This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
alla verǫld móðfjalls
‘over the entire world of the mind-mountain’ = BREAST
the mind-mountain. → HEART
over the entire world of the HEART → BREAST
breast, chest
2.1. place of the heart (A3)
‘of the mind-mountain’ = HEART
the mind-mountain. → HEART
1.2. place of the mind (A3)
‘of the sea-steed’ = SHIP
the sea-steed → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
Glaumr gýgjar
‘to the Glaumr of the troll-woman’ = WOLF
to the Glaumr of the troll-woman; → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
heitu gjalfr unda
‘by the hot surge of wounds’ = BLOOD
by the hot surge of wounds; → BLOOD
[6] heitu: sveita A(1r)
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
varmt ǫlðr vitnis
‘the warm ale of the wolf’ = BLOOD
the warm ale of the wolf → BLOOD
2.2. drink of the wolf (A3)
men Karmtar
‘the necklace of Karmøy’ = SEA
the necklace of Karmøy. → SEA
1.3. necklace of the land
bál byrræfrs
‘the flame of the breeze-roof’ = SUN
the breeze-roof. → SKY/HEAVEN
the flame of the SKY/HEAVEN → SUN
1.1.1. fire of sky/heaven
‘of the breeze-roof’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the breeze-roof. → SKY/HEAVEN
4.1. roof of weather
þing harðra hjǫrva
‘the assembly of hard swords’ = BATTLE
the assembly of hard swords. → BATTLE
3.1.1. meeting of swords
‘the wound-grouse’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the wound-grouse → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.4. bird of the wound (A2)
lǫngum dynmarr láðs Rínleygs mínum
‘my long resounding steed of the land of Rhine-flame’ = SHIP
Rhine-flame, → GOLD
the land of the GOLD → SEA
my long resounding steed of the SEA → SHIP
[2] mínum: mínu 73aˣ, Flat, A
ship, boat horse of the sea
láð Rínleygs
‘of the land of Rhine-flame’ = SEA
Rhine-flame, → GOLD
the land of the GOLD → SEA
9.4. land of gold
‘of Rhine-flame’ = GOLD
Rhine-flame, → GOLD
9.1.3. light of the Rhine (A1)
lundr leggfjǫturs
‘the grove of the limb-fetter’ = MAN
the limb-fetter, → ARM-RING
the grove of the ARM-RING → MAN
male, man
1.3. tree of rings
‘of the limb-fetter’ = ARM-RING
the limb-fetter, → ARM-RING
1. band of the limb
klepprdǫgg lǫggvar Hôars
‘the lump-dew of Hárr’s cask-rim’ = BAD POETRY
Hárr’s cask-rim → VAT
the lump-dew of the VAT → BAD POETRY
bad poetry
2. dregs of the mythical vat?
lǫgg Hôars
‘of Hárr’s cask-rim’ = VAT
Hárr’s cask-rim → VAT
kenniseiðr moldar
‘of the testing coalfish of the earth’ = SNAKE = Ormr
the testing coalfish of the earth. → SNAKE = Ormr
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
‘the sword-blizzard’ = BATTLE
the sword-blizzard → BATTLE
battle shower of swords
bróðir Brynhildar
‘Brynhildr’s brother’ = Atli
Brynhildr’s brother, → Atli
Atli Buðlason
1. member of the Buðlungar family
svanr blóðs
‘the swan of blood’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
The swan of blood → RAVEN/EAGLE
[2] blóðs: corrected from ‘blioðs’ A(3v)
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
róðr vindára
‘the rowing of wind-oars’ = FLIGHT
wind-oars → WINGS
the rowing of WINGS → FLIGHT
flight, flying
. rowing of the wings
‘of wind-oars’ = WINGS
wind-oars → WINGS
1. oars of the wind (A1a or A1b)
Bil brunnins logs báru
‘the Bil of the burnt fire of the wave’ = WOMAN
the burnt fire of the wave, → GOLD
the Bil of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
brunnins log báru
‘of the burnt fire of the wave’ = GOLD
the burnt fire of the wave, → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
þann hringhreytandi
‘that ring-distributor’ = GENEROUS MAN
that ring-distributor → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.2. flinger of rings
snerra Lakkar
‘the onslaught of Hlǫkk’ = BATTLE
the onslaught of Hlǫkk; → BATTLE
11.2. assault of the valkyrie
þing hyrjar hjǫrlautar
‘an assembly of the fire of the sword-dale’ = BATTLE
the sword-dale, → SHIELD
the fire of the SHIELD → SWORD
an assembly of the SWORD → BATTLE
3.1.1. meeting of swords
hyrr hjǫrlautar
‘of the fire of the sword-dale’ = SWORD
the sword-dale, → SHIELD
the fire of the SHIELD → SWORD
sword fire of the shield
‘of the sword-dale’ = SHIELD
the sword-dale, → SHIELD
shield land of the sword
rann Sǫrla
‘a house of Sǫrli’ = SHIELD
a house of Sǫrli → SHIELD
9.4. house of a legendary hero
lyngs barða loft
‘the loft of the whale of the heath’ = GOLD
the whale of the heath → SNAKE
the loft of the SNAKE → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
lyngs barði
‘of the whale of the heath’ = SNAKE
the whale of the heath → SNAKE
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
orð Iðja
‘of the words of Iði’ = GOLD
Of the words of Iði → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
‘the afflicter of the people’ = Haraldr
the afflicter of the people → Haraldr
Haraldr II gráfeldr Eiríksson (r. c. 961-c. 970)
2. destroyer of the people
meldr fáglýjaðra þýja Fróða
‘the flour of the little-satisfied bondswomen of Fróði’ = GOLD
the little-satisfied bondswomen of Fróði → Fenja and Menja
the flour of FENJA AND MENJA → GOLD
9.2.2. flour of Fenja and Menja (A1)
fáglýjaðra þý Fróða
‘of the little-satisfied bondswomen of Fróði’ = Fenja and Menja
the little-satisfied bondswomen of Fróði → Fenja and Menja
Fenja and Menja
1. women of Fróði (C3b)
móðir dolgs mellu
‘of the mother of the enemy of the giantess’ = Jǫrð
the enemy of the giantess. → Þórr
the mother of ÞÓRR → Jǫrð
4. mother of Þórr (C4a)
dolgr mellu
‘of the enemy of the giantess’ = Þórr
the enemy of the giantess. → Þórr
1.2. enemy of the giants
fræ fýrisvalla
‘the seed of fýrisvellir’ = GOLD
the seed of Fýrisvellir → GOLD
9.3.2. grain of Fýrisvellir (A1)
fjall hauka
‘the mountains of hawks’ = HANDS
the mountains of hawks → HANDS
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
Ullr ímunlauks
‘Ullr of the battle-leek’ = WARRIOR
the battle-leek. → SWORD
Ullr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Ullr of the weapon
‘of the battle-leek’ = SWORD
the battle-leek. → SWORD
4.3.5. leek of battle
hyggnir draugr brimis
‘the thoughtful trees of the sword’ = WARRIORS
The thoughtful trees of the sword → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
‘weapon-flight’ = BATTLE
weapon-flight → BATTLE
9.1. flight of weapons
‘the ring-breaker’ = GENEROUS MAN
The ring-breaker, → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.2. destroyer of rings
‘the sword-strife’ = BATTLE
the sword-strife; → BATTLE
5.1.1. strife of swords
skóð skýja Skǫglar
‘the harmer of the clouds of Skǫgul’ = SWORD
the clouds of Skǫgul. → SHIELDS
the harmer of SHIELDS → SWORD
9.1.1. harm of the shield
ský Skǫglar
‘of the clouds of Skǫgul’ = SHIELDS
the clouds of Skǫgul. → SHIELDS
2.1.2. cloud of the valkyrie
hræddari hranna hyrbrjótr
‘fire-breaker of the waves’ = GENEROUS MAN
the fire of the waves → GOLD
The more fearful breaker of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
hranna hyrr
‘of the fire of the waves’ = GOLD
the fire of the waves → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
gramr Jóta
‘prince of the Jótar’ = DANISH KING = Magnús
prince of the Jótar, → DANISH KING = Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
4.1. lord of Danish people
dróttinn hǫrða
‘lord of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
lord of the Hǫrðar; → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
Ála serkjar élfestir
‘storm-strengthener of Áli’s shirt’ = WARRIOR
Áli’s shirt, → BYRNIE
the storm of the BYRNIE → BATTLE
strengthener of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
Ála serkjar él
‘of the storm of Áli’s shirt’ = BATTLE
Áli’s shirt, → BYRNIE
the storm of the BYRNIE → BATTLE
battle shower of the mail-coat
Ála serkr
‘of Áli’s shirt’ = BYRNIE
Áli’s shirt, → BYRNIE
1.7. garment of the sea-king
Fulla hǫfuðgulls
‘the Fulla of head-gold’ = WOMAN
head-gold. → HEADDRESS
the Fulla of HEADDRESS → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
‘of head-gold’ = HEADDRESS
head-gold. → HEADDRESS
. gold of the head
‘the victory-trees’ = WARRIORS
the victory-trees, → WARRIORS
5.1. tree of victory
vígrakkr sendir vandbaugs
‘the battle-brave sender of the rod of the shield-boss’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the rod of the shield-boss → SWORD
The battle-brave sender of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior sender of the weapon
‘of the rod of the shield-boss’ = SWORD
the rod of the shield-boss → SWORD
4.1.02. rod/twig of the shield
‘with shield-crash’ = BATTLE
with shield-crash, → BATTLE
[3] ‑braks: so Tˣ, W(143), W(104), A
2.1.3. din of shields
fǫl dýr unna
‘pale animals of the waves’ = SHIPS
pale animals of the waves → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
stýrir stálhreins
‘for the steerer of the stem-reindeer’ = SEAFARER
the stem-reindeer; → SHIP
for the steerer of the SHIP → SEAFARER
seafarer steerer of the ship
‘of the stem-reindeer’ = SHIP
the stem-reindeer; → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
deilir styrjar
‘of the controller of strife’ = WARRIOR
the controller of strife. → WARRIOR
2.5.4. ruler of battle
skíð flóðs
‘the ski of the sea’ = SHIP
The ski of the sea → SHIP
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
‘the ring-trickster’ = GENEROUS MAN
The ring-trickster → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.14. deceiver of wealth
dýra hála hlýrsólar
‘a precious troll-woman of the prow-sun’ = AXE
the prow-sun; → SHIELD
a precious troll-woman of the SHIELD → AXE
1.1. female mythical being of the shield
‘of the prow-sun’ = SHIELD
the prow-sun; → SHIELD
1.01. heavenly body of the ship
Hrund hræpolls
‘the Hrund of the carrion-pool’ = AXE
the carrion-pool, → BLOOD
the Hrund of the BLOOD → AXE
1.6. female mythical being of blood
‘of the carrion-pool’ = BLOOD
the carrion-pool, → BLOOD
1.3. liquid of the corpse (A2)
sút hattar Herjans
‘the sorrow of Herjann’s hat’ = WEAPON
Herjann’s hat … → HELMET
the sorrow of the HELMET → WEAPON
[5] sút: sótt A
. sorrow of the helmet
hǫttr Herjans
‘of Herjann’s hat’ = HELMET
Herjann’s hat … → HELMET
1.1. headgear of Óðinn
unnar elgrennir
‘wave’s elk-impeller’ = SEAFARER
the elk of the wave. → SHIP
the impeller of the SHIP → SEAFARER
seafarer impeller of the ship
unnar elgr
‘of the elk of the wave’ = SHIP
the elk of the wave. → SHIP
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
hlébarðr hanka
‘of the bear of the cleat’ = SHIP
the bear of the cleat. → SHIP
[1] hlébarðs: hlébarð A
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
alla verǫld móðfjalls
‘over the entire world of the mind-mountain’ = BREAST
the mind-mountain. → HEART
over the entire world of the HEART → BREAST
breast, chest
2.1. place of the heart (A3)
‘of the mind-mountain’ = HEART
the mind-mountain. → HEART
1.2. place of the mind (A3)
hríðar hyrgœðir
‘fire-increaser of battle’ = WARRIOR
the fire of battle. → SWORD
the increaser of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[3] hyrgœði: corrected from ‘hæyrgæði’ A
1.7.07. strengthener of the weapon
hríðar hyrr
‘of the fire of battle’ = SWORD
the fire of battle. → SWORD
[3] hyrgœði: corrected from ‘hæyrgæði’ A
1.1.01. fire of battle
hilmir holmleggjar
‘the ruler of the island-bone’ = DWARF = Litr
the island-bone → ROCK
The ruler of the ROCK → DWARF = Litr
4. ruler of rock
‘of the island-bone’ = ROCK
the island-bone → ROCK
rock, stone
1.1.1. bone of the earth
‘of the ring-Skǫgul’ = WOMAN
the ring-Skǫgul → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
vǫrr Gungnis
‘the lips of Gungnir <spear>’ = SPEAR-BLADES
the lips of Gungnir <spear> → SPEAR-BLADES
[1] varrar: so A
. lips of Gungnir
lung váfaðar Gungnis
‘the longship of the swinger of Gungnir’ = HORSE = Sleipnir
the swinger of Gungnir. → Óðinn
the longship of ÓÐINN → HORSE = Sleipnir
1. ship of Óðinn (A1a)
Váfuðr Gungnis
‘of the swinger of Gungnir’ = Óðinn
the swinger of Gungnir. → Óðinn
. swinger of Gungnir (C2a)
