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bræðir blágjóða bengjalfrs
‘feeder of the dark ospreys of the wound-sea’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the wound-sea, → BLOOD
the dark ospreys of the BLOOD → RAVENS/EAGLES
[2] bengjalfrs: ‘[…]frs’ Holm4
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
blágjóðr bengjalfrs
‘of the dark ospreys of the wound-sea’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
the wound-sea, → BLOOD
the dark ospreys of the BLOOD → RAVENS/EAGLES
[2] bengjalfrs: ‘[…]frs’ Holm4
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
‘of the wound-sea’ = BLOOD
the wound-sea, → BLOOD
[2] bengjalfrs: ‘[…]frs’ Holm4
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
Þróttar þings mágrennir
‘gull-feeder of the assembly of Þróttr’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the assembly of Þróttr, → BATTLE
the gull of the BATTLE → RAVEN/EAGLE
Feeder of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR = Óláfr
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
Þróttar þings már
‘of the gull of the assembly of Þróttr’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the assembly of Þróttr, → BATTLE
the gull of the BATTLE → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
Þróttar þing
‘of the assembly of Þróttr’ = BATTLE
the assembly of Þróttr, → BATTLE
3.3. meeting of Óðinn
alltíginn meiðir myrkblás drasils tjalda
‘most high-born destroyer of the dark black steed of awnings’ = WARRIOR
the dark black steed of awnings, → SHIP
most high-born destroyer of the SHIP → WARRIOR
1. destroyer of the ship
myrkblás drasill tjalda
‘of the dark black steed of awnings’ = SHIP
the dark black steed of awnings, → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
Njǫrðr sóknar
‘Njǫrðr of combat’ = WARRIOR
Njǫrðr of combat, and I → WARRIOR
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
látr blóða linns
‘of the lair of the serpent’s brother’ = GOLD
the serpent’s brother, → SERPENT
the lair of the SERPENT → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
þollr látrs blóða linns
‘fir-tree of the lair of the serpent’s brother’ = MAN
the serpent’s brother, → SERPENT
the lair of the SERPENT → GOLD
Fir-tree of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
blóði linns
‘of the serpent’s brother’ = SERPENT
the serpent’s brother, → SERPENT
serpent, snake
3. relative of the snake (B4a and B4b)
Gunnar gammteitandi
‘vulture-gladdeners of Gunnr’ = WARRIORS
the vulture of Gunnr → RAVEN/EAGLE
by gladdeners of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIORS
[2] gamm‑: gams 61, Holm4, 325V, Flat, Tóm
3.1.02. gladdener of the bird of battlefield
Gunnar gammr
‘of the vulture of Gunnr’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the vulture of Gunnr → RAVEN/EAGLE
[2] gamm‑: gams 61, Holm4, 325V, Flat, Tóm
2.1. bird of the valkyrie (A2)
eldr ægis
‘the flame of the sea’ = GOLD
the flame of the sea. → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
engis lúru látrþverrandi
‘lair-diminisher of the halibut of the meadow’ = GENEROUS MAN
the halibut of the meadow, → SERPENT
the lair of the SERPENT → GOLD
diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[7] engis: ǫngum Holm4, 325V
[6] látr‑: látrs Holm4, 325XI 2 l
[6] ‑þverrandi: so J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 68, 61, Holm4, 325V, Bb, Flat, Tóm, 325XI 2 l, Kˣ
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
engis lúru látr
‘of the lair of the halibut of the meadow’ = GOLD
the halibut of the meadow, → SERPENT
the lair of the SERPENT → GOLD
[7] engis: ǫngum Holm4, 325V
[6] látr‑: látrs Holm4, 325XI 2 l
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
engis lúra
‘of the halibut of the meadow’ = SERPENT
the halibut of the meadow, → SERPENT
[7] engis: ǫngum Holm4, 325V
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
rein Róða
‘the strip of land of Róði’ = SEA
the strip of land of Róði. → SEA
2.1. land of the sea-king
kennir frosts odda
‘the master of the frost of points’ = WARRIOR
the frost of points → BATTLE
the master of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.6. master of battle
frost odda
‘of the frost of points’ = BATTLE
the frost of points → BATTLE
1.3.1. frost of the weapon
gnýr sverða
‘for the din of swords’ = BATTLE
for the din of swords, → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
góðrar hríð gjóðs sigmána
‘for the good storm of the osprey of the battle-moon’ = BATTLE
the battle-moon, → SHIELD
the osprey of the SHIELD → RAVEN/EAGLE
for the good storm of the RAVEN/EAGLE → BATTLE
1.2.7. shower of the bird of battlefield
gjóðr sigmána
‘of the osprey of the battle-moon’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the battle-moon, → SHIELD
the osprey of the SHIELD → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.5. bird of the weapon (A2)
‘of the battle-moon’ = SHIELD
the battle-moon, → SHIELD
1.02. circular object of battle
greiðandi gnýs serks Gǫndlar
‘suppliers of the din of the shirt of Gǫndul’ = WARRIORS
the shirt of Gǫndul, → MAIL-SHIRT
the din of the MAIL-SHIRT → BATTLE
suppliers of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
2.5.2. wager of battle
gnýr serks Gǫndlar
‘of the din of the shirt of Gǫndul’ = BATTLE
the shirt of Gǫndul, → MAIL-SHIRT
the din of the MAIL-SHIRT → BATTLE
2.2.2. din of the mail-coat
serkr Gǫndlar
‘of the shirt of Gǫndul’ = MAIL-SHIRT
the shirt of Gǫndul, → MAIL-SHIRT
1.4. garment of the valkyrie
jór strengjar
‘the horse of the rope’ = SHIP
the horse of the rope, → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
kveðja malma
‘the greeting of metal weapons’ = BATTLE
the greeting of metal weapons, → BATTLE
6.06. greeting of weapons
hljóms hringmiðlandi
‘sword-sharers of clamour’ = WARRIORS
the sword-clamour. → BATTLE
to the sharers of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
warrior distributor of battle
hljómr hring
‘of the sword-clamour’ = BATTLE
the sword-clamour. → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
