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háleitan glymrstœrir glyggs geira
‘the sublime din-increaser of the storm of spears’ = WARRIOR
the storm of spears → BATTLE
the sublime din-increaser of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
glygg geira
‘of the storm of spears’ = BATTLE
the storm of spears → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of spears
‘of the earth-belt’ = SEA
the earth-belt → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
gætir hásæta
‘of the guardian of rowing-benches’ = CAPTAIN
the guardian of rowing-benches → CAPTAIN
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
. guardian of the high-seat
øngr ótti ormvengis
‘no terror of the snake-meadow’ = GENEROUS MAN
the snake-meadow → GOLD
No terror of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
5. terror of gold
‘of the snake-meadow’ = GOLD
the snake-meadow → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
fleins flugstœrir
‘of a flight-increaser of the spear’ = WARRIOR
the spear’s flight → BATTLE
an increaser of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
fleins flug
‘of the spear’s flight’ = BATTLE
the spear’s flight → BATTLE
9.1. flight of weapons
harðr lómblekkir
‘the harsh deceit-destroyer’ = JUST RULER
The harsh deceit-destroyer → JUST RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
herskíð hríðar
‘with the army-skis of the sea’ = SHIPS
with the army-skis of the sea → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
eldr ægis
‘the fire of the ocean’ = GOLD
The fire of the ocean → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
gjálfrtömðum Gestils skeiðhestr
‘track-horses of Gestill’ = SHIPS
Gestill’s track → SEA
the surge-tamed horses of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea
Gestils skeið
‘of Gestill’s track’ = SEA
Gestill’s track → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
óþrotlig sól brimreiðar
‘the unceasing sun of the surf-chariot’ = SHIELD
the surf-chariot → SHIP
The unceasing sun of the SHIP → SHIELD
1.01. heavenly body of the ship
‘of the surf-chariot’ = SHIP
the surf-chariot → SHIP
ship, boat
4.1. chariot of the sea
snotrum sigdeilir
‘the wise battle-distributor’ = WARRIOR
the wise battle-distributor. → WARRIOR
2.5.4. ruler of battle
vegljómi brims
‘of the glory-flash of the surf’ = GOLD
the glory-flash of the surf → GOLD
1.2. gleam, shine of waters (A1)
liðföstum blóm valdrósar
‘the staunch leaves of the slaughter-woman’ = SHIELDS
the slaughter-woman. → VALKYRIE
the staunch leaves of the VALKYRIE → SHIELDS
‘of the slaughter-woman’ = VALKYRIE
the slaughter-woman. → VALKYRIE
1.3. woman of the slain (B2b)
friðskerðir hringa
‘of the peace-diminisher of rings’ = GENEROUS MAN
the peace-diminisher of rings → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.10. peace-destroyer of wealth
stýrandi landa
‘the controller of lands’ = RULER
The controller of lands → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.2. lord of the land
bládúfa lögrastar
‘the dark doves of the water-way’ = SHIPS
the water-way; → SEA
the dark doves of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat
5.1. bird of the sea
‘of the water-way’ = SEA
the water-way; → SEA
5.2. path of the sea
eldr álfoldar
‘by the fire of the eel-ground’ = GOLD
the eel-ground → SEA
by the fire of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘of the eel-ground’ = SEA
the eel-ground → SEA
3.1. land of the aquatic animal
fróðr gætir norðsætra
‘the wise protector of the northern settlements’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
the wise protector of the northern settlements, → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
2.1. guardian of Norway
herklæddan herðir böðgerðar
‘the war-clad strengthener of battle’ = WARRIOR
the war-clad strengthener of battle. → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
inn hraðmælti víðþinguðr hringa
‘the quick-spoken assembly-convener of swords’ = WARRIOR
The quick-spoken assembly-convener of swords → WARRIOR
‘the sea-skis’ = SHIPS
the sea-skis → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
alkeppnum eyðir ítrbóla dalreyðar
‘the very vigorous spoiler of the splendid lair of the valley-char’ = GENEROUS MAN
the valley-char. → SNAKE
the splendid lair of the SNAKE → GOLD
the very vigorous spoiler of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
ítrból dalreyðar
‘of the splendid lair of the valley-char’ = GOLD
the valley-char. → SNAKE
the splendid lair of the SNAKE → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
‘of the valley-char’ = SNAKE
the valley-char. → SNAKE
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
stórráðum stýrir brimdýra
‘the imperious controller of surf-animals’ = SEA-KING
surf-animals → SHIPS
the imperious controller of SHIPS → SEA-KING
seafarer steerer of the ship
‘of surf-animals’ = SHIPS
surf-animals → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
ósvifrum ótti rándróttar
‘the relentless terror of the retinue of robbery’ = JUST RULER
the relentless terror of the retinue of robbery. → JUST RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.3. terror of evildoers
geðstrangir sárs logrunnr
‘flame-bushes of the wound’ = WARRIORS
the wound’s flame → SWORD
The mind-strong bushes of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
sárs log
‘of the wound’s flame’ = SWORD
the wound’s flame → SWORD
1.1.04. fire of the wound
gætir vegmæta
‘of the keeper of glorious treasures’ = KING
the keeper of glorious treasures → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
brands byrr
‘fair-wind reliable of the sword’ = BATTLE
in the fair wind of the sword, → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the sword
svartklædda dynhrókr sóknar
‘black-coated din-cormorants of battle’ = RAVENS
