son → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
‘hoard-enemy’ = GENEROUS MAN
Hoard-enemy, → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01. destroyer of wealth
gramr Jóta
‘prince of the Jótar’ = DANISH KING = Magnús
prince of the Jótar, → DANISH KING = Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
4.1. lord of Danish people
dróttinn hǫrða
‘lord of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
lord of the Hǫrðar; → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
ótti fengins golls
‘terror of seized gold’ = GENEROUS MAN
Terror of seized gold, → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
5. terror of gold
elgr œðiveðrs
‘elks of the raging gale’ = SHIPS
elks of the raging gale → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.4.3. wild animal of the storm
bági jǫfra
‘subduer of princes’ = RULER
Subduer of princes, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.6. enemy of princes
þreytir hlenna
‘destroyer of thieves’ = JUST RULER
destroyer of thieves, → JUST RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
reið hlunna
‘of the chariot of rollers’ = SHIP
the chariot of rollers → SHIP
ship, boat
4.2. chariot of the ship
dolgr hlenna
‘the foe of thieves’ = JUST RULER
the foe of thieves → JUST RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.2. enemy of evildoers
skíð sævar
‘the ski of the ocean’ = SHIP
the ski of the ocean → SHIP
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
hlíð Meita
‘the slopes of Meiti’ = SEA
the slopes of Meiti, → SEA
[2] hlíðir: hlíðar Hr
2.1. land of the sea-king
þengill himna
‘of the skies’ prince’ = God
the skies’ prince → God
1.1. lord of heaven
eyðandi Vals geima
‘the clearer of the Valr of the ocean’ = SEA-WARRIOR
the Valr of the ocean, → SHIP
the clearer of the SHIP → SEA-WARRIOR
[1] Eyðendr: ‘Eydíndr’ Hr
1. destroyer of the ship
Valr geima
‘of the Valr of the ocean’ = SHIP
the Valr of the ocean, → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
margr sverðrjóðr
‘many a sword-reddener’ = WARRIOR
Many a sword-reddener → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
einhver eld-Gefn
‘a certain fire-Gefn’ = WOMAN
a certain fire-Gefn → WOMAN
female, woman
13.1. female mythical being of fire (B2b)
‘the linen-oak’ = WOMAN
the linen-oak, → WOMAN
female, woman
5.3. tree, wood of cloth (B2c)
Gerðr galdrs
‘the Gerðr of incantation’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of incantation, → WOMAN
[4] galdrs: ‘galldus’ Hr
female, woman
15. unique
glæstum gjalfrstóð
‘with the splendid surge-steeds’ = SHIPS
with the splendid surge-steeds. → SHIPS
[4] glæstum: glæstr um Hr
[3] ‑stóðum: so 39, F, E, Mork, Flat, Hr, R, Tˣ, A
ship, boat horse of the sea
hirð Hugins
‘for the retinue of Huginn’ = RAVENS
for the retinue of Huginn → RAVENS
[3] hirð: hǫrð H, Hr
2.2. retinue of the raven (B3a)
‘of the island-ring’ = SEA
the island-ring → SEA
1.4. ring of the land
Hlǫkk drífu Kraka
‘of the Hlǫkk of Kraki’s snow-drift’ = WOMAN
Kraki’s snow-drift → GOLD
the Hlǫkk of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
drífa Kraka
‘of Kraki’s snow-drift’ = GOLD
Kraki’s snow-drift → GOLD
9.3.3. snow-drift of Hrólfr kraki (A1)
dróttinn fila
‘the lord of the filir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
The lord of the Filir → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
faðir Dóttu
‘Dótta’s father’ = Þorkell geysa
Dótta’s father → Þorkell geysa
[8] Dóttu: so FskAˣ, Kˣ, 39, F, E, J2ˣ, H, Hr
Þorkell geysa
1. father of Dótta
stígr Rakna
‘Rakni’s paths’ = SEA
Rakni’s paths, → SEA
[2] Rakna: ‘raka’ Hr
2.2. path of the sea-king
snerra odda
‘the onslaught of spear-points’ = BATTLE
the onslaught of spear-points. → BATTLE
11.1. assault of weapons
breið borðraukn
‘the broad draught-animals of the ship-board’ = SHIPS
the broad draught-animals of the ship-board → SHIPS
[4] ‑raukn: ‑rǫgn Hr, 39, F
ship, boat other working animal of the ship
slóð Buðla
‘Buðli’s trails’ = SEA
Buðli’s trails. → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
gullmunnuð glæsidýr lauks
‘the gold-mouthed splendid beasts of the mast’ = SHIPS
the gold-mouthed splendid beasts of the mast → SHIPS
[8] ‑munnuð: ‑munni Hr
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
[Baldr] brynþings
‘[The Baldr] of the byrnie-assembly’ = WARRIOR = Sveinn
the byrnie-assembly → BATTLE
[The Baldr] of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Sveinn
[2] ‑þings: ‑þing Mork, H, Hr
warrior Baldr of battle
‘of the byrnie-assembly’ = BATTLE
the byrnie-assembly → BATTLE
[2] ‑þings: ‑þing Mork, H, Hr
3.2.1. meeting of mail-coats
Baldr] fetilstinga
‘the Baldr] of sword-belt stabbers’ = WARRIOR = Haraldr
sword-belt stabbers, → SWORDS
the Baldr] of SWORDS → WARRIOR = Haraldr
warrior Baldr of the weapon
‘of sword-belt stabbers’ = SWORDS
sword-belt stabbers, → SWORDS
10.1. tool of the sword
linns láðbrjótr
‘snake’s land-breaker’ = GENEROUS MAN = Sveinn
the land of the snake → GOLD
the breaker of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Sveinn
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
linns láð
‘of the land of the snake’ = GOLD
the land of the snake → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
sjá inn nørðri Njǫrðr glymhríðar borða
‘that, the more northerly, Njǫrðr of the clashing storm of shields’ = WARRIOR = Haraldr
the clashing storm of shields → BATTLE
That, the more northerly, Njǫrðr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Haraldr
[5] Sjá mun (‘sia man’): þá er sjá H, Hr
[5] inn: ‘vr’ Hr
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
glymhríð borða
‘of the clashing storm of shields’ = BATTLE
the clashing storm of shields → BATTLE
battle shower of shields
‘that battle-Rǫgnir’ = WARRIOR
That battle-Rǫgnir → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
‘the skis of fair wind’ = SHIPS
the skis of fair wind → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.4. ski of fair wind
Valr byrjar
‘the Valr of fair wind’ = SHIP
the Valr of fair wind, → SHIP
ship, boat
1.4.1. horse of fair wind
vegr flausta
‘the path of ships’ = SEA
the path of ships, → SEA
4.2. path of the ship
þengill þrœnda
‘of the lord of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
the lord of the Þrœndir → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
dróttinn seggja
‘the lord of men’ = KING = Sveinn
the lord of men → KING = Sveinn
[1] seggja: seggir Hr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
‘of the battle-frequenter’ = WARRIOR
the battle-frequenter → WARRIOR
dýrum dolgstœrandi
‘the excellent war-sweller’ = WARRIOR
the excellent war-sweller. → WARRIOR
[3] dolg‑: dolgr Hr(33vb)
[3] ‑stœranda: ‑stýrandi H(47r), Hr(33vb)
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
feitir folkstara
‘to the fattener of the war-starling’ = WARRIOR
the war-starling; → RAVEN
to the fattener of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘of the war-starling’ = RAVEN
the war-starling; → RAVEN