svǫrr blóðs
‘the bird of blood’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the bird of blood → RAVEN/EAGLE
[7] svǫrr: tafn Holm4
[7] blóðs: gjóð Holm4
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
‘a battle-draught’ = BLOOD
a battle-draught. → BLOOD
1.4. liquid of battle (A2)
svǫrtum gjóðr Yggs
‘for the black osprey of Yggr’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
for the black osprey of Yggr. → RAVEN/EAGLE
[6] svǫrtum: sveitum Holm4
[5] gjóði: so Holm2, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 78aˣ, Holm4, 325VII, Bb, Flat
1.1. bird of Óðinn (A2)
þenna hagkennandi hróðrs
‘this skilled conveyor of praise’ = POET = me
this skilled conveyor of praise → POET = me
2.03. master of poetry
snarrœkir gunnar
‘to the keen cultivator of battle’ = WARRIOR = you, Óláfr
to the keen cultivator of battle. → WARRIOR = you, Óláfr
[3] snarrœki: so J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 73aˣ, 68, Holm4, Bb
warrior carer of battle
kynstórs boði elda úthauðrs knarrar
‘to the kin-mighty offerer of the fires of the outlying land of the ship’ = GENEROUS MAN = you, Óláfr
the outlying land of the ship → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
to the kin-mighty offerer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = you, Óláfr
[8] ‑stórs: ‑stór 61, Holm4, 325VII, Flat, Tóm
generous man
2.7. envoy of wealth
eldr úthauðrs knarrar
‘of the fires of the outlying land of the ship’ = GOLD
the outlying land of the ship → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
úthauðr knarrar
‘of the outlying land of the ship’ = SEA
the outlying land of the ship → SEA
4.1. land of the ship
viðr brynju
‘the tree of the mail-shirt’ = WARRIOR = you, Óláfr
the tree of the mail-shirt. → WARRIOR = you, Óláfr
1.2.2. tree of the mail-coat
bjartar svaltunga rekninga
‘bright, cool tongues of swords’ = SWORD BLADES
bright, cool tongues of swords → SWORD BLADES
[2] bjartar: so R686ˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 61, Holm4
sword blade
1.1. tongue of the sword
riðboði hæsts elgs hranna
‘a riding offerer of the tallest elk of the waves’ = SEAFARER
the tallest elk of the waves, → SHIP
a riding offerer of the SHIP → SEAFARER
[6] rið‑: so Holm2, R686ˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, Holm4, Bb
[7] hæsts: hests Kˣ, Holm4
1.1.07. offerer of the ship
hæsts elgr hranna
‘of the tallest elk of the waves’ = SHIP
the tallest elk of the waves, → SHIP
[7] hæsts: hests Kˣ, Holm4
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
sveigir linns sára
‘swinger of the snake of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the snake of wounds, → SWORD
Swinger of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[2] linns: logs Holm4
1.7.10. bender of the weapon
linnr sára
‘of the snake of wounds’ = SWORD
the snake of wounds, → SWORD
[2] linns: logs Holm4
2.2. snake of the wound
ólítinn andr Áta
‘a not small ski of Áti’ = SHIP
a not small ski of Áti → SHIP
[3] Áta: úti Holm2, R686ˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 68, 61, Holm4, 325V, 325VII, Bb, Flat, Tóm
ship, boat
2.2. ski of the sea-king
heiðmildr herstefnir
‘reward-generous army commander’ = RULER
reward-generous army commander, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army
harða margr morðárr
‘very many a battle-envoy’ = WARRIOR
very many a battle-envoy, → WARRIOR
warrior messenger of battle
blakkr sunda
‘the dark steed of the sounds’ = SHIP
the dark steed of the sounds → SHIP
[5] sunda: so R686ˣ, 972ˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 73aˣ, 78aˣ, 68, 61, Holm4, 325V, 325VII, Flat, Tóm
ship, boat horse of the sea
fold skers
‘the land of the skerry’ = SEA
the land of the skerry. → SEA
5.1. land of the sea
þenna sendir þilblakks
‘this launcher of the plank-horse’ = SEAFARER = Óláfr
the plank-horse → SHIP
this launcher of the SHIP → SEAFARER = Óláfr
[2] sendi: sendis Holm4
seafarer sender of the ship
‘of the plank-horse’ = SHIP
the plank-horse → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
frør hrælinns
‘the frost of the corpse-snake’ = BATTLE
the corpse-snake. → SWORD
the frost of the SWORD → BATTLE
[7] frør: flug Holm2, R686ˣ, 972ˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 68, 61, Holm4, Bb
1.3.1. frost of the weapon
‘of the corpse-snake’ = SWORD
the corpse-snake. → SWORD
2.5. snake of the corpse
loptbyggvir eykja unnar
‘loft-inhabitant of the draught-animals of the wave’ = SEAFARER
the draught-animals of the wave, → SHIPS
the loft of SHIPS → AFTER-DECK
Inhabitant of the AFTER-DECK → SEAFARER
[1] ‑byggvir: so J1ˣ, J2ˣ, Holm2, R686ˣ, 325VI, 321ˣ, 78aˣ, 68, Holm4, 325V, 325VII, Bb, Flat, Tóm
1.1.05. inhabitant of the ship
lofteykja unnar
‘of the loft of the draught-animals of the wave’ = AFTER-DECK
the draught-animals of the wave, → SHIPS
the loft of SHIPS → AFTER-DECK
1. loft of the ship
eykr unnar
‘of the draught-animals of the wave’ = SHIPS
the draught-animals of the wave, → SHIPS
ship, boat other working animal of the sea
íss gunnrjóðr
‘war-reddener of ice’ = WARRIOR
war-ice, → SWORD
reddener of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[6] íss: ís Holm2, 325V, 972ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 78aˣ, 68, Holm4, 75c, 325VII, Flat, Tóm, Bb
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
íss gunn
‘of war-ice’ = SWORD
war-ice, → SWORD
[6] íss: ís Holm2, 325V, 972ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 78aˣ, 68, Holm4, 75c, 325VII, Flat, Tóm, Bb
3.1. ice of battle
vísi strinda
‘of the ruler of the strindir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
the ruler of the Strindir → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
[4] Strinda: so 68, Holm4, Kˣ
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hestr kafs
‘the horse of the deep’ = SHIP
The horse of the deep → SHIP
[5] kafs: so 325V, R686ˣ, 75a, 73aˣ, 61, Holm4, 325VII, Flat, Kˣ
ship, boat horse of the sea
men Lista
‘the necklace of Lista’ = SEA
