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(All extended (rekit) kennings with four or more referents in the published edition)
- nausta blakks hlémána gífrs drífu gimsløngvir
‘fire-slinger of the storm of the troll-woman of the shielding moon of the horse of boathouses’
the horse of boathouses → SHIP
the shielding moon of the SHIP → SHIELD
the troll-woman of the SHIELD → AXE
the storm of the AXE → BATTLE
the fire of the BATTLE → SWORD
the slinger of the SWORD → WARRIOR
ÞSjár Þórdr 1I
- Heita dýrbliks dynsæðinga hungrdeyfi
‘hunger-soother of the din-gulls of the beast-gleam of Heiti’
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
the din of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the gulls of the BATTLE → RAVENS/EAGLES
the hunger-soother of RAVENS/EAGLES → WARRIOR
Hfr ErfÓl 18I
- bǫr leygs gráps gǫtu gunnvita.
‘the tree of the flame of the hail-storm of the path of the battle-beacon. ’
the battle-beacon. → SWORD
the path of the SWORD → SHIELD
the hail-storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the flame of the BATTLE → SWORD
the tree of the SWORD → WARRIOR
Þloft Tøgdr 8I
- herði nauðar skafls jarðar hauðrs run*kykva,
‘the strengthener of the distress of the quickeners of the stream of the land of the snow-drift of the earth, ’
= Þórr
the snow-drift of the earth, → RIDGE
the land of the RIDGE → MOUNTAIN
the stream of the MOUNTAIN → RIVER
the quickeners of the RIVER → GIANTESSES
the strengthener of the distress of GIANTESSES → Þórr
Eil Þdr 9III
- Eyðir lýsibliks lands skævaðar branda,
‘The destroyer of the bright flash of the land of the high-strider of planks, ’
the high-strider of planks, → SHIP
the land of the SHIP → SEA
the bright flash of the SEA → GOLD
The destroyer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
Anon Gyð 5VII
- varrelgs veg- elds -runnar
‘way-trees of the fire of the wake-elk’
the wake- elk → SHIP
the way of the SHIP → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
the trees of the GOLD → MEN
Anon Leið 10VII
- fríðum jǫfra heiðar galdrs hlíðrœkjanda;
‘slope-cultivator of the chant of the chieftains of the heath’
the chieftains of the heath; → GIANTS
the chant of GIANTS → GOLD
the slope of the GOLD → WOMAN
the handsome cultivator of the WOMAN → MAN
ESk Lv 2II
- stafns hrafna fletbalkar dynbeiði.
‘din-requester of the house-partition of the horses of the stem’
= WARRIOR = Skopti
the horses of the stem. → SHIPS
the house-partition of SHIPS → SHIELD
the din of the SHIELD → BATTLE
requester of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Skopti
Edáð Banddr 2I
- Oddhríðar lœgis logfágandi
‘flame-custodian of the sea of the point-storm’
the point -storm → BATTLE
the sea of the BATTLE → BLOOD
the flame of the BLOOD → SWORD
The custodian of the SWORD → WARRIOR
Edáð Banddr 6I
- Valgrindar Gefnar veðrheyjandi,
‘storm-enacter of the Gefn of the slaughter-gate’
= WARRIOR = Hákon
the slaughter -gate, → SHIELD
the Gefn of the SHIELD → VALKYRIE
the storm of the VALKYRIE → BATTLE
The enacter of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Hákon
Eyv Lv 4I
- glaðr láðvaldr glóða hróts leiptra
‘land-ruler of the fires of the roof of lightnings’
= God
the roof of lightnings → SKY/HEAVEN
the glad ruler of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Gamlkan Has 53VII
- Almdrósar eisu élrunnr
‘storm-bush of the fire of the bow-woman’
= WARRIOR = Hákon
the bow -woman → VALKYRIE
the fire of the VALKYRIE → SWORD
the storm of the SWORD → BATTLE
The bush of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Hákon
Gsind Hákdr 2I
- vápnunduðum Nirði víðra landa sunda valbrands.
‘the weapon-wounded Njǫrðr of the wide lands of the inlets of the slaughter-fire.’