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
þjalfi þangs
‘the enclosure of sea-weed’ = SEA
the enclosure of sea-weed, → SEA
[3] þjalfa: so H, Hr, Flat
[4] þangs: ‘þangg’ Hr
12. enclosure of sea-weed
rjóðandi randabliks
‘the reddener of the rim-flash’ = WARRIOR = Einarr
the rim-flash → SWORD
The reddener of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Einarr
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
‘of the rim-flash’ = SWORD
the rim-flash → SWORD
1.2.2. light of the shield
lýtandi golls
‘spoilers of gold’ = MEN
spoilers of gold → MEN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
‘the troop-Baldr’ = RULER
The troop-Baldr → RULER
4.1. god of the army
hôvan hryngarðr Hléseyjar
‘the high roaring enclosure of Læsø’ = SEA
the high roaring enclosure of Læsø → SEA
[2] hryn‑: hlyn‑ Hr
1.5. enclosure of the land
skaði lindis
‘the harmer of the lime-tree’ = WIND
the harmer of the lime-tree → WIND
[6] skaði: snagi H, Hr
storm, wind
1.2. harm of the tree
dróttinn Nóregs
‘the lord of Norway’ = Haraldr
the lord of Norway → Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
hugstrangr dróttinn hersa
‘the strong-minded lord of hersar’ = KING = Haraldr
The strong-minded lord of hersar → KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
reiðr atseti Hleiðrar
‘the furious resident of Lejre’ = DANISH KING = Sveinn
the furious resident of Lejre → DANISH KING = Sveinn
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Denmark
þrimr hundruðum marr sunda
‘with three hundred steeds of the sea’ = SHIPS
with three hundred steeds of the sea. → SHIPS
[8] sunda: sunnan H, Hr
ship, boat horse of the sea
láð þangs
‘the kelp’s land’ = SEA
the kelp’s land → SEA
5.1. land of the sea
lystr, varghollr veitir vingjafa
‘the eager, wolf-gracious bestower of friendly gifts’ = GENEROUS RULER
The eager, wolf-gracious bestower of friendly gifts → GENEROUS RULER
[3] lystr: lyst Hr
[1] vingjafa: ‘vaga fa’ Hr
generous man
nýtr ráðandi manndáða
‘the excellent performer of manly deeds’ = RULER
The excellent performer of manly deeds → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
‘oarport-spears’ = OARS
oarport-spears → OARS
1.1. spear of the ship
gjald Finna
‘the tribute of the Saami’ = ARROWS
the tribute of the Saami → ARROWS
4.2. payment of the Saami
viðr ǫrmóts
‘the trees of the arrow-meeting’ = WARRIORS
the arrow-meeting → BATTLE
the trees of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
[2] viðir: vinir Hr
[2] ‑móts: ‑njóts Hr
2.1. tree of battle
‘of the arrow-meeting’ = BATTLE
the arrow-meeting → BATTLE
[2] ‑móts: ‑njóts Hr
3.1.4. meeting of arrows
‘helmet-envoys’ = WARRIORS
helmet-envoys → WARRIORS
1.8.4. messenger of armour
fljótmælts vinr Jóta
‘of the swift-spoken friend of the Jótar’ = DANISH KING = Sveinn
the swift-spoken friend of the Jótar → DANISH KING = Sveinn
[6] fljótmælts: ‘fliotmaltz’ H, Hr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
3. friend of the Danes
‘spear-clangour’ = BATTLE
spear-clangour, → BATTLE
2.1.2. din of spears
‘the hoard-destroyer’ = GENEROUS RULER
the hoard-destroyer, → GENEROUS RULER
[6] hoddglǫtuðr: hodd hrǫðuðr Hr
generous man
1.01. destroyer of wealth
gegnan gramr Sogns
‘the upright lord of Sogn’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
the upright lord of Sogn → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
[1] gegnan: gengin Mork, Hr
[1] Sogns: ‘Sꜹngs’ Mork, Flat, H, Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
‘the raven-gladdener’ = WARRIOR
the raven-gladdener → WARRIOR
[3] ‑gœlir: gelr H, Hr
3.1.02. gladdener of the bird of battlefield
lofsnjallr hrafngrennir
‘the praise-keen raven-feeder’ = WARRIOR = Sveinn
The praise-keen raven-feeder, → WARRIOR = Sveinn
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
hleypikjóll hæls
‘the speeding ships of the heel’ = SHOES
the speeding ships of the heel → SHOES
[7] hæls: ‘hlíess’ Hr
1. ship of the foot
‘of the battle-frequenter’ = WARRIOR
the battle-frequenter → WARRIOR
dýrum dolgstœrandi
‘the excellent war-sweller’ = WARRIOR
the excellent war-sweller. → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
feitir folkstara
‘to the fattener of the war-starling’ = WARRIOR
the war-starling; → RAVEN
to the fattener of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘of the war-starling’ = RAVEN
the war-starling; → RAVEN
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
hneykir Holmbúa
‘the confounder of the Island-dwellers’ = Haraldr
The confounder of the Island-dwellers → Haraldr
Haraldr III harðráði Sigurðarson (r. 1046-66)
2. defeater of foreign people
hár hrótgarmr
‘the towering roof-hound’ = FIRE
the towering roof-hound → FIRE
[8] hrót‑: ‘hrott‑’ Hr
fire, flame
2.1. dog of wood
hristir hertoga
‘the shaker of war-leaders’ = RULER
the shaker of war-leaders → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
galli Hôolfs
‘of the destruction of Hálfr’ = FIRE
the destruction of Hálfr → FIRE
fire, flame
5. harm of Hálfr
fylkir hǫrða
‘the ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
The ruler of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
Þórr stórra smiðbelgja
‘The Þórr of huge forge-bellows’ = SMITH
The Þórr of huge forge-bellows → SMITH
[2] ‑belgja stórra: ‑belgjum stórum Hr
1. man of the forging tool
‘jaw-lightnings’ = INSULTS
jaw-lightnings → INSULTS
[3] hvapt‑: hvatt Mork, H, Hr
[3] ‑eldingum: ‘elldligum’ Hr
. lightning of the mouth
þorp þrætu
‘quarrel hamlet’ = MOUTH
quarrel hamlet → MOUTH
1.1. place of speech (A3)
hǫldnum jǫtunn kjǫts hafra
‘the proud giant of goats’ flesh’ = TANNER
the proud giant of goats’ flesh. → TANNER
glaðr Geirrøðr hrøkkviskafls húða
‘the cheerful Geirrøðr of the curving scraper of hides’ = TANNER
The cheerful Geirrøðr of the curving scraper of hides → TANNER
‘with his sound-grabbers’ = EARS
with his sound-grabbers → EARS
1. grips of hearing (A1a)
þeiri sía smiðju galdra
‘that molten substance of the smithy of spells’ = INSULTS
the smithy of spells, → MOUTH
that molten substance of the MOUTH → INSULTS
[8] síu: so H, Hr, 593b
. spark of the mouth
smiðja galdra
‘of the smithy of spells’ = MOUTH
the smithy of spells, → MOUTH
1.1. place of speech (A3)
Sigurðr sleggju
‘The Sigurðr of the sledge-hammer’ = SMITH
The Sigurðr of the sledge-hammer → SMITH
1. man of the forging tool
snákr váligrar brákar
‘the snake of the dangerous tanning tool’ = TANNER
the snake of the dangerous tanning tool, → TANNER
skafdreki skinna
‘the scraping-dragon of skins’ = TANNER
the scraping-dragon of skins → TANNER
[3] skaf‑: so H, Hr
[3] skinna: om. Hr
heiðr leista
‘the heath of feet’ = FLOOR
the heath of feet. → FLOOR
floor, ground
1. land of feet
kilja ilvegs
‘in the covering of the sole-path’ = SHOE
the sole-path, → FOOT
in the covering of the FOOT → SHOE
2. covering of the foot
‘of the sole-path’ = FOOT
the sole-path, → FOOT
2. path of the sole (A3)
neflangr konungr tangar
‘the long-nosed king of tongs’ = SMITH
the long-nosed king of tongs → SMITH
1. man of the forging tool
naðr nautaleðrs
