This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
leystan garmr elris
‘the released dog of the alder’ = FIRE
the released dog of the alder → FIRE
fire, flame
2.1. dog of wood
hundr viðar
‘the hound of the forest’ = FIRE
The hound of the forest → FIRE
fire, flame
2.1. dog of wood
svipkárr rakki selju
‘the violent dog of the willow’ = FIRE
the violent dog of the willow → FIRE
[5] ‑kárr: ‘‑gar’ 81a
fire, flame
2.1. dog of wood
glymvǫllr Róða
‘the resounding field of Róði’ = SEA
the resounding field of Róði → SEA
2.1. land of the sea-king
fagrgoti hlýrs
‘the fair steed of the stem’ = SHIP
The fair steed of the stem → SHIP
[2] fagr‑: fagra 81a
[2] hlýrs: ‘hlífs’ 81a
ship, boat horse of the ship
rymvǫllr reyðar
‘the roaring field of the whale’ = SEA
the roaring field of the whale → SEA
3.1. land of the aquatic animal
‘a spear-assembly’ = BATTLE
a spear-assembly → BATTLE
3.1.2. meeting of spears
reyndan randhœingr
‘the tested shield-rim salmon’ = SWORD
the tested shield-rim salmon → SWORD
[3] randhœing: randhring 81a
5.2. fish of the shield
þollr ǫrþings
‘the tree of the arrow-assembly’ = WARRIOR
the arrow-assembly → BATTLE
the tree of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.1. tree of battle
‘of the arrow-assembly’ = BATTLE
the arrow-assembly → BATTLE
3.1.4. meeting of arrows
senna vápna
‘the quarrel of weapons’ = BATTLE
the quarrel of weapons, → BATTLE
5.1. strife of weapons
hagl brodda
‘the hail of missiles’ = BATTLE
the hail of missiles; → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
senna vápna
‘the quarrel of weapons’ = BATTLE
the quarrel of weapons → BATTLE
5.1. strife of weapons
niðr Tryggva
‘of the kinsman of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr Tryggvason
the kinsman of Tryggvi, → Óláfr Tryggvason
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
víðum botn vindkers
‘the wide bottom of the wind-vessel’ = EARTH
the wind-vessel, → SKY/HEAVEN
the wide bottom of the SKY/HEAVEN → EARTH
[7] vind‑: vín‑ E, 42ˣ, 81a, Flat
[7] ‑kers: ‘‑kis’ 81a
earth, land
2.1. bottom of the sky
‘of the wind-vessel’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the wind-vessel, → SKY/HEAVEN
[7] vind‑: vín‑ E, 42ˣ, 81a, Flat
[7] ‑kers: ‘‑kis’ 81a
. vessel of storm/wind
rýrir Rínfúra
‘the diminisher of Rhine-fires’ = GENEROUS MAN
Rhine-fires → GOLD
the diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
‘of Rhine-fires’ = GOLD
Rhine-fires → GOLD
9.1.3. light of the Rhine (A1)
reiðr örþingaðr
‘the angry assembly-convenor of the arrow’ = WARRIOR
the angry assembly-convenor of the arrow → WARRIOR
[6] örþingaðr: so F, 81a, 8
lið grýtlinga
‘the force of the grýtlingar’ = the Ribbungar
the force of the Grýtlingar → the Ribbungar
questionable kennings
‘the sword-inciter’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the sword-inciter. → WARRIOR = Hákon
[6] stál‑: om. 81a, 8
warrior hastener of the weapon
auðmildr valdr hörða
‘the wealth-generous ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
The wealth-generous ruler of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hjálmi hólmreyðar
‘with the helmet of the island-char’ = HELMET OF TERROR
the island-char. → SNAKE
with the helmet of the SNAKE → HELMET OF TERROR
[1] ‑reyðar: ‘ryrar’ E, 81a
4. helmet of the snake
‘of the island-char’ = SNAKE
the island-char. → SNAKE
[1] ‑reyðar: ‘ryrar’ E, 81a
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
‘from the victory-strengthener’ = WARRIOR
from the victory-strengthener. → WARRIOR
5.2. increaser / strengthener of victory
‘shield-rim trees’ = WARRIORS
shield-rim trees → WARRIORS
1.1.2. tree of the shield
valdi styrjar
‘the ruler of battle’ = WARRIOR = Skúli
The ruler of battle → WARRIOR = Skúli
[2] valdi: valdr E, F, 42ˣ, 81a, Flat
2.5.3. causer of battle
støkkvilundr stála
‘impelling trees of swords’ = WARRIORS
impelling trees of swords → WARRIORS
[1] ‑lundum: lundu 81a
1.7.01. mover of the weapon
skerðir hringa
‘the notcher of rings’ = GENEROUS MAN
The notcher of rings → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.2. destroyer of rings
