bólstaðr (noun m.) ‘°place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- ch. 1 —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 12 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 19 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 20 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 22 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 26 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 27 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 31 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 32 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 33 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 36 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Eb ch. 63 —
Bólstaður ‘’l. 1
- Gísl ch. 10 —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Gísl ch. [Alt.] —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Gísl —
bolstad ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 7346
- Hœns ch. 9 —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Hœnsˣ —
bólstað ‘settled and cultivated farm’l. 7863
- [not skaldic] —
bolstað ‘’l. 1
- Kgs —
bolstaðe ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8634
- KgsFrgβ —
bolstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8638
- Krók ch. 6 —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Krók ch. 14 —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Krók —
bolstad ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8735
- Laxd ch. 7 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Laxd ch. 24 —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Laxd —
bólstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8898
- Ldn ch. 19 —
bólstaður ‘’l. 1
- Ldn ch. 90 —
Bólstað ‘’l. 1
- LdnStˣ —
bolstadr ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8926
- NjM —
bólstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 9253
- Þórð ch. 7 —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- Þórð2ˣ —
bólstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 10787
- Gestumbl Heiðr 32VIII (Heiðr 79) —
bólstaði ‘homesteads’l. 6
- Yng ch. 5 —
bólstaði ‘’l. 1
- HkrIˣ —
bólstaði ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 7667
- Alk685 —
bolstad ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 144
- AnnGott —
bolstada ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 188
- ÁKr —
bolstaða ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 42
- DN I (1317) —
Bolstoðom ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 4894
- DN II (1353) —
boolstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 5364
- DN IV (1348) —
Boolstadum ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 5950
- GrgKonI —
bölstavþvm ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 7418
- GrgKonII —
bolstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 7419
- GrgStað —
bolstaðr ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 7423
- GullÞ ch. 16 —
bólstað ‘’l. 1
- GullÞ —
bolstad ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 7493
- GÞiðrˣ —
bólstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 7511
- unattrib Hkr 1II (AM 35 fol) —
bólſtaði ‘’l. 1
- SnE —
bolstaþi ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 10243
- JarðKálf —
bolstad ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8272
- Jb —
bólstaða ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8287
- Jvs §820 —
bólstaðinn ‘’l. 1
- Jvs291 —
bo[l]staþiɴɴ ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8578
- Klma —
bólstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 8683
- ÓH —
bolstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 9441
- ÓHLeg —
bolstað ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 9491
- unattrib ÓHLeg 1I (DG 8) —
bolstað ‘’l. 1
- StjC —
bolstad ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 10428
- StuIK —
bolstad ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 10477
- Thom2y —
bolstadinn ‘place to live, dwelling, farm (buildings and land)’l. 10581
- ǪrvOdd Ævdr 35VIII (Ǫrv 105) —
l. 3
- elements in compounds