‘the serpent of ox-leather’ = TANNER
the serpent of ox-leather. → TANNER
[7] ‑leðrs: ‘le(d)us’(?) Hr
frændi kyns Frísa
‘the kinsman of the Frisians’ clan’ = Túta
The kinsman of the Frisians’ clan → Túta
Túta the dwarf (Snegl)
. relative of the Frisians
skerðir rúghleifa
‘of the cleaver of rye-loaves’ = MAN
the cleaver of rye-loaves. → MAN
male, man
. invective/derogatory
Njǫrðr bauglands
‘the Njǫrðr of the shield-boss land’ = WARRIOR
the shield-boss land → SHIELD
the Njǫrðr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Njǫrðr of the weapon
‘of the shield-boss land’ = SHIELD
the shield-boss land → SHIELD
shield land of the shield
móða spjóta
‘the river of spears’ = BLOOD
the river of spears; → BLOOD
[2] spjóta: spjótum Mork, H, Hr
1.2. liquid of the weapon (A2)
mýgir Vinða
‘oppressor of the Wends’ = Haraldr
Oppressor of the Wends, → Haraldr
Haraldr III harðráði Sigurðarson (r. 1046-66)
2. defeater of foreign people
hrein hǫrbrekka
‘pure flax-slope’ = WOMAN
pure flax-slope, → WOMAN
[6] hrein: hreins Kˣ, papp18ˣ, 39, F, J2ˣ, Hr, Mork, Flat
[5] hǫrbrekka (‘hꜹrbrechan’): ‘herbrezkan’ Hr
female, woman
5.4. land, landscape of cloth (B2c)
‘the carnage-grouse’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
The carnage-grouse → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
brúðr jóða Aurnis
‘the bride of Aurnir’s brood’ = GIANTESS
Aurnir’s brood → GIANTS
the bride of GIANTS → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
1.1. consort of the giant (B3a)
jóð Aurnis
‘of Aurnir’s brood’ = GIANTS
Aurnir’s brood → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
fákr fíks trolls
‘for the steeds of the greedy troll’ = WOLVES
for the steeds of the greedy troll; → WOLVES
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
regn benja
‘rain-showers of wounds’ = BLOOD
Rain-showers of wounds → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
framr dróttinn fila
‘the outstanding lord of the filir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
The outstanding lord of the Filir → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
[6] framr: fram H, Hr, F
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
gjǫfvinr vildra sygna
‘the gift-friend of prized sygnir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
The gift-friend of prized Sygnir → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
[1] gjǫf‑: gjaf‑ Flat, H, Hr
[1] ‑vinr: ‘‑vínnr’ Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
3. friend of the Norwegians
haldorð Hildr valteigs
‘the faithful Hildr of the falcon-field’ = WOMAN
the falcon-field → ARM
the faithful Hildr of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
‘of the falcon-field’ = ARM
the falcon-field → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
‘the necklace-pole’ = WOMAN
The necklace-pole → WOMAN
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
‘helmet-support’ = HEAD
helmet-support → HEAD
2.2. rest or support of headgear (A1b and A3)
gnýr malma
‘the clamour of swords’ = BATTLE
the clamour of swords → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
íss Hlakkar
‘Hlǫkk’s ice’ = SWORD
Hlǫkk’s ice → SWORD
[7] íss: ís FskAˣ, Kˣ, F, E, J2ˣ, Hr, Hb
3.2. ice of the valkyrie
hefnandi snarráðs Haralds
‘the avengers of swift-counselled Haraldr’ = Magnús and Óláfr
the avengers of swift-counselled Haraldr → Magnús and Óláfr
[6] snarráðs: snjallráðs Flat, H, Hr
Magnús II Haraldsson and Óláfr III kyrri Haraldsson
1. avengers of Haraldr harðráði
strǫngu él stáls
‘the stern blizzard of steel’ = BATTLE
the stern blizzard of steel, → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
stríðir ormalátrs
‘the foe of the reptiles’ lair’ = GENEROUS MAN = Haraldr
the reptiles’ lair → GOLD
the foe of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Haraldr
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
‘of the reptiles’ lair’ = GOLD
the reptiles’ lair → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
lituðr hramma aldins, ótams viggs Varðrúnar
‘the stainer of the claws of the old, untamed steed of Varðrún’ = WARRIOR
the old, untamed steed of Varðrún → WOLF
the stainer of the claws of the WOLF → WARRIOR
[6] lituðr: ‘b(ru)dr’(?) Hr
[7] viggs: ‘vigs’ all
3.2.3. stainer of the wolf
aldins, ótams viggr Varðrúnar
‘of the old, untamed steed of Varðrún’ = WOLF
the old, untamed steed of Varðrún → WOLF
[7] viggs: ‘vigs’ all
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
glygg vápna
‘the wind-storm of weapons’ = BATTLE
the wind-storm of weapons. → BATTLE
1.1.1. storm/wind of the weapon
sœfir hlenna
‘the slayer of robbers’ = JUST RULER
the slayer of robbers. → JUST RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
‘the helmet-din’ = BATTLE
the helmet-din, → BATTLE
2.2.1. din of the helmet
þengill hersa
‘the lord of hersar’ = RULER
the lord of hersar, → RULER
[5] þengils: þarfar Mork, Flat, H, Hr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
ins barra hneitir dǫglinga
‘of the zealous subduer of princes’ = RULER
the zealous subduer of princes → RULER
[7] ins: en Hr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.5. destroyer of princes
varðandi regns geira
‘the warden of spears’ rain’ = WARRIOR
spears’ rain, → BATTLE
The warden of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[3] regns: regn Flat, Hr
2.5.7. guardian of battle
regn geira
‘of spears’ rain’ = BATTLE
spears’ rain, → BATTLE
[3] regns: regn Flat, Hr
battle shower of spears
erkistóll éls
‘the archiepiscopal seat of the storm’ = HEAVEN
the archiepiscopal seat of the storm. → HEAVEN
8.2. abode of the storm
harðr hrafngrennir
‘the harsh raven-feeder’ = WARRIOR
the harsh raven-feeder → WARRIOR
[3] harðrs í heimi (‘harþr er iheimi’): ‘hardr vr heim’ Hr
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
Yggr sóknar
‘The Yggr of battle’ = WARRIOR = Waltheof
The Yggr of battle → WARRIOR = Waltheof
[3] Yggr: uggr H, Hr
warrior Óðinn of battle
‘of the troll-woman’s steed’ = WOLF
the troll-woman’s steed; → WOLF
[6] ‑viggs: vigg Hr
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
ímleitum blakkr óls
‘to the dark-coloured horse of the troll-woman’ = WOLF
to the dark-coloured horse of the troll-woman → WOLF
[8] óls: ‘auls’ Hr
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
breiðan borðvegr
‘the broad gunwale-road’ = SEA
the broad gunwale-road; → SEA
4.2. path of the ship
ótvínn þrýstir Engla
‘The unwavering oppressor of the English’ = Óláfr
The unwavering oppressor of the English, → Óláfr
[2] ótvínn: ‘ottvíns’ Hr
Óláfr III kyrri Haraldsson (r. 1067-93)
1. defeater of the English
sjórkonungr rauma
‘the sea-king of the raumar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
the sea-king of the Raumar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
[4] sæ‑: ‘sor’ Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
‘the ring-damager’ = GENEROUS RULER
the ring-damager → GENEROUS RULER
generous man
1.01.2. destroyer of rings
aldyggr eyðir Selundbyggva