svanr blóðs
‘the swan of blood’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
The swan of blood → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
róðr vindára
‘the rowing of wind-oars’ = FLIGHT
wind-oars → WINGS
the rowing of WINGS → FLIGHT
flight, flying
. rowing of the wings
‘of wind-oars’ = WINGS
wind-oars → WINGS
1. oars of the wind (A1a or A1b)
bróðir Brynhildar
‘Brynhildr’s brother’ = Atli
Brynhildr’s brother, → Atli
Atli Buðlason
1. member of the Buðlungar family
log banda lands
‘the flame of the bonds of the land’ = GOLD
the bonds of the land → SEA
the flame of the SEA → GOLD
[2] lands: land A
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
band lands
‘of the bonds of the land’ = SEA
the bonds of the land → SEA
[2] lands: land A
1.2. band/fetter of the land
stýrir himinríkis
‘May the controller of the kingdom of heaven’ = God
May the controller of the kingdom of heaven → God
[4] himinríkis: ‘himirikis’ A
‘the ring-destroyer’ = GENEROUS MAN
the ring-destroyer. → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.09. killer of wealth
gjaldseiðr grundar
‘of the compensation-pollack of the field’ = SERPENT = Fáfnir
the compensation-pollack of the field; → SERPENT = Fáfnir
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
‘the battle-darer’ = WARRIOR
The battle-darer → WARRIOR
warrior darer of battle
grýttu setr buðlunga
‘the rocky seat of sovereigns’ = Norway
the rocky seat of sovereigns; → Norway
3. seat of the ruler
‘the weapon-reddener’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
The weapon-reddener → WARRIOR = Hákon
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
sóknharðr vellbrjótr
‘the battle-strong gold-breaker’ = GENEROUS MAN
the battle-strong gold-breaker → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
sǫngr sverða
‘the song of swords’ = BATTLE
the song of swords. → BATTLE
6.02.1. song/chant of weapons
blik spannar
‘the gleam of the grip’ = GOLD
the gleam of the grip. → GOLD
2.1. light of the arm/hand (A1)
Ilmr bála lýskála
‘The Ilmr of the fires of the pollack-hall’ = WOMAN
the pollack-hall → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
The Ilmr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
bál lýskála
‘of the fires of the pollack-hall’ = GOLD
the pollack-hall → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘of the pollack-hall’ = SEA
the pollack-hall → SEA
3.3. dwelling of the aquatic animal
stǫkkva hreinn reina Rǫkkva
‘the swift reindeer of Rǫkkvi’s land-strips’ = SHIPS
Rǫkkvi’s land-strips → SEA
the swift reindeer of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
rein Rǫkkva
‘of Rǫkkvi’s land-strips’ = SEA
Rǫkkvi’s land-strips → SEA
2.1. land of the sea-king
hreytir hringa
‘the scatterer of rings’ = GENEROUS MAN
The scatterer of rings → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.2. flinger of rings
svǫrtum hjǫrtr stinga
‘of the black deer of rods’ = SHIPS
the black deer of rods. → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
otr hafs
‘the otter of the ocean’ = SHIP
the otter of the ocean, → SHIP
[1] otri: so Tˣ, W, A, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
ship, boat
7.1. swimming animal of the sea
djúphugaðr, ramr, gegn, gagnsæll faðir Magna
‘the deep-minded, mighty, reliable, victory-blessed father of Magni’ = Þórr
the deep-minded, mighty, reliable, victory-blessed father of Magni → Þórr
2.3. father of Magni and Þrúðr (C4a/C3a)
dolgr grœðis vagna
‘the enemies of the sea of wagons’ = GIANTS
the sea of wagons → LAND
the enemies of the LAND → GIANTS
. enemy of the land
grœðir vagna
‘of the sea of wagons’ = LAND
the sea of wagons → LAND
earth, land
1.2. sea of the vehicle
hveiti hræteinn
‘wheat of carrion-twigs’ = SPEARS
wheat of carrion-twigs → SPEARS
[1] hræteina: ‘hrę t᷎na’ A
Yggjar valbygg
‘Yggr’s falcon-barley’ = CORPSES
the falcon of Yggr → RAVEN
the barley of the RAVEN → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
Yggjar valr
‘of the falcon of Yggr’ = RAVEN
the falcon of Yggr → RAVEN
1.1. bird of Óðinn (A2)
neytir bauga
‘the enjoyer of rings’ = MAN
The enjoyer of rings → MAN
male, man
3.04. enjoyer of riches
leikr sverða
‘the play of swords’ = BATTLE
the play of swords. → BATTLE
4.1.1. play of swords
dauðum grjót-Móði
‘the dead rock-Móði’ = GIANT
the dead rock-Móði. → GIANT
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
dýrs flein-Móði
‘of the excellent spear-Móði’ = WARRIOR
the excellent spear-Móði; → WARRIOR
warrior Móði of the weapon
ógnþorinn valdr skjaldar
‘the battle-daring ruler of the shield’ = WARRIOR
The battle-daring ruler of the shield → WARRIOR
1.7.04. user of the weapon
hamdøkkum haukr Hlakkar
‘of the dark-coated hawk of Hlǫkk’ = RAVEN
the dark-coated hawk of Hlǫkk; → RAVEN
1.2. (black or dark) bird of the battlefield (A2)
ógnþorinn valdr skjaldar
‘the battle-daring ruler of the shield’ = WARRIOR
The battle-daring ruler of the shield → WARRIOR
1.7.04. user of the weapon
hamdøkkum haukr Hlakkar
‘of the dark-coated hawk of Hlǫkk’ = RAVEN
the dark-coated hawk of Hlǫkk; → RAVEN
1.2. (black or dark) bird of the battlefield (A2)
stórhǫggr stillir þrœnda
‘the hard-hitting leader of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN RULER
the hard-hitting leader of the Þrœndir. → NORWEGIAN RULER
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
særir auðs
‘the wounder of wealth’ = GENEROUS MAN = Óláfr Tryggvason
the wounder of wealth → GENEROUS MAN = Óláfr Tryggvason
generous man
1.05. wounder of wealth
vegr Ránar
‘the road of Rán’ = SEA
the road of Rán → SEA
9.1.1. path of Rán
‘May the world-controller’ = God
May the world-controller, → God
ins snjalla ráðandi alls
‘of the eloquent ruler of all’ = God
the eloquent ruler of all. → God
[2] snjalla: ljósa A, W
[2] ráðanda: kjósanda A, W
1.6. lord of all
gunnǫflugr geisli sólar miskunnar
‘the battle-strong beam of the sun of mercy’ = Christ/Óláfr
the sun of mercy → God
The battle-strong beam of GOD → Christ/Óláfr
Jesus Christ
sól miskunnar
‘of the sun of mercy’ = God
the sun of mercy → God
. sun of mercy
lind strindar leynisíka lyngs
‘the linden tree of the land of the hiding fishes of the heather’ = WOMAN
the hiding fishes of the heather → SNAKES
the land of SNAKES → GOLD
the linden tree of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
strind leynisíka lyngs
‘of the land of the hiding fishes of the heather’ = GOLD
the hiding fishes of the heather → SNAKES
the land of SNAKES → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
leynisíkr lyngs
‘of the hiding fishes of the heather’ = SNAKES
the hiding fishes of the heather → SNAKES
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
dóttir Hlés
‘the daughters of Hlér <= Ægir>’ = WAVES
The daughters of Hlér <= Ægir> → WAVES
3.1. daughter of Ægir
‘the surf-way’ = SEA
the surf-way; → SEA
[5] ‑leiðar: reiðar all
5.2. path of the sea
einskǫpuðr galdra herfanga
‘the one creator of incantations of army-tunics’ = Óðinn
army-tunics → BYRNIES
incantations of BYRNIES → BATTLES
The one creator of BATTLES → Óðinn
8.1.2. creator of battle (C1a)
galdr herfanga
‘of incantations of army-tunics’ = BATTLES
army-tunics → BYRNIES
incantations of BYRNIES → BATTLES
6.01.1. incantation of weapons
‘of army-tunics’ = BYRNIES
army-tunics → BYRNIES
1.6. garment of the army
Vǫlundr rómu
‘the vǫlundr of strife’ = WARRIOR = Gautr Jónsson
the Vǫlundr of strife → WARRIOR = Gautr Jónsson
. smith of battle
‘the army-summoner’ = RULER = Hákon
the army-summoner → RULER = Hákon
[7] ‑stefnandi: ‑stofnandi A
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.2. summoner of the army
tveir beitnárungi
‘two ship-nourishers’ = SEAFARERS
two ship-nourishers → SEAFARERS
1.1.10. feeder of the ship
grœðari alls meins
‘the healer of all evil’ = Christ
the healer of all evil → Christ
Jesus Christ
Reifnis ræfrviti
‘roof-beacon of Reifnir’ = SWORD
the roof of Reifnir → SHIELD
the beacon of the SHIELD → SWORD
sword fire of the shield
Reifnis ræfr
‘of the roof of Reifnir’ = SHIELD
the roof of Reifnir → SHIELD
11.2. roof of the sea-king
haugrþak herfylgins Hǫlga
‘barrow-thatch of host-accompanying Hǫlgi’ = GOLD
barrow-thatch of host-accompanying Hǫlgi → GOLD
[4] ‑þak: so U, A, B, C
[3] ‑fylgins: so Tˣ, W, A, B
9.4. barrow-roof of Hǫlgi (A3)
forverk Fenju
‘Fenja’s toil’ = GOLD
Fenja’s toil, → GOLD
9.2.3. work of Fenja (A3)
miðgarðr Fáfnis
‘Fáfnir’s land’ = GOLD
Fáfnir’s land, → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
glóbarr Glasis
‘Glasir’s glowing foliage’ = GOLD
Glasir’s glowing foliage, → GOLD
8.6. foliage of Glasir (A3)
fagrbyrðr Grana
‘Grani’s fair burden’ = GOLD
Grani’s fair burden, → GOLD
9.1.1. cargo of Grani (A3)
dýrsveiti Draupnis
‘Draupnir’s precious sweat’ = GOLD
Draupnir’s precious sweat, → GOLD
8.3.1. dew of Draupnir (A3)
dúni Grafvitnis
‘Grafvitnir’s feather-bed’ = GOLD
Grafvitnir’s feather-bed. → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
svarðfestum Sifjar
‘Sif’s scalp-cords’ = GOLD
scalp-cords, → HAIR
Sif’s of the HAIR → GOLD
[3] ‑festum: ‑festi A
[3] Sifjar: so W, U, A, papp10ˣ, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
8.4. hair of Sif (A3)
‘scalp-cords’ = HAIR
scalp-cords, → HAIR
[3] ‑festum: ‑festi A
2. rope of the head (A1b)
svell dalnauðar
‘ice of the bow-compulsion’ = SILVER
the bow-compulsion, → ARM
ice of the ARM → SILVER
1.1. ice of the arm/hand
‘of the bow-compulsion’ = ARM
the bow-compulsion, → ARM
arm, hand
3.2. compulsion of the bow (A3)
tregum gjald Otrs
‘the reluctant payment for Otr’ = GOLD
the reluctant payment for Otr, → GOLD
8.7. payment of Otr/otter (A3)
tár Mardallar
‘the tears of Mardǫll’ = GOLD
the tears of Mardǫll, → GOLD
8.2. tears of Freyja (A3)
eldr Órunar
‘the fire of Órun’ = GOLD
the fire of Órun, → GOLD
[7] Órunar: ‘ǫlrvnar’ A
gold fire of the river (A1)
glysmál Iðja
‘the shining speeches of Iði’ = GOLD
the shining speeches of Iði. → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
‘the battle-granter’ = WARRIOR
The battle-granter, → WARRIOR
[1] gunnveitir: so U, A, B, C
warrior giver/granter of battle
þingskil Þjaza
‘with Þjazi’s assembly declarations’ = GOLD
with Þjazi’s assembly declarations, → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
rauðmalmr Rínar
‘with the red metal of the Rhine’ = GOLD
with the red metal of the Rhine, → GOLD
9.1.4. metal of the Rhine (A2)
róg Niflunga
‘with the strife of the Niflungar’ = GOLD
with the strife of the Niflungar; → GOLD
9.1.2. strife of the Niflungar (A3)
‘crucible-cargo’ = SILVER
crucible-cargo → SILVER
2.3. cargo of the crucible
glæstar valstǫð
‘the decorated falcon-perches’ = ARMS
the decorated falcon-perches → ARMS
arm, hand
1.1.2. home, resting place of the bird of prey (A3)
eisa armleggs
‘fire of the upper arm’ = GOLD
fire of the upper arm. → GOLD
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
landfrœkn jǫfurr Lundar
‘the land-valiant prince of Lund’ = DANISH KING
The land-valiant prince of Lund → DANISH KING
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Denmark
‘limb-fires’ = ARM-RINGS
limb-fires; → ARM-RINGS
3. fire of the limb
grjót Rínar
‘the stones of the Rhine’ = GOLD
the stones of the Rhine → GOLD
9.1.5. stones of the Rhine (A1)
snjór sjóðs
‘snow of the purse’ = SILVER
snow of the purse → SILVER
3.1. snow of the purse
eldr geima
‘fire of the sea’ = GOLD
fire of the sea → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘of the blood-ember’ = AXE
the blood-ember; → AXE
3. fire of blood
stríðir søkkva
‘the fighter of enemies’ = WARRIOR
the fighter of enemies. → WARRIOR
4.5. fighter of enemies
‘the sea-flame’ = GOLD
the sea-flame → GOLD
[4] ‑leygr: ‘‑læyr’ A
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
hvítum digulskafl
‘the white crucible-snowdrift’ = SILVER
the white crucible-snowdrift, → SILVER
2.1. snow of the crucible
Heita blakks hlýrskildir
‘prow-shield-provider of Heiti’s horse’ = SEA-WARRIOR
the prow of Heiti’s horse → SHIP
