This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
dýrr dróttinn dæmistóls
‘glorious lord of the judgement seat’ = God
Glorious Lord of the judgement seat, → God
Jesus Christ
hús mærðar
‘the house of encomium’ = MOUTH
the house of encomium. → MOUTH
1.1. place of speech (A3)
milda móðir frægs þeingils mána
‘the gentle mother of the famous king of the moon’ = Mary
the famous king of the moon → God
the gentle mother of GOD → Mary
1. mother of Jesus Christ
frægs þengill mána
‘of the famous king of the moon’ = God
the famous king of the moon → God
Jesus Christ
1.01.1. lord of heavenly bodies
skjǫldungr tjalls skýja
‘the king of the tent of the clouds’ = God
the tent of the clouds → SKY/HEAVEN
the king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
tjald skýja
‘of the tent of the clouds’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the tent of the clouds → SKY/HEAVEN
3.4. tent of the cloud
dróttinn lýðs
‘lord of people’ = God
Lord of people, → God
1.3. lord of people
guðs sonr
‘god’s son’ = Christ
God’s son, ... → Christ
Jesus Christ
2.1. son of God
spennir elda hrings eyja
‘the clasper of the fires of the ring of islands’ = MAN = Kálfur Hallson
the ring of islands → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
the clasper of the GOLD → MAN = Kálfur Hallson
male, man
3.08. clasper of riches
eldr hrings eyja
‘of the fires of the ring of islands’ = GOLD
the ring of islands → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
hringr eyja
‘of the ring of islands’ = SEA
the ring of islands → SEA
1.4. ring of the land
Baldr eims báru
‘The Baldur of the fire of the wave’ = MAN
the fire of the wave → GOLD
The Baldur of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
eimr báru
‘of the fire of the wave’ = GOLD
the fire of the wave → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
kæna dóttir Kosti
‘Kostus’s skilful daughter’ = Catherine
Kostus’s skilful daughter → Catherine
Saint Catherine of Alexandria
1. daughter of Kostus
ástargjörn ambátt drottins himna
‘the loving handmaid of the lord of the heavens’ = HOLY WOMAN
the Lord of the heavens → God
The loving handmaid of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
dróttinn himna
‘of the lord of the heavens’ = God
the Lord of the heavens → God
1.1. lord of heaven
sjá Þrúðr falda
‘that Þrúðr of headdresses’ = WOMAN
that Þrúðr of headdresses → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
Hlín brendra bauga
‘the Hlín of burnished rings’ = WOMAN
the Hlín of burnished rings → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
stefnir flaums odda
‘the summoner of the stream of spear points’ = WARRIOR
the stream of spear points → BATTLE
The summoner of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
. summoner of battle
flaumr odda
‘of the stream of spear points’ = BATTLE
the stream of spear points → BATTLE
12.1. stream of weapons
þræll sonar Máríu
‘the servants of the son of Mary’ = CHRISTIAN PEOPLE
the son of Mary. → Christ
Christian people
1.2. servants of Christ
sonr Máríu
‘of the son of Mary’ = Christ
the son of Mary. → Christ
Jesus Christ
2.2. son of Mary
hvern þann brjótr orma leiðar
‘every breaker of the serpent’s path’ = GENEROUS MAN
the serpent’s path, → GOLD
every breaker of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
orma leið
‘of the serpent’s path’ = GOLD
the serpent’s path, → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
hreytir glóða rastar
‘the distributer of red-hot embers of the current’ = GENEROUS MAN
red-hot embers of the current → GOLD
The distributer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
glóð rastar
‘of red-hot embers of the current’ = GOLD
red-hot embers of the current → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
alla ýtandi glæstrar rekkju skeljungs fjalla
‘all the offerers of the shining bed of the whale of the mountains’ = GENEROUS MEN
the whale of the mountains → SNAKE
the shining bed of the SNAKE → GOLD
all the offerers of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.6.1. launcher of gold
glæstrar rekkja skeljungs fjalla
‘of the shining bed of the whale of the mountains’ = GOLD
the whale of the mountains → SNAKE
the shining bed of the SNAKE → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