‘the most excellent destroyer of Sjælland-dwellers’ = Haraldr
The most excellent destroyer of Sjælland-dwellers → Haraldr
[2] Selund‑: sælund Hr
[2] ‑byggva: ‘byggir’ H, Hr
Haraldr III harðráði Sigurðarson (r. 1046-66)
2. defeater of foreign people
hljótandi sverðs
‘the possessors of the sword’ = WARRIORS
The possessors of the sword → WARRIORS
1.7.20. possessor of the weapon
vekjandi hjaldrs snekkju
‘the rouser of the warship’s battle’ = WARRIOR
The rouser of the warship’s battle → WARRIOR
[2] snekkju: sœkja H, Hr
warrior awakener of battle
dynr úrigs malms
‘the din of wet metal’ = BATTLE
the din of wet metal → BATTLE
[4] úrigs: ‘vriks’ Hr
2.1. din of weapons
hár hranngarðr
‘the high wave-enclosure’ = SEA
the high wave-enclosure → SEA
5.4. dwelling of the sea
sóknǫrr stillir egða
‘the battle-generous ruler of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
The battle-generous ruler of the Egðir → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
[1] Egða: Engla Mork, H, Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
dróttinn fila
‘of the lord of the filir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
the lord of the Filir → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
sverða sǫngherðandi
‘swords’ song-strengtheners’ = WARRIORS
swords’ song. → BATTLE
for the strengtheners of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
[7] sǫngherðǫndum: sóknherðir mun Hr
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
sverða sǫngr
‘of swords’ song’ = BATTLE
swords’ song. → BATTLE
[7] sǫngherðǫndum: sóknherðir mun Hr
6.02.1. song/chant of weapons
arfi Ulfs
‘Úlfr’s heir’ = Sveinn
Úlfr’s heir → Sveinn
Sveinn Úlfsson (r. 1047-1076)
1.2. heir of Úlfr Þorgilsson
túnvǫllr reyðar
‘on the farm-yard of the whale’ = SEA
on the farm-yard of the whale. → SEA
3.1. land of the aquatic animal
dróttinn egða
‘of the lord of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = S. Óláfr
the lord of the Egðir → NORWEGIAN KING = S. Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
grund rauma
‘the land of the raumar’ = Norway
the land of the Raumar → Norway
1.2. land of Norwegian people
eggdjarfr þengill þrœnda
‘the blade-daring lord of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
The blade-daring lord of the Þrœndir → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
þrályndr œgir Engla
‘the obstinate-minded intimidator of the English’ = Óláfr
the obstinate-minded intimidator of the English → Óláfr
Óláfr III kyrri Haraldsson (r. 1067-93)
1. defeater of the English
verðgjafi hrafns
‘the meal-giver of the raven’ = WARRIOR
the meal-giver of the raven; → WARRIOR
[2] ‑gjafa: gefa Hr
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
nenninn konungr Nóregs
‘The enterprising king of Norway’ = Óláfr
The enterprising king of Norway → Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
þverrir Engla
‘the diminisher of the English’ = Óláfr
the diminisher of the English → Óláfr
Óláfr III kyrri Haraldsson (r. 1067-93)
1. defeater of the English
gagnsælan hvessir hildar
‘the victory-blessed inciter of war’ = WARRIOR
the victory-blessed inciter of war → WARRIOR
[1] hvessi: ‘hyssa’ Hr
warrior inciter of battle
góðum byrr Gríðar
‘a good wind of Gríðr’ = MIND
a good wind of Gríðr— → MIND
mind, thought
1.1. storm, wind of the giantess
bræðir blóðstara
‘the feeder of the blood-starling’ = WARRIOR
the blood-starling, → RAVEN
the feeder of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘of the blood-starling’ = RAVEN
the blood-starling, → RAVEN
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
ǫrr áttstuðill jǫfra
‘the generous lineage-pillar of princes’ = KING = Óláfr
The generous lineage-pillar of princes → KING = Óláfr
[1] áttstuðill: ættstuðill H, Hr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
þungar gerð Hôars
‘the heavy garments of Hárr’ = BYRNIES
the heavy garments of Hárr; → BYRNIES
1.3. garment of Óðinn
mildi konr hildinga
‘the generous kinsman of lords’ = KING
the generous kinsman of lords, → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.1. descendant of a ruler
sonr Óláfs
‘Óláfr’s son’ = Magnús
Óláfr’s son → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.2. son of Óláfr kyrri Haraldsson
dróttinn Vǫrsa
‘the lord of the Vǫrsar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The lord of the Vǫrsar → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
ræsir hǫrða
‘the ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the ruler of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
buðlungr þrœnda
‘the lord of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the lord of the Þrœndir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hel kastar
‘the death of the wood pile’ = FIRE
the death of the wood pile → FIRE
[6] hel fasta: vel fasta 42ˣ, Hr
[6] kastar: so E, J2ˣ, H, Hr, Mork, F
fire, flame
1.6. death of wood
brynnir morðvals
‘the thirst-quencher of the strife-falcon’ = WARRIOR
the strife-falcon. → RAVEN/EAGLE
the thirst-quencher of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.06. waterer of the raven/eagle
‘of the strife-falcon’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the strife-falcon. → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
alandi faxa Imðar
‘the nourishers of Imð’s steed’ = WARRIORS
Imð’s steed → WOLF
the nourishers of the WOLF → WARRIORS
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
faxi Imðar
‘of Imð’s steed’ = WOLF
Imð’s steed → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
viðr Báleygs
‘Báleygr’s trees’ = WARRIORS
Báleygr’s trees → WARRIORS
14. tree of Óðinn
linns láðgefandi
‘land-dispensers of the snake’ = GENEROUS MEN
the snake’s land → GOLD
Dispensers of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.2.1. giver of gold
linnr láð
‘of the snake’s land’ = GOLD
the snake’s land → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
láðgǫfguðum dróttinn haða
‘the land-endowed lord of the haðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the land-endowed lord of the Haðar. → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
bǫl vandar
‘the destruction of the stick’ = FIRE
the destruction of the stick → FIRE
fire, flame
1.1. harm of wood
lundr hjǫrs
‘the tree of the sword’ = WARRIOR = Þórir
The tree of the sword → WARRIOR = Þórir
1.1.1. tree of the sword
Sól dags unnar
‘Sól of the wave’s daylight’ = WOMAN
the wave’s daylight, → GOLD
Sól of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
dagr unnar
‘of the wave’s daylight’ = GOLD
the wave’s daylight, → GOLD
1.4. daylight of waters (A1)
eyðir hjaldrbliks
‘the destroyer of the battle-shimmer’ = WARRIOR
the battle-shimmer → SWORD
the destroyer of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[6] hjaldr‑: ‘hiol‑’ Hr
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
‘of the battle-shimmer’ = SWORD
the battle-shimmer → SWORD
[6] hjaldr‑: ‘hiol‑’ Hr
1.2.1. light of battle
snarr harri sygna