the necklace of Lista → SEA
[6] men: so Holm4, Kˣ
1.3. necklace of the land
hestr Ekkils
‘the horses of Ekkill’ = SHIPS
the horses of Ekkill → SHIPS
[7] Ekkils: ekkjur 325V, R686ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 73aˣ, 78aˣ, 61, Holm4, 75c, Flat, Tóm
ship, boat horse of the sea-king
mór hagþorns
‘the hawthorn’s moor’ = LAND
the hawthorn’s moor; → LAND
[6] á mó: ‘amo’ R686ˣ, Holm4, 75c, Flat
earth, land
1.3. water-body of the shrub
lýtandi branda folds ifla
‘harmer of the flames of the land of the hawk’ = GENEROUS MAN = Óláfr
the land of the hawk, → HAND
the flames of the HAND → GOLD
Harmer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Óláfr
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
brandr folds ifla
‘of the flames of the land of the hawk’ = GOLD
the land of the hawk, → HAND
the flames of the HAND → GOLD
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
fold ifla
‘of the land of the hawk’ = HAND
the land of the hawk, → HAND
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
‘army-supporter’ = RULER
Army-supporter, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.3. supporter of the army
þreytir bǫðvar
‘wager of battle’ = WARRIOR
Wager of battle, → WARRIOR
[1] þreytir: ‘þreytenn’ Holm4
2.5.2. wager of battle
rjóðr branda
‘reddener of swords’ = WARRIOR
reddener of swords, → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
‘the word-reed’ = TONGUE
the word-reed → TONGUE
1.3. reed of speech (A1b)
engr þrøngvir elda Gǫndlar
‘no forcer of the fires of Gǫndul’ = WARRIOR
the fires of Gǫndul → SWORDS
no forcer of SWORDS → WARRIOR
[7] þrøngvir: sløngvir 73aˣ, 61, Holm4, 325VII
warrior oppressor of the weapon
eldr Gǫndlar
‘of the fires of Gǫndul’ = SWORDS
the fires of Gǫndul → SWORDS
1.1.06. fire of the valkyrie
viðr hjalmdrífu
‘the tree of the helmet-storm’ = WARRIOR
the helmet-storm → BATTLE
the tree of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[6] hjalm‑: hjǫr Holm4
[6] ‑drífu: so 68, 61, Holm4, Kˣ
2.1. tree of battle
‘of the helmet-storm’ = BATTLE
the helmet-storm → BATTLE
[6] hjalm‑: hjǫr Holm4
[6] ‑drífu: so 68, 61, Holm4, Kˣ
battle shower of helmets
herr hauga
‘the host of burial mounds’ = TROLLS
the host of burial mounds → TROLLS
1.1. troop of the grave
hrútr húms
‘the ram of the sea’ = SHIP
the ram of the sea; → SHIP
[7] húms: heims Holm2, R686ˣ, 972ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 68, Holm4, 75c, 325VII, Flat, Tóm, Kˣ, Bb
ship, boat other working animal of the sea
þollr heinflets
‘the firs of the whetstone-platform’ = MEN
the whetstone-platform → SWORD
the firs of the SWORD → MEN
1.1.1. tree of the sword
‘of the whetstone-platform’ = SWORD
the whetstone-platform → SWORD
8.2. place of the whetstone
hlœðir hafskíðs
‘loader of the ocean-ski’ = SEAFARER
the ocean-ski → SHIP
loader of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.1.04. loader of the ship
‘of the ocean-ski’ = SHIP
the ocean-ski → SHIP
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
brjótr bliks bôru
‘a breaker of the gleam of the wave’ = GENEROUS MAN
the gleam of the wave, → GOLD
a breaker of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
blik bôru
‘of the gleam of the wave’ = GOLD
the gleam of the wave, → GOLD
1.2. gleam, shine of waters (A1)
gætir grefs
‘the minder of the hoe’ = FARMER
The minder of the hoe → FARMER
2. guardian of the hoe
gramr sygna
‘of the lord of the sygnir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
the lord of the Sygnir, → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
nýtr vǫrðr Nóregs
‘the able guardian of Norway’ = Óláfr
the able guardian of Norway → Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
2.1. guardian of Norway
þrýstir jǫfra
‘the compeller of princes’ = RULER = Rǫgnvaldr
the compeller of princes; → RULER = Rǫgnvaldr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.5. destroyer of princes
runnr dýrloga bekkjar hlunns
‘the bushes of the precious flame of the bench of the launcher’ = MEN
the bench of the launcher → SEA
the precious flame of the SEA → GOLD
the bushes of the GOLD → MEN
[8] dýrloga: dýrðliga Holm4
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
dýrlogi bekkjar hlunns
‘of the precious flame of the bench of the launcher’ = GOLD
the bench of the launcher → SEA
the precious flame of the SEA → GOLD
[8] dýrloga: dýrðliga Holm4
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
bekkr hlunns
‘of the bench of the launcher’ = SEA
the bench of the launcher → SEA
4.4. dwelling of the ship
‘mead-Nanna’ = WOMAN
mead-Nanna. → WOMAN
[5] Nanna: Nannan Holm2, 325V, R686ˣ, 972ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 75a, 73aˣ, 68, 61, Holm4, 325VII, Tóm, Kˣ, Bb
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
svanr bens
‘the swan of the wound’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the swan of the wound, → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.4. bird of the wound (A2)
andr svanvangs
‘the skis of the swan-plain’ = SHIPS
the swan-plain → SEA
the skis of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
‘of the swan-plain’ = SEA
the swan-plain → SEA
6.1. land of the aquatic bird
vǫrðr malma
‘guardian of metal weapons’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
guardian of metal weapons; → WARRIOR = Óláfr
[6] vǫrðr: vǫrðs Holm2, R686ˣ, 972ˣ, 68, Holm4, Kˣ
1.7.11. guardian of the weapon
nefi jarla
‘the kinsman of jarls’ = JARL = ? Rǫgnvaldr
The kinsman of jarls → JARL = ? Rǫgnvaldr
3. relative of the jarl
søkkvir sólar Rínar
‘sinker of the sun of the Rhine’ = GENEROUS MAN
the sun of the Rhine, → GOLD
sinker of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
. sinker of gold
sól Rínar
‘of the sun of the Rhine’ = GOLD
the sun of the Rhine, → GOLD
1.3. heavenly body of waters (A1)
þengill Lista
‘prince of Lista’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
prince of Lista, → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
ætt Eireks
‘the kinsman of Eiríkr’ = Sveinn