skeljungr fjalla
‘of the whale of the mountains’ = SNAKE
the whale of the mountains → SNAKE
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
skýran fremjandi málma
‘the clever promoter of weapons’ = WARRIOR
the clever promoter of weapons → WARRIOR
1.7.15. promoter of the weapon
heilög skorða báls hrannar
‘the holy prop of the fire of the wave’ = WOMAN
the fire of the wave → GOLD
the holy prop of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
bál hrannar
‘of the fire of the wave’ = GOLD
the fire of the wave → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
greinir laga
‘elucidator of laws’ = RULER
elucidator of laws’, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
. elucidator of laws
deilir báls hrannar
‘the distributor of the fire of the wave’ = GENEROUS MAN
the fire of the wave, → GOLD
the distributor of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.1.1. distributor of gold
bál hrannar
‘of the fire of the wave’ = GOLD
the fire of the wave, → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
þengill helgra eingla
‘of the king of holy angels’ = God
the king of holy angels; → God
1.4. lord of angels
mildingr foldar mána
‘the prince of the land of the moon’ = God
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
the prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
fold mána
‘of the land of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.2. land of the moon
tírargjarn tiggi sólar
‘the fame-desirous king of the sun’ = God
the fame-desirous king of the sun → God
Jesus Christ
1.01.1. lord of heavenly bodies
treystir guðdóms
‘the occupier of the godhead’ = God
the occupier of the Godhead → God
Jesus Christ
Nanna falda
‘the Nanna of headdresses’ = WOMAN
the Nanna of headdresses, → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
stýrir skatna
‘ruler of men’ = KING
ruler of men’, → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
skorð borða
‘the prop of embroidery’ = WOMAN
the prop of embroidery → WOMAN
female, woman
3.2. tree, wood of embroidery (B2c)
eik glóða hafnar
‘the oak of the red-hot embers of the harbour’ = WOMAN
the red-hot embers of the harbour → GOLD
the oak of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
glóð hafnar
‘of the red-hot embers of the harbour’ = GOLD
the red-hot embers of the harbour → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
veitandi baugs
‘to the giver of the ring’ = GENEROUS MAN
to the giver of the ring → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.2.3. giver of rings
Þrúðr bála sævar
‘the Þrúðr of the fires of the sea’ = WOMAN
the fires of the sea → GOLD
the Þrúðr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
bál sævar
‘of the fires of the sea’ = GOLD
the fires of the sea → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
skorð kertis hranna
‘prop of the candle of the waves’ = WOMAN
the candle of the waves, → GOLD
prop of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
kerti hranna
‘of the candle of the waves’ = GOLD
the candle of the waves, → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
reiðr hristir hvítra hjalta
‘the angry shaker of shining hilts’ = WARRIOR
the angry shaker of shining hilts → WARRIOR
warrior shaker of the weapon
eigandi fannar lófa
‘the owner of the snowdrift of the palm’ = MAN
the snowdrift of the palm → SILVER
The owner of the SILVER → MAN
male, man
3.12. owner of riches
fǫnn lófa
‘of the snowdrift of the palm’ = SILVER
the snowdrift of the palm → SILVER
1.2. snow of the arm/hand
fræga ambátt þeingils … dýrðar eingla
‘the famous handmaid of the king of the glory of angels’ = HOLY WOMAN
the king of the glory of angels. → God
the famous handmaid of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
þengill … dýrðar eingla
‘of the king of the glory of angels’ = God
the king of the glory of angels. → God
Jesus Christ
gætir guðdóms
‘the guardian of the godhead’ = God
the guardian of the Godhead → God
2.7. guardian of the Godhead
hin bezta Hǫrn leiðar orma
‘the best Hörn of the path of serpents’ = WOMAN
the path of serpents, → GOLD
the best Hörn of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
leið orma
‘of the path of serpents’ = GOLD
the path of serpents, → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