‘the swift lord of the sygnir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The swift lord of the Sygnir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
gǫrvir gunnar
‘of the wager of battle’ = WARRIOR
the wager of battle → WARRIOR
[7] gǫrvis: ‘giorvis’ Hr
2.5.2. wager of battle
‘the raven-feeder’ = WARRIOR
The raven-feeder, → WARRIOR
[1] Hrafn‑: Hraun‑ Hr
[1] ‑greddir: ‘giæðir’ H, Hr
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
bǫl markar
‘the harm of the forest’ = FIRE
the harm of the forest → FIRE
fire, flame
1.1. harm of wood
‘the army-Baldr’ = WARRIOR
the army-Baldr → WARRIOR
4.1. god of the army
jór svôru
‘the horse of the troll-woman’ = WOLF
the horse of the troll-woman → WOLF
[7] sinn jór vasa (‘sinn iór vara’): ‘syndur or vara’ Hr
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
viðr teins unda
‘the trees of the wounds’ rod’ = WARRIORS
the wounds’ rod → SWORD
the trees of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
teinn unda
‘of the wounds’ rod’ = SWORD
the wounds’ rod → SWORD
4.1.01. rod/twig of the wound
hungrþverrir gagl hríðar
‘the hunger-diminisher of the gosling of battle’ = WARRIOR
the gosling of battle → RAVEN/EAGLE
The hunger-diminisher of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
gagl hríðar
‘of the gosling of battle’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the gosling of battle → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
‘the hunger-diminisher’ = FEEDER
The hunger-diminisher → FEEDER
feeder, nourisher
3. diminisher of hunger
hugprúðr nistir varga
‘the staunch-hearted feeder of wolves’ = WARRIOR
The staunch-hearted feeder of wolves → WARRIOR
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
‘the battle-beam’ = SWORD
the battle-beam. → SWORD
1.2.1. light of battle
‘the branch-sorrow’ = FIRE
The branch-sorrow → FIRE
[2] limsorg: limsorg óð Hr
fire, flame
1.2. sorrow of the tree
dróttinn grenlands
‘the lord of grenland’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The lord of Grenland → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
[5] Gren‑: so 39, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, Mork, F, H, Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
støkkvir Skota
‘the banisher of the Scots’ = Magnús
the banisher of the Scots → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
2.2. defeater of Scots
dróttinn grenlands
‘the lord of grenland’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The lord of Grenland → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
støkkvir Skota
‘the banisher of the Scots’ = Magnús
the banisher of the Scots → Magnús
[6] støkkvir: ‘soknir’ Hr
[6] Skota: so E, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, Mork, F, H, Hr
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
2.2. defeater of Scots
snjallr sigrgœðir
‘the courageous victory-increaser’ = WARRIOR
the courageous victory-increaser → WARRIOR
5.2. increaser / strengthener of victory
arfi guðrøðar
‘guðrøðr’s heir’ = Lǫgmaðr
Guðrøðr’s heir → Lǫgmaðr
Lǫgmaðr Guðrøðarson
1. heir of Guðrøðr crovan
lofðungr þrœnda
‘the ruler of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the ruler of the Þrœndir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
nýtr ungr gramr egða
‘the bountiful young lord of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The bountiful young lord of the Egðir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
[5] Nýtr: nýtt H, Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
tǫpuðr naðrbings
‘the destroyer of the snake-lair’ = GENEROUS MAN
the snake-lair → GOLD
the destroyer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[6] tǫpuð: so 39, E, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, Mork, H, Hr
[6] naðrbings: naðrs bing E, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, Mork, F, H, Hr
generous man
1.09. killer of wealth
‘of the snake-lair’ = GOLD
the snake-lair → GOLD
[6] naðrbings: naðrs bing E, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, Mork, F, H, Hr
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
tunga véttrima
‘tongues of hilts’ = SWORDS
tongues of hilts → SWORDS
sword blade
1.1. tongue of the sword
œgir jǫfra
‘the terrifier of princes’ = RULER = Magnús
The terrifier of princes → RULER = Magnús
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.5. destroyer of princes
gramr Ívistar
‘the lord of North Uist’ = Lǫgmaðr
the lord of North Uist → Lǫgmaðr
Lǫgmaðr Guðrøðarson
2. lord of North Uist
‘the people’s guardian’ = RULER
The people’s guardian → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.3. guardian of people
Viðurs veðrsmiðr
‘Viðurr’s wind-smith’ = WARRIOR
Viðurr’s wind, → BATTLE
the smith of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[7] Viðurs: ‘vidus’ Hr
[7] veðr‑: ‘veðurs’ Hr
. smith of battle
Viðurs veðr
‘of Viðurr’s wind’ = BATTLE
Viðurr’s wind, → BATTLE
[7] Viðurs: ‘vidus’ Hr
[7] veðr‑: ‘veðurs’ Hr
1.1.4. storm/wind of Óðinn
frændi Haralds
‘Haraldr’s kinsman’ = Magnús
Haraldr’s kinsman → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.3. kinsman of Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson
margan baugvangr
‘many a ring-meadow’ = SHIELD
many a ring-meadow → SHIELD
shield land of the shield
lundr Laufa
‘the tree of Laufi’ = WARRIOR
The tree of Laufi → WARRIOR
1.1.1. tree of the sword
fellir Jóta
‘the slayer of the Jótar’ = Magnús
The slayer of the Jótar → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
2.1. defeater of Danish people
allvaldr egða
‘the mighty ruler of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the mighty ruler of the Egðir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hagl strengs
‘the hail of the bow-string’ = ARROWS
The hail of the bow-string → ARROWS
1.1. shower of the bow
gramr hǫrða
‘the lord of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the lord of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
‘the battle-teacher’ = WARRIOR
The battle-teacher → WARRIOR
2.5.6. master of battle
steinóðr galli storðar
‘the raging destruction of the sapling’ = STORM
the raging destruction of the sapling → STORM
storm, wind
1.1. destruction of the tree
skelfir dana
‘the terrifier of the danes’ = Magnús
the terrifier of the Danes → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
2.1. defeater of Danish people
hverri glymbrúðr hafs
‘every roaring-bride of the ocean’ = WAVE
every roaring-bride of the ocean. → WAVE
3.2. woman of the sea
valfasti djúps
‘the corpse-flame of the deep’ = GOLD
The corpse-flame of the deep → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘the corpse-flame’ = SWORD
The corpse-flame → SWORD
1.1.08. fire of the corpse
eisa himins
‘the cinder of heaven’ = SUN
the cinder of heaven → SUN
1.1.1. fire of sky/heaven
gramr Upplanda
‘the ruler of Opplandene’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The ruler of Opplandene → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
dróttinn Svía
‘the lord of the Svíar’ = SWEDISH RULER = Ingi
the lord of the Svíar → SWEDISH RULER = Ingi
Swedish king, ruler
