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Flokkr about Sveinn Úlfsson §

Edited by Kari Ellen Gade

hafa ‘those who’

hafa (verb): have


sóttu ‘frequently’

sœkja (verb): seek, attack


fundar ‘put themselves’

fundr (noun m.): discovery, meeting


til ‘encounter’

til (prep.): to


stundum ‘sought’

stunda (verb): proceed


þeim ‘for those’

hann (pron.; °gen. hans, dat. honum; f. hon, gen. hennar, acc. hana): he, she, it, they, them...

[3, 4] þeim þrimr bragningum ‘for those three lords’: Refers to Magnús inn góði Óláfsson, Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson and Steinkell, king of the Svíar. For Steinkell (d. c. 1066), see also ÞjóðA Lv 9.


þreyta ‘their striving’

þreyta (verb): prolong, strive


þrimr ‘three’

þrennr (adj.): three(fold)

[3, 4] þeim þrimr bragningum ‘for those three lords’: Refers to Magnús inn góði Óláfsson, Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson and Steinkell, king of the Svíar. For Steinkell (d. c. 1066), see also ÞjóðA Lv 9.


bragningum ‘lords’

bragningr (noun m.; °; -ar): prince, ruler

[3, 4] þeim þrimr bragningum ‘for those three lords’: Refers to Magnús inn góði Óláfsson, Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson and Steinkell, king of the Svíar. For Steinkell (d. c. 1066), see also ÞjóðA Lv 9.


hagnat ‘been gained’

hagna (verb): turn out


hauld ‘of freeholders’

hǫlðr (noun m.; °-s; -ar): man < hǫlðvinr (noun m.)

[5] hauldvinr ‘the friend of freeholders [KING]’: The mss have hölld-vinr (so JÓ), ‘holldvinr’ (so 20dˣ) or ‘ho᷎llduinr’ (so 873ˣ); see ÍF 35, 134, 225-6 n. The form hauld- is Norw. (see ANG §105 Anm.). A hauldr (Icel. hǫlðr) was a yeoman or freeholder. See Note to Anon Nkt 15/2. The quality of the consonant cluster (ld not ) is ensured by the internal rhyme. Skj B emends hǫldvinr to hǫlða vinr (hǫlða m. gen. pl.) and Skald has hǫlda vinr. These emendations are unnecessary from a metrical point of view.


vinr ‘the friend’


vinr (noun m.; °-ar, dat. -/(-i OsvReyk 92.17); -ir): friend < hǫlðvinr (noun m.)

[5] hauldvinr ‘the friend of freeholders [KING]’: The mss have hölld-vinr (so JÓ), ‘holldvinr’ (so 20dˣ) or ‘ho᷎llduinr’ (so 873ˣ); see ÍF 35, 134, 225-6 n. The form hauld- is Norw. (see ANG §105 Anm.). A hauldr (Icel. hǫlðr) was a yeoman or freeholder. See Note to Anon Nkt 15/2. The quality of the consonant cluster (ld not ) is ensured by the internal rhyme. Skj B emends hǫldvinr to hǫlða vinr (hǫlða m. gen. pl.) and Skald has hǫlda vinr. These emendations are unnecessary from a metrical point of view.


allri ‘all’

allr (adj.): all


endum ‘border to border’

endi (noun m.): end


ógn ‘battle’

ógn (noun f.; °-ar; -ir): terror, battle < ógnsterkr (adj.)

[8] ógnstarkr ‘battle-strong’: -sterkr has been emended to -starkr to preserve internal rhyme.


starkr ‘strong’

sterkr (adj.): strong < ógnsterkr (adj.)

[8] ógnstarkr ‘battle-strong’: -sterkr has been emended to -starkr to preserve internal rhyme.


Danmǫrku ‘Denmark’

Danmǫrk (noun f.): [Denmark]

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Hætt hafa sér, þeirs sóttu
Sveins fundar til, stundum;
lítt hefr þeim at þreyta
þrimr bragningum hagnat.
Þó hefr hauldvinr haldit
— hanns snjallr konungr — allri
Jóta grund með endum
ógnstarkr ok Danmǫrku.

9Flokkr about Sveinn Úlfsson


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