Nanna elda unnar
‘Nanna of the fires of the wave’ = WOMAN
the fires of the wave, → GOLD
Nanna of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
eldr unnar
‘of the fires of the wave’ = GOLD
the fires of the wave, → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
öflgir þollr öglis stiettar
‘the strong fir-trees of the snake’s path’ = MEN
the snake’s path → GOLD
the strong fir-trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
öglis stétt
‘of the snake’s path’ = GOLD
the snake’s path → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
spektarlauss spennir málms
‘The unwise clasper of metal’ = MAN = Maxentius
The unwise clasper of metal → MAN = Maxentius
1.7.17. clasper of the weapon
vitrir vargfœðandi
‘The wise wolf-feeders’ = WARRIORS
The wise wolf-feeders → WARRIORS
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
Þrúðr vella
‘the Þrúðr of gold’ = WOMAN
the Þrúðr of gold → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
eigandi öglis túns
‘the owners of the snake’s dwelling’ = MEN
the snake’s dwelling → GOLD
the owners of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
3.12. owner of riches
öglis tún
‘of the snake’s dwelling’ = GOLD
the snake’s dwelling → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
viðr bliks hrannar
‘the woods of the gleam of the wave’ = MEN
the gleam of the wave; → GOLD
the woods of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
blik hrannar
‘of the gleam of the wave’ = GOLD
the gleam of the wave; → GOLD
1.2. gleam, shine of waters (A1)
ýtandi fress öldu
‘the launchers of the bear of the wave’ = SEAFARERS
the bear of the wave → SHIP
the launchers of the SHIP → SEAFARERS
seafarer launcher of the ship
fress öldu
‘of the bear of the wave’ = SHIP
the bear of the wave → SHIP
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
gætir eingla
‘the guardian of angels’ = God
the guardian of angels → God
2.5. guardian of angels
blessaðr veitir dýrðar himna
‘blessed provider of the glory of the heavens’ = God
blessed provider of the glory of the heavens, → God
spennir guðdóms
‘clasper of the godhead’ = God
clasper of the Godhead, → God
deilir aldar
‘of the ruler of people’ = God
the ruler of people; → God
1.3. lord of people
mæstr mildingr foldar mána
‘the greatest prince of the land of the moon’ = God
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
the greatest prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
fold mána
‘of the land of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.2. land of the moon
mæta ambátt gætis himna
‘the great handmaid of the guardian of the heavens’ = HOLY WOMAN
the guardian of the heavens; → God
the great handmaid of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
gætir himna
‘of the guardian of the heavens’ = God
the guardian of the heavens; → God
2.1. guardian of heaven
mýgir fannar lófa
‘the crusher of the snowdrift of the palm’ = GENEROUS MAN
the snowdrift of the palm → SILVER
the crusher of the SILVER → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.07. oppressor of wealth
fǫnn lófa
‘of the snowdrift of the palm’ = SILVER
the snowdrift of the palm → SILVER
1.2. snow of the arm/hand
spillir odda
‘the destroyer of swords’ points’ = WARRIOR
the destroyer of swords’ points → WARRIOR
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
Lofn elda hnyssings teigs
‘Lofn of the fires of the whale’s land’ = WOMAN
the whale’s land, → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
Lofn of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
eldr hnyssings teigs
‘of the fires of the whale’s land’ = GOLD
the whale’s land, → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
hnyssings teigr
‘of the whale’s land’ = SEA
the whale’s land, → SEA
3.1. land of the aquatic animal
heilög skorða palla ófnis
‘the holy prop of the benches of the serpent’ = WOMAN
the benches of the serpent → GOLD
the holy prop of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
pallr ófnis
‘of the benches of the serpent’ = GOLD
the benches of the serpent → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
reiðir glóða geima
‘the spreader of red-hot embers of the sea’ = GENEROUS MAN
red-hot embers of the sea → GOLD
The spreader of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.1.1. distributor of gold