the kinsman of Eiríkr → Sveinn
Sveinn jarl Hákonarson (r. c. 1000-c. 1015)
2. relative of Eiríkr jarl Hákonarson
frændi jarla
‘of the jarls’ kinsman’ = Eilífr
the jarls’ kinsman, → Eilífr
Eilífr Rǫgnvaldsson
. relative of the jarls
bróðir Ulfs
‘Úlfr’s brother’ = Eilífr
Úlfr’s brother, → Eilífr
Eilífr Rǫgnvaldsson
. brother of Úlfr
rýrir aldar þjófa
‘destroyer of the race of thieves’ = JUST RULER = Óláfr
destroyer of the race of thieves, → JUST RULER = Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
kennir þinga
‘master of assemblies’ = RULER
master of assemblies, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
. master of assemblies
hregg hjalma
‘the storm of helmets’ = BATTLE
the storm of helmets; → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of helmets
fetrjóðr Hugins
‘the foot-reddener of Huginn’ = WARRIOR
the foot-reddener of Huginn → WARRIOR
3.1.03. stainer of the bird of battlefield
‘the cloud-hall’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the cloud-hall → SKY/HEAVEN
1.4. house of the cloud
hlýri Einars
‘Einarr’s brother’ = Þorfinnr
Einarr’s brother → Þorfinnr
Þorfinnr Sigurðarson
1.3. brother of Einarr rangmuðr
‘the ring-harmer’ = GENEROUS RULER
the ring-harmer → GENEROUS RULER
generous man
1.01.2. destroyer of rings
einn annan Jalks bríktǫpuðr
‘plank-destroyer of Jálkr’ = WARRIOR
the plank of Jálkr → SHIELD
[only] one other destroyer of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
[2] ‑tǫpuð: ‑tapað Holm4
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
Jalks brík
‘of the plank of Jálkr’ = SHIELD
the plank of Jálkr → SHIELD
3.5. board of Óðinn
gætir gumna
‘the protector of men’ = RULER = Guðbrandr
the protector of men → RULER = Guðbrandr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.3. guardian of people
hati ormláðs
‘hater of the snake-land’ = GENEROUS MAN = Erlingr
the snake-land; → GOLD
hater of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Erlingr
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
‘of the snake-land’ = GOLD
the snake-land; → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
hinn lægir linnsetrs
‘the diminisher of the serpent-abode’ = GENEROUS MAN
the serpent-abode → GOLD
the diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[8] linn‑: linns‑ Holm4
generous man
. debaser of wealth
‘of the serpent-abode’ = GOLD
the serpent-abode → GOLD
[8] linn‑: linns‑ Holm4
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
fiskr lyngs
‘the fish of the heather’ = SNAKE
The fish of the heather → SNAKE
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
flugstyggs sonr Tryggva
‘of the flight-shunning son of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr Tryggvason
the flight-shunning son of Tryggvi → Óláfr Tryggvason
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
‘the wave-world’ = SEA
the wave-world → SEA
[4] unnheim: so papp18ˣ, Holm2, 68, Holm4, 61, 325V, 325VII, Tóm
5.3. abode of the sea
ætt Haralds
‘the descendant of Haraldr’ = Óláfr
the descendant of Haraldr → Óláfr
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
1.1. descendant of Haraldr inn grenski
‘the pollack-path’ = SEA
the pollack-path → SEA
[5] lýr‑: lý Holm4
3.2. path of the aquatic animal
stillir Jóta
‘the ruler of the Jótar’ = DANISH KING = Knútr
the ruler of the Jótar; → DANISH KING = Knútr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Danes
áttungr Gorms
‘the descendant of Gormr’ = DANISH KING = Knútr
the descendant of Gormr → DANISH KING = Knútr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
2. relative of a Danish king
kyn Eireks
‘Eiríkr’s kin’ = Hákon
Eiríkr’s kin → Hákon
Hákon jarl Eiríksson (r. c. 1014-c. 1015)
1. descendant of Eiríkr jarl Hákonarson
fríðr, fráneygr niðr fylkis dana
‘the handsome, bright-eyed descendant of the ruler of the danes’ = Knútr
the ruler of the Danes. → Sveinn
the handsome, bright-eyed descendant of SVEINN → Knútr
[3] fríðr: frið 325XI 1, Holm2, 321ˣ, 73aˣ, 68, Holm4, 61, 325V, Bb, Flat, FskBˣ, DG8
Knútr inn ríki Sveinsson (r. 1014-1035)
fylkir dana
‘of the ruler of the danes’ = Sveinn
the ruler of the Danes. → Sveinn
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Danes
andskoti aðalráðs
‘the enemy of æthelred’ = Knútr
the enemy of Æthelred → Knútr
Knútr inn ríki Sveinsson (r. 1014-1035)
5. enemy of Æthelred
hlǫðr dana
‘the feller of the danes’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
the feller of the Danes → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
5. killer of the Danes
jǫfurr Jótlands
‘the lord of Jutland’ = DANISH KING = Knútr
the lord of Jutland → DANISH KING = Knútr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Denmark
hlífskjǫldr dana
‘the protecting shield of the danes’ = DANISH KING = Knútr
The protecting shield of the Danes → DANISH KING = Knútr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
5. shield of Danish people
mikla beita ulfs
‘much wolf’s food’ = CORPSES
much wolf’s food, → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
ýgr stafr ógnar
‘fierce staff of battle’ = WARRIOR
Fierce staff of battle, → WARRIOR
2.2. stave of battle
dróttinn egða
‘lord of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING
lord of the Egðir, → NORWEGIAN KING
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
þrima stála
‘a clash of swords’ = BATTLE
a clash of swords → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
ágætan ǫðlingr Jóta
‘the splendid ruler of the Jótar’ = DANISH KING = Knútr
the splendid ruler of the Jótar, → DANISH KING = Knútr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Danes
gramr Skônunga
‘the sovereign of the Skônungar’ = DANISH KING = Knútr
The sovereign of the Skônungar → DANISH KING = Knútr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Danes
sonr Sveins
‘the son of Sveinn’ = Knútr
the son of Sveinn → Knútr
Knútr inn ríki Sveinsson (r. 1014-1035)
1. son of Sveinn tjúguskegg
lǫngum dynmarr láðs Rínleygs mínum
‘my long resounding steed of the land of Rhine-flame’ = SHIP