the shield-provider of the SHIP → SEA-WARRIOR
3. shield-provider of the ship
Heita blakkr hlýr
‘of the prow of Heiti’s horse’ = SHIP
the prow of Heiti’s horse → SHIP
ship, boat
. defective
snjór skála
‘snow of scales’ = SILVER
snow of scales → SILVER
4. snow of scales
eldi hrynbrautar áls
‘fire of the eel’s resounding road’ = GOLD
the eel’s resounding road; → SEA
fire of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
hrynbraut áls
‘of the eel’s resounding road’ = SEA
the eel’s resounding road; → SEA
3.2. path of the aquatic animal
fellir folka
‘the feller of armies’ = WARRIOR
the feller of armies → WARRIOR
4.8. killer of men
rýrir seima
‘the diminisher of gold’ = GENEROUS MAN
the diminisher of gold, → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
glaðsendir hrauns handa
‘cheerful sender of the rock of hands’ = GENEROUS MAN
the rock of hands, → GOLD
cheerful sender of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[3] glaðsendir: glóðsendir A
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
hraun handa
‘of the rock of hands’ = GOLD
the rock of hands, → GOLD
2.2. stone/rock of the arm/hand (A1)
Hermóðr látrs sigðis
‘the Hermóðr of the lair of the sword’ = WARRIOR
the lair of the sword → SHIELD
the Hermóðr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
[2] látrs: ‘lattrs’ R, A
warrior Hermóðr of the weapon
látr sigðis
‘of the lair of the sword’ = SHIELD
the lair of the sword → SHIELD
[2] látrs: ‘lattrs’ R, A
5.3.1. abode of the sword
gunnar glóðbrjótandi
‘ember-breaker of battle’ = WARRIOR
the ember of battle; → SWORD
the breaker of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[2] glóð‑: so R(36r), Tˣ(37v), W(82), A
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
gunnar glóð
‘of the ember of battle’ = SWORD
the ember of battle; → SWORD
[2] glóð‑: so R(36r), Tˣ(37v), W(82), A
1.1.01. fire of battle
‘the gold-distributor’ = GENEROUS MAN = Einarr, I
The gold-distributor → GENEROUS MAN = Einarr, I
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
hljótr grundar
‘the recipient of land’ = RULER
the recipient of land → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.3. receiver of land
mjǫðr Yggs
‘the mead of Yggr’ = POEM
the mead of Yggr; → POEM
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
‘the gold-harmer’ = GENEROUS RULER
The gold-harmer → GENEROUS RULER
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
glóð armleggs
‘embers of the arm’ = GOLD
embers of the arm; → GOLD
[4] ‑leggs: so W, U, A, C
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
eyðir óþjóðar
‘the destroyer of evildoers’ = JUST RULER
the destroyer of evildoers → JUST RULER
[3] ó‑: ý‑ A
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
farmr Grana
‘the load of Grani’ = GOLD
the load of Grani. → GOLD
9.1.1. cargo of Grani (A3)
‘the gold-flinger’ = GENEROUS MAN
The gold-flinger → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
‘a gold-man’ = GENEROUS RULER = Knútr
a gold-man; → GENEROUS RULER = Knútr
generous man
6. chieftain of wealth
bǫrr leygs gráps gǫtu gunnvita
‘the tree of the flame of the hail-storm of the path of the battle-beacon’ = WARRIOR
the battle-beacon. → SWORD
the path of the SWORD → SHIELD
the hail-storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the flame of the BATTLE → SWORD
the tree of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[2] leygs: logs A
1.1.1. tree of the sword
leygr gráps gǫtu gunnvita
‘of the flame of the hail-storm of the path of the battle-beacon’ = SWORD
the battle-beacon. → SWORD
the path of the SWORD → SHIELD
the hail-storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the flame of the BATTLE → SWORD
[2] leygs: logs A
1.1.01. fire of battle
gráp gǫtu gunnvita
‘of the hail-storm of the path of the battle-beacon’ = BATTLE
the battle-beacon. → SWORD
the path of the SWORD → SHIELD
the hail-storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
battle shower of shields
gata gunnvita
‘of the path of the battle-beacon’ = SHIELD
the battle-beacon. → SWORD
the path of the SWORD → SHIELD
shield path of the sword
‘of the battle-beacon’ = SWORD
the battle-beacon. → SWORD
1.1.01. fire of battle
Víðblinda galtar salts svalteigar rafkastandi
‘amber-thrower of the salty, cool meadow of the boar of Víðblindi’ = GENEROUS MAN
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
the salty, cool meadow of the WHALE → SEA
the amber of the SEA → GOLD
The thrower of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[2] ‑blinda: ‘blinnis’ A
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
Víðblinda galtar salts svalteigar raf
‘of the amber of the salty, cool meadow of the boar of Víðblindi’ = GOLD
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
the salty, cool meadow of the WHALE → SEA
the amber of the SEA → GOLD
[2] ‑blinda: ‘blinnis’ A
1.5. amber of waters (A1)
Víðblinda galtar salts svalteigr
‘of the salty, cool meadow of the boar of Víðblindi’ = SEA
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
the salty, cool meadow of the WHALE → SEA
[2] ‑blinda: ‘blinnis’ A
3.1. land of the aquatic animal
Víðblinda galti
‘of the boar of Víðblindi’ = WHALE
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
[2] ‑blinda: ‘blinnis’ A
1. pig of Víðblindi (A3)
selja rastar reyrþvengs
‘the willow of the path of the reed-thong’ = WOMAN
the reed-thong. → SNAKE
the path of the SNAKE → GOLD
the willow of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
rǫst reyrþvengs
‘of the path of the reed-thong’ = GOLD
the reed-thong. → SNAKE
the path of the SNAKE → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
‘of the reed-thong’ = SNAKE
the reed-thong. → SNAKE
serpent, snake
2.2. rope- or strap-like object of the land (A1b)
brandr stefknarrar
‘the bows of the refrain-ship’ = UPPHAF
the refrain-ship → DRÁPA
the bows of the DRÁPA → UPPHAF
[4] ‑knarrar: so Tˣ, W, A, C
. prow of the drápa
‘of the refrain-ship’ = DRÁPA
the refrain-ship → DRÁPA
[4] ‑knarrar: so Tˣ, W, A, C
. ship of the stef
lokarr óðar
‘with the plane of poetry’ = TONGUE
with the plane of poetry, → TONGUE
1.1. instrument, tool of speech (A1)
væn mǫrk ǫlstafna
‘beautiful forest of ale-prows’ = WOMAN
ale-prows; → DRINKING HORNS
beautiful forest of DRINKING HORNS → WOMAN
female, woman
7.2. tree, wood of drinking vessel (B2c)
‘of ale-prows’ = DRINKING HORNS
ale-prows; → DRINKING HORNS
drinking horn
2. prow of the drink
grǫnn hirði-Sif fúrs flóðs
‘slender guarding-Sif of the fire of the sea’ = WOMAN
the fire of the sea, → GOLD
Slender guarding-Sif of the GOLD → WOMAN
[3] grǫnn: grunn A
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
fúrr flóðs
‘of the fire of the sea’ = GOLD
the fire of the sea, → GOLD
gold fire of the flood (A1)
fleiri tróða grjóts Hjaðninga
‘other poles of the stones of the Hjaðningar’ = VALKYRIES
the stones of the Hjaðningar. → CORPSES
other poles of CORPSES → VALKYRIES
[2] tróður: so A
1.3. woman of the slain (B2b)
grjót Hjaðninga
‘of the stones of the Hjaðningar’ = CORPSES
the stones of the Hjaðningar. → CORPSES
corpse, slain
3. stones of the Hjaðningar
skorða fjarðbeins
‘the prop of the fjord-bone’ = WOMAN
the fjord-bone → STONE
The prop of the STONE → WOMAN
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
‘of the fjord-bone’ = STONE
the fjord-bone → STONE
rock, stone
2.1.1. bone of waters
‘the spear-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
the spear-Freyr → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of the weapon
Hrist mjaðar
‘the Hrist of mead’ = WOMAN
the Hrist of mead. → WOMAN
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
mildrar Syn mens
‘of the gracious Syn of the necklace’ = WOMAN
the gracious Syn of the necklace → WOMAN
[1] Synjar: ‘syni[…]’ A
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
sjá stoð straumtungls
‘this support of the stream-star’ = WOMAN
the stream-star → GOLD
this support of the GOLD → WOMAN
[4] ‑tungls: ‘‑fylgs’ A
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
‘of the stream-star’ = GOLD
the stream-star → GOLD
[4] ‑tungls: ‘‑fylgs’ A
1.3. heavenly body of waters (A1)
bjǫrk hols hrynbáls hramma
‘of the birch of the hollow ringing fire of hands’ = WOMAN
the hollow ringing fire of hands → RING
the birch of the RING → WOMAN
[1] hols: hóls A
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
hols hrynbál hramma
‘of the hollow ringing fire of hands’ = RING
the hollow ringing fire of hands → RING
[1] hols: hóls A
3. fire of the limb
full burar Billings
‘the cup of the son of Billingr’ = POEM
the son of Billingr, → DWARF
the cup of the DWARF → POEM
1.2.1. drink of the dwarfs
burr Billings
‘of the son of Billingr’ = DWARF
the son of Billingr, → DWARF
1. relative of the dwarf
fagrbúin eik aura
‘the beautifully dressed oak of riches’ = WOMAN
The beautifully dressed oak of riches → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
ógnrakkr almr dynskúrar málma
‘battle-brave elm of the din-shower of weapons’ = WARRIOR
the din-shower of weapons, → BATTLE
Battle-brave elm of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[1] ‑rakkr: so Tˣ, W, A, C
2.1. tree of battle
dynskúr málma
‘of the din-shower of weapons’ = BATTLE
the din-shower of weapons, → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
lind líns
‘the linden of linen’ = WOMAN
the linden of linen → WOMAN
female, woman
5.3. tree, wood of cloth (B2c)
fránleitr stirðþinull storðar
‘the flashing-eyed stiff cord of the earth’ = Miðgarðsormr
the flashing-eyed stiff cord of the earth → Miðgarðsormr
[1] stirð‑: ‘stir‑’ A(10v), A(13r)
1. surrounding object of the earth (A1b)
reynir folka leggs fróns
‘the tester of the peoples of the bone of the earth’ = Þórr
the bone of the earth → ROCK
the peoples of the ROCK → GIANTS
the tester of GIANTS → Þórr
[2] leggs: mens A(10v), A(13r)
1. enemy of the giant-race (C1a/C3a)
folk leggs fróns
‘of the peoples of the bone of the earth’ = GIANTS
the bone of the earth → ROCK
the peoples of the ROCK → GIANTS
[2] leggs: mens A(10v), A(13r)
1.1. man of the mountains
leggr fróns
‘of the bone of the earth’ = ROCK
the bone of the earth → ROCK
[2] leggs: mens A(10v), A(13r)
rock, stone
1.1.1. bone of the earth
meiðr morðteins
‘the tree of the battle-twig’ = WARRIOR
the battle-twig → SWORD
The tree of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[2] ‑teins: ‑reins all
1.1.1. tree of the sword
‘of the battle-twig’ = SWORD
the battle-twig → SWORD
[2] ‑teins: ‑reins all
4.1.05. rod/twig of battle
dynr fleina
‘the din of spears’ = BATTLE
the din of spears; → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
inn ríki rœkilundr randfárs
‘the mighty heeding-tree of shield-harm’ = WARRIOR
shield-harm, → SWORD
The mighty heeding-tree of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[3] rœki‑: so U, A, C
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
‘of shield-harm’ = SWORD
shield-harm, → SWORD
9.1.1. harm of the shield
Ullar askþollr
‘Ullr’s ship-firs’ = WARRIORS
Ullr’s ship → SHIELD
firs of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
[1] Askþollum: so Tˣ, W, A, C
1.1.2. tree of the shield
Ullar askr
‘of Ullr’s ship’ = SHIELD
Ullr’s ship → SHIELD
[1] Askþollum: so Tˣ, W, A, C
13.1. ship of Ullr
inn víða frægi vargteitir
‘the widely famed wolf-cheerer’ = WARRIOR
the widely famed wolf-cheerer → WARRIOR
3.2.2. gladdener of the wolf
marga elgr vágs
‘many elks of the wave’ = SHIPS
many elks of the wave. → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
‘the ship-tree’ = SEAFARER
the ship-tree → SEAFARER
1.2. tree of the ship
regn rýgjar rógskýja
‘the rain of the troll-woman of strife-clouds’ = BATTLE
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
the troll-woman of SHIELDS → AXE
the rain of the AXE → BATTLE
[7] róg‑: so 39, F, E, H, Hr, R, Tˣ, W, U, A, C, 2368ˣ
battle shower of the axe
rýgr rógskýja
‘of the troll-woman of strife-clouds’ = AXE
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