‘the energy-shores’ = CHESTS
the energy-shores → CHESTS
[5] eljun‑: elju 81a
[5] ‑strandir: strandi 81a
breast, chest
1.1.1. land of the mind (A3)
grund heila
‘of the ground of the brain’ = HEAD
the ground of the brain → HEAD
1.3. place of the brain (A1b and A3)
‘the battle-promoter’ = WARRIOR
The battle-promoter → WARRIOR
[2] víg‑: veg F, 81a, 8, Flat
warrior carer of battle
skerðir serks Skǫglar
‘the notcher of Skǫgul’s shirt’ = WARRIOR
Skǫgul’s shirt → BYRNIE
the notcher of the BYRNIE → WARRIOR
[4] Skǫglar: ‘skæglar’ 81a
1.8.2. destroyer of armour
serkr Skǫglar
‘of Skǫgul’s shirt’ = BYRNIE
Skǫgul’s shirt → BYRNIE
[4] Skǫglar: ‘skæglar’ 81a
1.4. garment of the valkyrie
skúr Hlakkar
‘Hlǫkk’s showers’ = BATTLE
Hlǫkk’s showers → BATTLE
[3] Hlakkar: ‘klackar’ 81a
1.2.4. shower of the valkyrie
ræsir þrœnda
‘the ruler of the þrœndir’ = NORWEGIAN RULER = Skúli
the ruler of the Þrœndir → NORWEGIAN RULER = Skúli
[5] ræsir: ‘reiser’ 81a
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
klettr hjarna
‘his crag of the brain’ = HEAD
his crag of the brain → HEAD
1.3. place of the brain (A1b and A3)
rjóðr stirðaurriða storðar hjaldrdrifs
‘reddener of the stiff trout of the land of the battle-blizzard’ = WARRIOR
the battle -blizzard, → ARROWS
the land of ARROWS → SHIELD
the stiff trout of the SHIELD → SWORD
Reddener of the SWORD → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
stirðaurriði storðar hjaldrdrifs
‘of the stiff trout of the land of the battle-blizzard’ = SWORD
the battle -blizzard, → ARROWS
the land of ARROWS → SHIELD
the stiff trout of the SHIELD → SWORD
5.2. fish of the shield
storð hjaldrdrifs
‘of the land of the battle-blizzard’ = SHIELD
the battle -blizzard, → ARROWS
the land of ARROWS → SHIELD
5.1.1. land of the weapon
‘of the battle-blizzard’ = ARROWS
the battle -blizzard, → ARROWS
arrow, spear
1.1. shower of battle
dís dvergranns
‘the dís of the dwarf-house’ = WOMAN
the dwarf-house → STONE
the dís of the STONE → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
‘of the dwarf-house’ = STONE
the dwarf-house → STONE
rock, stone
3.1. dwelling place of the dwarf
‘of his lung’s market-place’ = HEART
his lung’s market-place → HEART
[6] lung‑: lyng‑ E, 81a, 304ˣ, Flat
2.1. place of the lung (A3)
ýgr járnsveims hyrgildandi
‘fire-validator of weapon-commotion’ = WARRIOR
weapon-commotion, → BATTLE
the fire of the BATTLE → SWORD
The fearsome validator of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[3] ýgr: yggr 42ˣ, 81a
[4] ‑sveims: ‑sveins 81a
[2] ‑gildandi: ‑gjaldandi 42ˣ, 81a, Flat
járnsveims hyrr
‘of the fire of weapon-commotion’ = SWORD
weapon-commotion, → BATTLE
the fire of the BATTLE → SWORD
[4] ‑sveims: ‑sveins 81a
1.1.01. fire of battle
‘of weapon-commotion’ = BATTLE
weapon-commotion, → BATTLE
[4] ‑sveims: ‑sveins 81a
10. tumult of the weapon
frændi Erlings
‘the kinsman of Erlingr’ = Sigurðr
The kinsman of Erlingr → Sigurðr
Sigurðr ribbungr (d. 1226)
. relative of Erlingr steinveggr
meiðr stála
‘the trees of weapons’ = WARRIORS
the trees of weapons → WARRIORS
[7] meiðar: meiðir 81a
1.1. tree of the weapon
valdr vígstorma
‘controller of battle-storms’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
Controller of battle-storms, → WARRIOR = Hákon
2.5.3. causer of battle
gegn frǫmuðr hjaldrél
‘righteous promoter of the battle-shower’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
righteous promoter of the battle-shower, → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior promoter of battle
bǫl markar
‘the harm of the forest’ = FIRE
the harm of the forest → FIRE
[4] böl: kjöl 81a
fire, flame
1.1. harm of wood
eiðvandr baugsendir
‘the reliable ring-giver’ = GENEROUS MAN
the reliable ring-giver → GENEROUS MAN
[6] ‑vandr: ‑vandir 81a
[7] baug‑: hauk‑ 81a
generous man
2.4.2. sender of the ring
ríkr hneykir hlenna
‘the powerful repressor of robbers’ = JUST RULER = Hákon
The powerful repressor of robbers → JUST RULER = Hákon
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
ský ógnar
‘of the cloud of terror’ = SHIELD