= WARRIOR = Guthormr Eiríksson
the slaughter -fire. → SWORD
the inlets of the SWORD → BLOOD
the wide lands of the BLOOD → SHIELDS
the weapon-wounded Njǫrðr of SHIELDS → WARRIOR = Guthormr Eiríksson
Gsind Hákdr 6I
- Rjóðr stirðaurriða storðar hjaldrdrifs,
‘Reddener of the stiff trout of the land of the battle-blizzard, ’
the battle -blizzard, → ARROWS
the land of ARROWS → SHIELD
the stiff trout of the SHIELD → SWORD
Reddener of the SWORD → WARRIOR
Játg Lv 1II
- Heðins manþinga serkjar merkjendr
‘of Heðinn’s maiden-assembly’
Heðinn’s maiden → Hildr
the assembly of HILDR → BATTLE
the shirt of the BATTLE → ARMOUR
stainers of the ARMOUR → WARRIORS
ÞjóðA Magnfl 8II
- vátt vagna myrkbeins reinar Haka
‘the knower of killer whales of the dark bone of the land of Haki ’
= GIANT = Hrungnir
the land of Haki → SEA
the dark bone of the SEA → ROCK
killer whales of the ROCK → GIANTS
the knower of GIANTS → GIANT = Hrungnir
Þjóð Haustl 16III
- allnôttfǫrull marr vífs Yggjar áleggjar
‘ever prowling by night, the steed of the wife of the Yggr of the river-limb ’
the river- limb → ROCK
the Yggr of the ROCK → GIANT
the wife of the GIANT → GIANTESS
ever prowling by night, the steed of GIANTESS → WOLF
Arn Magndr 11II
- Sárir verkendr meginserkjar baugs naddfárs
‘Wounded workers of the mighty shirt of the ring of point-harm ’
point -harm → BATTLE
the ring of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the mighty shirt of the SHIELD → MAIL-SHIRT
Wounded workers of the MAIL-SHIRT → WARRIORS
Hfr ErfÓl 10I
- elfar skíðs sólar hreggdrauga
‘storm-logs of the sun of the ski of the river’
the ski of the river → SHIP
the sun of the SHIP → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the logs of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
ÞHjalt Lv 1I
- Hraustr stýrir stalls støkkvifúra þeys hlífar
‘The bold controller of the stand of scattering flames of the breeze of the shield ’
the breeze of the shield → BATTLE
scattering flames of the BATTLE → SWORDS
the stand of SWORDS → SHIELD
The bold controller of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
Anon Óldr 12I
- frœknan benja vala fenskúfs fœði
‘feeder of the fen-skua of the falcons of wounds’
the falcons of wounds, → RAVENS/EAGLES
the skua of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
the valiant feeder of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
Anon Óldr 27I
- Beiti-Nirðir snáka bráðar hauka bǫðvar
‘The brandishing-Nirðir of the snakes of the meat of hawks of battle ’
hawks of battle → RAVENS/EAGLES
the snakes of CORPSES → SWORDS
The brandishing-Nirðir of SWORDS → WARRIORS
RvHbreiðm Hl 73III
- Skǫglar borðs skelfihríðar skýbjóðs.
‘cloud-offerer of the terrifying storm of the board of Skǫgul’
the board of Skǫgul. → SHIELD
the terrifying storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the cloud of the BATTLE → SHIELD
offerer of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
HSt Rst 29I
- stirðra branda storms harðleygs styrlund*
‘tumult-tree of the hard flame of the storm of rigid blades’
the storm of rigid blades → BATTLE
the hard flame of the BATTLE → SWORD
the tumult of the SWORD → BATTLE
the tree of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
HSt Rst 29I
- h*eggi mála Eldis steðja áar.
‘to the cherry-tree of the speeches of the Eldir of the anvil of the river. ’
the anvil of the river. → STONE
the Eldir of the STONE → GIANT
the speeches of the GIANT → GOLD
to the cherry-tree of the GOLD → MAN
Anon (SnE) 10III
- Gymis vagna mótrǫðuls magnendr
‘empowerers of the clash-sun of the wagons of Gymir’
the wagons of Gymir → SHIPS
the sun of SHIPS → SHIELD
the clash of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the empowerers of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
Tindr Hákdr 2I
- sævar viggja* vegg*s veðreggjǫndum
‘weather-inciters of the wall of the horses of the sea’
the horses of the sea → SHIPS
the wall of SHIPS → SHIELD
the weather of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the inciters of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
Tindr Hákdr 6I
- hertýs vín-Gnóðar austr
‘bilge-water of the wine-Gnóð of the army-god’
the army -god → Óðinn
the wine of ÓÐINN → POEM
the Gnóð of the POEM → VAT
the bilge-water of the VAT → POEM
Eskál Vell 5I
- Þróttr þvergarða glyggs gunnranns,
‘the Þróttr of the cross-fences of the storm of the battle-hall, ’
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the cross-fences of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the Þróttr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
Sigv ErfÓl 17I
- rausnarsamr Gripnis ríðviggs gnapsólar gnýstœrandi
‘noise-increaser of the jutting sun of the riding horse of Gripnir’
the riding horse of Gripnir → SHIP
the jutting sun of the SHIP → SHIELD
the noise of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the magnificent increaser of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
Þhorn Gldr 1I
- sendi orða myrk-Danar beina grœnnar Hlóðynjar.
‘the distributor of the words of the dark-Dane of the bones of green Hlóðyn. ’
the bones of green Hlóðyn. → ROCKS
the dark-Dane of ROCKS → GIANT
the words of the GIANT → GOLD
the distributor of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
VSt Erf 2III
- ramar veigar salar Fals brautar fannar,
‘for the powerful drinks of the hall of the Falr of the path of the snow-drift, ’
the path of the snow-drift, → MOUNTAINS
the Falr of MOUNTAINS → GIANT = Suttungr
the hall of the GIANTSUTTUNGR → CAVE
for the powerful drinks of the CAVE → POETRY
Refr Giz 3III
- Víðblinda galtar salts svalteigar rafkastandi
‘amber-thrower of the salty, cool meadow of the boar of Víðblindi’
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
the salty, cool meadow of the WHALE → SEA
the amber of the SEA → GOLD
The thrower of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
HSt Frag 3III
- Herblótinn hneitir kalfa undirfjalfrs bliku alfheims
‘The people-worshipped vanquisher of the calves of the low hiding-place of the gleam of the elf-world ’
= Þórr
the gleam of the elf -world → SUN
the low hiding-place of the SUN → CAVE
the calves of the CAVE → GIANTS
The people-worshipped vanquisher of GIANTS → Þórr
Eil Þdr 21III
- menn legs mœrar fjarðeplis
‘the men of the lair of the land of the fjord-apple ’
the fjord -apple → STONE
the land of the STONE → MOUNTAINS
the lair of MOUNTAINS → CAVE
the men of the CAVE → GIANTS
Eil Þdr 16III