This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
hugstóran vǫrðr foldar
‘the high-minded guardian of the land’ = RULER = Hákon jarl
the high-minded guardian of the land → RULER = Hákon jarl
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.1. guardian of the land
dregg fyrða fjarðleggjar
‘of the dregs of the men of the fjord-bone’ = POEM
the fjord-bone; → ROCK
the men of the ROCK → DWARFS
the dregs of DWARFS → POEM
1.2.1. drink of the dwarfs
fyrðr fjarðleggjar
‘of the men of the fjord-bone’ = DWARFS
the fjord-bone; → ROCK
the men of the ROCK → DWARFS
3. man of rock
‘of the fjord-bone’ = ROCK
the fjord-bone; → ROCK
rock, stone
2.1.1. bone of waters
dreyri Kvasis
‘the blood of Kvasir’ = POEM
the blood of Kvasir. → POEM
1.7.2. blood of Kvasir
bára boðnar
‘the wave of boðn’ = POEM
the wave of Boðn → POEM
1.5. liquid of a mythical vat
fley berg-saxa
‘the ship (líð ‘ale’) of the rock-saxons’ = POEM
the rock-Saxons. → GIANTS
the ship (líð ‘ale’) of GIANTS → POEM
1.3.2. liquid of the giants
‘of the rock-saxons’ = GIANTS
the rock-Saxons. → GIANTS
1.1. man of the mountains
vágr Rǫgnis
‘the wave of Rǫgnir’ = POEM
The wave of Rǫgnir → POEM
1.1.2. liquid of Óðinn
ǫlðrhafs óðrœris
‘of the ale-sea of óðrœrir’ = POEM
the ale-sea of Óðrœrir → POEM
1.5. liquid of a mythical vat
fles galdra
‘the skerry of incantations’ = TEETH
the skerry of incantations. → TEETH
tooth, teeth
1.1. skerry of speech (A1b)
grynnilá bergs dverga
‘the shoal-wave of the rock of dwarfs’ = POEM
The shoal-wave of the rock of dwarfs → POEM
1.2.2. liquid of the dwarfs
Ullr sorgar byrgis bǫðvar
‘of the Ullr of the sorrow of the fence of battle’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the fence of battle, → SHIELD
the sorrow of the SHIELD → SWORD
the Ullr of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior Ullr of the weapon
sorg byrgis bǫðvar
‘of the sorrow of the fence of battle’ = SWORD
the fence of battle, → SHIELD
the sorrow of the SHIELD → SWORD
9.2.4. sorrow of the shield
byrgi bǫðvar
‘of the fence of battle’ = SHIELD
the fence of battle, → SHIELD
6.1. enclosure of battle
hertýs vín-Gnóðar austr
‘bilge-water of the wine-Gnóð of the army-god’ = POEM
the army -god → Óðinn
the wine of ÓÐINN → POEM
the Gnóð of the POEM → VAT
the bilge-water of the VAT → POEM
1.1.2. liquid of Óðinn
hertýs vín-Gnoð
‘of the Gnóð of the wine of the army-god’ = VAT
the army -god → Óðinn
the wine of ÓÐINN → POEM
the Gnóð of the POEM → VAT
. ship of poetry
hertýs vín
‘of the wine of the army-god’ = POEM
the army -god → Óðinn
the wine of ÓÐINN → POEM
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
‘of the army-god’ = Óðinn
the army -god → Óðinn
2.4. god of the army (C3b)
ǫrþeysir flausta
‘the valiant racer of ships’ = SEAFARER = Hákon
the valiant racer of ships; → SEAFARER = Hákon
1.1.17. racer of the ship
eiðvandr oddneytir
‘the oath-true arrow-user’ = WARRIOR
the oath-true arrow-user, → WARRIOR
1.7.04. user of the weapon
veðr Gǫndlar
‘the winds of Gǫndul’ = BATTLES
the winds of Gǫndul, → BATTLES
1.1.3. storm/wind of the valkyrie
reynir rauðmána bóga Heðins
‘the tester of the red moon of the arm of Heðinn’ = WARRIOR
the red moon of the arm of Heðinn → SHIELD
the tester of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
1.7.13. tester of the weapon
rauðmáni bóga Heðins
‘of the red moon of the arm of Heðinn’ = SHIELD
the red moon of the arm of Heðinn → SHIELD
1.04. heavenly body of the legendary person
‘the strife-sail’ = SHIELD
the strife-sail → SHIELD
12.4. sail of strife
sverrifjarðar sverða svanglýjaðr
‘the delighter of the swan of the seething fjord of swords’ = WARRIOR
the seething fjord of swords [into joining] → BLOOD
the swan of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
the delighter of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
sverrifjarðar sverða svanr
‘of the swan of the seething fjord of swords’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the seething fjord of swords [into joining] → BLOOD
the swan of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
sverrifjǫrðr sverða
‘of the seething fjord of swords’ = BLOOD
the seething fjord of swords [into joining] → BLOOD
1.2. liquid of the weapon (A2)
ofbyrr ǫrva
‘the strong wind of arrows’ = BATTLE
the strong wind of arrows → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of arrows
drífa vífs odda
‘the snow-storm of the woman of weapon-points’ = BATTLE
the woman of weapon-points. → VALKYRIE
the snow-storm of the VALKYRIE → BATTLE
1.2.4. shower of the valkyrie
víf odda
‘of the woman of weapon-points’ = VALKYRIE
the woman of weapon-points. → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
hjǫrs brak-Rǫgnir
‘noise-Rǫgnir of the sword’ = WARRIOR
the noise of the sword → BATTLE
The Rǫgnir of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
hjǫrs brak
‘of the noise of the sword’ = BATTLE
the noise of the sword → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
hagl bogna
‘the hail of bows’ = ARROWS
the hail of bows → ARROWS
1.1. shower of the bow
segl Hlakkar
‘the sail of Hlǫkk’ = SHIELD
the sail of Hlǫkk; → SHIELD
12.1. sail of the valkyrie
óþyrmir varga
‘the crusher of outlaws’ = RULER
the crusher of outlaws → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
mart él Ála
‘many a storm of Áli’ = BATTLE
Many a storm of Áli → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
rœkilundr lauks randar
‘the tending-tree of the leek of the shield’ = WARRIOR
the leek of the shield → SWORD
the tending-tree of the SWORD → WARRIOR
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
laukr randar
‘of the leek of the shield’ = SWORD
the leek of the shield → SWORD
4.3.3. leek of the shield
vǫrðr Hrafna hranna
‘the guardian of the Hrafnar of the waves’ = SEAFARER
the Hrafnar of the waves → SHIPS
the guardian of SHIPS → SEAFARER
1.1.03. guardian of the ship
Hrafn hranna
‘of the Hrafnar of the waves’ = SHIPS
the Hrafnar of the waves → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea
hljómr togins skjóma
‘din of the drawn sword’ = BATTLE
din of the drawn sword. → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
‘the arrow-rain’ = BATTLE
The arrow-rain → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
hjǫrs hríðremmir
‘storm-strengthener of the sword’ = WARRIOR
the storm of the sword → BATTLE
the strengthener of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
hjǫrs hríð
‘of the storm of the sword’ = BATTLE
the storm of the sword → BATTLE
battle shower of swords
hald-Viðurr haffaxa
‘the steering Viðurr of sea-horses’ = SEAFARER
sea-horses → SHIPS
the steering Viðurr of SHIPS → SEAFARER
1.3.1. god of the ship
‘of sea-horses’ = SHIPS
sea-horses → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea
lífkǫld veðr Laufa
‘the life-cold storms of Laufi’ = BATTLES
the life-cold storms of Laufi → BATTLES
battle storm/wind of the sword
drífa Hôars
‘in the snow-storm of Hárr’ = BATTLE
in the snow-storm of Hárr. → BATTLE
1.2.3. shower of Óðinn
‘with helmet-hail’ = BATTLE
with helmet-hail; → BATTLE
battle shower of helmets
Vína vínheims vinar Lopts
‘the Vína of the wine-world of the friend of Loptr’ = POEM
the friend of Loptr. → Óðinn
the wine-world of ÓÐINN → VAT
the Vína of the VAT → POEM
1.5. liquid of a mythical vat
vínheimr vinar Lopts
‘of the wine-world of the friend of Loptr’ = VAT
the friend of Loptr. → Óðinn
the wine-world of ÓÐINN → VAT
vinr Lopts
‘of the friend of Loptr’ = Óðinn
the friend of Loptr. → Óðinn
3.1. friend of a male mythical being (C3a)
skúr fúrs Þróttar
‘the showers of the fire of Þróttr’ = BATTLE
the fire of Þróttr; → SWORD
the showers of the SWORD → BATTLE
battle shower of swords
fúrr Þróttar
‘of the fire of Þróttr’ = SWORD
the fire of Þróttr; → SWORD
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
snytrir þjóðar
‘to the instructor of the people’ = RULER = Hákon jarl
to the instructor of the people. → RULER = Hákon jarl
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
. instructor of the people
óðstafr hjǫrveðrs
‘the furious stave of the sword-storm’ = WARRIOR
the sword-storm → BATTLE
The furious stave of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.2. stave of battle
‘of the sword-storm’ = BATTLE
the sword-storm → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the sword
‘the army-protector’ = RULER
the army-protector → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.5. guardian of the army
konungr hǫrða
‘of the king of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr gráfeldr
the king of the Hǫrðar. → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr gráfeldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
Freyr folkskíðs
‘a Freyr of the battle-ski’ = WARRIOR
the battle-ski, → SWORD
a Freyr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of the weapon
‘of the battle-ski’ = SWORD
the battle-ski, → SWORD
7.1. ski of battle
grandvarr geymir síma silkis grundar brúna
‘the damage-wary keeper of the silken band of the land of the brows’ = RULER
the land of the brows → HEAD
the silken band of the HEAD → HEADBAND
The damage-wary keeper of the HEADBAND → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
. guardian of the headband
síma silkis grundar brúna
‘of the silken band of the land of the brows’ = HEADBAND
the land of the brows → HEAD
the silken band of the HEAD → HEADBAND
. band of the head
grund brúna
‘of the land of the brows’ = HEAD
the land of the brows → HEAD
1.4. place or bone of the brows (A3 and A2)
Hlóriði garðs geira
‘the Hlórriði of the fence of spears’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the fence of spears → SHIELD
the Hlórriði of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
warrior Þórr of the weapon
garðr geira
‘of the fence of spears’ = SHIELD
the fence of spears → SHIELD
6.3. enclosure of spears
vegr jǫtna
‘to the path of the giants’ = MOUNTAINS = Norway?
to the path of the giants → MOUNTAINS = Norway?
2.1. path of the giant
ríkr rœkir rauðbríkar móts Hlakkar
‘the powerful keeper of the red board of the meeting of Hlǫkk’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the meeting of Hlǫkk → BATTLE
the red board of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the powerful keeper of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
rauðbrík móts Hlakkar
‘of the red board of the meeting of Hlǫkk’ = SHIELD
the meeting of Hlǫkk → BATTLE
the red board of the BATTLE → SHIELD
3.1. board of battle
mót Hlakkar
‘of the meeting of Hlǫkk’ = BATTLE
the meeting of Hlǫkk → BATTLE
3.4. meeting of the valkyrie
‘the wealth-diminisher’ = GENEROUS MAN
the wealth-diminisher → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03. diminisher of wealth
árr geirbrúar
‘the messengers of the spear-bridge’ = WARRIORS
the spear-bridge → SHIELD
the messengers of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
1.7.05. envoy of the weapon
‘of the spear-bridge’ = SHIELD
the spear-bridge → SHIELD
shield path of the spear
ímunborðs veðrgœðir
‘storm-increaser of the battle-board’ = WARRIOR
the battle-board, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the increaser of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
ímunborðs veðr
‘of the storm of the battle-board’ = BATTLE
the battle-board, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the shield
‘of the battle-board’ = SHIELD
the battle-board, → SHIELD
3.1. board of battle
engi ættum góðr gæti-Njǫrðr geirbríkar
‘no well-descended guarding-Njǫrðr of the spear-board’ = WARRIOR
the spear-board → SHIELD
No well-descended guarding-Njǫrðr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
1.7.11. guardian of the weapon
‘of the spear-board’ = SHIELD
the spear-board → SHIELD
3.2. board of the weapon
‘the gunwale-horses’ = SHIPS
the gunwale-horses → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the ship
sverða sǫngherðir
‘song-strengthener of swords’ = RULER
the song of swords → BATTLE
the strengthener of the BATTLE → RULER
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
sverða sǫngr
‘of the song of swords’ = BATTLE
the song of swords → BATTLE
6.02.1. song/chant of weapons
dýr vandar
‘the beast of the mast’ = SHIP
The beast of the mast → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
kneyfir hyrjar Þundar
‘the destroyer of the fire of Þundr’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the fire of Þundr; → SWORD
the destroyer of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
hyrr Þundar
‘of the fire of Þundr’ = SWORD
the fire of Þundr; → SWORD
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
fjǫlsnerrinn fégildandi niðr Yggs
‘the war-seasoned generous descendant of Yggr’ = Hákon jarl
The war-seasoned generous descendant of Yggr → Hákon jarl
Hákon jarl Sigurðarson (r. c. 970-c. 995)
2. descendant of the gods
valdr morðs haulda
‘the controller of the killing of men’ = RULER = Hákon jarl
the killing of men → BATTLE
The controller of the BATTLE → RULER = Hákon jarl
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
morð haulda
‘of the killing of men’ = BATTLE
the killing of men → BATTLE
. killing of men
‘the maiden of the battle-slain’ = VALKYRIE = Hildr
the maiden of the battle-slain; → VALKYRIE = Hildr
1.3. woman of the slain (B2b)
morðfíkinn folkverjandi mœra
‘the battle-eager people-defender of the mœrir’ = NORWEGIAN RULER = Hákon jarl
the battle-eager people-defender of the Mœrir → NORWEGIAN RULER = Hákon jarl
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
2.2. guardian of the Norwegians
Freyr byrjar Heðins
‘The Freyr of the wind of Heðinn’ = WARRIOR
the wind of Heðinn → BATTLE
The Freyr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
byrr Heðins
‘of the wind of Heðinn’ = BATTLE
the wind of Heðinn → BATTLE
1.1.5. storm/wind of a legendary hero
sá Ullr branda
‘that Ullr of swords’ = WARRIOR
that Ullr of swords → WARRIOR
warrior Ullr of the weapon
mjúkhurð Meita
‘the pliant doors of Meiti’ = SHIPS
the pliant doors of Meiti → SHIPS
ship, boat
. unique
mót randa
‘the meeting of shields’ = BATTLE
the meeting of shields → BATTLE
3.1.3. meeting of shields
Sǫrva svǫrgœlir
‘the gladdener of the bird of Sǫrvi’ = WARRIOR
the bird of Sǫrvi. → RAVEN/EAGLE
the gladdener of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.02. gladdener of the bird of battlefield
Sǫrva svǫrr
‘of the bird of Sǫrvi’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the bird of Sǫrvi. → RAVEN/EAGLE
2.2. bird of the sea-king (A2)
Ullr veggjar Heðins
‘the Ullar of the wall of Heðinn’ = WARRIORS
the wall of Heðinn → SHIELD
the Ullar of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
warrior Ullr of the weapon
veggr Heðins
‘of the wall of Heðinn’ = SHIELD
the wall of Heðinn → SHIELD
7.5. wall of the legendary hero
‘in the blade-assembly’ = BATTLE
in the blade-assembly; → BATTLE
3.1. meeting of weapons
myrðir Vinða
‘the killer of the Wends’ = Hákon jarl
the killer of the Wends → Hákon jarl
Hákon jarl Sigurðarson (r. c. 970-c. 995)
3. killer of the Wends
hlífar flagðs hlym-Narfi
‘din-Narfi of the troll-woman of the shield’ = WARRIOR = Ragnfrøðr?
the troll-woman of the shield → AXE
the din of the AXE → BATTLE
The Narfi of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Ragnfrøðr?
2.4. supernatural being of battle
hlífar flagðs hlymr
‘of the din of the troll-woman of the shield’ = BATTLE
the troll-woman of the shield → AXE
the din of the AXE → BATTLE
2.1.4. din of the axe
hlífar flagð
‘of the troll-woman of the shield’ = AXE
the troll-woman of the shield → AXE
1.1. female mythical being of the shield
andr Jalks
‘the ski of Jálkr’ = SHIP
the ski of Jálkr → SHIP
ship, boat
2.2. ski of the sea-king
þrøngvimeiðr lunda gunnar
‘the oppressing-pole of trees of battle’ = WARRIOR
trees of battle → WARRIORS
the oppressing-pole of WARRIORS → WARRIOR
4.5. destroyer of men
lundr gunnar
‘of trees of battle’ = WARRIORS
trees of battle → WARRIORS
2.1. tree of battle
gammr nás
‘of the vulture of the corpse’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the vulture of the corpse. → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
eykr aurborðs
‘the draught-animals of the plank’ = SHIPS
the draught-animals of the plank → SHIPS
ship, boat other working animal of the ship
svinnum sigrunnr
‘the wise victory-tree’ = WARRIOR
the wise victory-tree → WARRIOR
5.1. tree of victory
valdr hǫrða
‘the ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN RULER = Hákon jarl
the ruler of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN RULER = Hákon jarl
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
dróttinn dofra
‘the lord of the dofrar’ = NORWEGIAN RULER = Hákon jarl
the lord of the Dofrar, → NORWEGIAN RULER = Hákon jarl
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
‘of the island-fetter’ = Miðgarðsormr
the island-fetter, → Miðgarðsormr
serpent, snake
2.1. round or curved object of the land (A1b)
fémildr konungr Hlóðynjar myrkmarkar
‘the generous king of the Hlóðyn = Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’) of the dark forest’ = DANISH KING = Haraldr blátǫnn
the Hlóðyn = Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’) of the dark forest → JUTLAND
the generous king of the JUTLAND → DANISH KING = Haraldr blátǫnn
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Denmark
Hlǫðyn myrkmarkar
‘of the Hlóðyn = Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’) of the dark forest’ = JUTLAND
the Hlóðyn = Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘earth’) of the dark forest → JUTLAND
1. land of Myrkviðr
‘the battle-elf’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the battle-elf → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
2.3.4. elf of battle
stirðan valserkjar veðrhirðir
‘weather-keeper of the slain-shirt’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the shirt of the slain → MAIL-SHIRT
the weather of the MAIL-SHIRT → BATTLE
the unbending keeper of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
2.5.7. guardian of battle
valserkjar veðr
‘of the weather of the shirt of the slain’ = BATTLE
the shirt of the slain → MAIL-SHIRT
the weather of the MAIL-SHIRT → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the mail-coat
‘of the shirt of the slain’ = MAIL-SHIRT
the shirt of the slain → MAIL-SHIRT
1.9. shirt of the slain
hagbarða hurða hlym-Njǫrðr
‘din-Nirðir of the doors of Hagbarði’ = WARRIORS
the doors of Hagbarði. → SHIELDS
the din of SHIELDS → BATTLE
the Nirðir of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
hagbarða hurða hlymr
‘of the din of the doors of hagbarði’ = BATTLE
the doors of Hagbarði. → SHIELDS
the din of SHIELDS → BATTLE
2.1.3. din of shields
hagbarða hurð
‘of the doors of hagbarði’ = SHIELDS
the doors of Hagbarði. → SHIELDS
4.1. door of the legendary hero
geirrásar garð-Rǫgnir
‘fence-Rǫgnir of the spear-onslaught’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the spear-onslaught → BATTLE
the fence of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the Rǫgnir of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
geirrásar garðr
‘of the fence of the spear-onslaught’ = SHIELD
the spear-onslaught → BATTLE
the fence of the BATTLE → SHIELD
6.1. enclosure of battle
‘of the spear-onslaught’ = BATTLE
the spear-onslaught → BATTLE
9.6. running of spears
‘the battle-Viðurr’ = WARRIOR = Otto II
the battle-Viðurr → WARRIOR = Otto II
warrior Óðinn of battle
vágs blakkriði
‘horse-rider of the wave’ = SEAFARER = Hákon jarl
the horse of the wave → SHIP
the rider of the SHIP → SEAFARER = Hákon jarl
seafarer rider of the ship
vágs blakkr
‘of the horse of the wave’ = SHIP
the horse of the wave → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
þrymr logs Þriðja
‘the din of the fire of Þriði’ = BATTLE
the fire of Þriði → SWORD
The din of the SWORD → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
log Þriðja
‘of the fire of Þriði’ = SWORD
the fire of Þriði → SWORD
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
odda leikMiðjungr
‘game-miðjungar of arrow-points’ = WARRIORS
the game of arrow-points → BATTLE
the miðjungar of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
2.4. supernatural being of battle
odda leikr
‘of the game of arrow-points’ = BATTLE
the game of arrow-points → BATTLE
4.1. play of weapons
‘the eagle-feeder’ = WARRIOR
the eagle-feeder → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
sœki-Þróttr sundfaxa
‘the attacking-Þróttr of the channel-horses’ = SEA-WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the channel-horses → SHIPS
The attacking-Þróttr of SHIPS → SEA-WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
2. attacker of the ship
‘of the channel-horses’ = SHIPS
the channel-horses → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea
felli-Njǫrðr flótta
‘the slaying-Njǫrðr of the fleeing ones’ = WARRIOR
The slaying-Njǫrðr of the fleeing ones → WARRIOR
4.8. killer of men
draugr váða Heðins
‘the log of the clothes of Heðinn’ = WARRIOR
the clothes of Heðinn → ARMOUR
the log of the ARMOUR → WARRIOR
1.2. tree of armour
váð Heðins
‘of the clothes of Heðinn’ = ARMOUR
the clothes of Heðinn → ARMOUR
. clothing of the legendary hero
Sága dolga
‘for the Sága of enmity’ = VALKYRIE = Hildr
for the Sága of enmity. → VALKYRIE = Hildr
1.1. woman of battle (B2b)
haldboði hildar
‘the provider of battle’ = WARRIOR
the provider of battle → WARRIOR
warrior messenger of battle
ramma hrægammr
‘powerful corpse-birds’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
powerful corpse-birds; → RAVENS/EAGLES
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
Týr teinlautar
‘the Týr of the sword-dale’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the sword-dale → SHIELD
the Týr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
warrior Týr of the weapon
‘of the sword-dale’ = SHIELD
the sword-dale → SHIELD
shield land of the sword
þing hyrjar hjǫrlautar
‘an assembly of the fire of the sword-dale’ = BATTLE
the sword-dale, → SHIELD
the fire of the SHIELD → SWORD
an assembly of the SWORD → BATTLE
3.1.1. meeting of swords
hyrr hjǫrlautar
‘of the fire of the sword-dale’ = SWORD
the sword-dale, → SHIELD
the fire of the SHIELD → SWORD
sword fire of the shield
‘of the sword-dale’ = SHIELD
the sword-dale, → SHIELD
shield land of the sword
rann Sǫrla
‘a house of Sǫrli’ = SHIELD
a house of Sǫrli → SHIELD
9.4. house of a legendary hero
lyngs barða loft
‘the loft of the whale of the heath’ = GOLD
the whale of the heath → SNAKE
the loft of the SNAKE → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
lyngs barði
‘of the whale of the heath’ = SNAKE
the whale of the heath → SNAKE
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
Áss hríðar Fróða
‘the god of the storm of Fróði’ = WARRIOR
the storm of Fróði → BATTLE
The god of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.3.1. god of battle
hríð Fróða
‘of the storm of Fróði’ = BATTLE
the storm of Fróði → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
konr ragna
‘the descendant of the gods’ = Hákon jarl
the descendant of the gods → Hákon jarl
Hákon jarl Sigurðarson (r. c. 970-c. 995)
2. descendant of the gods
jǫfra ættrýrir
‘kin-destroyer of princes’ = RULER = Hákon jarl
the kin of princes? → PRINCES
the destroyer of PRINCES → RULER = Hákon jarl
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.5. destroyer of princes
jǫfra ætt
‘of the kin of princes’ = PRINCES
the kin of princes? → PRINCES
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.3. relative of a ruler
einum jarðbyggvir
‘one land-owner’ = RULER
one land-owner? → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
lofkenndr folkleikr
‘ the renowned army-game’ = BATTLE
The renowned army-game → BATTLE
4.5. play of the army
fúrr reikar Heðins
‘of the fire of the hair-parting of Heðinn’ = SWORD
the fire of the hair-parting of Heðinn → SWORD
1.1.10. fire of the legendary hero
þess lindar logskundaðr
‘fire-impeller of the spring’ = GENEROUS MAN
the fire of the spring → GOLD
that impeller of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.9. speeder of wealth
lindar log
‘of the fire of the spring’ = GOLD
the fire of the spring → GOLD
1.1.2. fire of inland waters (A1)
gnýr Gunnar
‘the din of Gunnr’ = BATTLE
the din of Gunnr, → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
‘with helmet-fires’ = SWORDS
with helmet-fires. → SWORDS
sword fire of the helmet
fast of séðir serkr sigbjarka
‘the firmly sewn shirts of the battle-birches’ = ARMOUR
the battle-birches → WARRIORS
the firmly sewn shirts of WARRIORS → ARMOUR
1.8. shirt of the warrior
‘of the battle-birches’ = WARRIORS
the battle-birches → WARRIORS
2.1. tree of battle
‘the bow-miðjungar’ = WARRIORS
the bow-miðjungar → WARRIORS
1.4.5. supernatural being of the weapon
skúr Hǫgna
‘the showers of Hǫgni’ = ARROWS
the showers of Hǫgni → ARROWS
arrow, spear
1.7. shower of the legendary hero
róma Hôars
‘in the noise of Hárr’ = BATTLE
in the noise of Hárr. → BATTLE
2.4. din of Óðinn
‘the army-summoner’ = RULER
The army-summoner → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.2. summoner of the army
tafn ylgjar
‘the prey of the she-wolf’ = CORPSE
the prey of the she-wolf. → CORPSE
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
‘the gold-distributor’ = GENEROUS MAN = Einarr, I
The gold-distributor → GENEROUS MAN = Einarr, I
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
hljótr grundar
‘the recipient of land’ = RULER
the recipient of land → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.3. receiver of land
mjǫðr Yggs
‘the mead of Yggr’ = POEM
the mead of Yggr; → POEM
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
sonr Bestlu
‘the son of Bestla’ = Óðinn
the son of Bestla; → Óðinn
1.4. son of Bestla (C4a)