Rhine-flame, → GOLD
the land of the GOLD → SEA
my long resounding steed of the SEA → SHIP
[3] ‑mari: ‑mara Holm4
ship, boat horse of the sea
láð Rínleygs
‘of the land of Rhine-flame’ = SEA
Rhine-flame, → GOLD
the land of the GOLD → SEA
9.4. land of gold
‘of Rhine-flame’ = GOLD
Rhine-flame, → GOLD
9.1.3. light of the Rhine (A1)
lundr leggfjǫturs
‘the grove of the limb-fetter’ = MAN
the limb-fetter, → ARM-RING
the grove of the ARM-RING → MAN
male, man
1.3. tree of rings
‘of the limb-fetter’ = ARM-RING
the limb-fetter, → ARM-RING
1. band of the limb
eik læbaugs
‘the oak of the deceit-ring’ = SHIP
the deceit-ring → SEA
the oak of the SEA → SHIP
ship, boat
3.1. tree of the sea
‘of the deceit-ring’ = SEA
the deceit-ring → SEA
15. unclear pattern
Jǫrð flausts ifla
‘Jǫrð of the ship of the hawk’ = WOMAN
the ship of the hawk, → ARM
Jǫrð of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
flaustr ifla
‘of the ship of the hawk’ = ARM
the ship of the hawk, → ARM
arm, hand
1.2. vehicle of the bird of prey (A1a)
Valr krapta
‘in the Valr of the bollard’ = SHIP
in the Valr of the bollard → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
flatslóð Fróða
‘the level tracks of Fróði’ = SEA
the level tracks of Fróði. → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
þollr seims
‘the firs of gold’ = MEN
the firs of gold; → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
djúpan heimr hás elds
‘the deep world of towering flame’ = HELL
the deep world of towering flame, → HELL
[1] djúpan: so 972ˣ, 68, Holm4, 61, 325V, Flat, Kˣ, J2ˣ
[4] hás elds: so 972ˣ, 68, Holm4, 61, 325V, Kˣ, J2ˣ
hell (Christian)
. world of fire
hilmir hǫrða
‘of the ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
the ruler of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
ár sunda sárs
‘the oars of the bays of the wound’ = SWORDS
the bays of the wound; → BLOOD
the oars of the BLOOD → SWORDS
6.5. rod of blood
sund sárs
‘of the bays of the wound’ = BLOOD
the bays of the wound; → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
‘of the army-commander’ = RULER
the army-commander → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army
sendir elds víka
‘distributor of the fire of inlets’ = GENEROUS MAN
the fire of inlets. → GOLD
distributor of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
eldr víka
‘of the fire of inlets’ = GOLD
the fire of inlets. → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
all-valdr Englands
‘the mighty ruler of England’ = Knútr
The mighty ruler of England → Knútr
Knútr inn ríki Sveinsson (r. 1014-1035)
2. lord of England
gætir gríklands
‘the guardian of greece’ = God
the guardian of Greece → God
2.8. guardian of Greece
‘of the otter-world’ = SEA
the otter-world → SEA
3.4. abode of the aquatic animal
ǫrbeiðir svans sigrlana
‘of the eager demander of the swan of victory-heaps’ = WARRIOR
victory-heaps. → CORPSES
the eager demander of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.08. demander of the bird of battlefield
svanr sigrlana
‘of the swan of victory-heaps’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
victory-heaps. → CORPSES
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
‘of victory-heaps’ = CORPSES
victory-heaps. → CORPSES
corpse, slain
2. piles of victory
‘of the surf-boar’ = SHIP
the surf-boar → SHIP
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
‘by sea-skis’ = SHIPS
by sea-skis. → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
stóð stafnklifs
‘the stud-horses of the prow-cliff’ = SHIPS
the prow-cliff → SEA
the stud-horses of the SEA → SHIPS
[5] stóð: stór Bæb, Holm4, 61, 325V, 325VII, Flat, FskAˣ
[6] ‑klifs: klif Holm4, 61, 325V, Flat, Tóm, DG8, FskAˣ
ship, boat horse of the sea
‘of the prow-cliff’ = SEA
the prow-cliff → SEA
[6] ‑klifs: klif Holm4, 61, 325V, Flat, Tóm, DG8, FskAˣ
4.1. land of the ship
‘of the arrow-demander’ = WARRIOR
the arrow-demander → WARRIOR
1.7.08. demander of the weapon
byrrǫmm brimdýr
‘the wind-strong surf-animals’ = SHIPS
The wind-strong surf-animals → SHIPS
[3] ‑rǫmm: raukn Bæb, Holm4, 325V, 325VII, Tóm, 301ˣmarg
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
valr svalheims
‘the steeds of the cool world [sea]’ = SHIPS
the cool world [sea] → SEA
The steeds of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea
‘of the cool world [sea]’ = SEA
the cool world [sea] → SEA
14. half-kennings
snjallr njótr veg-Jóta
‘the bold enjoyer of the glory-Jótar’ = DANISH KING = Knútr
the bold enjoyer of the glory-Jótar → DANISH KING = Knútr
[4] Jóta: ‘iotra’ Kˣ, Holm2, 68, Holm4, Flat, DG8
Danish king, ruler, jarl
4. enjoyer of the Danes
dalr svana
‘of the dale of swans’ = SEA
the dale of swans; → SEA
6.1. land of the aquatic bird
bǫðrakkr nǫkkva bœnar barkrjóðr
‘bark-reddener of the ship of prayer’ = WARRIOR
the ship of prayer, → BREAST
the bark of the BREAST → MAIL-SHIRT
the battle-bold reddener of the MAIL-SHIRT → WARRIOR
1.8.1. stainer of armour
nǫkkva bœnar bǫrkr
‘of the bark of the ship of prayer’ = MAIL-SHIRT
the ship of prayer, → BREAST
the bark of the BREAST → MAIL-SHIRT
2.1. bark of the breast
nǫkkvi bœnar
‘of the ship of prayer’ = BREAST
the ship of prayer, → BREAST
breast, chest
5.2. vehicle of prayer (A1a)
malma jalm-Freyr
‘noise-Freyr of weapons’ = WARRIOR
the noise of weapons → BATTLE
the Freyr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
malma jalmr
‘of the noise of weapons’ = BATTLE
the noise of weapons → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
haukr Leiknar odda
‘for the hawks of the Leikn of spears’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
the Leikn of spears. → VALKYRIE
for the hawks of the VALKYRIE → RAVENS/EAGLES
2.1. bird of the valkyrie (A2)
Leikn odda
‘of the Leikn of spears’ = VALKYRIE
the Leikn of spears. → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
‘the plank-field’ = SEA
the plank-field → SEA
4.1. land of the ship
snarr, lætrauðr sonr Skjalgs
‘the bold, deceit-shunning son of Skjálgr’ = Erlingr