the troll-woman of SHIELDS → AXE
[7] róg‑: so 39, F, E, H, Hr, R, Tˣ, W, U, A, C, 2368ˣ
1.1. female mythical being of the shield
‘of strife-clouds’ = SHIELDS
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
[7] róg‑: so 39, F, E, H, Hr, R, Tˣ, W, U, A, C, 2368ˣ
2.1.5. cloud of strife
gjǫfrífr askr drífu Hôars
‘the gift-rash ash-tree of the snow-storm of Hárr’ = WARRIOR
the snow-storm of Hárr → BATTLE
The gift-rash ash-tree of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.1. tree of battle
drífa Hôars
‘of the snow-storm of Hárr’ = BATTLE
the snow-storm of Hárr → BATTLE
1.2.3. shower of Óðinn
‘the tumult-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
the tumult-Freyr → WARRIOR
[4] ǫs‑ (‘as‑’): él‑ A, C
2.3.2. god of the tumult
hlynr svella handar
‘maple of ice-sheets of the hand’ = MAN
ice-sheets of the hand!’ → SILVER
maple of the SILVER → MAN
male, man
1.4. tree of silver
svell handar
‘of ice-sheets of the hand’ = SILVER
ice-sheets of the hand!’ → SILVER
1.1. ice of the arm/hand
ægir ógnstǫðvar bǫðgœðir
‘the ocean of the terror-place of the battle-promoter’ = POEM
the battle-promoter; → Óðinn
the ocean of the terror-place of ÓÐINN → POEM
[1] ‑gœðis: ‑gœði W, A, 2368ˣ
1.1.2. liquid of Óðinn
‘of the terror-place’ = BREAST
the terror-place → BREAST
breast, chest
1.1. place of the mind and emotions (A3)
bǫrr hjǫrva
‘the tree of swords’ = WARRIOR
the tree of swords [I] → WARRIOR
1.1.1. tree of the sword
‘of the battle-promoter’ = Óðinn
the battle-promoter; → Óðinn
[1] ‑gœðis: ‑gœði W, A, 2368ˣ
8.1.1. strengthener of battle
mikla beita ulfs
‘much wolf’s food’ = CORPSES
much wolf’s food, → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
ýgr stafr ógnar
‘fierce staff of battle’ = WARRIOR
Fierce staff of battle, → WARRIOR
2.2. stave of battle
ungr þorn auðar
‘the young thorn-tree of treasure’ = MAN
The young thorn-tree of treasure → MAN
male, man
1.2. tree of wealth
grennir ara
‘the feeder of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the feeder of the eagle → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
hregg geira
‘a storm of spears’ = BATTLE
a storm of spears → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of spears
‘mail-shirt-goslings’ = ARROWS
mail-shirt-goslings → ARROWS
[4] bryn‑: ben‑ F, Flat, R, Tˣ, W, A, C
arrow, spear
4.1. birds of the mail-coat
dynr Skǫglar
‘the din of Skǫgul’ = BATTLE
the din of Skǫgul; → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
‘the blade-stainer’ = WARRIOR = Haraldr
the blade-stainer → WARRIOR = Haraldr
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
hǫsvan serkr Hrísgrísnis
‘the grey shirt of Hrísgrísnir’ = WOLF-SKIN
the grey shirt of Hrísgrísnir → WOLF-SKIN
[4] Hrísgrísnis: Hrímgrímnis A
1. shirt of the wolf (A1a)
veðr Hôars
‘the storm of Hôarr’ = BATTLE
the storm of Hôarr. → BATTLE
1.1.4. storm/wind of Óðinn
segl Hildar
‘Hildr’s sail’ = SHIELD
Hildr’s sail → SHIELD
12.1. sail of the valkyrie
mestum glymvindr Gǫndlar
‘the strongest roaring wind of Gǫndul’ = BATTLE
the strongest roaring wind of Gǫndul → BATTLE
[2] mestum: mestan A, 2368ˣ
[1] Glymvindi: glymjandi A
[1] Gǫndlar: so Tˣ, U, A
1.1.3. storm/wind of the valkyrie
hagl strengjar
‘hail of the bow-string’ = ARROWS
hail of the bow-string → ARROWS
1.1. shower of the bow
fast of séðir serkr sigbjarka
‘the firmly sewn shirts of the battle-birches’ = ARMOUR
the battle-birches → WARRIORS
the firmly sewn shirts of WARRIORS → ARMOUR
[1] ‑bjarka: ‑bjarkar A
1.8. shirt of the warrior
‘of the battle-birches’ = WARRIORS
the battle-birches → WARRIORS
[1] ‑bjarka: ‑bjarkar A
2.1. tree of battle
‘the bow-miðjungar’ = WARRIORS
the bow-miðjungar → WARRIORS
[2] ‑miðjungum: ‑niðjungum U, A
1.4.5. supernatural being of the weapon
skúr Hǫgna
‘the showers of Hǫgni’ = ARROWS
the showers of Hǫgni → ARROWS
arrow, spear
1.7. shower of the legendary hero
róma Hôars
‘in the noise of Hárr’ = BATTLE
in the noise of Hárr. → BATTLE
2.4. din of Óðinn
þinull oddnets
‘the rope-edging of the point-net’ = SHIELD-RIM
the point-net → SHIELD
the rope-edging of the SHIELD → SHIELD-RIM
. edge of the shield
‘of the point-net’ = SHIELD
the point-net → SHIELD
. bw denotes a net
œsir gnýs odda
‘the inciter of the din of points’ = WARRIOR
the din of points. → BATTLE
the inciter of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior inciter of battle
gnýr odda
‘of the din of points’ = BATTLE
the din of points. → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
glymr Gǫndlar
‘the din of Gǫndul’ = BATTLE
the din of Gǫndul. → BATTLE
[1] Gǫndlar: ‘gǫnd’ A
2.3. din of the valkyrie
gnýr Gunnar
‘the din of Gunnr’ = BATTLE
the din of Gunnr, → BATTLE
[3] Gunnar: geira A
2.3. din of the valkyrie
‘with helmet-fires’ = SWORDS
with helmet-fires. → SWORDS
[1] ‑eldum: ‑faldinn U, A
sword fire of the helmet
farlig Gerðr gims
‘an attractive Gerðr of the fire’ = WOMAN
an attractive Gerðr of the fire → WOMAN
female, woman
13.1. female mythical being of fire (B2b)
bjúglim herða
‘with her curving branches of the shoulders’ = ARMS
with her curving branches of the shoulders — → ARMS
1.1. branch or tree of the shoulder (A1)
gnýr fúra Fjǫlnis
‘the din of the fires of Fjǫlnir’ = BATTLE
the fires of Fjǫlnir → SWORDS
the din of SWORDS → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
fúrr Fjǫlnis
‘of the fires of Fjǫlnir’ = SWORDS
the fires of Fjǫlnir → SWORDS
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
Viðurr brynju
‘the Viðurr of the mail-shirt’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the Viðurr of the mail-shirt → WARRIOR = Hákon
[6] hrynserk Viðurr: hrynserkr viðum A
1.5.2. male mythical being of the mail-coat
hringfôum hrynserkr Hanga
‘his ring-depleted clanging shirt of Hangi’ = MAIL-SHIRT
his ring-depleted clanging shirt of Hangi; → MAIL-SHIRT
[6] hrynserk Viðurr: hrynserkr viðum A
1.3. garment of Óðinn
riðmarr rastar Róða
‘the riding horses of the path of Róði’ = SHIPS
the path of Róði → SEA
the riding horses of the SEA → SHIPS
[7] riðmarar: hríðmarar A
ship, boat horse of the sea
rǫst Róða
‘of the path of Róði’ = SEA
the path of Róði → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
ólítit hryngráp vápna Egils
‘not a little ringing hail of Egill’s weapons’ = ARROWS
Egill’s weapons → BOWS
Not a little ringing hail of BOWS → ARROWS
1.1. shower of the bow
vápn Egils
‘of Egill’s weapons’ = BOWS
Egill’s weapons → BOWS
. weapon of Egill
skyrta Hamðis
‘Hamðir’s shirts’ = MAIL-SHIRTS
Hamðir’s shirts → MAIL-SHIRTS
1.2. garment of a legendary hero
sumum runnr unndýrs
‘of some bushes of the wave-beast’ = SEAFARERS
the wave-beast → SHIP
some bushes of the SHIP → SEAFARERS
[2] sumum: frǫmum A
[2] unndýrs: ‘unn dvrs’ A
1.2. tree of the ship
‘of the wave-beast’ = SHIP
the wave-beast → SHIP
[2] unndýrs: ‘unn dvrs’ A
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
bjǫrt fat Sǫrla
‘the bright garments of Sǫrli’ = MAIL-SHIRTS
the bright garments of Sǫrli → MAIL-SHIRTS
[7] bjǫrt: so Tˣ, W, U, A
[5] fǫt: fǫr A
1.2. garment of a legendary hero
‘by wound-fire’ = SWORD
by wound-fire → SWORD
[8] ‑fúr: fúr við A
1.1.04. fire of the wound
‘in missile-showers’ = BATTLE
in missile-showers; → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
ramsvell ræfrs Róða
‘the strong ice-sheet of Róði’s roof’ = AXE/SWORD
Róði’s roof → SHIELD
The strong ice-sheet of the SHIELD → AXE/SWORD
[4] ‑svell: so Tˣ(35v), W(77), A
[3] ræfrs: ræfr R(34r), U(30v), U(33r), A, C
3.3. ice of the shield
ræfr Róða
‘of Róði’s roof’ = SHIELD
Róði’s roof → SHIELD
[3] ræfrs: ræfr R(34r), U(30v), U(33r), A, C
11.2. roof of the sea-king
regni augna beðvina Óðs
‘the rain of the eyes of Óðr’s bedmate’ = GOLD
the rain of the eyes of Óðr’s bedmate; → GOLD
8.2. tears of Freyja (A3)
regn augna
‘the rain of the eyes’ = TEARS
the rain of the eyes → TEARS
tears, weeping
1.1. shower of the eyes
beðvina Óðs
‘of Óðr’s bedmate’ = Freyja
the rain of the eyes of Óðr’s bedmate; → GOLD
1. consort of the gods (C3a)
ætt ins helga Óláfs
‘the kinsman of the holy Óláfr’ = NORWEGIAN KING
The kinsman of the holy Óláfr → NORWEGIAN KING
[1] ætt: ‘att’ A
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
4. relative of the Norwegian king
leygr sólar skipa
‘the flame of the ships’ sun’ = SWORD
the ships’ sun → SHIELD
the flame of the SHIELD → SWORD
[1] Leyg: leygr U, A, C
sword fire of the shield
sól skipa
‘of the ships’ sun’ = SHIELD
the ships’ sun → SHIELD
1.01. heavenly body of the ship
fleygjandi alinleygjar
‘the flingers of the forearm-flame’ = GENEROUS MEN
the forearm-flame → GOLD
the flingers of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
[2] fleygjendr: ‘flæyiendr’ W, A
[2] alin‑: alm‑ R, A
[2] ‑leygjar: ‘‑læyiar’ W, A
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
‘of the forearm-flame’ = GOLD
the forearm-flame → GOLD
[2] alin‑: alm‑ R, A
[2] ‑leygjar: ‘‑læyiar’ W, A
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
fǫgru hlýrtungl
‘the beautiful prow-moon’ = SHIELD
the beautiful prow-moon → SHIELD
1.01. heavenly body of the ship
hangferill hringa
‘hanging-track of rings’ = ARM/HAND
hanging-track of rings. → ARM/HAND
arm, hand
2.1. place of the ring (A3)
steinfarinn garðr barða
‘the painted fence of the ship’ = SHIELD
the painted fence of the ship → SHIELD
6.2. enclosure of the ship
sá geira gnýstœrir
‘din-increaser of spears’ = WARRIOR
the din of spears → BATTLE
that increaser of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
geira gnýr
‘of the din of spears’ = BATTLE
the din of spears → BATTLE
2.1.2. din of spears
él skips Ullar
‘the storms of Ullr’s ship’ = BATTLES
Ullr’s ship → SHIELD
The storms of the SHIELD → BATTLES
battle shower of shields
skip Ullar
‘of Ullr’s ship’ = SHIELD
Ullr’s ship → SHIELD
13.1. ship of Ullr
slíðrdúkaðar sigla samnagla
‘sheath-covered masts of the rivet’ = SWORDS
sheath-covered masts of the rivet → SWORDS
[4] ‑dúkaðar: ‑dúkaðir A
blað ilja þjófs Þrúðar
‘the leaf of the footsoles of the thief of Þrúðr’ = SHIELD
the thief of Þrúðr, → Hrungnir
the leaf of the footsoles of HRUNGNIR → SHIELD
13. mythological
þjófr Þrúðar
‘of the thief of Þrúðr’ = Hrungnir
the thief of Þrúðr, → Hrungnir
. thief of Þrúðr
inn mæri mǫgr Sigvarðar
‘the famous son of Sigurðr’ = Ragnarr loðbrók
the famous son of Sigurðr → Ragnarr loðbrók
[4] Sigvarðar: sigurðar R, W, A, C
Ragnarr loðbrók
1. son of Sigurðr hringr
ins gjalla baugnafaðs hjól meyjar Hǫgna
‘the resounding boss-hubbed wheel of the maid of Hǫgni’ = SHIELD
the maid of Hǫgni. → Hildr
the resounding boss-hubbed wheel of HILDR → SHIELD
[1] gjalla: gjalda A, C
[2] ‑nafaðs: so Tˣ, A, C
1.08. wheel of the valkyrie
mær Hǫgna
‘of the maid of Hǫgni’ = Hildr
the maid of Hǫgni. → Hildr
2. woman of Hǫgni (C4a)
ræsir ferðar brodda
‘the impeller of the journey of missiles’ = WARRIOR
the journey of missiles → BATTLE
The impeller of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior hastener of battle
ferð brodda
‘of the journey of missiles’ = BATTLE
the journey of missiles → BATTLE
9.5. journey of weapons
rauðljósa baugjǫrð
‘the bright red ring-land’ = SHIELD
the bright red ring-land → SHIELD
[3] ‑jǫrð: ‑gjǫrð A
shield land of the shield
Gríðar glaðfœðandi
‘horse-feeder of Gríðr’ = WARRIOR
the horse of Gríðr, → WOLF
the feeder of the WOLF → WARRIOR
[3] ‑fœðandi: ‘‑væðandi’ A
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
Gríðar glaðr
‘of the horse of Gríðr’ = WOLF
the horse of Gríðr, → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
gjallan eldr Gauts
‘the resounding fire of Gautr’ = SWORD
the resounding fire of Gautr; → SWORD
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
fullǫflug Hildr fjalla
‘the exceedingly strong Hildr of the mountains’ = GIANTESS
The exceedingly strong Hildr of the mountains → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)
‘the sea-Sleipnir’ = SHIP
the sea-Sleipnir → SHIP
[2] haf‑: ‑há A
ship, boat horse of the sea