black-coated din-cormorants of battle → RAVENS
1.2. (black or dark) bird of the battlefield (A2)
‘of the peace-diminisher’ = WARRIOR
the peace-diminisher → WARRIOR
11. destroyer of peace
guðleiðum baugnjótr
‘the godforsaken ring-users’ = GENEROUS MEN
the godforsaken ring-users. → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.8. user of wealth
hjörklufðu valtafn
‘the sword-cloven slaughter-food’ = CORPSES
the sword-cloven slaughter-food → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.3. food of slaughter
lífgalli hallar
‘the life-harm of the hall’ = FIRE
the life-harm of the hall → FIRE
fire, flame
1.1. harm of wood
feigir fleinþollr
‘doomed spear-firs’ = WARRIORS
Doomed spear-firs → WARRIORS
1.1. tree of the weapon
‘of the swan-field’ = SEA
the swan-field → SEA
6.1. land of the aquatic bird
‘the sea-skis’ = SHIPS
the sea-skis. → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
inn böðfróði sigrmǫgnuðr bragna
‘the war-crafty victory-augmenter of men’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
The war-crafty victory-augmenter of men → WARRIOR = Hákon
5.2. increaser / strengthener of victory
‘to the spear-Hroptar’ = WARRIORS
to the spear-Hroptar. → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
þrekstærðan útverja bjórs blikrýrir
‘flash-diminisher of the beer of fishing-stations’ = GENEROUS MAN
the beer of fishing-stations. → SEA
the flash of the SEA → GOLD
the powerful diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
útverja bjórs blik
‘of the flash of the beer of fishing-stations’ = GOLD
the beer of fishing-stations. → SEA
the flash of the SEA → GOLD
1.2. gleam, shine of waters (A1)
útverja bjórr
‘of the beer of fishing-stations’ = SEA
the beer of fishing-stations. → SEA
5.1. land of the sea
flugskjarrir baugnjótr
‘the flight-shy ring-users’ = GENEROUS MEN
The flight-shy ring-users → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.8. user of wealth
darra dynsveigir
‘of the swayer of the din of spears’ = WARRIOR
the din of spears → BATTLE
the swayer of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
darra dynr
‘of the din-swayer of spears’ = BATTLE
the din of spears → BATTLE
2.1.2. din of spears
‘with spear-winds’ = BATTLE
with spear-winds. → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of spears
hryggs vargfœðir
‘of the gloomy wolf-feeder’ = WARRIOR = Alexander
the gloomy wolf-feeder. → WARRIOR = Alexander
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
fellir lífdvalar
‘a slayer of life’s duration’ = DEATH
a slayer of life’s duration → DEATH
2. slayer of life
margfréttinn framstiklir auðar
‘the very inquisitive dispenser of wealth’ = GENEROUS MAN
The very inquisitive dispenser of wealth → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3. flinger of wealth
‘of the ring-wounder’ = GENEROUS MAN
the ring-wounder → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.2. destroyer of rings
herbygðum brimskíð hríðar
‘the troop-inhabited surf-skis of the sea’ = SHIPS
the troop-inhabited surf-skis of the sea. → SHIPS
ship, boat
. overdetermined
undit grand grundar gjálfrs
‘the twisted harm of the land of the surge’ = STORM
the land of the surge → SEA
The twisted harm of the SEA → STORM
storm, wind
2. harm of the sea
grund gjálfrs
‘of the land of the surge’ = SEA
the land of the surge → SEA
5.1. land of the sea
inn sigrmæti blikskerðir
‘the victory-glorious gleam-diminisher’ = GENEROUS MAN
The victory-glorious gleam-diminisher → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01. destroyer of wealth
‘the byrnie-storm’ = BATTLE
the byrnie-storm. → BATTLE
battle shower of the mail-coat
‘of the bow-Gautar’ = WARRIORS
the bow-Gautar → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
vegstórum baug-Njǫrðr
‘the honourable ring-Njǫrðr’ = MAN = Perus
the honourable ring-Njǫrðr → MAN = Perus
male, man
2.2. god of rings
‘the byrnie-assembly’ = BATTLE
the byrnie-assembly. → BATTLE
3.2.1. meeting of mail-coats
‘the corpse-buzzards’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
The corpse-buzzards → RAVENS/EAGLES
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
fjörseldum auðstefnir
‘with the lifeless wealth-dispenser’ = GENEROUS MAN
with the lifeless wealth-dispenser; → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
‘the ring-diminisher’ = GENEROUS MAN
the ring-diminisher? → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.2. diminisher of rings
kærir Norðmæra
‘of the litigator of the Norðmærir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
the litigator of the Norðmærir → NORWEGIAN KING = Hákon
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
‘with battle-verses’ = BATTLE
with battle-verses. → BATTLE
6.13. verse of battle
gætir hásæta
‘of the guardian of rowing-benches’ = CAPTAIN
the guardian of rowing-benches → CAPTAIN
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
. guardian of the high-seat
rauðtún gunntjalda
‘the red enclosures of battle-tents’ = SHIELD-WALLS
battle-tents → SHIELDS
the red enclosures of SHIELDS → SHIELD-WALLS
1. fence of the shield
‘of battle-tents’ = SHIELDS
battle-tents → SHIELDS
2.2.1. tarpaulin of battle
‘the byrnie-meeting’ = BATTLE
the byrnie-meeting, → BATTLE
3.2.1. meeting of mail-coats
egghríðar ský
‘of the cloud of the edge-storm’ = SHIELD
the edge-storm → BATTLE
the cloud of the BATTLE → SHIELD
2.1.1. cloud of battle
‘of the edge-storm’ = BATTLE
the edge-storm → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
egghríðar ský-Þundr
‘cloud-Þundar of the edge-storm’ = WARRIORS
the edge-storm → BATTLE
the cloud of the BATTLE → SHIELD
Þundar of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
‘from the slaughter-trees’ = WARRIORS
from the slaughter-trees → WARRIORS
2.1. tree of battle