the cloud of terror. → SHIELD
2.1.1. cloud of battle
dauðan dólgstríðir
‘the dead enemy-combatant’ = WARRIOR = Sigurðr
the dead enemy-combatant. → WARRIOR = Sigurðr
4.5. fighter of enemies
vitr valdr norrænar aldar
‘the wise ruler of the norwegian people’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
The wise ruler of the Norwegian people → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
göfugr oddviti jöfra
‘the glorious leader of princes’ = KING
the glorious leader of princes → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
víða lendum jǫfurr þrœnda
‘the wide-landed prince of the þrœndir’ = Skúli
the wide-landed prince of the Þrœndir; → Skúli
[1] Þrœnda: om. 81a
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
frǫmuðr frægða
‘the promoter of glorious deeds’ = WARRIOR = Skúli
The promoter of glorious deeds → WARRIOR = Skúli
[5] frǫmuðr: ‘fromur’ 81a
snildar skýrs lituðr stála
‘of the eloquent reddener of weapons’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the eloquent reddener of weapons → WARRIOR = Hákon
[7] snildar skýrs ok seldi várar: seldi af því sendir 81a
[8] lituðs: litaðs E, 42ˣ, 81a, 304ˣ
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
stillir rekka
‘the leader of men’ = RULER = Skúli
the leader of men → RULER = Skúli
[6] stillir: om. 81a
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
bróðir Inga
‘Ingi’s brother’ = Skúli
Ingi’s brother; → Skúli
Skúli Bárðarson
1.1. brother of Ingi Bárðarson
vigg sunda
‘steeds of the seas’ = SHIPS
steeds of the seas → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea
einskǫpuðr galdra herfanga
‘the one creator of incantations of army-tunics’ = Óðinn
army-tunics → BYRNIES
incantations of BYRNIES → BATTLES
The one creator of BATTLES → Óðinn
[2] ein‑: eins 81a, 8
8.1.2. creator of battle (C1a)
galdr herfanga
‘of incantations of army-tunics’ = BATTLES
army-tunics → BYRNIES
incantations of BYRNIES → BATTLES
6.01.1. incantation of weapons
‘of army-tunics’ = BYRNIES
army-tunics → BYRNIES
1.6. garment of the army
Vǫlundr rómu
‘the vǫlundr of strife’ = WARRIOR = Gautr Jónsson
the Vǫlundr of strife → WARRIOR = Gautr Jónsson
[8] rómu: ‘rama’ 81a
. smith of battle
‘the army-summoner’ = RULER = Hákon
the army-summoner → RULER = Hákon
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.2. summoner of the army
hregg stála
‘a storm of weapons’ = BATTLE
a storm of weapons, → BATTLE
[6] hregg: hegg 81a
1.1.1. storm/wind of the weapon
hauksnjallr stillir hersa
‘the hawk-brave ruler of hersar’ = Skúli
The hawk-brave ruler of hersar → Skúli
[1] Hauk‑: ‘hau‑’ 81a
[1] ‑snjallr: ‘snallr’ 81a
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
rjóðr randa
‘the reddener of shield-rims’ = WARRIOR = Skúli
the reddener of shield-rims → WARRIOR = Skúli
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
hilmir borðs hildar
‘the ruler of the board of battle’ = WARRIOR = Skúli
the board of battle → SHIELD
The ruler of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Skúli
[2] borðs: barðs 81a
1.7.09. ruler of the weapon
borð hildar
‘of the board of battle’ = SHIELD
the board of battle → SHIELD
[2] borðs: barðs 81a
3.1. board of battle
þunnum Valr stinga
‘the slender Valir of rods’ = SHIPS
the slender Valir of rods → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the ship
hyggjugegn hilmir grundar
‘the clever-minded ruler of the land’ = Hákon
the clever-minded ruler of the land → Hákon
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.2. lord of the land
seiðr sverða
‘a chant of swords’ = BATTLE
a chant of swords → BATTLE
6.01.1. incantation of weapons
‘the battle-elf’ = WARRIOR = Skúli
the battle-elf → WARRIOR = Skúli
[9] víg‑: ‘viga’ 81a
2.3.4. elf of battle
‘weapon-clash’ = BATTLE
weapon-clash → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
virðandi funa vápnglyms
‘the esteemers of the flame of weapon-noise’ = WARRIORS
weapon-noise → BATTLE
the flame of the BATTLE → SWORD
The esteemers of the SWORD → WARRIORS
[6] funa: finna 81a
1.7.14. appreciator of the weapon