‘with helmet-fires’ = SWORDS
with helmet-fires. → SWORDS
[4] ‑eldum: eldar A
sword fire of the helmet
vǫrðr foldar
‘the guardian of the land’ = RULER
The guardian of the land, → RULER
[3] foldar: so W, U, A, FskBˣ, FskAˣ
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.1. guardian of the land
heinþynntan, fjǫrnharðan hrynjeldr brynju
‘the whetstone-sharpened, amazingly hard resounding fire of the mail-shirt’ = SWORD
the whetstone-sharpened, amazingly hard resounding fire of the mail-shirt → SWORD
[1] ‑þynntan: þungan A
[2] hrynj‑: hryn‑ R, Tˣ, W, U, A
[2] ‑eld at: ‑eldr at U, A
sword fire of the mail-coat
íss rauðra randa
‘an icicle of red shields’ = SWORD
an icicle of red shields → SWORD
[1] rauðra: so W, A, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
3.3. ice of the shield
grand hjalms
‘the harm of the helmet’ = AXE/SWORD
the harm of the helmet, → AXE/SWORD
hvarmþey Freyju
‘with the eyelid-thaw of Freyja’ = GOLD
with the eyelid-thaw of Freyja, → GOLD
[4] hvarm‑: hvern A
8.2. tears of Freyja (A3)
‘with the eyelid-thaw’ = TEARS
with the eyelid-thaw → TEARS
[4] hvarm‑: hvern A
tears, weeping
1. water of the eyes
brá Gríðar fjǫrnis
‘the eyelash of the Gríðr of the helmet’ = AXE-BLADE
the Gríðr of the helmet, → AXE
the eyelash of the AXE → AXE-BLADE
. eyelash of the axe
Gríðr fjǫrnis
‘of the Gríðr of the helmet’ = AXE
the Gríðr of the helmet, → AXE
1.2. female mythical being of the helmet
Ræfils foldviggs ríðandi
‘riders of Ræfill’s land-horse’ = SEAFARERS
Ræfill’s land. → SEA
the horse of the SEA → SHIP
riders of the SHIP → SEAFARERS
[4] fold‑: ‘fiol‑’ A
[4] ‑viggs: so W, U, A, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
seafarer rider of the ship
Ræfils foldvigg
‘of the horse of Ræfill’s land’ = SHIP
Ræfill’s land. → SEA
the horse of the SEA → SHIP
[4] fold‑: ‘fiol‑’ A
[4] ‑viggs: so W, U, A, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
ship, boat horse of the sea
Ræfils fold
‘of Ræfill’s land’ = SEA
Ræfill’s land. → SEA
[4] fold‑: ‘fiol‑’ A
2.1. land of the sea-king
sverrifjarðar sverða svanglýjaðr
‘the delighter of the swan of the seething fjord of swords’ = WARRIOR
the seething fjord of swords [into joining] → BLOOD
the swan of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
the delighter of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
sverrifjarðar sverða svanr
‘of the swan of the seething fjord of swords’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the seething fjord of swords [into joining] → BLOOD
the swan of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
sverrifjǫrðr sverða
‘of the seething fjord of swords’ = BLOOD
the seething fjord of swords [into joining] → BLOOD
1.2. liquid of the weapon (A2)
ofbyrr ǫrva
‘the strong wind of arrows’ = BATTLE
the strong wind of arrows → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of arrows
drífa vífs odda
‘the snow-storm of the woman of weapon-points’ = BATTLE
the woman of weapon-points. → VALKYRIE
the snow-storm of the VALKYRIE → BATTLE
1.2.4. shower of the valkyrie
víf odda
‘of the woman of weapon-points’ = VALKYRIE
the woman of weapon-points. → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
hjǫrs brak-Rǫgnir
‘noise-Rǫgnir of the sword’ = WARRIOR
the noise of the sword → BATTLE
The Rǫgnir of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
hjǫrs brak
‘of the noise of the sword’ = BATTLE
the noise of the sword → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
hagl bogna
‘the hail of bows’ = ARROWS
the hail of bows → ARROWS
1.1. shower of the bow
segl Hlakkar
‘the sail of Hlǫkk’ = SHIELD
the sail of Hlǫkk; → SHIELD
[7] segli: seglum Kˣ, 39, F, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325IX 1 a, Bb, R, Tˣ, W, U, A
12.1. sail of the valkyrie
óþyrmir varga
‘the crusher of outlaws’ = RULER
the crusher of outlaws → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
gǫtvar geirrotu
‘garments of spear-downpour’ = MAIL-SHIRTS
spear-downpour, → BATTLE
garments of the BATTLE → MAIL-SHIRTS
[1] geirrotu: ‘gæira tó’ corrected from ‘gæiro tó’ in scribal hand A
1.1. garment of battle
‘of spear-downpour’ = BATTLE
spear-downpour, → BATTLE
[1] geirrotu: ‘gæira tó’ corrected from ‘gæiro tó’ in scribal hand A
battle shower of spears
hungreyðandi gagls Hanga
‘hunger-assuagers of the gosling of Hangi’ = WARRIORS
the gosling of Hangi → RAVEN
hunger-assuagers of the RAVEN → WARRIORS
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
gagl Hanga
‘of the gosling of Hangi’ = RAVEN
the gosling of Hangi → RAVEN
1.1. bird of Óðinn (A2)
hagl strengjar
‘the hailstone of the bowstring’ = ARROW
the hailstone of the bowstring. → ARROW
1.1. shower of the bow
landvǫrðr hǫrða
‘land-guardian of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
land-guardian of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
2.2. guardian of the Norwegians
hagl benja
‘the hail of wounds’ = ARROWS
the hail of wounds → ARROWS
[3] benja: brynju R, Tˣ, W, A
arrow, spear
1.4. shower of wounds
ófolgin fullegg svell fetla
‘the unconcealed fully edged icicles of sword-belts’ = SWORDS
the unconcealed fully edged icicles of sword-belts → SWORDS
3.4. ice of the sword
harðráðr hrjóðr ins bleika fáks bôru
‘the hard-ruling clearer of the pale horse of the wave’ = SEA-WARRIOR = Haraldr
the pale horse of the wave, → SHIP
The hard-ruling clearer of the SHIP → SEA-WARRIOR = Haraldr
1. destroyer of the ship
ins bleika fákr bôru
‘of the pale horse of the wave’ = SHIP
the pale horse of the wave, → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
valdr hlífar
‘the owner of the shield’ = WARRIOR = Haraldr
the owner of the shield → WARRIOR = Haraldr
1.7.04. user of the weapon
‘the plank-horse’ = SHIP
the plank-horse → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
þenna marr Geitis
‘this steed of Geitir’ = SHIP
this steed of Geitir → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea-king
sigrakkr mǫgr Sveins
‘battle-bold son of Sveinn’ = Knútr
Battle-bold son of Sveinn, → Knútr
[3] sigrakkr: so W, A
Knútr inn ríki Sveinsson (r. 1014-1035)
1. son of Sveinn tjúguskegg
súðlǫngum hreinn bekkjar Sǫlsa
‘the long-planked reindeer of the bench of Sǫlsi’ = SHIPS
the bench of Sǫlsi → SEA
the long-planked reindeer of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
bekkr Sǫlsa
‘of the bench of Sǫlsi’ = SEA
the bench of Sǫlsi → SEA
2.3. dwelling of the sea-king
trǫð Sveiða
‘the path of Sveiði’ = SEA
the path of Sveiði; → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
dýr sunds
‘the animals of the sound’ = SHIPS
the animals of the sound → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
Goti sólborðs
‘The Goti of the ship-plank’ = SHIP
The Goti of the ship-plank → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
Glaumr rastar Gylfa
‘the Glaumr of Gylfi’s path’ = SHIP
Gylfi’s path → SEA
the Glaumr of the SEA → SHIP
[3] rastar: rastir A
ship, boat horse of the sea
rǫst Gylfa
‘of Gylfi’s path’ = SEA
Gylfi’s path → SEA
[3] rastar: rastir A
2.2. path of the sea-king
sæðings slóð-Goti
‘seagull’s track-Goti’ = SHIP
the seagull’s track → SEA
the Goti of the SEA → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
sæðings slóð
‘of the seagull’s track’ = SEA
the seagull’s track → SEA
6.2. path of the aquatic bird
hestr lauks
‘the horse of the mast’ = SHIP
the horse of the mast → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
vetrliði rastar
‘the winter-survivor of the maelstrom’ = SHIP
The winter-survivor of the maelstrom → SHIP
[2] vetr‑: so A
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
fǫnn fjarðlinna
‘through the snowdrifts of fjord-snakes’ = WAVES
fjord-snakes; → FISH
through the snowdrifts of the FISH → WAVES
2.2. snow-drift of the fish
‘of fjord-snakes’ = FISH
fjord-snakes; → FISH
1. snake of the sea (A1)
íugtanni hvalranns
‘the greedy-toothed one of the whale-house’ = SHIP
the whale-house → SEA
the greedy-toothed one of the SEA → SHIP
[4] hvalranns íugtanni: hvallands íugtanni A
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
‘of the whale-house’ = SEA
the whale-house → SEA
[4] hvalranns íugtanni: hvallands íugtanni A
3.3. dwelling of the aquatic animal
gnípa húna
‘crags of mastheads’ = WAVES
crags of mastheads. → WAVES
[3] húna: hvíta R, A
1.3. mountain of the ship
bjǫrn flóðs
‘the bear of the flood’ = SHIP
The bear of the flood → SHIP
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
fornar slóð hafskíða
‘the old tracks of ocean-skis’ = WAVES
ocean-skis; → SHIPS
the old tracks of SHIPS → WAVES
4. path of the ship
‘of ocean-skis’ = SHIPS
ocean-skis; → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
skúrǫrðigr bersi skorðu
‘the storm-battling little bear of the prop’ = SHIP
the storm-battling little bear of the prop → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
glymfjǫturr skers
‘the resounding fetter of the skerry’ = SEA
the resounding fetter of the skerry. → SEA
1.2. band/fetter of the land
hjǫrtr vengis
‘the stag of the cabin’ = SHIP
the stag of the cabin → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
þýðr friðstøkkvir baugs
‘kind truce-banisher of the ring’ = GENEROUS MAN
kind truce-banisher of the ring; → GENEROUS MAN
[4] ‑støkkvir (‘‑stavkqvir’): ‘‑stǫckvi’ A
generous man
1.10. peace-destroyer of wealth
elgr flóðs
‘the elk of the flood’ = SHIP
the elk of the flood → SHIP
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
otr hafs
‘the otter of the ocean’ = SHIP
the otter of the ocean, → SHIP
[1] otri: so Tˣ, W, A, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
ship, boat
7.1. swimming animal of the sea
‘the gold-diminisher’ = GENEROUS MAN
the gold-diminisher → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03. diminisher of wealth
hermðarspjall heinvandils
‘the anger-words of the whetstone-Vandill’ = BATTLE
the whetstone-Vandill; → SWORD
the anger-words of the SWORD → BATTLE
[4] ‑vandils: ‑vandil R, Tˣ, W, U, A, 743ˣ
6.04. speech of weapons
‘of the whetstone-Vandill’ = SWORD
the whetstone-Vandill; → SWORD
[4] ‑vandils: ‑vandil R, Tˣ, W, U, A, 743ˣ
8.1. land of the whetstone
runnr hlunnvitnis
‘to the bush of the roller-wolf’ = SEAFARER
the roller-wolf. → SHIP
to the bush of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.2. tree of the ship
‘of the roller-wolf’ = SHIP
the roller-wolf. → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
mót Meita
‘an encounter of Meiti’ = BATTLE
an encounter of Meiti → BATTLE
3.5. meeting of the sea-king
skíð útvers
‘on the ski of the fishing ground’ = SHIP
on the ski of the fishing ground → SHIP
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
reiðir riðloga randvallar
‘the brandisher of the swinging flame of the rim-plain’ = WARRIOR = Eiríkr
the rim-plain → SHIELD
the swinging flame of the SHIELD → SWORD
the brandisher of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Eiríkr
warrior wielder of the weapon
riðlogi randvallar
‘of the swinging flame of the rim-plain’ = SWORD
the rim-plain → SHIELD
the swinging flame of the SHIELD → SWORD
sword fire of the shield
‘of the rim-plain’ = SHIELD
the rim-plain → SHIELD
shield land of the shield
‘the wolf-gladdener’ = WARRIOR
the wolf-gladdener → WARRIOR
3.2.2. gladdener of the wolf
‘the blood-falcons’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
the blood-falcons → RAVENS/EAGLES
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
vagn hlunns
‘the launcher’s wagons’ = SHIPS
the launcher’s wagons → SHIPS
ship, boat
4.2. chariot of the ship
fǫnn Heita
‘the snowdrifts of Heiti’ = WAVES
the snowdrifts of Heiti → WAVES
[3] Heita: ‘hafar’ A
2.1. snow-drift of the sea-king
ítrum støkkvir hyrjar flóðs
‘the excellent scatterer of the flood’s fire’ = GENEROUS MAN
the flood’s fire. → GOLD
the excellent scatterer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[1] støkkvi: so W, U, A, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
generous man