The bold, deceit-shunning son of Skjálgr → Erlingr
Erlingr Skjálgsson (d. c. 1028)
1. son of Þórólfr skjálgr
geðstirðr hefnir Skjalgs
‘the tough-minded avenger of Skjálgr’ = Erlingr
The tough-minded avenger of Skjálgr → Erlingr
Erlingr Skjálgsson (d. c. 1028)
2. avenger of Þórólfr skjálgr
skúr skers gýgjar
‘the showers of the skerry of the axe’ = BATTLE
the skerry of the axe → SHIELD
the showers of the SHIELD → BATTLE
[3] skers: ‘skotts’ Holm4
battle shower of shields
sker gýgjar
‘of the skerry of the axe’ = SHIELD
the skerry of the axe → SHIELD
[3] skers: ‘skotts’ Holm4
shield land of the axe
virðir geirs
‘appreciator of the spear’ = WARRIOR
appreciator of the spear, → WARRIOR
[5] virðir: virðan Holm4
1.7.14. appreciator of the weapon
víðbotn varðkeri glyggs
‘the wide base of the guarding-vessel of the storm’ = EARTH
the guarding-vessel of the storm, → SKY
the wide base of the SKY → EARTH
earth, land
2.1. bottom of the sky
varðker glyggs
‘of the guarding-vessel of the storm’ = SKY
the guarding-vessel of the storm, → SKY
. vessel of storm/wind
allríkr konr bragna
‘the most powerful son of kings’ = RULER = Óláfr
the most powerful son of kings → RULER = Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.1. descendant of a ruler
vǫrðr foldar hǫrða
‘the guardian of the land of the hǫrðar’ = Erlingr
the land of the Hǫrðar → Hordaland
the guardian of HORDALAND → Erlingr
Erlingr Skjálgsson (d. c. 1028)
3. guardian of Hordaland
fold hǫrða
‘of the land of the hǫrðar’ = Hordaland
the land of the Hǫrðar → Hordaland
1. land of the Hǫrðar
gnýr Gunnar
‘the clamour of Gunnr’ = BATTLE
the clamour of Gunnr. → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
gnýr Gunnar
‘the clamour of Gunnr’ = BATTLE
the clamour of Gunnr. → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
vápndjarfr arfi Haralds
‘the weapon-bold heir of Haraldr’ = Óláfr
the weapon-bold heir of Haraldr → Óláfr
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
1.2. heir of Haraldr inn grenski
sóti Gríðar
‘the steed of Gríðr’ = WOLF
the steed of Gríðr → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
fundr flettugrjóts ok spjóta
‘the meeting of split stone and of spears’ = BATTLE
the meeting of split stone and of spears. → BATTLE
3.1. meeting of weapons
vǫrðr grundar
‘the guardian of the land’ = KING = Óláfr
the guardian of the land → KING = Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.1. guardian of the land
mildr faðir Magnúss
‘the gracious father of Magnús’ = Óláfr
The gracious father of Magnús → Óláfr
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
1.4. father of Magnús inn góði Óláfsson
angr ýs
‘the sorrow of the yew’ = FIRE
the sorrow of the yew → FIRE
fire, flame
1.2. sorrow of the tree
þing borða
‘the assembly of shields’ = BATTLE
the assembly of shields —, → BATTLE
3.1.3. meeting of shields
svinnir sigrunnr
‘prudent battle-trees’ = WARRIORS
prudent battle-trees → WARRIORS
[5] sig‑: sigr‑ Kˣ, Holm4, 61, 325V, 325VII, Flat, Tóm, 141ˣ
5.1. tree of victory
kván Heðins
‘of the woman of Heðinn’ = Hildr
the woman of Heðinn; → Hildr
1. woman of Heðinn and the Hjaðningar (C3a)
él Ála
‘the blizzard of Áli’ = BATTLE
the blizzard of Áli → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
miklu regn ins harða garðs randar
‘the great downpour of the tough enclosure of the shield-rim’ = BATTLE
the tough enclosure of the shield-rim; → SHIELD
the great downpour of the SHIELD → BATTLE
battle shower of shields
ins harða garðr randar
‘of the tough enclosure of the shield-rim’ = SHIELD
the tough enclosure of the shield-rim; → SHIELD
6.4. enclosure of the shield
teitan már sveita
‘the cheerful gull of gore’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the cheerful gull of gore; → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
hregg Þundar
‘the storm of Þundr’ = BATTLE
the storm of Þundr; → BATTLE
[7] Þundar: ‘þr[...]dar’ Holm4
1.1.4. storm/wind of Óðinn
‘the arrow-shooter’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
The arrow-shooter → WARRIOR = Óláfr
[2] ‑stiklandi: so J2ˣ, Bæb, 68, Holm4, 325V, Kˣ, Hb, 142ˣ, 566aˣ, papp4ˣ, 761bˣmarg
1.7.01. mover of the weapon
miklu él Ála
‘the great storm of Áli’ = BATTLE
the great storm of Áli; → BATTLE
[2] miklu: miklum Holm4
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
‘a sword-age’ = BATTLE
a sword-age → BATTLE
14.1. time of the sword
‘the spear-assembly’ = BATTLE
the spear-assembly → BATTLE
3.1.2. meeting of spears
‘for the sons of toil’ = SERVANTS
for the sons of toil → SERVANTS
servant, slave, male
. son of distress
hǫrðum leikr Hildar
‘the hard play of Hildr’ = BATTLE
the hard play of Hildr. → BATTLE
4.2. play of Hildr
vága viggrunnr
‘steed-bush of the waves’ = SEAFARER = Óláfr
the steed of the waves. → SHIP
bush of the SHIP → SEAFARER = Óláfr
1.2. tree of the ship
vága viggr
‘of the steed of the waves’ = SHIP
the steed of the waves. → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
framlundaðr bróðir Ǫgmundar
‘the eager-spirited brother of Ǫgmundr’ = Þórðr
The eager-spirited brother of Ǫgmundr → Þórðr
Þórðr Fólason
. brother of Ǫgmundr
hjaldrmóðum gramr Hringa
‘the battle-bold prince of the Hringar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
the battle-bold prince of the Hringar; → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hvǫtuðr hildar
‘the inciter of battle’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the inciter of battle; → WARRIOR = Óláfr
warrior hastener of battle
árr alms
‘the envoys of the elm-bow’ = WARRIORS
the envoys of the elm-bow → WARRIORS
1.7.05. envoy of the weapon
mikill stálgustr
‘a great steel-gust’ = BATTLE
a great steel-gust → BATTLE
1.1.1. storm/wind of the weapon
lóns loghreytandi
‘flame-distributors of the lagoon’ = GENEROUS MEN
the flame of the lagoon → GOLD
for the distributors of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
[3] ‑hreytǫndum: ‘‑reitundum’ Holm4
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
lóns log
‘of the flame of the lagoon’ = GOLD