glóð geima
‘of red-hot embers of the sea’ = GOLD
red-hot embers of the sea → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
strǫnd falda græðara heims
‘the beach of the headdress of the saviour of the world’ = HOLY WOMAN
the Saviour of the world → God
the beach of the headdress of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
grœðari heims
‘of the saviour of the world’ = God
the Saviour of the world → God
Jesus Christ
5.2. healer of the world
milda ambátt frægs mildings foldar mána
‘the gentle handmaid of the famous prince of the land of the moon’ = HOLY WOMAN
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
the famous prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
the gentle handmaid of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
frægs mildingr foldar mána
‘of the famous prince of the land of the moon’ = God
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
the famous prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
fold mána
‘of the land of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.2. land of the moon
mær bragnings vagna sólar
‘of the maiden of the prince of the wagons of the sun’ = HOLY WOMAN
the wagons of the sun; → SKY/HEAVEN
the prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
the maiden of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
bragningr vagna sólar
‘of the prince of the wagons of the sun’ = God
the wagons of the sun; → SKY/HEAVEN
the prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
vagn sólar
‘of the wagons of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the wagons of the sun; → SKY/HEAVEN
. wagon of the sun
sæll dróttinn dæmistóls
‘The blessed lord of the judgement seat’ = God
The blessed Lord of the judgement seat → God
1.15. lord of the judgement-seat
þella dregla
‘the young pine of ribbons’ = WOMAN
the young pine of ribbons → WOMAN
female, woman
3.2. tree, wood of embroidery (B2c)
móðir drottins
‘the lord’s mother’ = Mary
the Lord’s mother. → Mary
1. mother of Jesus Christ
deilir aldar
‘of the ruler of people’ = God
the ruler of people; → God
1.3. lord of people
mæstr mildingr foldar mána
‘the greatest prince of the land of the moon’ = God
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
the greatest prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
fold mána
‘of the land of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.2. land of the moon
Hlǫkk bauga
‘the Hlökk of rings’ = WOMAN
the Hlökk of rings → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
brekka elda síka
‘the slope of the fires of ditches’ = WOMAN
the fires of ditches → GOLD
the slope of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.3. land, landscape of riches, wealth (B2c)
eldr síka
‘of the fires of ditches’ = GOLD
the fires of ditches → GOLD
1.1.2. fire of inland waters (A1)
dróttinn sólar
‘the lord of the sun’ = God
the lord of the sun; → God
1.2. lord of heavenly bodies
Lofn guðvefs
‘Lofn of velvet’ = WOMAN
Lofn of velvet, → WOMAN
female, woman
5.1. female mythical being of cloth (B2b)
limr fylkis himna
‘the limb of the king of the heavens’ = HOLY WOMAN
the king of the heavens. → God
the limb of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.2. limb of God
fylkir himna
‘of the king of the heavens’ = God
the king of the heavens. → God
1.1. lord of heaven
dýrlig ambátt stýris himna
‘The glorious handmaid of the king of the heavens’ = HOLY WOMAN
the king of the heavens → God
The glorious handmaid of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
stýrir himna
‘of the king of the heavens’ = God
the king of the heavens → God
1.1. lord of heaven
Rist Rínar báls
‘the Rist of the Rhine’s fire’ =
the Rhine’s fire → GOLD
the Rist of the GOLD →
Rínar bál
‘of the Rhine’s fire’ = GOLD
the Rhine’s fire → GOLD
9.1.3. light of the Rhine (A1)
stillir eingla
‘of the ruler of angels’ = God
the ruler of angels, → God
1.4. lord of angels
skjǫldungr veldis skýja
‘The king of the realm of the clouds’ = God
the realm of the clouds → SKY/HEAVEN
The king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
veldi skýja
‘of the realm of the clouds’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the realm of the clouds → SKY/HEAVEN