. ruler of the Swedes
‘the troop-terrifier’ = WARRIOR
The troop-terrifier → WARRIOR
4.3.3. trembler of the army
‘the fight-inciter’ = WARRIOR
The fight-inciter → WARRIOR
warrior hastener of battle
faðir Sigurðar
‘of Sigurðr’s father’ = Magnús
Sigurðr’s father → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.4. father of Sigurðr jórsalafari
frœknum faðir Eysteins
‘the bold father of Eysteinn’ = Magnús
the bold father of Eysteinn → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.1. father of Eysteinn Magnússon
drífa Atals
‘Atall’s snow-storm’ = BATTLE
Atall’s snow-storm → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
frændi Haralds
‘Haraldr’s kinsman’ = Magnús
Haraldr’s kinsman, → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.3. kinsman of Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson
breiðhúfuðum hestr hvaljarðar
‘the broad-hulled horse of the whale-land’ = SHIP
the whale-land. → SEA
the broad-hulled horse of the SEA → SHIP
[6] ‑húfuðum: so H, Hr, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
ship, boat horse of the sea
‘of the whale-land’ = SEA
the whale-land. → SEA
3.1. land of the aquatic animal
herðir hjalmþrimu
‘of the strengthener of the helmet-crash’ = WARRIOR
the helmet-crash → BATTLE
the strengthener of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
‘of the helmet-crash’ = BATTLE
the helmet-crash → BATTLE
2.2.1. din of the helmet
már sveita
‘the seagull of gore’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the seagull of gore → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
hurð Hǫgna
‘the doors of Hǫgni’ = SHIELDS
the doors of Hǫgni. → SHIELDS
4.1. door of the legendary hero
jǫrp arm-Hlín
‘the brown-haired Hlín of the arm’ = WOMAN
The brown-haired Hlín of the arm → WOMAN
[2] arm‑: orm‑ Mork, H, Hr
[2] ‑Hlín*: ‑líns Hr
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
Gerðr gollhrings
‘of the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
þofta goðvefjar
‘the thwart of precious cloth’ = WOMAN
the thwart of precious cloth, → WOMAN
female, woman
5.3. tree, wood of cloth (B2c)
læ klungrs
‘the destroyer of bramble’ = WIND
the destroyer of bramble → WIND
[3] læ: ‘ley’ Hr
[3] klungrs: klungr Hr, F
storm, wind
1.1. destruction of the tree
inn ljóti landgarðr
‘the hideous land-enclosure’ = SEA
the hideous land-enclosure → SEA
1.5. enclosure of the land
faðir Eysteins
‘Eysteinn’s father’ = Magnús
Eysteinn’s father → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.1. father of Eysteinn Magnússon
‘the weapon-attacker’ = WARRIOR
the weapon-attacker → WARRIOR
warrior attacker of the weapon
snjallr jǫfurr þrœnda
‘the courageous prince of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
The courageous prince of the Þrœndir → NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
marr ægis
‘the horse of the ocean’ = SHIP
the horse of the ocean → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
Valr Vimrar
‘Valr of Vimur’ = SHIP
Valr of Vimur. → SHIP
ship, boat
1.6.1. horse of the river
rann sólar
‘the hall of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of the sun, → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.1. house of the sun
svartan svanr hjaldrs
‘the black swan of battle’ = RAVEN
the black swan of battle. → RAVEN
[7] svartan: síma H, Hr
[6] hjaldrs: hjaldr 42ˣ, H, Hr
1.2. (black or dark) bird of the battlefield (A2)
mót Fjǫlnis hróts
‘the meeting of Fjǫlnir’s roof’ = BATTLE
Fjǫlnir’s roof → SHIELD
the meeting of the SHIELD → BATTLE
[2] hróts: so E, 42ˣ, H, Hr
3.1.3. meeting of shields
Fjǫlnis hrót
‘of Fjǫlnir’s roof’ = SHIELD
Fjǫlnir’s roof → SHIELD
[2] hróts: so E, 42ˣ, H, Hr
11.1. roof of Óðinn
vinr drengja
‘the friend of the warriors’ = Sigurðr
the friend of the warriors, → Sigurðr
[6] vinr fengi: vinr í fengi Hr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
sløngvir Vánar dags
‘the slinger of Ván’s daylight’ = GENEROUS MAN
Ván’s daylight → GOLD
the slinger of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
Vánar dagr
‘of Ván’s daylight’ = GOLD
Ván’s daylight → GOLD
1.4. daylight of waters (A1)
‘battle-advancer’ = WARRIOR
Battle-advancer, → WARRIOR
warrior hastener of battle
‘the corpse-gull’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the corpse-gull → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
‘battle-strengthener’ = WARRIOR
Battle-strengthener, → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
gagnstígr gýgjar
‘the through-route of the giantess’ = CRAG
the through-route of the giantess; → CRAG
rock, stone
3.2. dwelling place of the giant
hernenninn Gǫndlar þings gný-Þróttr
‘din-Þróttr of Gǫndul’s assembly’ = WARRIOR
the din of Gǫndul’s assembly → BATTLE
battle-enterprising Þróttr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[8] ‑Þróttr: ‑þrótt Hr
warrior Óðinn of battle
Gǫndlar þings gnýr
‘of the din of Gǫndul’s assembly’ = BATTLE
the din of Gǫndul’s assembly → BATTLE
. problematic
tvá blásvarta byrvargr
‘two blue-black wolves of favourable breeze’ = SHIPS
two blue-black wolves of favourable breeze → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.4.2. wild animal of fair wind
ramdýr þrama
‘the strong animals of ship-railings’ = SHIPS
the strong animals of ship-railings → SHIPS
[6] ramdýr þrama: ‘[...]’ Hr
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
styrjargjǫrnum friðraskaði
‘of the battle-eager peace-disturber’ = WARRIOR
the battle-eager peace-disturber. → WARRIOR
[2] gjǫrnum: auki H, Hr
[3] frið‑: friðr H, Hr
[3] ‑raskaði: raskaðisk H, Hr
11. destroyer of peace
aftígr lífs
‘deprivation of life’ = DEATH
deprivation of life → DEATH
1. loss of life
margdýrkaðr merkir morðhjóls
‘the much-worshipped marker of the killing-wheel’ = WARRIOR
the killing-wheel → SHIELD
The much-worshipped marker of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
‘of the killing-wheel’ = SHIELD
the killing-wheel → SHIELD
1.02. circular object of battle
ræsir fremðar
‘the advancer of honour’ = KING
the advancer of honour → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
in átta oddhríð
‘the eighth point-storm’ = BATTLE
the eighth point-storm → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
gjald Finns
‘the Saami’s compensation’ = ARROWS
the Saami’s compensation. → ARROWS
4.2. payment of the Saami
‘the wealth-destroyer’ = GENEROUS MAN
the wealth-destroyer → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01. destroyer of wealth
víðum salr glyggs
‘the wide hall of the storm’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the wide hall of the storm. → SKY/HEAVEN
1.1.1. house of storm/wind
hvatr hauka fróns leyghati
‘flame-hater of the hawks’ land’ = GENEROUS MAN
the hawks’ land → ARM
the flame of the ARM → GOLD
the swift hater of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[8] hvatr: hvatt H, Hr
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
hauka fróns leygr
‘of the flame of the hawks’ land’ = GOLD
the hawks’ land → ARM
the flame of the ARM → GOLD
