band (noun n.) ‘band, bond’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Anon Andr 2VII —
bandi ‘a bond’l. 2
- Band ch. 7 —
band ‘’l. 1
- BandM —
bond ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 239
- Band §552 —
band ‘’l. 1
- Band §599 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- BjH ch. 24 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- Anon Eg 1V (WolfAug 9 10 4°) —
bond ‘’l. 1
- Eg ch. 46 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- Gr ch. 52 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- Gr —
bǫnd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7369
- Hallfr ch. 8 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- Hallfr61 —
bỏndum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7559
- HallfrÓT ch. 9 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- Heið ch. 30 —
bandsins ‘’l. 1
- Heið —
bannzins ‘band, tape, strap’l. 7593
- Anon Lil 23VII —
bandi ‘a fetter’l. 5
- Anon Lil 23VII —
bandi ‘in the fetter’l. 6
- Anon Lil 83VII —
böndum ‘the bonds’l. 8
- Anon Líkn 30VII —
bönd ‘the bonds’l. 2
- Anon Mdr 2VII —
böndum ‘the bonds’l. 1
- Anon Mdr 32VII —
bönd ‘bonds’l. 2
- Anon Mv I 22VII —
bandið ‘band’l. 7
- Anon (ÓT) 1I —
bǫnd ‘the gods’l. 6
- Anon (ÓTHkr) 1I —
bǫndum ‘the deities’l. 6
- Svarfd ch. 15 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- Anon (TGT) 26III —
Band ‘a band’l. 1
- ÞJ —
bỏnd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 10774
- ÞorvT ch. 1 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- Edáð Banddr 2I —
banda ‘of the gods’l. 8
- Edáð Banddr 9I —
banda ‘of the gods’l. 1
- Akv 30 —
bondom ‘’l. 2
- Am 99 —
bandz ‘’l. 4
- Guðr I 16 —
band ‘’l. 6
- Hávm 107 —
bꜹndom ‘’l. 6
- Hávm 146 —
bꜹnd ‘’l. 3
- Lok 39 —
bondom ‘’l. 5
- Egill Lv 21V (Eg 28) —
bǫnd ‘the deities’l. 2
- Egill Lv 30V (Eg 59) —
bǫnd ‘to the gods’l. 6
- Egill St 7V (Eg 78) —
bǫnd ‘the bonds’l. 5
- Eil Frag 1III —
banda ‘of the gods’l. 4
- Eskál Vell 8I —
banda ‘of the gods’l. 2
- Eskál Vell 14I —
banda ‘of the gods’l. 4
- Eyv Hák 10I —
bǫnd ‘the gods’l. 6
- Gestr Lv 1V (Heið 1) —
bǫndum ‘with bandages’l. 3
- Glúmr Eir 1III —
banda ‘of the bonds’l. 2
- Gramm1, FGT §59 —
band ‘’l. 1
- GSúrs Lv 14V (Gísl 17) —
banda ‘of ribbons’l. 2
- GSúrs Lv 27V (Gísl 30) —
bandi ‘band’l. 6
- Msona ch. 31 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- Hkr ÓHHkr 1I (Lbs fragm 82) —
bǫndom ‘’l. 1
- ÓHHkr ch. 155 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- Kálf Kátr 19VII —
böndum ‘fetters’l. 8
- ÓTII —
bỏndum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 9521
- Ólhelg Lv 2I —
bands ‘of the headband’l. 8
- Steinunn Lv 2V (Nj 40) —
bǫnd ‘the gods’l. 2
- HrafnSt ch. 19 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- Ísls ch. 266 —
bandið ‘’l. 1
- Sts ch. 7 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- Prose: Vǫls 30 —
bǫnd ‘’l. 1
- Tindr Hákdr 8I —
bǫnd ‘’l. 6
- Gramm1 —
band ‘band, tape, strap’l. 7377
- Agat2 —
bỏnd ‘’l. 25
- [not skaldic] —
bonꝺom ‘’l. 1
- Alex —
bond ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 117
- Alex §918 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- ÁBpˣ —
band ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 2
- ÁBp220 —
band ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 4
- ÁBp §237 —
band ‘’l. 1
- ÁBp §312 —
band ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
bundum ‘’l. 1
- BarlA —
bundum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 252
- Bl —
bondum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 331
- BlasA623 —
bondom ‘fig.; of constraining bonds)’l. 373
- BorgKr2 —
bond ‘rope, cord, lash, tether’l. 389
- Brand ch. 1 —
bandið ‘’l. 1
- BrandMork —
bandit ‘band, tape, strap’l. 412
- DI I (*[1173]›AM 186) —
bande ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 511
- DI VIII (1514) —
band ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 3764
- DN II (*1309›DonVar 1ˣ) —
bandet ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 5171
- DN VII (*1305›DonVar 1ˣ) —
band ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 6356
- EgSH ch. 2 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- ElisA —
bondum ‘band, tape, strap’l. 6971
- Eluc238XVIII(1989) —
bond ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 6988
- Eras —
bond ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7077
- Frostˣ —
böndom ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7198
- FrostKrI —
bandum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7208
- GBpA —
bønd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7287
- GBpD —
bönd ‘’l. 7296
- Georg §340 —
böndin ‘’l. 1
- Georg §469 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- GlossPsalt —
bandi ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7358