. realm of clouds
deilir aldar
‘of the ruler of people’ = God
the ruler of people; → God
1.3. lord of people
mæstr mildingr foldar mána
‘the greatest prince of the land of the moon’ = God
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
the greatest prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
fold mána
‘of the land of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.2. land of the moon
Sága eiða linns
‘of the Sága of the lands of the serpent’ = WOMAN
the lands of the serpent. → GOLD
the Sága of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
eið linns
‘of the lands of the serpent’ = GOLD
the lands of the serpent. → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
ýtir elgs sólbyrðis
‘The launcher of the elk of the gunwale [lit. sun-board’ = SEAFARER
the elk of the gunwale [lit. sun-board] → SHIP
The launcher of the SHIP → SEAFARER
seafarer launcher of the ship
elgr sólbyrðis
‘of the elk of the gunwale [lit. sun-board’ = SHIP
the elk of the gunwale [lit. sun-board] → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
gætir aldar
‘of the guardian of the world’ = God
the guardian of the world that he → God
2.2. guardian of people
tínandi seims
‘collector of gold’ = MAN
collector of gold. → MAN
male, man
3.05. collector of riches
skorða bríma lægis
‘of the prop of the fire of the sea’ = WOMAN
the fire of the sea; → GOLD
the prop of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
brími lægis
‘of the fire of the sea’ = GOLD
the fire of the sea; → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
þella pells
‘the young pine of velvet’ = WOMAN
the young pine of velvet → WOMAN
female, woman
5.3. tree, wood of cloth (B2c)
hverr sá fleygir fannar fálka teiga
‘each distributor of the snow-drift of the falcon’s land’ = GENEROUS MAN
falcon’s land → ARM
the snow-drift of the of the ARM → SILVER
each distributor of the SILVER → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3. flinger of wealth
fǫnn fálka teiga
‘of the snow-drift of the falcon’s land’ = SILVER
falcon’s land → ARM
the snow-drift of the of the ARM → SILVER
1.2. snow of the arm/hand
fálka teigr
‘falcon’s land’ = ARM
falcon’s land → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
Hrist hrings
‘The Hrist of the ring’ = WOMAN
The Hrist of the ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
Gautr málma
‘the Gautar of metal’ = WARRIORS
the Gautar of metal; → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
stillir eingla
‘the ruler of angels’ = God
the ruler of angels → God
1.4. lord of angels
deilir aldar
‘of the ruler of people’ = God
the ruler of people; → God
1.3. lord of people
mæstr mildingr foldar mána
‘the greatest prince of the land of the moon’ = God
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
the greatest prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
fold mána
‘of the land of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.2. land of the moon
tróða elds elfar
‘the stick of the fire of the river’ = WOMAN
the fire of the river → GOLD
the stick of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
eldr elfar
‘of the fire of the river’ = GOLD
the fire of the river → GOLD
gold fire of the river (A1)
ítarligr siklingr mána
‘the magnificent prince of the moon’ = God
The magnificent prince of the moon, → God
Jesus Christ
1.01.1. lord of heavenly bodies
sannr lausnari allra manna
‘the true redeemer of all men’ = God
the true redeemer of all men, → God
Jesus Christ
. saviour of people
dróttinn dýrðar
‘the lord of glory’ = God
the lord of glory, → God
1.9. lord of glory
tiggi eingla
‘the king of angels’ = God
the king of angels. → God
1.4. lord of angels
tróða bauga
‘the stick of rings’ = WOMAN
the stick of rings → WOMAN
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
sæta ambátt gætis veraldar
‘the sweet handmaid of the guardian of the world’ = HOLY WOMAN
the guardian of the world → God
the sweet handmaid of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
gætir veraldar
‘of the guardian of the world’ = God
the guardian of the world → God
2.6. guardian of the world
þella bauga
‘of the young pine of rings’ = WOMAN
the young pine of rings → WOMAN
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
nes öglis