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
hauka frón
‘of the hawks’ land’ = ARM
the hawks’ land → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
Endils svǫrgœðir
‘bird-fattener of Endill’ = WARRIOR
Endill’s bird → RAVEN/EAGLE
the fattener of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
[4] svǫr‑: ‘suar’ Hr
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
Endils svǫrr
‘of Endill’s bird’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
Endill’s bird → RAVEN/EAGLE
[4] svǫr‑: ‘suar’ Hr
2.2. bird of the sea-king (A2)
salr sólborgar
‘the hall of the sun’s stronghold’ = EARTH
the sun’s stronghold → SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of the SKY/HEAVEN → EARTH
earth, land
2.2. hall of the sky
‘of the sun’s stronghold’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the sun’s stronghold → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.1. house of the sun
vegsamr gráns geirs gnýstœrir
‘clash-increaser of the grey spear’ = WARRIOR
the clash of the grey spear, → BATTLE
Glorious increaser of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[8] gráns: grams Hr
[7] ‑stœrir: so Hr
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
gráns geirs gnýr
‘of the clash of the grey spear’ = BATTLE
the clash of the grey spear, → BATTLE
[8] gráns: grams Hr
2.1.2. din of spears
hvatr fylkir hǫrða
‘swift ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
Swift ruler of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
fjǫldyggra Yggs svangœlir
‘Yggr’s swan-pleaser’ = WARRIOR
a more virtuous of Yggr’s swan → RAVEN/EAGLE
pleaser of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
[6] Yggs: so Hr
3.1.02. gladdener of the bird of battlefield
fjǫldyggra Yggs svanr
‘a more virtuous of Yggr’s swan’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
a more virtuous of Yggr’s swan → RAVEN/EAGLE
[6] Yggs: so Hr
1.1. bird of Óðinn (A2)
bræðir tíkr benja
‘feeder of the bitch of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the bitch of wounds, → SHE-WOLF
Feeder of the SHE-WOLF → WARRIOR
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
tík benja
‘of the bitch of wounds’ = SHE-WOLF
the bitch of wounds, → SHE-WOLF
1. bitch of the wound (A2)
dróttinn dœla
‘the lord of the dœlir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
the lord of the Dœlir → NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
[1] dróttin: dróttar H, Hr
[1] Dœla: deili H, Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hríð Hristar
‘the storm of Hrist’ = BATTLE
the storm of Hrist. → BATTLE
1.2.4. shower of the valkyrie
sterkr munnlituðr vals gunnar
‘the mighty mouth-colourer of the falcon of battle’ = WARRIOR
the falcon of battle → RAVEN/EAGLE
The mighty mouth-colourer of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
[5] Sterkr: starkr Hr
3.1.03. stainer of the bird of battlefield
valr gunnar
‘of the falcon of battle’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the falcon of battle → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
gjafi linnbóls
‘bestower of the snake-lair’ = GENEROUS MAN
the snake-lair, → GOLD
Bestower of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[6] linn‑: so Hr, 518ˣ
generous man
2.2.1. giver of gold
‘of the snake-lair’ = GOLD
the snake-lair, → GOLD
[6] linn‑: so Hr, 518ˣ
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
þengill mœra
‘lord of the mœrir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
Lord of the Mœrir, → NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
[1] þengill: ‘þeíng’ Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
fægirjóðr bauga
‘reddener of shields’ = WARRIOR
Reddener of shields, → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
folkrakkr þengill þrœnda
‘battle-brave lord of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
Battle-brave lord of the Þrœndir, → NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
[4] folkrakkr: ‘albrackr’ Hr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
frændi Serks
‘Serkr’s kinsman’ = Hákon
Serkr’s kinsman. → Hákon
Hákon mǫrstrútr ‘Lump of Lard’ Serksson
. relative of Serkr
leirr ara ins gamla
‘the dung of the ancient eagle’ = BAD POETRY
the dung of the ancient eagle. → BAD POETRY
bad poetry
1. mud of the eagle
húfa Hǫgna
‘Hǫgni’s cap’ = HELMET
Hǫgni’s cap → HELMET
1.2. headgear of a legendary hero
skúr eggja
‘the shower of sword-blades’ = BATTLE
the shower of sword-blades, → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
fríðum jǫfra heiðar galdrs hlíðrœkjandi
‘slope-cultivator of the chant of the chieftains of the heath’ = MAN
the chieftains of the heath; → GIANTS
the chant of GIANTS → GOLD
the slope of the GOLD → WOMAN
the handsome cultivator of the WOMAN → MAN
[5] heiðar jǫfra: ‘heidur a iofrar’ Hr
[8] galdrs: ‘galldus’ Hr
male, man
. carer of the woman
jǫfra heiðar galdrs hlíð
‘of the slope of the chant of the chieftains of the heath’ = WOMAN
the chieftains of the heath; → GIANTS
the chant of GIANTS → GOLD
the slope of the GOLD → WOMAN
[5] heiðar jǫfra: ‘heidur a iofrar’ Hr
[8] galdrs: ‘galldus’ Hr
female, woman
1.3. land, landscape of riches, wealth (B2c)
jǫfurr heiðar
‘of the chieftains of the heath’ = GIANTS
the chieftains of the heath; → GIANTS
[5] heiðar jǫfra: ‘heidur a iofrar’ Hr
2. relationship to other outlying places
jǫfra heiðar galdr
‘of the chant of the chieftains of the heath’ = GOLD
the chieftains of the heath; → GIANTS
the chant of GIANTS → GOLD
[5] heiðar jǫfra: ‘heidur a iofrar’ Hr
[8] galdrs: ‘galldus’ Hr
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
valr vígs
‘the falcon of slaughter’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the falcon of slaughter → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
grimman grandmeiðr fjanda Sigars
‘the grim harm-tree of Sigarr’s enemy’ = GALLOWS
Sigarr’s enemy; → Hagbarðr
the grim harm-tree of HAGBARÐR → GALLOWS
. tree of Hagbarðr
fjándi Sigars
‘of Sigarr’s enemy’ = Hagbarðr
Sigarr’s enemy; → Hagbarðr
1. enemy of Sigarr
glǫtuðr hrannbáls
‘the destroyer of wave-fire’ = GENEROUS MAN
wave-fire → GOLD
the destroyer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
‘of wave-fire’ = GOLD
wave-fire → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
eljunfrár munnlituðr hrafns
‘the courage-quick mouth-colourer of the raven’ = WARRIOR
The courage-quick mouth-colourer of the raven → WARRIOR
[2] ‑frár: ‑þrár FskBˣ, FskAˣ, F, E, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, H, Hr
3.1.03. stainer of the bird of battlefield
‘the carrion-cleaver’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the carrion-cleaver → RAVEN/EAGLE
4. harm of the corpse (A3)
ógnarprúðum ulfnistandi
‘to the battle-proud wolf-feeder’ = WARRIOR
to the battle-proud wolf-feeder. → WARRIOR
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
harðr Hôolfs serkrjóðr
‘shirt-colourer of Hálfr’ = WARRIOR
Hálfr’s shirt → BYRNIE
The harsh colourer of the BYRNIE → WARRIOR