funi vápnglyms
‘of the flame of weapon-noise’ = SWORD
weapon-noise → BATTLE
the flame of the BATTLE → SWORD
[6] funa: finna 81a
1.1.01. fire of battle
‘of weapon-noise’ = BATTLE
weapon-noise → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
hreggi blásnar húnskrift
‘the storm-swept decorated cloth of the mast-top’ = SAIL
the storm-swept decorated cloth of the mast-top → SAIL
1.1. cloth of the mast-top
skíð stafna
‘skis of stems’ = SHIPS
skis of stems → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.3. ski of the ship
hríð brodda
‘a storm of arrow-points’ = BATTLE
a storm of arrow-points → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
ript vinda
‘the cloth of winds’ = SAIL
the cloth of winds → SAIL
[6] ript: dript 81a
1.3. cloth of the wind
‘the ocean’s draught-animals’ = SHIPS
The ocean’s draught-animals → SHIPS
[1] ‑raukn: ‘‑rokn’ 81a
ship, boat other working animal of the sea
stýrir rómu
‘the controller of battle’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the controller of battle → WARRIOR = Hákon
2.5.4. ruler of battle
gagnfǫr greypra vápna
‘the meeting of terrible weapons’ = BATTLE
the meeting of terrible weapons. → BATTLE
3.1. meeting of weapons
hallgeislat tungl hildar
‘brilliant-coloured moons of battle’ = SHIELDS
brilliant-coloured moons of battle → SHIELDS
[1] Hall‑: ‘Hatt‑’ 81a
[1] ‑geislat: ‘‑geírstad’ 81a
1.02. circular object of battle
gyltar tunga hjalta
‘gilded tongues of hilts’ = SWORDS
gilded tongues of hilts → SWORDS
sword blade
1.1. tongue of the sword
eldr böðvar-Týs
‘the fires of the battle-Týr’ = SPEARS
the battle-Týr → Óðinn
the fires of ÓÐINN → SPEARS
1.1.2. fire of Óðinn
‘of the battle-Týr’ = Óðinn
the battle-Týr → Óðinn
2.1. god of battle (C2b)
‘the ring-advancer’ = GENEROUS MAN = Skúli
the ring-advancer, → GENEROUS MAN = Skúli
[4] baug*‑: bauga all
generous man
. impeller of wealth
eisa eggfárs
‘the flames of blade-wrath’ = SPEARS
blade-wrath → BATTLE
the flames of the BATTLE → SPEARS
1.1.1. fire of battle
‘of blade-wrath’ = BATTLE
blade-wrath → BATTLE
13.1. harm of the weapon
Aurnis spjalla ilflet
‘footsole-floors of Aurnir’s confidant’ = SHIELDS
Aurnir’s confidant. → GIANT
the floors of the footsole of the GIANT → SHIELDS
13.2. bridge of the giant
Aurnis spjalli
‘of Aurnir’s confidant’ = GIANT
Aurnir’s confidant. → GIANT
3.3. confidant of the giant
geigurlig hræleiptr
‘the frightful corpse-lightnings’ = SPEARS
The frightful corpse-lightnings → SPEARS
1.2.4. light of corpse
himinn Gauts
‘the sky of Gautr’ = SHIELD
the sky of Gautr → SHIELD
[4] himin: himni 42ˣ, 81a
10.3. sky of Óðinn
leikr hjarar
‘the play of the sword’ = BATTLE
the play of the sword, → BATTLE
4.1.1. play of swords
‘the shield-elf’ = WARRIOR
the shield-elf → WARRIOR
1.4.2. elf of the weapon
ský böðvar
‘the cloud of battle’ = SHIELD
the cloud of battle → SHIELD
2.1.1. cloud of battle
elding blóðs
‘with flashes of blood’ = SPEARS
with flashes of blood. → SPEARS
[8] eldingum: eldinginn 81a
1.2.2. light of blood
‘the army-leader’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the army-leader → WARRIOR = Hákon
4.3.1. commander of the army
hamri ofna serkr hildar
‘the hammer-woven shirts of battle’ = BYRNIES
the hammer-woven shirts of battle → BYRNIES
1.1. garment of battle
grár regnbogi Hnikars
‘the grey rainbow of Hnikarr’ = SPEAR
The grey rainbow of Hnikarr → SPEAR
1.2.1. light of Óðinn
grimmum himinn Gǫndlar
‘fierce sky of Gǫndul’ = SHIELD
fierce sky of Gǫndul; → SHIELD
10.2. sky of the valkyrie
fárelding meginsára
‘the destructive lightning bolts of great wounds’ = SPEARS
the destructive lightning bolts of great wounds → SPEARS
1.2.3. light of wounds
stýrir lofða
‘the controller of men’ = RULER = Hákon
The controller of men → RULER = Hákon
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
‘of the blood-snake’ = SPEAR
the blood-snake → SPEAR
1.1. serpent of blood
leikr hjarar
‘the play of the sword’ = BATTLE
the play of the sword → BATTLE
4.1.1. play of swords
grænni mála geir-Týs
‘the green wife of the spear-Týr’ = Jǫrð