‘of the headland of the snake’ = GOLD
the headland of the snake → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
deilir aldar
‘of the ruler of people’ = God
the ruler of people; → God
1.3. lord of people
mæstr mildingr foldar mána
‘the greatest prince of the land of the moon’ = God
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
the greatest prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
fold mána
‘of the land of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.2. land of the moon
allir þollr ness öglis
‘all fir-trees of the headland of the snake’ = MEN
the headland of the snake → GOLD
All fir-trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
knífr stuðla
‘the knife of stuðlar’ = TONGUE
the knife of stuðlar, → TONGUE
1.1. instrument, tool of speech (A1)
skjǫldungr veldis skýja
‘of the king of the realm of the clouds’ = God
the realm of the clouds. → SKY/HEAVEN
the king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
veldi skýja
‘of the realm of the clouds’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the realm of the clouds. → SKY/HEAVEN
. realm of clouds
spillir odda
‘the destroyer of swords’ points’ = WARRIOR
The destroyer of swords’ points → WARRIOR
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
skorða falda
‘the prop of headdresses’ = WOMAN
the prop of headdresses; → WOMAN
female, woman
4.2. tree, wood of the headdress (B2c)
fægir blóta
‘the performer of sacrifices’ = HEATHEN MAN
the performer of sacrifices → HEATHEN MAN
heathen man
1. performer of sacrifices
mær bragnings vagna sólar
‘the maiden of the prince of the wagons of the sun’ = HOLY WOMAN
the wagons of the sun. → SKY/HEAVEN
the prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
the maiden of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
bragningr vagna sólar
‘of the prince of the wagons of the sun’ = God
the wagons of the sun. → SKY/HEAVEN
the prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
vǫgn sólar
‘of the wagons of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the wagons of the sun. → SKY/HEAVEN
. wagon of the sun
hæð hafnarljósa
‘the height of the harbour-light’ = WOMAN
the harbour-light, → GOLD
the height of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.3. land, landscape of riches, wealth (B2c)
‘of the harbour-light’ = GOLD
the harbour-light, → GOLD
1.2. gleam, shine of waters (A1)
hristir skjalda
‘the the shaker of shields’ = WARRIOR
the the shaker of shields, → WARRIOR
warrior shaker of the weapon
Sága elda síks
‘the Sága of the fires of the channel’ = WOMAN
the fires of the channel → GOLD
the Sága of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
eldr síks
‘of the fires of the channel’ = GOLD
the fires of the channel → GOLD
1.1.2. fire of inland waters (A1)
umgeypnandi allrar skepnu
‘the holder [in his hands] of all creation’ = God
the holder [in his hands] of all creation → God
4.3. encompasser of creation
hirðir dýrðar himna
‘the shepherd of the glory of the heavens’ = God
The shepherd of the glory of the heavens → God
hans hirði*þǫll hyrjar flóðs
‘his tending tree of the fire of the sea’ = WOMAN
the fire of the sea → GOLD
His tending tree of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
hyrr flóðs
‘of the fire of the sea’ = GOLD
the fire of the sea → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
unnari grams skjaldar himna
‘the lovers of the king of the shield of heaven’ = HOLY MEN
the shield of heaven → SUN
the king of the SUN → God
the lovers of GOD → HOLY MEN
holy man, saint
9. lover of heaven
gramr skjaldar himna
‘of the king of the shield of heaven’ = God
the shield of heaven → SUN
the king of the SUN → God
1.2. lord of heavenly bodies
skjǫldr himna
‘of the shield of heaven’ = SUN
the shield of heaven → SUN
2.1. shield of sky/heaven
prýðir plátu
‘the adorner of harness’ = WARRIOR
the adorner of harness; → WARRIOR
1.8.6. adorner of armour
blóta lystir spennandi baugs
‘the sacrifice-keen squanderers of the ring’ = GENEROUS MEN
the sacrifice-keen squanderers of the ring → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
. squanderer of wealth
tróða mála Iðja
‘the stick of the speech of Iði’ = WOMAN
the speech of Iði → GOLD
the stick of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