[2] Hôolfs: Hars Kˣ, F, E, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, H, Hr
1.8.1. stainer of armour
Hôolfs serkr
‘of Hálfr’s shirt’ = BYRNIE
Hálfr’s shirt → BYRNIE
[2] Hôolfs: Hars Kˣ, F, E, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, H, Hr
1.2. garment of a legendary hero
mildum sonr Magnúss
‘the generous son of Magnús’ = Sigurðr
the generous son of Magnús → Sigurðr
Sigurðr slembidjákn Magnússon (r. 1136-9)
1. son of Magnús berfœttr Óláfsson
sonr buðlungs
‘to the sovereign’s son’ = Sigurðr
to the sovereign’s son. → Sigurðr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.1. descendant of a ruler
‘a point-storm’ = BATTLE
a point-storm → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
verðr hrafns
‘raven’s food’ = CORPSES
raven’s food → CORPSES
[4] verðar: so Kˣ, E, J2ˣ, 42ˣ, H, Hr
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
hringmildr harri
‘the ring-generous lord’ = Magnús
the ring-generous lord → Magnús
[1] harri: harra Mork, Hr
questionable kennings
sóknfúss siklingr þrœnda
‘the war-eager ruler of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Ingi
The war-eager ruler of the Þrœndir → NORWEGIAN KING = Ingi
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
ljósa sáríss
‘bright wound-icicles’ = SWORDS
bright wound-icicles; → SWORDS
3.6. ice of the wound
sverða glaumherðandi
‘racket-strengtheners of swords’ = WARRIORS
the racket of swords → BATTLE
The strengtheners of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
sverða glaumr
‘of the racket of swords’ = BATTLE
the racket of swords → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
glaðr sonr grams
‘the glad-hearted son of the ruler’ = Sigurðr
the glad-hearted son of the ruler → Sigurðr
[3] sonr: son all
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.1. descendant of a ruler
hjaldr skjaldar
‘the noise of the shield’ = BATTLE
the noise of the shield; → BATTLE
2.1.3. din of shields
‘the battle-tent’ = SHIELD
the battle-tent → SHIELD
[6] ‑tjald: tjalds F, E, J2ˣ, Hr
2.2.1. tarpaulin of battle
eyðandi hungrs arnar
‘the destroyers of the eagle’s hunger’ = WARRIORS
The destroyers of the eagle’s hunger → WARRIORS
[6] hungrs: ‘huguns’ Hr
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘of the sea-fulmar’ = SHIP
the sea-fulmar; → SHIP
[7] vág‑: ‘vog’ Hr
[7] ‑fýl*ingi: ‘‑fylíungi’ Hr
ship, boat
5.1. bird of the sea
sogns sára mágrennir
‘seagull-feeder of the fjord of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the fjord of wounds, → BLOOD
the seagull of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
the feeder of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
[3] ‑grenni: ‑grennir F, E, J2ˣ, H, Hr, Mork
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
sogns sára már
‘of the seagull of the fjord of wounds’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the fjord of wounds, → BLOOD
the seagull of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
Sogn sára
‘of the fjord of wounds’ = BLOOD
the fjord of wounds, → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
þreytir drasils hranna
‘the tester of the steed of waves’ = SEAFARER
the steed of waves → SHIP
the tester of the SHIP → SEAFARER
[6] hranna: hrafna Hr
1.1.15. tester of the ship
drasill hranna
‘of the steed of waves’ = SHIP
the steed of waves → SHIP
[6] hranna: hrafna Hr
ship, boat horse of the sea
hraustr nistir hræskúfs
‘the bold feeder of the carrion-skua’ = WARRIOR
the carrion-skua → RAVEN/EAGLE
the bold feeder of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
[7] hraustr: hraust H, Hr
[7] ‑skúfs: ‑skips H, Hr
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘of the carrion-skua’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the carrion-skua → RAVEN/EAGLE
[7] ‑skúfs: ‑skips H, Hr
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
sonr Maddaðar
‘Maddaðr’s son’ = Haraldr
Maddaðr’s son; → Haraldr
[2] Maddaðar: ‘magdadar’ Hr
Haraldr Maddaðarson
. son of Maddaðr
svell folks
‘ice-sheets of battle’ = SWORDS
ice-sheets of battle → SWORDS
[2] folks: folk Kˣ, F, E, 42ˣ, H, Hr
3.1. ice of battle
heit Rín valbasta
‘the hot Rhine of sword-hilts’ = BLOOD
The hot Rhine of sword-hilts → BLOOD
[8] valbasta: valkastar Hr
1.2. liquid of the weapon (A2)
vín vitnis
‘the wolf’s wine’ = BLOOD
the wolf’s wine → BLOOD
2.2. drink of the wolf (A3)
galdr hjǫrva
‘a chant of swords’ = BATTLE
a chant of swords → BATTLE
6.01.1. incantation of weapons
ský hildar
‘the cloud of battle’ = SHIELD
the cloud of battle → SHIELD
2.1.1. cloud of battle
Garmr fyriskógar
‘The Garmr of the fir-forest’ = FIRE
The Garmr of the fir-forest → FIRE
fire, flame
2.1. dog of wood
regn strengjar
‘the rain of the bow-string’ = ARROWS
the rain of the bow-string → ARROWS
1.1. shower of the bow
garðr styrjar
‘the enclosure of strife’ = SHIELD
The enclosure of strife → SHIELD
6.1. enclosure of battle
‘by the rim-fish’ = SWORD
by the rim-fish, → SWORD
5.2. fish of the shield
ferð gylðis
‘the company of the wolf’ = WOLVES
the company of the wolf → WOLVES
2.2. company of the wolf (B3a)
snarp*a eldr sárflóðs
‘the sharp fires of the wound-flood’ = SWORDS
the wound-flood → BLOOD
the sharp fires of the BLOOD → SWORDS
[1] snarp*a: snarpra all
1.1.07. fire of blood
‘of the wound-flood’ = BLOOD
the wound-flood → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
reiðorðr ræsir rauma
‘the clear-talking ruler of the raumar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
the clear-talking ruler of the Raumar → NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
‘of the sea-steed’ = SHIP
the sea-steed → SHIP
[2] marblakks: ‘marbaks’ Hr
ship, boat horse of the sea
Glaumr gýgjar
‘to the Glaumr of the troll-woman’ = WOLF
to the Glaumr of the troll-woman; → WOLF
[4] Glaum: glaumr H, Hr
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
heitu gjalfr unda
‘by the hot surge of wounds’ = BLOOD
by the hot surge of wounds; → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
varmt ǫlðr vitnis
‘the warm ale of the wolf’ = BLOOD
the warm ale of the wolf → BLOOD
[7] vitnis: ‘víndis’ Hr
2.2. drink of the wolf (A3)
men Karmtar
‘the necklace of Karmøy’ = SEA
the necklace of Karmøy. → SEA
[8] í men: í mun H, Hr, U
1.3. necklace of the land
dýr grœðis
‘animals of the ocean’ = SHIPS
animals of the ocean; → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
rymr rítar
‘the noise of the shield’ = BATTLE
the noise of the shield. → BATTLE
2.1.3. din of shields
dróttinn gumna
‘lord of men’ = Erlingr
Lord of men, → Erlingr
Erlingr skakki Kyrpinga-Ormsson (d. 1179)
fákr Gríðar
‘of Gríðr’s steed’ = WOLF
Gríðr’s steed. → WOLF
[2] fáks: ‘fars’ H, Hr
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
malma dynviðr
‘clash-trees of weapons’ = WARRIORS
the clash of weapons → BATTLE
the trees of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
[8] dynviðir: so E, H, Hr
2.1. tree of battle
malma dynr
‘of the clash of weapons’ = BATTLE
the clash of weapons → BATTLE
[8] dynviðir: so E, H, Hr
2.1. din of weapons