the spear-Týr. → Óðinn
the green wife of ÓÐINN → Jǫrð
1. consort of Óðinn (C3a)
‘of the spear-Týr’ = Óðinn
the spear-Týr. → Óðinn
2.2. god of the spear (C2b)
‘terror-spreader’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
terror-spreader → WARRIOR = Hákon
[2] ‑sveipanda: ‑sveipinna E, F, 81a, 8, Flat
gramr fyrða
‘the leader of the people’ = RULER = Skúli
The leader of the people, → RULER = Skúli
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
ætt Sverris
‘Sverrir’s descendant’ = Hákon
Sverrir’s descendant → Hákon
[7] Sverris: ‘sueriss’ 81a
Hákon IV Hákonarson (r. 1217-63)
1. descendant of Sverrir I Sigurðarson
byrr branda
‘the fair breeze of swords’ = BATTLE
the fair breeze of swords → BATTLE
[3] byrr: bur 81a
battle storm/wind of the sword
‘at shield-boss sails’ = SHIELDS
at shield-boss sails → SHIELDS
12.2. sail of the shield
vindr brimis
‘the wind of the sword’ = BATTLE
the wind of the sword, → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the sword
geigurligr hrælǫgr
‘the frightful corpse-sea’ = BLOOD
the frightful corpse-sea → BLOOD
[5] ‑lögr: ‑langr 81a
1.3. liquid of the corpse (A2)
borð hjarar
‘the planks of the sword’ = SHIELDS
the planks of the sword. → SHIELDS
3.2. board of the weapon
‘the blood-mast’ = SWORD
The blood-mast, → SWORD
[1] ‑laukr: so F, 81a
4.3.4. leek of blood
berum knǫrr áss örvar
‘the bare ship of the god of the arrow’ = SHIELD
the god of the arrow, → Ullr
the bare ship of ULLR → SHIELD
[3] áss: ás all
13.1. ship of Ullr
Áss örvar
‘of the god of the arrow’ = Ullr
the god of the arrow, → Ullr
[3] áss: ás all
. god of the arrow
gandreið grænna skjalda
‘the riding troll-women of green shields’ = AXES
the riding troll-women of green shields → AXES
1.1. female mythical being of the shield
veggr Svölnis
‘the wall of Svǫlnir’ = SHIELD
the wall of Svǫlnir → SHIELD
7.3. wall of Óðinn
nift Fenris
‘Fenrir’s sister’ = Hel
Fenrir’s sister → Hel
1. female relative of Loki or his offspring (C4a/C4b)
man Gjallar
‘of Gjǫll’s girl’ = Hel
Gjǫll’s girl → Hel
2. goddess of the sphere of death (C1b/C2b)
‘the sword-din’ = BATTLE
the sword-din. → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
dís hlýrna mans Högna
‘the dísir of the sun and moon of Hǫgni’s girl’ = VALKYRIES
Hǫgni’s girl → Hildr
the sun and moon of HILDR → SHIELDS
the dísir of SHIELDS → VALKYRIES
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
hlýrnir mans Högna
‘of the sun and moon of Hǫgni’s girl’ = SHIELDS
Hǫgni’s girl → Hildr
the sun and moon of HILDR → SHIELDS
1.02. circular object of battle
man Högna
‘of Hǫgni’s girl’ = Hildr
Hǫgni’s girl → Hildr
2. woman of Hǫgni (C4a)
blik bauga
‘of the gleam of shield-bosses’ = SWORD
the gleam of shield-bosses → SWORD
[5] bliks: ‘bligs’ 81a
1.2.2. light of the shield
boði elda vers
‘the offerers of the fires of the ocean’ = GENEROUS MEN
the fires of the ocean → GOLD
the offerers of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.7. envoy of wealth
eldr vers
‘of the fires of the ocean’ = GOLD
the fires of the ocean → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
sonr guðs
‘the son of god’ = Christ
the son of God, → Christ
Jesus Christ
2.1. son of God
fyrirmaðr öflgrar kristni
‘the leading man of powerful christianity’ = William
the leading man of powerful Christianity → William
[6] öflgrar: öflgar 42ˣ, 81a
William of Sabina
. lord of Christianity
hǫtuðr varrbáls
‘hater of the sea-flame’ = GENEROUS MAN
the sea-flame; → GOLD
hater of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
‘of the sea-flame’ = GOLD
the sea-flame; → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
gramr aldar
‘ruler of men’ = KING
ruler of men. → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
stýrir kristni
‘the leader of christianity’ = CARDINAL
The leader of Christianity → CARDINAL
. leader of Christianity
reiðivaldr ríkisvandar
‘swinger of the royal sceptre’ = KING
swinger of the royal sceptre, → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
. swinger of the sceptre
gramr hörða
‘of the lord of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