mál Iðja
‘of the speech of Iði’ = GOLD
the speech of Iði → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
ýtir raddar Iðja
‘the the launcher of the speech of Iði’ = GENEROUS MAN
the speech of Iði → GOLD
the the launcher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.6.1. launcher of gold
rǫdd Iðja
‘of the speech of Iði’ = GOLD
the speech of Iði → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
eflir blóta
‘the promoter of sacrifices’ = HEATHEN MAN
the promoter of sacrifices in → HEATHEN MAN
heathen man
2. strengthener of sacrifices
ræsir skríns röðla
‘the king of the shrine of heavenly bodies’ = God
the shrine of heavenly bodies → SKY/HEAVEN
the king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
skrín röðla
‘of the shrine of heavenly bodies’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the shrine of heavenly bodies → SKY/HEAVEN
2.3. shrine of heavenly bodies
hlynr Draupnis döggvar
‘maple of Draupnir’s dew’ = MAN
Draupnir’s dew, → GOLD
maple of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
Draupnis dǫgg
‘of Draupnir’s dew’ = GOLD
Draupnir’s dew, → GOLD
8.3.1. dew of Draupnir (A3)
hvern lundr hjörva
‘each tree of swords’ = MAN
each tree of swords → MAN
1.1.1. tree of the sword
vísir hválfs veðra
‘the king of the vault of the winds’ = God
the vault of the winds → SKY/HEAVEN
the king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
eldr Drafnar
‘of the fire of Dröfn’ = GOLD
the fire of Dröfn → GOLD
8.9. fire of a sea-god/goddess (A1)
hvalf veðra
‘of the vault of the winds’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the vault of the winds → SKY/HEAVEN
4.1. roof of weather
njótr vella
‘user of gold’ = MAN
user of gold’. → MAN
generous man
2.8. user of wealth
ýtir róms jötna
‘the launchers of the speech of giants’ = MEN
the speech of giants → GOLD
The launchers of the GOLD → MEN
generous man
2.6.1. launcher of gold
rómr jötna
‘of the speech of giants’ = GOLD
the speech of giants → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
gætir eingla
‘the guardian of angels’ = God
the guardian of angels; → God
2.5. guardian of angels
meiðr elds Drafnar
‘the trees of the fire of Dröfn’ = MEN
the fire of Dröfn → GOLD
the trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
jǫfurr sólar
‘the king of the sun’ = God
the king of the sun. → God
1.2. lord of heavenly bodies
lestir hlífa
‘the destroyer of defences’ = WARRIOR
The destroyer of defences, → WARRIOR
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
ljúfri ambátt lofðungs himintungla
‘the beloved handmaid of the king of heavenly bodies’ = HOLY WOMAN
the king of heavenly bodies → God
the beloved handmaid of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
lofðungr himintungla
‘of the king of heavenly bodies’ = God
the king of heavenly bodies → God
1.2. lord of heavenly bodies
brík pella
‘screen of velvet’ = WOMAN
screen of velvet’, → WOMAN
female, woman
5.3. tree, wood of cloth (B2c)
Þundr grundar orma
‘the Þundr of the land of serpents’ = WARRIOR
the land of serpents, → GOLD
the Þundr of the GOLD → WARRIOR
male, man
2.1. god of gold
grund orma
‘of the land of serpents’ = GOLD
the land of serpents, → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
palmr hneitis
‘the palm trees of the sword’ = WARRIORS
the palm trees of the sword → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
veiti*selja víns
‘the offering-willow of wine’ = WOMAN
the offering-willow of wine, → WOMAN
female, woman
6.3. tree, wood of drink (B2c)
hilmir sunnu
‘the king of the sun’ = God
the king of the sun’. → God
1.2. lord of heavenly bodies
skorða refla
‘the prop of wallhangings’ = WOMAN
the prop of wallhangings; → WOMAN
female, woman
5.3. tree, wood of cloth (B2c)
eflir Hildar veðrs
‘the promoter of Hildr’s storm’ = WARRIOR
Hildr’s storm → BATTLE
the promoter of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
Hildar veðr
‘of Hildr’s storm’ = BATTLE
Hildr’s storm → BATTLE
1.1.3. storm/wind of the valkyrie
mæta ambátt gætis himna
‘the great handmaid of the guardian of the heavens’ = HOLY WOMAN
the guardian of the heavens. → God
the great handmaid of GOD → HOLY WOMAN
holy woman
1.1. woman of God
gætir himna
‘of the guardian of the heavens’ = God
the guardian of the heavens. → God