2.1.1. distributor of gold
hyrr flóðs
‘of the flood’s fire’ = GOLD
the flood’s fire. → GOLD
gold fire of the flood (A1)
hlœðir hafreiðar hlunns
‘the loader of the sea-chariot of the slipway roller’ = SEAFARER
the sea-chariot of the slipway roller → SHIP
The loader of the SHIP → SEAFARER
[1] hlœðir: ‘hlæði’ A
1.1.04. loader of the ship
hafreið hlunns
‘of the sea-chariot of the slipway roller’ = SHIP
the sea-chariot of the slipway roller → SHIP
ship, boat
. overdetermined
‘the hoard-flinger’ = GENEROUS MAN
the hoard-flinger, → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3. flinger of wealth
ramr konungr Róms
‘the strong king of Rome’ = CHRIST
the strong king of Rome → CHRIST
Jesus Christ
dróttinn munka
‘of the lord of monks’ = God
the lord of monks → God
1.3.2. lord of monks
gramr glyggranns
‘the ruler of the storm-house’ = God
the storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
The ruler of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
‘of the storm-house’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
1.1.1. house of storm/wind
einn stillir aldar
‘the one controller of people’ = God
the one controller of people, → God
Jesus Christ
1.02. lord of people
ferð hróts heims
‘the host of the roof of the world’ = ANGELS
the roof of the world → SKY/HEAVEN
The host of the SKY/HEAVEN → ANGELS
1.2. host of heaven
hrót heims
‘of the roof of the world’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the roof of the world → SKY/HEAVEN
4.5. roof of the world
lið beima
‘the company of men’ = HUMANS
the company of men → HUMANS
[2] lið: kyn A
mankind, people
2. host of men
sannr sólkonungr
‘the true king of the sun’ = God
the true king of the sun → God
[3] sannr: sǫnn all
[4] sólkonungr: so U, A
Jesus Christ
1.01.1. lord of heavenly bodies
hrein hirð dýrðar himna
‘the pure retinue of the glory of the heavens’ = ANGELS
The pure retinue of the glory of the heavens → ANGELS
1.1. retinue of heaven
sveinn Máríu
‘to the son of Mary’ = Christ
to the son of Mary; → Christ
Jesus Christ
2.2. son of Mary
mildingr dróttar
‘the prince of the host’ = God
the prince of the host → God
[3] mildingr: so U, A
Jesus Christ
1.02. lord of people
sonr goðs
‘of the son of god’ = Christ
the son of God → Christ
[2] sonar: vinar Tˣ, W, A
Jesus Christ
2.1. son of God
ǫrr gramr engla
‘the generous prince of angels’ = God
the generous prince of angels → God
Jesus Christ
1.03. lord of angels
gramr Jórðánar
‘the prince of the Jordan’ = CHRIST
The prince of the Jordan → CHRIST
[2] gramr: so Tˣ, W, U, A
Jesus Christ
beinir falls bragna
‘the dealer of warriors’ deaths’ = WARRIOR
the dealer of warriors’ deaths → WARRIOR
16.2. advancer of death
snjallan vǫrð Girkja ok Garða
‘the wise guardian of the Greeks and of Russia (Garðar)’ = God
the wise guardian of the Greeks and of Russia (Garðar); → God
[3] Girkja: so Tˣ, W, A
stillir hǫlða
‘the ruler of men’ = God
the ruler of men; → God
Jesus Christ
1.02. lord of people
konungr alls
‘king of everything’ = God
king of everything. → God
Jesus Christ
stríðandi látrs ins døkkva hrøkkviseiðs lyngs
‘the enemy of the lair of the dark coiling fish of the heather’ = GENEROUS MAN
the dark coiling fish of the heather → SNAKE
the lair of the SNAKE → GOLD
the enemy of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
látr ins døkkva hrøkkviseiðs lyngs
‘of the lair of the dark coiling fish of the heather’ = GOLD
the dark coiling fish of the heather → SNAKE
the lair of the SNAKE → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
ins døkkva hrøkkviseiðr lyngs
‘of the dark coiling fish of the heather’ = SNAKE
the dark coiling fish of the heather → SNAKE
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
líknframr umgeypnandi alls heims
‘the outstandingly merciful encompasser [lit. holder in hand] of the whole world’ = God
The outstandingly merciful encompasser [lit. holder in hand] of the whole world, → God
[6] líknframr: líknsamr Bb, A
4.1. encompasser of the world
‘the rulers of the land’ = RULERS
the rulers of the land → RULERS
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.2. lord of the land
bjórr hróka vals Haddingja
‘beer of the cormorants of the chosen of the Haddingjar’ = BLOOD
the chosen of the Haddingjar → WARRIORS
the cormorants of WARRIORS → RAVENS/EAGLES
2.1. drink of the raven/eagle (A3)
hrókr vals Haddingja
‘of the cormorants of the chosen of the Haddingjar’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
the chosen of the Haddingjar → WARRIORS
the cormorants of WARRIORS → RAVENS/EAGLES
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
val Haddingja
‘of the chosen of the Haddingjar’ = WARRIORS
the chosen of the Haddingjar → WARRIORS
svanr farmatýs
‘to the swans of the god of cargoes’ = RAVENS
the god of cargoes, → Óðinn
to the swans of ÓÐINN → RAVENS
1.1. bird of Óðinn (A2)
‘of the god of cargoes’ = Óðinn
the god of cargoes, → Óðinn
2.9. god of cargoes (C2b)
sonr sannreynis Haralds
‘May the son of the true friend of Haraldr’ = Sigurðr jarl
the true friend of Haraldr → Hákon Grjótgarðsson
May the son of HÁKON GRJÓTGARÐSSON → Sigurðr jarl
Sigurðr jarl Hákonarson (d. c. 962)
1. son of Hákon jarl Grjótgarðsson
sannreynir Haralds
‘of the true friend of Haraldr’ = Hákon Grjótgarðsson
the true friend of Haraldr → Hákon Grjótgarðsson
Hákon jarl Grjótgarðsson
3. friend of Haraldr hárfagri
mína jastRín aurgreppa Sýrar fentanna
‘my yeast-Rhine of the mud-men of the Sýr of fen-teeth’ = POEM
fen-teeth; → ROCKS
the mud-men of the Sýr of ROCKS → GIANTS
my yeast-Rhine of the mud-men of GIANTESS of GIANTS → POEM
1.3.1. drink of the giants
aurgreppr Sýr fentǫnn
‘of the mud-men of the Sýr of fen-teeth’ = GIANTS
fen-teeth; → ROCKS
the mud-men of the Sýr of ROCKS → GIANTS
4.3. man of the giantess
Sýr fentanna
‘of the Sýr of fen-teeth’ = GIANTESS
fen-teeth; → ROCKS
the mud-men of the Sýr of ROCKS → GIANTS
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)
‘of fen-teeth’ = ROCKS
fen-teeth; → ROCKS
rock, stone
1.1.2. tooth of the earth
mína jastRín
‘my yeast-Rhine’ = ALE
my yeast-Rhine → ALE
1. liquid of ale components
Viðurs skapsmiðr
‘Viðurr’s mind-smith’ = POET
Viðurr’s mind, → POETRY
smith of the POETRY → POET
[2] skapsmið: so Tˣ, U, A
3. smith of poetry
Viðurs skap
‘of Viðurr’s mind’ = POETRY
Viðurr’s mind, → POETRY
[2] skapsmið: so Tˣ, U, A
1.1.8. mind of Óðinn
Gauts gjafrǫtuðr
‘Gautr’s gift-getter’ = POET
Gautr’s gift, → POETRY
getter of the POETRY → POET
2.07. finder of poetry
Gauts gjǫf
‘of Gautr’s gift’ = POETRY
Gautr’s gift, → POETRY
1.1.4. gift of Óðinn
Yggs ǫlberi
‘Yggr’s ale-server’ = POET
Yggr’s ale, → POETRY
server of the POETRY → POET
2.05. reciter of poetry
Yggs ǫl
‘of Yggr’s ale’ = POETRY
Yggr’s ale, → POETRY
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
skap-Móði óðs
‘creating-Móði of poetry’ = POET
creating-Móði of poetry, → POET
[6] skap‑Móða: ‘skapmoðin’ A
1. god of poetry
hagsmiðr bragar
‘skilled smith of poetry’ = POET
skilled smith of poetry. → POET
3. smith of poetry
mæran mǫgr Sigrøðar
‘the famous son of Sigrøðr’ = Hákon jarl
the famous son of Sigrøðr; → Hákon jarl
[2] Sigrøðar: Hôkonar A
Hákon jarl Sigurðarson (r. c. 970-c. 995)
1.1. son of Sigurðr jarl Hákonarson
‘of the gods’ reconciliation’ = POEM
the gods’ reconciliation; → POEM
[3] ‑sœnis: ‘sæínis’ A
1.7.1. reconciliation of the gods
‘the shield-maple’ = WARRIOR
The shield-maple → WARRIOR
[4] skjaldhlynr: so 325VIII 1, 61, 54, Bb, 510, A
1.1.2. tree of the shield
‘the point-hardener’ = WARRIOR
the point-hardener → WARRIOR
1.7.07. strengthener of the weapon
árr sverðregns
‘to the messenger of sword-rain’ = WARRIOR
sword-rain; → BATTLE
to the messenger of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[1] æri: so U, A
warrior messenger of battle
‘of sword-rain’ = BATTLE
sword-rain; → BATTLE
battle shower of swords
geira veðr
‘storm-generous of spears’ = BATTLE
the storm of spears, → BATTLE
[2] geira: geiri A
battle storm/wind of spears
‘the dung-reindeer’ = OX
The dung-reindeer → OX
[2] talhreinn: tálhrein R(25v), U, A
bull, ox
1.2. animal of manure (A2)
hjalmfaldinn snytrir hapta
‘the helmet-capped instructor of the divine powers’ = Óðinn
the helmet-capped instructor of the divine powers → Óðinn
8.3. instructor of the gods (C1a)
margspakr már bôru valkastar
‘the deeply wise seagull of the wave of the corpse-heap’ = RAVEN/EAGLE = Þjazi
the wave of the corpse-heap → BLOOD
The deeply wise seagull of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE = Þjazi
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
bára valkastar
‘of the wave of the corpse-heap’ = BLOOD
the wave of the corpse-heap → BLOOD
1.3. liquid of the corpse (A2)
vinr Hœnis
‘the friend of Hœnir’ = Loki
the friend of Hœnir → Loki
2.1. friend of a god
Áss hríðar Fróða
‘the god of the storm of Fróði’ = WARRIOR
the storm of Fróði → BATTLE
The god of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.3.1. god of battle
hríð Fróða
‘of the storm of Fróði’ = BATTLE
the storm of Fróði → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
konr ragna
‘the descendant of the gods’ = Hákon jarl
the descendant of the gods → Hákon jarl
Hákon jarl Sigurðarson (r. c. 970-c. 995)
2. descendant of the gods
jǫfra ættrýrir
‘kin-destroyer of princes’ = RULER = Hákon jarl
the kin of princes? → PRINCES
the destroyer of PRINCES → RULER = Hákon jarl
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.5. destroyer of princes
jǫfra ætt
‘of the kin of princes’ = PRINCES
the kin of princes? → PRINCES
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.3. relative of a ruler
sumbl jólna
‘a feast of the gods’ = POETRY
a feast of the gods, → POETRY
[1] Jólna sumbl: ‘iǫlna’ A
‘the land-recipient’ = RULER
The land-recipient, → RULER
[2] ‑hljótr: hlutr R(21r), R(36v), Tˣ(21v), Tˣ(38v), W, U(26r), U(36r), A
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.3. receiver of land
breytir fjarðar día
‘the arranger of the fjord of the gods’ = POET
the fjord of the gods → POETRY
the arranger of the POETRY → POET
[3] breyti: ‘bæiti’ A
2.08. arranger of poetry
fjǫrðr día
‘of the fjord of the gods’ = POETRY
the fjord of the gods → POETRY
1.4.2. liquid of the gods
optherðir skúrar odda
‘frequent hardener of the shower of barbs’ = WARRIOR
the shower of barbs, → BATTLE
frequent hardener of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
skúr odda
‘of the shower of barbs’ = BATTLE
the shower of barbs, → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
hǫrð él hrings
‘harsh storms of the sword’ = BATTLES
harsh storms of the sword → BATTLES
battle shower of swords
‘the host-Baldr’ = RULER
The host-Baldr → RULER
4.1. god of the army
gramr Svía
‘the ruler of the Swedes’ = Óláfr
the ruler of the Swedes → Óláfr
Swedish king, ruler
. ruler of the Swedes
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
bǫrr leiðar holmfjǫturs
‘the tree of the path of the island-fetter’ = MAN = Knútr
the island-fetter; → SERPENT
the path of the SERPENT → GOLD
the tree of the GOLD → MAN = Knútr
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
leið holmfjǫturs
‘of the path of the island-fetter’ = GOLD
the island-fetter; → SERPENT
the path of the SERPENT → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
‘of the island-fetter’ = SERPENT
the island-fetter; → SERPENT
serpent, snake
2.1. round or curved object of the land (A1b)
Hǫðr heinlands
‘the Hǫðr of the whetstone-land’ = WARRIOR
the whetstone-land → SWORD
the Hǫðr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[3] hein‑: so A, C
warrior Hǫðr of the weapon
‘of the whetstone-land’ = SWORD
the whetstone-land → SWORD
[3] hein‑: so A, C
8.1. land of the whetstone
olmri egghríð
‘the fierce blade-storm’ = BATTLE
the fierce blade-storm. → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
Týr fasta farlands
‘the Týr of the fire of the vessel-land’ = MAN = Eiríkr
the vessel-land. → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