the lord of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hvítu ræfr hreinvers
‘the white roof of the reindeer-sea’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the reindeer-sea. → EARTH
the white roof of the EARTH → SKY/HEAVEN
[7] ‑vers: ‑bergs 81a
4.2. roof of the land
‘of the reindeer-sea’ = EARTH
the reindeer-sea. → EARTH
[7] ‑vers: ‑bergs 81a
earth, land
1.1. sea of the deer
heilivágr allra stríða
‘the soothing balm of all torments’ = WINE/ALE
the soothing balm of all torments → WINE/ALE
[7] heili‑: heilig‑ 81a
[6] stríða: om. 81a
alcoholic drink
2. liquid of sorrow
‘of the wine-vessel’ = CUP
the wine-vessel → CUP
cup, vessel
1. ship of the drink
‘the gum-skerries’ = TEETH
the gum-skerries → TEETH
tooth, teeth
1.2. skerry of the gum (A1b)
‘the honey-wave’ = MEAD
the honey-wave → MEAD
1.1. liquid of honey
‘the mind-ship’ = BREAST
the mind-ship → BREAST
breast, chest
1.2. vehicle of the mind (A1a)
dróttinn seggja
‘the lord of men’ = KING = Hákon
the lord of men, → KING = Hákon
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
dagr mundar
‘the daylight of the hand’ = GOLD
the daylight of the hand → GOLD
2.1. light of the arm/hand (A1)
himinn mergs
‘the heaven of marrow’ = ARM
the heaven of marrow → ARM
[4] himin: himni 81a
4.1. heaven of marrow (A1)
‘the arm-sun’ = GOLD
The arm-sun → GOLD
2.1. light of the arm/hand (A1)
stýrir jöfra
‘of the controller of princes’ = KING
the controller of princes → KING
[6] stýris: ‘skyris’ 81a
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
grund vala
‘the lands of falcons’ = ARMS
the lands of falcons → ARMS
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
harða hrein sjóðmjǫll
‘the very pure purse-snow’ = SILVER
the very pure purse-snow → SILVER
[5] hrein: hreinn 81a
3.2. flour of the purse
fjall boga
‘the bow’s mountains’ = ARMS
the bow’s mountains → ARMS
arm, hand
3.1. place of the bow (A3)
brjótr bauga
‘of the breaker of rings’ = GENEROUS MAN
the breaker of rings → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.02.2. breaker of rings
geigurandr gaglfárs
‘the swinging skis of the gosling-danger’ = ARMS
the gosling-danger → HAWK
the swinging skis of the HAWK → ARMS
arm, hand
1.2. vehicle of the bird of prey (A1a)
‘of the gosling-danger’ = HAWK
the gosling-danger → HAWK
2. danger of the gosling (A3)
ferja hauka
‘ferries of hawks’ = ARMS
ferries of hawks, → ARMS
arm, hand
1.2. vehicle of the bird of prey (A1a)
‘with ocean-flame’ = GOLD
with ocean-flame → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘crucible snowdrifts’ = SILVER
crucible snowdrifts, → SILVER
2.1. snow of the crucible
vǫrðr grundar
‘the guardian of the land’ = KING
the guardian of the land, → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.1. guardian of the land
remmiskíð Randvers
‘the strong skis of Randverr’ = SHIPS
the strong skis of Randverr. → SHIPS
[8] ‑skíðum: skeiðum 81a
ship, boat
2.2. ski of the sea-king
‘the shield-boss moons’ = SHIELDS
the shield-boss moons → SHIELDS
[5] ‑tungl: ‘‑tunl’ 81a
1.03. circular object of the shield
elding foldar ifla
‘the lightning of the land of the hawks’ = GOLD
the land of the hawks → ARM
the lightning of the ARM → GOLD
2.1. light of the arm/hand (A1)
fold ifla
‘of the land of the hawks’ = ARM
the land of the hawks → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
‘the ocean-radiance’ = GOLD
the ocean-radiance. → GOLD
1.3. heavenly body of waters (A1)
‘the mind-stone’ = HEART
The mind-stone → HEART
1.1. solid object of the mind (A1b)
ógnstórr gramr Svía
‘the awe-inspiring lord of the Swedes’ = SWEDISH RULER = Birgir
the awe-inspiring lord of the Swedes → SWEDISH RULER = Birgir
Swedish king, ruler
. ruler of the Swedes
stýrir Gauta
‘the commander of the Gautar’ = Birgir Magnússon
The commander of the Gautar → Birgir Magnússon
Swedish king, ruler
. ruler of the Swedes
þollr seima
‘fir-tree of gold’ = MAN
fir-tree of gold. → MAN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
völdugr skerðir málma
‘powerful diminisher of weapons’ = WARRIOR