2.1. guardian of heaven
blíðust, björt og skærust, blessuð, dyggust, mæt hyggin, fríð fögr brík pella
‘The gentlest, bright and most pure, blessed, most faithful, great intelligent, fair beautiful screen of velvet’ = WOMAN
The gentlest, bright and most pure, blessed, most faithful, great intelligent, fair beautiful screen of velvet → WOMAN
female, woman
5.3. tree, wood of cloth (B2c)
leiti linna
‘of the hill of serpents’ = GOLD
the hill of serpents → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
stýrir imnasaungs
‘of the ruler of hymn-singing’ = God
the ruler of hymn-singing → God
Njǫrðr leitis linna
‘The Njörðr of the hill of serpents’ = MAN
the hill of serpents → GOLD
The Njörðr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
lim mætiligs gætis aldar
‘of the limb of the great guardian of people’ = HOLY WOMAN = Catherine
the great guardian of people; → God
the limb of GOD → HOLY WOMAN = Catherine
holy woman
1.2. limb of God
mætiligs gætir aldar
‘of the great guardian of people’ = God
the great guardian of people; → God
2.2. guardian of people
spillir baugs
‘a destroyer of the ring’ = GENEROUS MAN
a destroyer of the ring → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.2. destroyer of rings
hneigiþollr túna öglis
‘The giving tree of the homefields of the snake’ = GENEROUS MAN
the homefields of the snake → GOLD
The giving tree of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
7. tree of gold
tún öglis
‘of the homefields of the snake’ = GOLD
the homefields of the snake → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
hildingr himnaveldis
‘the king of the realm of the heavens’ = God
the king of the realm of the heavens → God
1.1. lord of heaven
skapari þjóðar
‘of the creator of people’ = God
the creator of people; → God
5.4. creator of people
palmr hneitis
‘the palm-trees of the sword’ = WARRIORS
the palm-trees of the sword → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
runnr Yggjar báls
‘the trees of Yggr’s fire’ = WARRIORS
Yggr’s fire → SWORDS
the trees of SWORDS → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
Yggjar bál
‘of Yggr’s fire’ = SWORDS
Yggr’s fire → SWORDS
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
gætir himna
‘the guardian of heaven’ = God
the guardian of heaven → God
2.1. guardian of heaven
dýra móðir döglings dæmistóls sem heims og sólar
‘the glorious mother of the king of the judgement seat as well as of the world and the sun’ = Mary
the king of the judgement seat as well as of the world and the sun → God
the glorious mother of GOD → Mary
1. mother of Jesus Christ
dǫglingr dæmistóls sem heims og sólar
‘of the king of the judgement seat as well as of the world and the sun’ = God
the king of the judgement seat as well as of the world and the sun → God
Jesus Christ
háleitan hilmir hlýrna
‘the sublime king of heavenly bodies’ = God
the sublime king of heavenly bodies. → God
Jesus Christ
1.01.1. lord of heavenly bodies
stillir aldar
‘of the ruler of people’ = God
the ruler of people, → God
1.3. lord of people
steinn brúnar
‘the stones of the eye-brow’ = EYES
the stones of the eye-brow. → EYES
1.2. gem of the brow, eyelashes (A1b)
dróttinn dýrstrar hallar
‘the king of the most glorious hall’ = God
the king of the most glorious hall → God
Jesus Christ
jǫfurr sólar
‘to the king of the sun’ = God
to the king of the sun; → God
Jesus Christ
1.01.1. lord of heavenly bodies
stillir eingla
‘The ruler of angels’ = God
The ruler of angels → God
1.4. lord of angels
Ullr dýra unnar
‘the Ullar of the animals of the wave’ = SEAFARERS
the animals of the wave → SHIPS
the Ullar of SHIPS → SEAFARERS
1.3.1. god of the ship
dýr unnar
‘of the animals of the wave’ = SHIPS
the animals of the wave → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
eigandi róms jötna
‘the owners of the speech of giants’ = PEOPLE
the speech of giants → GOLD
the owners of the GOLD → PEOPLE
male, man
3.12. owner of riches
rómr jötna
‘of the speech of giants’ = GOLD
the speech of giants → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
veitir óðar
‘the giver of the poem’ = POET
the giver of the poem; → POET
2.01. giver of poetry
þollr Laufa
‘fir-tree of Laufi’ = WARRIOR
fir-tree of Laufi, → WARRIOR
1.1.1. tree of the sword