the flame of the lagoon → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
dróttinn hersa
‘the lord of hersar’ = KING = Óláfr
the lord of hersar → KING = Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
tún reikar
‘the homefields of the hair-parting’ = HEAD
the homefields of the hair-parting → HEAD
1.1. place of the hair (A1b and A3)
‘the iron-play’ = BATTLE
the iron-play. → BATTLE
[5] ísarn‑: jarna‑ Kˣ, J2ˣ, Holm4, 61, 325VII, Flat, Tóm
4.1. play of weapons
askr rimmu
‘the ash-tree of battle’ = WARRIOR
The ash-tree of battle, → WARRIOR
2.1. tree of battle
stála regn
‘rain-bold of steel weapons’ = BATTLE
in the rain of steel weapons, → BATTLE
[2] stála: so Holm2, J2ˣ, 321ˣ, 73aˣ, Holm4, 325V
1.2.1. shower of weapons
gnýr Gunnar
‘in the din of Gunnr’ = BATTLE
in the din of Gunnr → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
bál Hôars
‘the fire of Hárr’ = SWORD
the fire of Hárr → SWORD
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
‘the bow-destroyer’ = WARRIOR
The bow-destroyer → WARRIOR
. man of the weapon
Draupnis dǫgg-Freyr
‘Draupnir’s dew-Freyr’ = MAN
the dew of Draupnir his → GOLD
the Freyr of the GOLD → MAN
[5] Draupnis: ‘draupins’ Holm4, Tóm
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Draupnis dǫgg
‘of the dew of Draupnir’ = GOLD
the dew of Draupnir his → GOLD
[5] Draupnis: ‘draupins’ Holm4, Tóm
8.3.1. dew of Draupnir (A3)
annan árr strauma
‘upon another messenger of currents’ = SEAFARER
upon another messenger of currents; → SEAFARER
2.3. messenger of the sea
skorðu skæ-Njǫrðungr
the steed of the prop. → SHIP
the Njǫrðungar of the SHIP → MEN
1.3.1. god of the ship
skorðu skær
‘of the steed of the prop’ = SHIP
the steed of the prop. → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
húna hyrr
‘of the fire of the mast-tops’ = GOLD
the fire of the mast-tops → GOLD
6. fire of mast-tops (A1)
húna hyrsendir
‘fire-sender of the mast-tops’ = GENEROUS MAN = Óláfr
the fire of the mast-tops → GOLD
the sender of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Óláfr
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
þollr seims
‘the fir-tree of gold’ = MAN
The fir-tree of gold → MAN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
Þróttr þvergarða glyggs gunnranns
‘the Þróttr of the cross-fences of the storm of the battle-hall’ = WARRIOR
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the cross-fences of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the Þróttr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
þvergarðr glyggs gunnranns
‘of the cross-fences of the storm of the battle-hall’ = SHIELD
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the cross-fences of the BATTLE → SHIELD
6.1. enclosure of battle
glygg gunnranns
‘of the storm of the battle-hall’ = BATTLE
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the shield
‘of the battle-hall’ = SHIELD
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
9.1. house of battle
‘a shield-storm’ = BATTLE
a shield-storm → BATTLE
battle shower of shields
brennir Bolgara
‘the burner of Bulgars’ = Haraldr
the burner of Bulgars → Haraldr
Haraldr III harðráði Sigurðarson (r. 1046-66)
2. defeater of foreign people
‘helmet-stand’ = HEAD
helmet-stand. → HEAD
[6] ‑setr: ‑setrs F, E, J2ˣ, 321ˣ, Holm4, 325V, 61, Bb, Tóm, Hr
2.2. rest or support of headgear (A1b and A3)
‘a peace-diminisher’ = WARRIOR
a peace-diminisher → WARRIOR
11. destroyer of peace
gunnbráðr Njǫrðr gǫndlar
‘the war-hasty Njǫrðr of battle’ = WARRIOR = Rǫgnvaldr
the war-hasty Njǫrðr of battle → WARRIOR = Rǫgnvaldr
[3] Njǫrðr: so Holm4, 325VII, 325V, 61, Bb, Tóm, 332ˣ, Flat
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
tíu aldin él þélar grafninga
‘ten ancient blizzards of the file of graven shields’ = BATTLES
the file of graven shields → SWORD
ten ancient blizzards of the SWORD → BATTLES
battle shower of swords
þél grafninga
‘of the file of graven shields’ = SWORD
the file of graven shields → SWORD
10.3. tool of the shield
alla Jǫlfuðs élþollr
‘storm-firs of Jǫlfuðr’ = WARRIORS
the storm of Jǫlfuðr → BATTLE
all the firs of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
[6] Jǫlfuðs: almveðrs Holm4, 325VII, Flat, 566aˣ, papp4ˣ
2.1. tree of battle
Jǫlfuðs él
‘of the storm of Jǫlfuðr’ = BATTLE
the storm of Jǫlfuðr → BATTLE
[6] Jǫlfuðs: almveðrs Holm4, 325VII, Flat, 566aˣ, papp4ˣ
1.2.3. shower of Óðinn
fastri fleindrífa
‘the ceaseless missile-blizzard’ = BATTLE
the ceaseless missile-blizzard. → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
grǫnn Skǫgul in hvíta setrs hauka
‘the slender, white Skǫgul of the seat of hawks’ = WOMAN
the seat of hawks → ARM
the slender, white Skǫgul of the ARM → WOMAN
[2] grǫnn: grann Holm4
[3] hauka setrs: hauka látrs J2ˣ, 321ˣ, Holm4, 325V, Bb
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
setr hauka
‘of the seat of hawks’ = ARM
the seat of hawks → ARM
[3] hauka setrs: hauka látrs J2ˣ, 321ˣ, Holm4, 325V, Bb
arm, hand
1.1.2. home, resting place of the bird of prey (A3)
djúp spor hríðar Dags ok danskra vápna
‘the deep tracks of the blizzard of Dagr and of danish weapons’ = WOUNDS
the blizzard of Dagr → BATTLE
the deep tracks of the BATTLEand of Danish weapons → WOUNDS
[8] Dags: so 972ˣ, 73aˣ, Holm4, 61, 325V, 325VII, Bb, Flat, Tóm, 142ˣ, DG8
1.2. track of battle
hríð Dags
‘of the blizzard of Dagr ’ = BATTLE
the blizzard of Dagr → BATTLE
[8] Dags: so 972ˣ, 73aˣ, Holm4, 61, 325V, 325VII, Bb, Flat, Tóm, 142ˣ, DG8
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
morðvenjandi meldrar Fenju
‘the killing-accustomed one of the flour of Fenja’ = GENEROUS MAN = Þormóðr
the flour of Fenja. → GOLD
the killing-accustomed one of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Þormóðr
[6] morðvenjanda: morðvenjandi Holm2, 972ˣ, J2ˣ, Holm4, 61, 325VII, Flat, Tóm, Kˣ, 142ˣ, 566aˣ
generous man
1.09. killer of wealth
meldr Fenju
‘of the flour of Fenja’ = GOLD
the flour of Fenja. → GOLD
9.2.2. flour of Fenja and Menja (A1)
eik landa ǫglis