Powerful diminisher of weapons, → WARRIOR
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
skipuðr unnviggs
‘commander of the wave-steed’ = KING
the wave-steed; → SHIP
commander of the SHIP → KING
1.1.11. manner of the ship
‘of the wave-steed’ = SHIP
the wave-steed; → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
stiklir seima
‘thrower of gold’ = GENEROUS RULER
thrower of gold. → GENEROUS RULER
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
Baldr hringa
‘Baldr of rings’ = MAN
Baldr of rings; → MAN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
þengill Jóta
‘of the ruler of the Jótar’ = DANISH KING = Kristófór
the ruler of the Jótar → DANISH KING = Kristófór
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Danes
dróttinn Nóregs
‘the lord of Norway’ = Hákon
the lord of Norway. → Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
rógstríðr týnir randa
‘the strife-harsh destroyer of shield-rims’ = WARRIOR
the strife-harsh destroyer of shield-rims → WARRIOR
[2] ‑stríðr: ‑stríðs F, 81a
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
lestir fúra fleyvangs
‘the damager of the fires of the ship-field’ = GENEROUS MAN
the ship-field → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
the damager of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[3] fúra: fúru 81a
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
fúrr fleyvangs
‘of the fires of the ship-field’ = GOLD
the ship-field → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
[3] fúra: fúru 81a
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘of the ship-field’ = SEA
the ship-field → SEA
4.1. land of the ship
‘the gold-tormentor’ = GENEROUS MAN
the gold-tormentor → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
lofðungr þrænda
‘the lord of the þrændir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
the lord of the Þrændir → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
[7] lofðungr: ‘lofung’ 81a
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
‘for the limb-pyre’ = GOLD
for the limb-pyre. → GOLD
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
ættumgóðr hneitir jöfra
‘high-born striker of princes’ = RULER
high-born striker of princes, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.5. destroyer of princes
gramr Norðmanna
‘the ruler of the Norwegians’ = Hákon
The ruler of the Norwegians → Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
vǫllr lunda
‘the plain of puffins’ = SEA
the plain of puffins → SEA
6.1. land of the aquatic bird
gífr sóknar
‘the troll-woman of battle’ = AXE
the troll-woman of battle → AXE
[2] gífr: hníf 81a
1.4. female mythical being of battle
drífa fleina
‘the snow-storm of spears’ = BATTLE
the snow-storm of spears; → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
þollr frægra málma
‘the fir-trees of famous weapons’ = WARRIORS
The fir-trees of famous weapons → WARRIORS
1.1. tree of the weapon
lundr málma
‘of the tree of weapons’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the tree of weapons → WARRIOR = Hákon
1.1. tree of the weapon
‘the corpse-vulture’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the corpse-vulture → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
mót vápna
‘the meeting of weapons’ = BATTLE
the meeting of weapons. → BATTLE
3.1. meeting of weapons
sjálfri ógnarbára
‘the very battle-wave’ = BLOOD
the very battle-wave → BLOOD
1.4. liquid of battle (A2)
skæriligr gandr hallar
‘the bright wolf of the hall’ = FIRE
the bright wolf of the hall → FIRE
[3] skæri‑: skæði‑ 81a
fire, flame
2.2. wolf of wood
‘the sickness of the birch-tree’ = FIRE
The sickness of the birch-tree → FIRE
fire, flame
1.3. illness of the tree
garmr elris
‘the hound of the alder-tree’ = FIRE
The hound of the alder-tree → FIRE
fire, flame
2.1. dog of wood
ógnarstríðr ulfr storðar
‘the battle-harsh wolf of the land’ = FIRE
the battle-harsh wolf of the land → FIRE
[6] ‑stríðr: stríð F, 81a, Flat
fire, flame
2.2. wolf of wood
æsiköldum meiðr unnar
‘the terribly cold tree of the wave’ = SHIP
