This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
ætt Surts
‘of the family of Surtr’ = GIANTS
the family of Surtr. → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
Norðra niðr
‘of the kin of Norðri’ = DWARFS
the kin of Norðri. → DWARFS
1. relative of the dwarf
niðr Vǫlsunga
‘the descendant of the Vǫlsungar’ = RULER
The descendant of the Vǫlsungar → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
ætt ins helga Óláfs
‘the kinsman of the holy Óláfr’ = NORWEGIAN KING
The kinsman of the holy Óláfr → NORWEGIAN KING
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
4. relative of the Norwegian king
áttrunnr Hymis
‘the kinsman of Hymir’ = GIANT = Þjazi
The kinsman of Hymir → GIANT = Þjazi
3.1. relative of the giant
allar ætt Ingvi-Freys
‘all the kin of Ingvi-Freyr’ = GODS
All the kin of Ingvi-Freyr → GODS
Áss, god
1. relatives of a god/goddess
jóð Aurnis
‘of Aurnir’s brood’ = GIANTS
Aurnir’s brood → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
ætt Játgeirs
‘the kindred of Eadgar’ = THE ENGLISH
the kindred of Eadgar → THE ENGLISH
English people
. relatives of an English king
haldorða niðr Endils
‘the trusty kinsmen of Endill’ = SEAFARERS
the trusty kinsmen of Endill → SEAFARERS
3.1. relative of the sea-king
þrír sonr Eynefs
‘three sons of Eynefr’ = SEAFARERS
Three sons of Eynefr → SEAFARERS
3.1. relative of the sea-king
dóttir Þjassa
‘daughter of Þjazi <giant>’ = GIANTESS
daughter of Þjazi <giant> → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
1.2. female relative of the giant (B4b)
mær Hrauðungs
‘the girl of Hrauðungr’ = GIANTESS
the girl of Hrauðungr → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
1.2. female relative of the giant (B4b)
mær Hrauðungs
‘the girls of Hrauðungr’ = GIANTESSES
the girls of Hrauðungr → GIANTESSES
giantess, troll-woman
1.2. female relative of the giant (B4b)
jóð Fenris
‘of the offspring of Fenrir’ = WOLVES
the offspring of Fenrir → WOLVES
2.1. relative of the wolf (B4a and b)
áttungr Gorms
‘the descendant of Gormr’ = DANISH KING = Knútr
the descendant of Gormr → DANISH KING = Knútr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
2. relative of a Danish king
kind Ellu
‘the offspring of Ælla’ = Englishmen
The offspring of Ælla → Englishmen
English people
. relatives of an English king
burr Billings
‘of the son of Billingr’ = DWARF
the son of Billingr, → DWARF
1. relative of the dwarf
Dúrnis niðr
‘of the descendants of Dúrnir’ = DWARFS
the descendants of Dúrnir → DWARFS
1. relative of the dwarf
frændi dags
‘the kinsmen of dagr’ = Swedish kings
the kinsmen of Dagr → Swedish kings
Swedish king, ruler
afspringr Freys
‘of an offspring of Freyr’ = Swedish king
an offspring of Freyr → Swedish king
Swedish king, ruler
lofsæll áttungr Týs
‘the famous descendant of Týr’ = Swedish king
the famous descendant of Týr → Swedish king
Swedish king, ruler
dáðgjarn áttungr Freys
‘the deed-eager descendant of Freyr’ = Swedish king
the deed-eager descendant of Freyr → Swedish king
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
niðr Þorns
‘the descendants of Þorn’ = GIANTS
the descendants of Þorn –, → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
kind Ymsa
‘the offspring of Ymsi’ = GIANT
the offspring of Ymsi → GIANT
3.1. relative of the giant
mágr sefgrímnis
‘of the in-laws of sefgrímnir’ = GIANTS
the in-laws of Sefgrímnir. → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
barn Þorns
‘of the children of Þorn’ = GIANTS
the children of Þorn → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
niðr Glaums
‘the descendants of Glaumr’ = GIANTS
the descendants of Glaumr; → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
traustir mágr Miðjungs
‘the trusted kinsmen of Miðjungr’ = GIANTS
the trusted kinsmen of Miðjungr → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant