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Teaching Texts

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Lausavísur from Haralds saga Sigurðarsonar §

Edited by Kari Ellen Gade

fjǫll ‘mountains’

1. fjall (noun n.): mountain


f*alla ‘fall’

falla (verb): fall


eyðisk ‘is destroyed’

2. eyða (verb; °-dd-): destroy


meðal ‘between’

meðal (prep.): between


angrljóðasǫm ‘filled with sorrowful songs’

angrljóðasamr (adj.): filled with sorrowful songs


svelgja ‘swallow’

1. svelgja (verb): swallow

Click/tap on words in the text for grammatical information and notes.
Stór taka fjǫll at f*alla;
ferr sótt of kyn dróttar;
eyðisk friðr, en fœðisk
fjandhugr meðal landa.
Vesa munk yðr, sem ǫðrum,
angrljóðasǫm, þjóðum
— ylgr nemr suðr at svelgja
sveita — Urðr of heitin;
sveita Urðr of heitin.

6Lausavísur from Haralds saga Sigurðarsonar8


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