‘the oak of the lands of the hawk’ = WOMAN
the lands of the hawk → ARMS
The oak of ARMS → WOMAN
female, woman
11.2. tree, wood of arm/hand (B2c)
land ǫglis
‘of the lands of the hawk’ = ARMS
the lands of the hawk → ARMS
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
drif ǫrva
‘a blizzard of arrows’ = BATTLE
a blizzard of arrows, → BATTLE
battle shower of arrows
stríðir Engla
‘the opponent of the English’ = Óláfr
the opponent of the English, → Óláfr
[3] stríði: sendi J2ˣ, Holm4, 61, Flat
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
5. fighter of the English
fundr odda
‘the meeting of points’ = BATTLE
the meeting of points, → BATTLE
[8] fund: fundr Holm4
3.1. meeting of weapons
meiðr skers ógnar
‘the trees of the skerry of battle’ = WARRIORS
the skerry of battle → SHIELD
The trees of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
1.1.2. tree of the shield
sker ógnar
‘of the skerry of battle’ = SHIELD
the skerry of battle → SHIELD
5.1.2. land of battle
viðr sárelds
‘the trees of the wound-fire’ = WARRIORS
the wound-fire → SWORD
the trees of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
‘of the wound-fire’ = SWORD
the wound-fire → SWORD
1.1.04. fire of the wound
kykvir tívar ýs
‘living gods of the yew-bow’ = WARRIORS
living gods of the yew-bow; → WARRIORS
[2] kykvir: kviknir Holm4
1.4.1. god of the weapon
brjótr bauga
‘the breaker of rings’ = GENEROUS MAN
the breaker of rings → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.02.2. breaker of rings
rógǫrs rjóðandi hneitis eggja
‘of the strife-quick reddener of the sword’s edges’ = WARRIOR
the strife-quick reddener of the sword’s edges, → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
‘gold-breakers’ = GENEROUS MEN
gold-breakers → GENEROUS MEN
[3] ‑brotar: ‑brjótr Holm4, 325V, 61, Tóm
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
hati ormsetrs
‘the hater of the reptile’s home’ = GENEROUS MAN
the reptile’s home → GOLD
The hater of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
‘of the reptile’s home’ = GOLD
the reptile’s home → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
hraustr vinr hǫrða
‘the valiant friend of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the valiant friend of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
3. friend of the Norwegians
inn ungi eggrjóðandi
‘the young blade-reddener’ = WARRIOR
The young blade-reddener → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
bræðir ara
‘of the feeder of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the feeder of the eagle → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘war-garb’ = ARMOUR
war-garb → ARMOUR
[4] ‑væðr: ‑væðs Holm4
. clothing of battle
rýrir brimlogs
‘the diminisher of surf-fire’ = GENEROUS MAN
surf-fire → GOLD
the diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
‘of surf-fire’ = GOLD
surf-fire → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
Yggr rimmu
‘Yggr of battle’ = WARRIOR
Yggr of battle, → WARRIOR
[2] Yggr: ‘ygr’ F, 325VI, Holm4
warrior Óðinn of battle
tungurjóðr ferðar ulfa, kunnr ǫldum
‘tongue-reddener of the pack of wolves, renowned to peoples’ = WARRIOR
Tongue-reddener of the pack of wolves, renowned to peoples, → WARRIOR
3.2.3. stainer of the wolf
fiðrirjóðr môs Yggjar
‘feather-reddener of the gull of Yggr’ = WARRIOR
the gull of Yggr, → RAVEN
Feather-reddener of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
[2] môs: ‘mars’ Holm4
3.1.03. stainer of the bird of battlefield
már Yggjar
‘of the gull of Yggr’ = RAVEN
the gull of Yggr, → RAVEN
[2] môs: ‘mars’ Holm4
1.1. bird of Óðinn (A2)
fœðir blágamms kolgu benja
‘feeder of the dark vulture of the surf of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
the dark vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
feeder of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
blágammr kolgu benja
‘of the dark vulture of the surf of wounds’ = RAVEN
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
the dark vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
1.2. (black or dark) bird of the battlefield (A2)
kolga benja
‘of the surf of wounds’ = BLOOD
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
eyðir gráðar ulfa
‘queller of the greed of wolves’ = WARRIOR
Queller of the greed of wolves → WARRIOR
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
eyðir gráðar
‘queller of the greed’ = FEEDER
Queller of the greed → FEEDER
feeder, nourisher
1. destroyer of greed
skildir brands skeiðar
‘the shield-provider of the warship’s prow’ = SEA-WARRIOR = Sveinn Álfífuson
the shield-provider of the warship’s prow → SEA-WARRIOR = Sveinn Álfífuson
3. shield-provider of the ship
margr meiðr hrings
‘many a tree of the sword’ = MAN
Many a tree of the sword → MAN
1.1.1. tree of the sword
vǫndr gjallar
‘the rod of clamour’ = SWORD
the rod of clamour, → SWORD
4.1.11. rod/twig of din
verr ylgjar
‘of the husband of the she-wolf’ = WOLF
the husband of the she-wolf, → WOLF
[8] vers ylgjar: ver sylgjar Holm2, 325VI, 321ˣ, 73aˣ, Holm4, 325V, 325VII, Bb
2.1. relative of the wolf (B4a and b)
bróðirsonr Haralds
‘the son of Haraldr’s brother’ = Magnús
the son of Haraldr’s brother → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.2. nephew of Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson
hlýri Þorbergs
‘brother of Þorbergr’ = Kálfr
brother of Þorbergr; → Kálfr
Kálfr Árnason
2. brother of Þorbergr Árnason
arfi Ôleifs
‘Óláfr’s heir’ = Magnús
Óláfr’s heir; → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.3. heir of Óláfr Haraldsson
gǫfug Hǫrn hvítings
‘a noble Hǫrn of the drinking horn’ = WOMAN
A noble Hǫrn of the drinking horn → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
aumum beiðir auðar
‘of a poor seeker of riches’ = MAN
a poor seeker of riches → MAN
male, man
3.02.1. demander of riches
þann njótr hodda
‘that user of treasure’ = MAN
that user of treasure, → MAN
[7] hodda njót: hodda brjót Bb(117vb), 39, E, Holm2, 73aˣ, Holm4
male, man
3.04. enjoyer of riches