the terribly cold tree of the wave. → SHIP
[3] æsi‑: ægi‑ 81a
[4] meið: meiðr 81a
ship, boat
3.1. tree of the sea
lundr ógnar
‘tree of battle’ = WARRIOR
tree of battle; → WARRIOR
2.1. tree of battle
dróttinn jöfra
‘by a lord of princes’ = KING
by a lord of princes. → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
allir yppiþollr unnartams blakks ára
‘all the extolling fir-trees of the wave-tame horse of the oars’ = SEAFARERS
the wave-tame horse of the oars → SHIP
All the extolling fir-trees of the SHIP → SEAFARERS
[5] yppiþollar: uppiþollar 81a, 8
1.2. tree of the ship
unnartams blakkr ára
‘of the wave-tame horse of the oars’ = SHIP
the wave-tame horse of the oars → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
lundr auðar
‘tree of wealth’ = GENEROUS MAN
Tree of wealth, → GENEROUS MAN
male, man
1.2. tree of wealth
gandr storðar
‘the wolf of the land’ = WIND
the wolf of the land → WIND
storm, wind
4.1. damaging creature of the tree
eldr digla
‘the fire of crucibles’ = GOLD
The fire of crucibles → GOLD
5. fire of the goldsmithing device (A1)
sviptilundr logs Rínar
‘flinging-tree of the flame of the Rhine’ = GENEROUS MAN
the flame of the Rhine; → GOLD
flinging-tree of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
log Rínar
‘of the flame of the Rhine’ = GOLD
the flame of the Rhine; → GOLD
9.1.3. light of the Rhine (A1)
fasti unnar
‘the fire of the wave’ = GOLD
The fire of the wave → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
far Ullar
‘of the ship of Ullr’ = SHIELD
the ship of Ullr → SHIELD
13.1. ship of Ullr
kundr hilmis
‘son of the ruler’ = Hákon
son of the ruler, → Hákon
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.1. descendant of a ruler
vǫrðr grundar
‘defender of the land’ = KING
defender of the land, → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.1. guardian of the land
eldr himna
‘the fire of the heavens’ = SUN
The fire of the heavens → SUN
1.1.1. fire of sky/heaven
öllum njótr glóstrætis naðrs
‘all users of the glowing street of the snake’ = GENEROUS MEN
the glowing street of the snake → GOLD
all users of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.8. user of wealth
glóstræti naðrs
‘of the glowing street of the snake’ = GOLD
the glowing street of the snake → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
inn víða frægi stillir egða
‘far-famed ruler of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Far-famed ruler of the Egðir, → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
geigurþing logs gunnar
‘a dangerous meeting of the flame of battle’ = BATTLE
the flame of battle → SWORD
a dangerous meeting of the SWORD → BATTLE
3.1.1. meeting of swords
log gunnar
‘of the flame of battle’ = SWORD
the flame of battle → SWORD
1.1.01. fire of battle
dróttinn sygna
‘lord of the sygnir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Lord of the Sygnir, → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
[5] dróttinn: dróttin F, E, 81a
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
gramr fyrða
‘ruler of men’ = KING
ruler of men. → KING
[7] gramr: so E, 81a, 8, Flat
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
göfugr dróttinn virða
‘the glorious lord of men’ = KING = Hákon
The glorious lord of men → KING = Hákon
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
ríkjum jǫfurr Skánunga
‘the mighty prince of the Skánungar’ = DANISH KING = Kristófór
the mighty prince of the Skánungar → DANISH KING = Kristófór
[4] Skánunga: skánungar 81a
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Danes
‘of the inlet-pyre’ = GOLD
the inlet-pyre; → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘the gold-flinger’ = GENEROUS MAN
the gold-flinger → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
hilmir rauma
‘the ruler of the raumar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
The ruler of the Raumar → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
eldr varrar
‘in the fire of the sea’ = GOLD
in the fire of the sea → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)