- GrgKonII —
band ‘rope, cord, lash, tether’l. 7419
- GrgStað —
band ‘rope, cord, lash, tether’l. 7423
- Grœn ch. 7 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- GulI —
band ‘rope, cord, lash, tether’l. 7459
- GulKrNA —
bandum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7479
- HÍ —
band ‘?solution and settlement (of an issue) (ɔ: the power to bind and loose, the sovereign right to make a ruling; poss. with ref. to the theological concept of the power of the keys, potestas clavium, cf. Vulg Matth 16,19; cf. item 18,18)’l. 7637
- Hkr (Málföng) —
bǫndom ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
bond ‘’l. 1
- HómÍsl16(1993) —
bꜵnd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7709
- HómÍsl18(1993) —
bꜵnd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7711
- HómÍsl32(1993) —
bǫnd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 7725
- HómNo16 —
bond ‘’l. 7758
- HómÍsl §978 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- HómÍsl §1240 —
böndum ‘’l. 1
- HómÍsl §1259 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- HómÍsl §1634 —
bönd ‘’l. 1
- SnE —
bavndvm ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 10243
- Járns —
bondom ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 8277
- Jb —
bǫndum ‘rope, cord, lash, tether’l. 8287
- JBapt1 —
bondum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 8435
- JBpA(2003) —
bondvm ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 8465
- JBpAFrg(2003) —
boɴ[d]um ‘in conn. with mental illness)’l. 8466
- JKr —
bondum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 8506
- Jón2 —
baund ‘fig.; of constraining bonds)’l. 8526
- KirjA —
baund ‘band, tape, strap’l. 8666
- [not skaldic] —
bondom ‘’l. 1
- KlmA —
böndin ‘band, tape, strap’l. 8682
- Klma —
bönd ‘band, tape, strap’l. 8683
- KlmBˣ —
bönd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 8685
- KlmFrg —
bondom ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 8686
- Landsl —
bondum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 8774
- MarD635ˣ —
band ‘fig.; of constraining bonds)’l. 8992
- MarE —
baund ‘’l. 8994
- MírmA(1997) —
band ‘?solution and settlement (of an issue) (ɔ: the power to bind and loose, the sovereign right to make a ruling; poss. with ref. to the theological concept of the power of the keys, potestas clavium, cf. Vulg Matth 16,19; cf. item 18,18)’l. 9155
- Mork —
bond ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 9191
- Mǫtt179ˣ —
bond ‘band, tape, strap’l. 9208
- Nik2 —
bandi ‘band, tape, strap’l. 9221
- ÓH —
bꜹndom ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 9441
- ÓH619 —
bꜵndum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 9494
- unattrib ÓHLeg 1I (DG 8) —
bandum ‘’l. 1
- Páll1 —
bøndum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 9549
- Rómv1 —
baundum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 10155
- Saulus —
baund ‘band, tape, strap’l. 10180
- StatJón —
bỏnd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 10340
- StatPáll2 —
bandi ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 10360
- StatPáll3 —
band ‘bond, relationship, confederacy, binding agreement, liability’l. 10362
- Stj3 —
bỏndum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 10426
- StjC —
bavnd ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 10428
- [not skaldic] —
bondum ‘’l. 1
- StuIIK —
bandit ‘rope, cord, lash, tether’l. 10482
- Styrb —
band ‘?solution and settlement (of an issue) (ɔ: the power to bind and loose, the sovereign right to make a ruling; poss. with ref. to the theological concept of the power of the keys, potestas clavium, cf. Vulg Matth 16,19; cf. item 18,18)’l. 10503
- [not skaldic] —
bondum ‘’l. 1
- Thom1 —
bond ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 10577
- Thom2 —
bondum ‘(pl.) bonds, fetters, captivity’l. 10580
- TrójHb —
band ‘bandage’l. 10615
- Vikt —
bónd ‘?solution and settlement (of an issue) (ɔ: the power to bind and loose, the sovereign right to make a ruling; poss. with ref. to the theological concept of the power of the keys, potestas clavium, cf. Vulg Matth 16,19; cf. item 18,18)’l. 10696
- VP —
bỏnd ‘rope, cord, lash, tether’l. 10714
- ÞBpC3ˣ —
bond ‘bandage’l. 10744
- Æv28 —
band ‘band, tape, strap’l. 10904
- ÚlfrU Húsdr 3III —
banda ‘of the gods’l. 2
- Þjóð Haustl 7III —
bǫndum ‘bonds’l. 4
- Þjóð Haustl 17III —
bǫnd ‘the gods’l. 2
- ÞSjár Þórdr 1I —
bands ‘of the chain’l. 2
- elements in compounds
- Anon (Styrb) 3I —
‘of the limb-band’
l. 2
- Anon Vitn 8VII —
‘the bond of love’
l. 2
- EGils Guðv 2IV —
‘of the island-band’
l. 2
- Glúmr Lv 1I —
‘of the battle-god’
l. 6
- HSt Rst 7I —
‘of the land-bond’
l. 1
- Oddi Lv 1II —
‘The elf {of the belt’
l. 3
- StarkSt Vík 3VIII (Gautr 11) —
‘captive shackles’
l. 8