the Týr of the GOLD → MAN = Eiríkr
male, man
2.1. god of gold
fasti farlands
‘of the fire of the vessel-land’ = GOLD
the vessel-land. → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘of the vessel-land’ = SEA
the vessel-land. → SEA
4.1. land of the ship
mikla beita ulfs
‘much wolf’s food’ = CORPSES
much wolf’s food, → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
ýgr stafr ógnar
‘fierce staff of battle’ = WARRIOR
Fierce staff of battle, → WARRIOR
2.2. stave of battle
sendir orða myrk-danar beina grœnnar Hlóðynjar
‘the distributor of the words of the dark-dane of the bones of green Hlóðyn’ = GENEROUS MAN
the bones of green Hlóðyn. → ROCKS
the dark-Dane of ROCKS → GIANT
the words of the GIANT → GOLD
the distributor of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[2] sendi: sendu R, A
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
orð myrk-danar beina grœnnar Hlóðynjar
‘of the words of the dark-dane of the bones of green Hlóðyn’ = GOLD
the bones of green Hlóðyn. → ROCKS
the dark-Dane of ROCKS → GIANT
the words of the GIANT → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
myrk-Danr beina grœnnar Hlóðynjar
‘of the dark-dane of the bones of green Hlóðyn’ = GIANT
the bones of green Hlóðyn. → ROCKS
the dark-Dane of ROCKS → GIANT
1.1. man of the mountains
bein grœnnar Hlóðynjar
‘of the bones of green Hlóðyn’ = ROCKS
the bones of green Hlóðyn. → ROCKS
rock, stone
1.1.1. bone of the earth
fránleitr stirðþinull storðar
‘the flashing-eyed stiff cord of the earth’ = Miðgarðsormr
the flashing-eyed stiff cord of the earth → Miðgarðsormr
[1] stirð‑: ‘stir‑’ A(10v), A(13r)
1. surrounding object of the earth (A1b)
reynir folka leggs fróns
‘the tester of the peoples of the bone of the earth’ = Þórr
the bone of the earth → ROCK
the peoples of the ROCK → GIANTS
the tester of GIANTS → Þórr
[2] leggs: mens A(10v), A(13r)
1. enemy of the giant-race (C1a/C3a)
folk leggs fróns
‘of the peoples of the bone of the earth’ = GIANTS
the bone of the earth → ROCK
the peoples of the ROCK → GIANTS
[2] leggs: mens A(10v), A(13r)
1.1. man of the mountains
leggr fróns
‘of the bone of the earth’ = ROCK
the bone of the earth → ROCK
[2] leggs: mens A(10v), A(13r)
rock, stone
1.1.1. bone of the earth
ǫrgildir hrynbeðs áls fjǫrgynjar
‘to the generous giver of the resounding bed of the eel of Fjǫrgyn [= Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’)]’ = GENEROUS MAN
the eel of Fjǫrgyn [= Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’)]; → SERPENT
the resounding bed of the SERPENT → GOLD
to the generous giver of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[1] Ǫrgildi*: Ǫrgildis R, A, C
generous man
2.2.1. giver of gold
hrynbeðr áls fjǫrgynjar
‘of the resounding bed of the eel of Fjǫrgyn [= Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’)]’ = GOLD
the eel of Fjǫrgyn [= Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’)]; → SERPENT
the resounding bed of the SERPENT → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
áll fjǫrgynjar
‘of the eel of Fjǫrgyn [= Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’)]’ = SERPENT
the eel of Fjǫrgyn [= Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’)]; → SERPENT
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
heggr mála Eldis steðja áar
‘to the cherry-tree of the speeches of the Eldir of the anvil of the river’ = MAN
the anvil of the river. → STONE
the Eldir of the STONE → GIANT
the speeches of the GIANT → GOLD
to the cherry-tree of the GOLD → MAN
[1] Eldis: eldi R, Tˣ, A
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
mál Eldis steðja áar
‘of the speeches of the Eldir of the anvil of the river’ = GOLD
the anvil of the river. → STONE
the Eldir of the STONE → GIANT
the speeches of the GIANT → GOLD
[1] Eldis: eldi R, Tˣ, A
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
Eldir steðja áar
‘of the Eldir of the anvil of the river’ = GIANT
the anvil of the river. → STONE
the Eldir of the STONE → GIANT
[1] Eldis: eldi R, Tˣ, A
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
steði áar
‘of the anvil of the river’ = STONE
the anvil of the river. → STONE
rock, stone
2.2. hard object of waters
gný-Þróttr jǫru
‘the din-Þróttr of battle’ = WARRIOR = Haraldr
The din-Þróttr of battle, → WARRIOR = Haraldr
warrior Óðinn of battle
trǫð ferðar glamma
‘the path of the pack of wolves’ = HEATH
the path of the pack of wolves, → HEATH
1. path of the wolf
mannskœðr mœtir vébrautar
‘the man-harming attender of the standard-road’ = WARRIOR
the standard-road → BATTLEFIELD
the man-harming attender of the BATTLEFIELD → WARRIOR
[6] ‑skœðr: so F, R, Tˣ, A, C, 761aˣ(24v)
10.2. encounterer of the battlefield
‘of the standard-road’ = BATTLEFIELD
the standard-road → BATTLEFIELD
2.1. path of the standard
tǫnn lagar
‘of the teeth of the sea’ = STONES
the teeth of the sea → STONES
rock, stone
2.1.2. tooth of waters
ræsinaðr rausnar
‘the excellent adder of the forecastle’ = SHIP
the excellent adder of the forecastle → SHIP
[7] ‑naðr: so F, R, Tˣ, A, C, 761aˣ(24v)
ship, boat
6.2. snake of the ship
glóð flóðs
‘embers of the flood’ = GOLD
embers of the flood. → GOLD
gold fire of the flood (A1)
úrsvǫl vǫlva Gymis
‘the spray-cold vǫlva of Gymir’ = Rán
The spray-cold vǫlva of Gymir → Rán
[4] úr‑: so Tˣ(39v), U, A
1. woman of Ægir (C3a)
bjǫrn undinna festa
‘the bear of twisted moorings’ = SHIP
the bear of twisted moorings → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
hristir íss sikulgjarðar
‘shaker of the ice of the sword-belt’ = WARRIOR
the ice of the sword-belt, → SWORD
Shaker of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[1] hristir: so Tˣ, A
[2] sikul‑: so Tˣ, A
warrior shaker of the weapon
íss sikulgjarðar
‘of the ice of the sword-belt’ = SWORD
the ice of the sword-belt, → SWORD
[2] sikul‑: so Tˣ, A
3.4. ice of the sword
harðvigg umbands allra landa
‘of the hard horse of the encircling band of all lands’ = SHIP
the encircling band of all lands → SEA
the hard horse of the SEA → SHIP
[2] ‑viggs: so A
ship, boat horse of the sea
umband allra landa
‘of the encircling band of all lands’ = SEA
the encircling band of all lands → SEA
1.2. band/fetter of the land
ferill flausta
‘the path of ships’ = SEA
the path of ships → SEA
4.2. path of the ship
‘the grief of the elm-tree’ = WIND
the grief of the elm-tree → WIND
storm, wind
1.3. sorrow of the tree
élsnúinn þjalmi Manar
‘the storm-twisted enclosure of Man’ = SEA
the storm-twisted enclosure of Man. → SEA
[3] ‑snúinn: ‑snúin A
1.8. snare of the land
inn ungi eggrjóðandi
‘the young blade-reddener’ = WARRIOR
The young blade-reddener → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
bræðir ara
‘of the feeder of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the feeder of the eagle → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘war-garb’ = ARMOUR
war-garb → ARMOUR
. clothing of battle
rýrir brimlogs
‘the diminisher of surf-fire’ = GENEROUS MAN
surf-fire → GOLD
the diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
‘of surf-fire’ = GOLD
surf-fire → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
glæstum gjalfrstóð
‘with the splendid surge-steeds’ = SHIPS
with the splendid surge-steeds. → SHIPS
[3] ‑stóðum: so 39, F, E, Mork, Flat, Hr, R, Tˣ, A
ship, boat horse of the sea
barðristinn borðheimr
‘the prow-carved world of ship-planks’ = SEA
The prow-carved world of ship-planks → SEA
4.3. abode of the ship
drasill skorðu
‘of the steed of the prop’ = SHIP
the steed of the prop, → SHIP
[2] drasils: drasill Tˣ, A, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
ship, boat horse of the ship
vegr Ránar
‘the road of Rán’ = SEA
the road of Rán → SEA
9.1.1. path of Rán
hraustum grennir skúfs Gǫndlar
‘the valiant feeder of Gǫndul’s skua’ = WARRIOR
Gǫndul’s skua; → RAVEN/EAGLE
the valiant feeder of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
skúfr Gǫndlar
‘of Gǫndul’s skua’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
Gǫndul’s skua; → RAVEN/EAGLE
2.1. bird of the valkyrie (A2)
hreinn hlunns
‘the reindeer of the roller’ = SHIP
the reindeer of the roller. → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
gæi-Þrúðr hanglúðrs hrosta
‘the watching Þrúðr of the hanging vessel of mash’ = WOMAN
the hanging vessel of mash → CAULDRON
The watching Þrúðr of the CAULDRON → WOMAN
[2] hang: hauk R, Tˣ, W, A, C
[2] lúðrs: ‘‑lv́ðrðrs’ A
female, woman
15. unique
hanglúðr hrosta
‘of the hanging vessel of mash’ = CAULDRON
the hanging vessel of mash → CAULDRON
[2] hang: hauk R, Tˣ, W, A, C
[2] lúðrs: ‘‑lv́ðrðrs’ A
cauldron, kettle
. vessel of mash
Lofn loga drafnar
‘the Lofn of the fire of the wave’ = WOMAN
the fire of the wave, → GOLD
the Lofn of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
logi drafnar
‘of the fire of the wave’ = GOLD
the fire of the wave, → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
‘the roller-bison’ = SHIP
the roller-bison → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
viðr varra
‘the wood of the wake’ = SHIP
the wood of the wake; → SHIP
[3] varra: ‘varv’ A
ship, boat
3.1. tree of the sea
vetrliði skíða
‘the bear of planks’ = SHIP
the bear of planks → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
skeið Glamma
‘the race-course of Glammi’ = SEA
the race-course of Glammi; → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
bjǫrn nauta Gusis
‘the bear of the gifts of Gusir’ = Ǫrvar-Oddr
the gifts of Gusir → ARROWS
the bear of ARROWS → Ǫrvar-Oddr
1. bear of arrows
nauti Gusis
‘of the gifts of Gusir’ = ARROWS
the gifts of Gusir → ARROWS
4.1. gifts of Gusir
morð viðar
‘the destruction of the tree’ = WIND
the destruction of the tree → WIND
storm, wind
1.1. destruction of the tree
byrsendir vágs
‘the wind-sender of the sea’ = GIANT = Hymir
The wind-sender of the sea → GIANT = Hymir
[2] byr‑: hyr‑ A, B
mjótygill mœrar máva
‘the slender string of the marshland of seagulls’ = FISHING LINE
the marshland of seagulls → SEA
the slender string of the SEA → FISHING LINE
[4] mœrar: so A, C
1. strap of the sea
mœrr máva
‘of the marshland of seagulls’ = SEA
the marshland of seagulls → SEA
[4] mœrar: so A, C
6.1. land of the aquatic bird
ítrserkr flœðar jastar
‘the splendid shirt of the yeast’s flood’ = DRINKING HORN
the yeast’s flood; → BEER
the splendid shirt of the BEER → DRINKING HORN
drinking horn
3. shirt of the drink
flœð jastar
‘of the yeast’s flood’ = BEER
the yeast’s flood; → BEER
1. liquid of ale components
bjóðr fjarðbáls
‘ may the donor of fjord-fire’ = GENEROUS MAN
fjord-fire → GOLD
may the donor of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[4] fjarð‑: fjaðr‑ A, B
generous man
2.5.1. offerer of gold
‘of fjord-fire’ = GOLD
fjord-fire → GOLD
[4] fjarð‑: fjaðr‑ A, B
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
málan sverrir sólar sœgs
‘the prattling flinger of the sun of the sea’ = GENEROUS MAN
the sun of the sea, → GOLD
the prattling flinger of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
sól sœgs
‘of the sun of the sea’ = GOLD
the sun of the sea, → GOLD
1.3. heavenly body of waters (A1)
regin slíðráls
‘gods of the scabbard-eel’ = WARRIORS
the scabbard-eel; → SWORD
gods of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.4.1. god of the weapon
‘of the scabbard-eel’ = SWORD
the scabbard-eel; → SWORD
5.5. fish of the sword
‘on the surf-tracks’ = SEA
on the surf-tracks. → SEA
5.2. path of the sea
… slóð Glamma
‘… of the track of Glammi’ = SEA
… Of the track of Glammi … ; → SEA
[1] slóðar: flæðar A, 744ˣ
[1] Glamma: gamlar Tˣ, A, 744ˣ
2.2. path of the sea-king
reiðr meiðir Eydana
‘the wrathful harmer of Island-Danes’ = Haraldr
The wrathful harmer of Island-Danes → Haraldr
Haraldr III harðráði Sigurðarson (r. 1046-66)
2. defeater of foreign people
leygr skjaldar
‘the flame of the shield’ = SWORD
the flame of the shield → SWORD
[3] leygr: so U, A, C
sword fire of the shield
‘the blood-grouse’ = RAVEN
