býr (noun m.) ‘dwelling, down’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Flj ch. 8 —
Býr ‘’l. 1
- Flj ch. 14 —
Býr ‘’l. 1
- Anon Líkn 19VII —
býs ‘dwelling’l. 3
- Anon (Mberf) 2II —
bý ‘farmstead’l. 8
- Anon Nikdr 1III —
bý ‘the town’l. 4
- Ragn —
biar ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 9641
- RagnSon —
biar ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 9643
- Edáð Banddr 8I —
bý ‘the town’l. 2
- Eyv Hál 12I —
býs ‘the territory’l. 2
- Glúmr Gráf 6I —
bý ‘of the settlement’l. 2
- Hfr ErfÓl 3I —
bý ‘’l. 4
- HákHerð ch. 2 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- HákHerð ch. 3 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- HákHerð ch. 13 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- HákHerð ch. 16 —
býjarins ‘’l. 1
- HákHerð ch. 17 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- HákHerð ch. 18 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- HSig ch. 43 —
býjar ‘’l. 1
- HSig ch. 44 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- HSig ch. 45 —
býjar ‘’l. 1
- HSig ch. 46 —
býjar ‘’l. 1
- HSig ch. 69 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- HSig ch. 83 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- HSona ch. 3 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- HSona ch. 4 —
býjarins ‘’l. 1
- HSona ch. 6 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- HSona ch. 12 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- HSona ch. 18 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- Mberf ch. 2 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 1 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 2 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 4 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 5 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 6 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 7 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 9 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 10 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 11 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 14 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MbHg ch. 15 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 1 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 3 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 5 —
býjarins ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 12 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 13 —
býjarins ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 18 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 25 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 26 —
býinn ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 29 —
býjarins ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 39 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 41 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- MErl ch. 42 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- Msona ch. 33 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- ÓHHkr ch. 32 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- ÓHHkr ch. 41 —
býnum ‘’l. 1
- HkrIˣ —
byiar ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 7667
- HkrIIˣ —
býnum ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 7671
- HkrIIIˣ —
býi ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 7672
- HkrFris —
byiar ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 7688
- Hskv Hardr 4II —
bý ‘the town’l. 4
- HSt Rst 8I —
bý ‘the homestead’l. 4
- Ill Har 3II —
bý ‘the residence’l. 2
- Sigv Austv 8I —
býs ‘’l. 3
- Sigv Austv 12I —
bý ‘town’l. 4
- Sigv Víkv 11I —
bý ‘’l. 6
- AnnGott —
byin ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 188
- AnnL —
byinn ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 191
- Ann1005 —
byinn ‘farm (with regard to the land)’l. 200
- BorgKr2 —
bya ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 389
- BorgKr3 —
bia ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 390
- Bret —
bia ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 421
- DI III (*1383›ÍB 215ˣ) —
by ‘farm (with regard to the land)’l. 1123
- DN I (1354) —
by ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 5059
- DN II (1333) —
by ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 5257
- DN II (1347) —
bynum ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 5330
- DN III (1348) —
by ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 5633
- DN IV (1348) —
byren ‘farm (with regard to the land)’l. 5950
- DN IX (*1330›vid 1348) —
by ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 6498
- DN XI (1340) —
byy ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 6612
- DN XV (*1358›Langebekˣ) —
bynom ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 6782
- DN XV (*1365?›Langebekˣ) —
bynum ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 6784
- EiðKrA —
by ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 6956
- FskBˣ —
bya ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 7222
- GBpD —
býr ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 7296
- HákEirsp —
biarins ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 7516
- JBapt2A —
biar ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 8436
- Jvs291 —
byi ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 8578
- Knýtlˣ —
bjárins ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 8710
- Landsl —
bya ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 8774
- LandslBorg —
bia ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 8821
- Landsl1154 —
bía ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 8835
- LBpA —
bynum ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 8916
- LBpB —
bynum ‘farm (with regard to the land)’l. 8917
- LBpÞˣ —
bẏnum ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 8918
- MarD635ˣ —
byrr ‘(European) village, district’l. 8992
- MarS —
by ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 8996
- Mork —
byiarins ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 9191
- Orkn325I —
biarins ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 9501
- ÓH —
byiar ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 9441
- unattrib ÓHLeg 1I (DG 8) —
bys ‘’l. 1
- RbEM (*1293-1294) —
Byssens ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 9714
- RbHM (*1312)3 —
biarens ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 9920
- RbMEHM (*1362) —
by ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 10107
- Stj1 —
biam ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 10424
- SvFlat —
biarens ‘(of the old market towns in Norway: Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo, etc.) town’l. 10507
- Thom2 —
byinn ‘farm (with regard to the land)’l. 10580
- Thom2y —
by ‘farm (with regard to the land)’l. 10581
- ÞiðrIˣ —
by ‘farm (with regard to the buildings), the buildings which as a group constitute a farm’l. 10762
- Æv9 —
bý ‘(European) village, district’l. 10880
- Æv82 —
bý ‘(European) village, district’l. 10946
- Þhorn Gldr 8I —
bý ‘the settlement’l. 4
- ÞKolb Eirdr 10I —
býir ‘dwellings’l. 8
- elements in compounds
- Anon Heildr 7VII —
‘of the rain-dwelling’
l. 2
- ESk Run 7II —
l. 4
- Hfr ErfÓl 26aI —
‘{of the kin’
l. 3
- Hfr Óldr 2I —
‘of Hedeby’
l. 8
- Þskakk Erldr 2II —
‘The townspeople’
l. 6