the blood-grouse → RAVEN
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
barr ara
‘the eagle’s barley’ = CORPSES
the eagle’s barley; → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
konungr hǫrða
‘the king of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
the king of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
sigð Gauts
‘the sickle of Gautr’ = SWORD
the sickle of Gautr → SWORD
10.5. tool of Óðinn
ǫrð svans sveita
‘the corn of the swan of blood’ = CORPSES
the swan of blood. → RAVEN
the corn of the RAVEN → CORPSES
[4] ǫrð: jǫrð A, 744ˣ, papp10ˣ, 2368ˣ, 743ˣ
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
svanr sveita
‘of the swan of blood’ = RAVEN
the swan of blood. → RAVEN
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
sonr Sigvorðar
‘the son of Sigurðr’ = Haraldr
the son of Sigurðr → Haraldr
[3] sonr: ‘sónra’ A
Haraldr III harðráði Sigurðarson (r. 1046-66)
1.1. son of Sigurðr sýr
‘of the sea-steed’ = SHIP
the sea-steed → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
Glaumr gýgjar
‘to the Glaumr of the troll-woman’ = WOLF
to the Glaumr of the troll-woman; → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
heitu gjalfr unda
‘by the hot surge of wounds’ = BLOOD
by the hot surge of wounds; → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
varmt ǫlðr vitnis
‘the warm ale of the wolf’ = BLOOD
the warm ale of the wolf → BLOOD
2.2. drink of the wolf (A3)
men Karmtar
‘the necklace of Karmøy’ = SEA
the necklace of Karmøy. → SEA
1.3. necklace of the land
ógóðr áttbogi ylgjar
‘the evil offspring of the she-wolf’ = WOLF
The evil offspring of the she-wolf → WOLF
2.1. relative of the wolf (B4a and b)
‘the necklace-diminisher’ = GENEROUS MAN = Sigurðr
the necklace-diminisher → GENEROUS MAN = Sigurðr
generous man
1.01.3. destroyer of the necklace
myrkaurriði markar
‘the dark trout of the forest’ = SERPENT = Fáfnir
the dark trout of the forest → SERPENT = Fáfnir
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
stóð Gjalpar
‘the stud-horses of Gjǫlp’ = WOLVES
The stud-horses of Gjǫlp → WOLVES
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
sveit íms
‘the company of the wolf’ = WOLVES
the company of the wolf → WOLVES
2.2. company of the wolf (B3a)
œrnu hveiti Freka
‘plentiful wheat of Freki’ = CORPSES
plentiful wheat of Freki; → CORPSES
[2] hveiti: heiti A
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
ǫlðr Gera
‘the ales of Geri’ = BLOOD
the ales of Geri. → BLOOD
[3] ǫlðra: so A, B, C
2.2. drink of the wolf (A3)
greddir hrægamms sævar ara
‘the feeder of the corpse-vulture of the sea of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the sea of the eagle → BLOOD
the corpse-vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
The feeder of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
hrægammr sævar ara
‘of the corpse-vulture of the sea of the eagle’ = RAVEN
the sea of the eagle → BLOOD
the corpse-vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
sjór ara
‘of the sea of the eagle’ = BLOOD
the sea of the eagle → BLOOD
1.5.1. liquid of the raven/eagle (A2)
greddir hrægamms sævar ara
‘the feeder of the corpse-vulture of the sea of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the sea of the eagle → BLOOD
the corpse-vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
The feeder of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
hrægammr sævar ara
‘of the corpse-vulture of the sea of the eagle’ = RAVEN
the sea of the eagle → BLOOD
the corpse-vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
sjór ara
‘of the sea of the eagle’ = BLOOD
the sea of the eagle → BLOOD
1.5.1. liquid of the raven/eagle (A2)
‘the army-summoner’ = RULER
The army-summoner → RULER
[3] her‑: hræ‑ A, 743ˣ, 2368ˣ
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.2. summoner of the army
tafn ylgjar
‘the prey of the she-wolf’ = CORPSE
the prey of the she-wolf. → CORPSE
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
dýrr magnandi dolgskára
‘the splendid strengthener of the battle-gull’ = WARRIOR
the battle-gull → RAVEN/EAGLE
The splendid strengthener of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
[2] magnandi: so Tˣ, A, B, 2368ˣ
3.1.05. strengthener of the bird of battlefield
‘of the battle-gull’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the battle-gull → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
dýrum Garmr bliksólar
‘the splendid Garmr of the gleam-sun’ = WEAPON
the gleam-sun; → SHIELD
the splendid Garmr of the SHIELD → WEAPON
. dog of the shield
‘of the gleam-sun’ = SHIELD
the gleam-sun; → SHIELD
1.10. sun of the gleam
harmr fermu Hugins
‘the grief of Huginn’s food’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
Huginn’s food → CORPSES
the grief of CORPSES → RAVEN/EAGLE
4. harm of the corpse (A3)
ferma Hugins
‘of Huginn’s food’ = CORPSES
Huginn’s food → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
Hlǫkk hvítinga
‘The Hlǫkk of drinking-horns’ = WOMAN
The Hlǫkk of drinking-horns → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
sámleitum faxi jarnsǫxu
‘of jarnsaxa’s swarthy steed’ = WOLF
Jarnsaxa’s swarthy steed → WOLF
[4] faxa: so Tˣ, U, A, B
[4] ‑sǫxu: ‑sǫxum A, B
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
beita Gera
‘Geri’s bait’ = CORPSES
Geri’s bait; → CORPSES
[2] beitu: beitur A, B
[2] Gera: so Tˣ, U, A, C
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
matr arnar
‘food of the eagle’ = CORPSES
food of the eagle → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
ulfr snótar
‘the wolf of the woman’ = Þjazi
The wolf of the woman → Þjazi
[2] ulfr: so Tˣ(26r), Tˣ(39v), W, U, A, B, C
4. destructive creature of the woman
marr ár-Gefnar
‘the horse of fruitfulness-Gefn’ = OX
fruitfulness-Gefn → Gefjun <goddess>
the horse of GEFJUN <GODDESS> → OX
bull, ox
2.2. horse of Gefjun (A2)
bjarga byrgitýr
‘refuge-god of crags’ = GIANT = Þjazi
the refuge of crags → CAVE
the god of the CAVE → GIANT = Þjazi
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
‘of fruitfulness-Gefn’ = Gefjun <goddess>
fruitfulness-Gefn → Gefjun <goddess>
1. goddess of fruitfulness (C2b)
bjarga byrgi
‘of the refuge of crags’ = CAVE
the refuge of crags → CAVE
1.1. dwelling of the earth
segjandi sagna
‘with the commanders of the troops’ = Æsir
with the commanders of the troops → Æsir
[1] Segjǫndum: so Tˣ(26r), Tˣ(39v), U, A, B
Áss, god
4. leaders of the troops
víðir gallópnis
‘of the ocean of the eagle’ = BLOOD
the ocean of the eagle. → BLOOD
[4] ‑ópnis: so Tˣ, A, C
1.5.1. liquid of the raven/eagle (A2)
bani Belja
‘the slayer of Beli’ = Freyr
The slayer of Beli → Freyr
. killer of Beli
skati Haddingja
‘the champion of the Haddingjar’ = Helgi
the champion of the Haddingjar → Helgi
Helgi Haddingjaskati
. lord of the Haddingjar
optþverrir sultar ulfa
‘the frequent diminisher of the famine of wolves’ = WARRIOR
the frequent diminisher of the famine of wolves, → WARRIOR
[2] optþverri: opt þverri all
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
‘a sword-age’ = BATTLE
a sword-age → BATTLE
14.1. time of the sword
dróttinn virða
‘the lord of men’ = RULER
the lord of men; → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
hneykir harra
‘the confounder of lords’ = RULER
The confounder of lords → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.7. defeater of rulers
bróðir Sveins
‘Sveinn’s brother’ = Knútr Sveinsson
Sveinn’s brother. → Knútr Sveinsson
Knútr Sveinsson (S. Knútr, r. 1080-6)
. brother of Sveinn
‘a spear-assembly’ = BATTLE
a spear-assembly; → BATTLE
[4] ‑þing: so U, A, B
3.1.2. meeting of spears
hirð Hugins
‘for the retinue of Huginn’ = RAVENS
for the retinue of Huginn → RAVENS
[3] hirð: so A, B
2.2. retinue of the raven (B3a)
tunga naglfara
‘of the language of the nail-studded one’ = BATTLE
the language of the nail-studded one → BATTLE
6.12. language of the sword
orð meðalkafla
‘the words of the sword-hilt’ = BATTLE
the words of the sword-hilt. → BATTLE
6.07. words of swords
konr siklinga
‘the descendant of princes’ = RULER
The descendant of princes → RULER
[1] Siklinga: ‘Siklinka’ A
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.1. descendant of a ruler
heit Rín valbasta
‘the hot Rhine of sword-hilts’ = BLOOD
The hot Rhine of sword-hilts → BLOOD
1.2. liquid of the weapon (A2)
vín vitnis
‘the wolf’s wine’ = BLOOD
the wolf’s wine → BLOOD
2.2. drink of the wolf (A3)
niðr Vǫlsunga
‘the descendant of the Vǫlsungar’ = RULER
The descendant of the Vǫlsungar → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
senjórr Nóregs
‘seigneur of Norway’ = Magnús
Seigneur of Norway, → Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
hǫttr Hropts
‘of Hroptr’s hood’ = HELMET
Hroptr’s hood: → HELMET
1.1. headgear of Óðinn
baldrekr Þjóttu
‘the baldric of Tjøtta’ = SEA
the baldric of Tjøtta; → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
lindi Raðar
‘the band of Radøy’ = SEA
the band of Radøy; → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
víðgyrðill Vǫrðu
‘the wide girdle of Varða’ = SEA
the wide girdle of Varða → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
belti Fenhringar
‘the belt of Askøy’ = SEA
the belt of Askøy → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
umgjǫrð Huglar
‘the sheath of Huglo’ = SEA
The sheath of Huglo → SEA
1.7. sheath of the land
grásili Stolmar
‘the grey harness-strap of Stolmen’ = SEA
the grey harness-strap of Stolmen; → SEA
1.6. harness-strap of the land
baugr Bóknar
‘the ring of Bokn’ = SEA
the ring of Bokn → SEA
[7] Bóknar: Bolmar A
1.4. ring of the land
men Lygru
‘the necklace of Lygra’ = SEA
the necklace of Lygra → SEA
1.3. necklace of the land
baldrekr Síra
‘the baldric of Sira’ = SEA
the baldric of Sira; → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
gyrðill Brú
‘the girdle of Bru’ = SEA
the girdle of Bru → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
lindi Lygru
‘the band of Lygra’ = SEA
the band of Lygra → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
belti Leku
‘the belt of Leka’ = SEA
the belt of Leka → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
helsi Karmtar
‘the necklace of Karmøy’ = SEA
The necklace of Karmøy → SEA
1.3. necklace of the land
sili Þjórnar
‘the harness-strap of Tjörn’ = SEA
the harness-strap of Tjörn; → SEA
1.6. harness-strap of the land
girði Gizka
‘the girdle of Giske’ = SEA
the girdle of Giske; → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
men Storðar
‘the necklace of Stord’ = SEA
the necklace of Stord. → SEA
1.3. necklace of the land
marr Vimrar
‘the horse of Vimur’ = SHIP
the horse of Vimur. → SHIP
ship, boat
1.6.1. horse of the river
elgr egghúfs
‘the elk of the sharp-edged hull’ = SHIP
the elk of the sharp-edged hull → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
brynnir ulfa
‘the thirst-quencher of wolves’ = WARRIOR
the thirst-quencher of wolves → WARRIOR
3.2.4. waterer of the wolf
‘The army-diminisher’ = RULER
The army-diminisher → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.4. diminisher of the army
harðan stofn svarðar
‘the hard stump of the scalp’ = HEAD
the hard stump of the scalp → HEAD
1.2. place of the scalp (A1b and A3)
kunnum eldviðr
‘of famous sword-trees’ = WARRIORS
famous sword-trees → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
rá holdbarkar
‘the yard-arm of flesh-bark’ = SWORD
flesh-bark → MAIL-SHIRT
the yard-arm of the MAIL-SHIRT → SWORD
[8] holdbarkar rô: ‘hollbarkat ra’ A
6.4. rod of the mail-coat
‘of flesh-bark’ = MAIL-SHIRT
flesh-bark → MAIL-SHIRT
[8] holdbarkar rô: ‘hollbarkat ra’ A
2.2. bark of flesh
margr heggr Gunnþinga
‘many a cherry-tree of meetings of Gunnr’ = WARRIOR
meetings of Gunnr → BATTLES
many a cherry-tree of BATTLES → WARRIOR
[7] heggr: herr A
[6] gunnþinga jarnmunnum: so A
2.1. tree of battle
‘of meetings of Gunnr’ = BATTLES
meetings of Gunnr → BATTLES
[6] gunnþinga jarnmunnum: so A
3.4. meeting of the valkyrie