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ramr konungr Róms
‘the strong king of Rome’ = CHRIST
the strong king of Rome → CHRIST
Jesus Christ
faðir lǫgseims
‘the father of the sea-thread’ = Loki
the sea-thread → Miðgarðsormr
The father of MIÐGARÐSORMR → Loki
1.3. father of Miðgarðsormr
‘of the sea-thread’ = Miðgarðsormr
the sea-thread → Miðgarðsormr
3. surrounding or elongate object of the sea (A1b)
fellir fjǫrnets goða flugstalla
‘the preparer of the life-net of the gods of precipice-altars’ = Þórr
precipice-altars → MOUNTAINS
the gods of MOUNTAINS → GIANTS
the preparer of the life-net of GIANTS → Þórr
1.1. defeater of the giants
goð flugstalla
‘of the gods of precipice-altars’ = GIANTS
precipice-altars → MOUNTAINS
the gods of MOUNTAINS → GIANTS
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
vilgi tryggr geðreynir Gauts herþrumu
‘the by no means trustworthy mind-tester of the Gautr of host-thunder’ = Loki
host-thunder → BATTLE
the Gautr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Þórr
The by no means trustworthy mind-tester of the WARRIORÞÓRR → Loki
2.2. tester of a god
Gautr herþrumu
‘of the Gautr of host-thunder’ = WARRIOR = Þórr
host-thunder → BATTLE
the Gautr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Þórr
warrior Óðinn of battle
‘of host-thunder’ = BATTLE
host-thunder → BATTLE
2.8. din of the army
fellir fjǫrnets
‘the preparer of the life-net’ = KILLER
the preparer of the life-net → KILLER
killer, slayer, feller
. preparer of the life-net
‘of precipice-altars’ = MOUNTAINS
precipice-altars → MOUNTAINS
1.1. place of rock/stone
vigg veggjar
‘the steed of the wall’ = HOUSE
the steed of the wall → HOUSE
1. animal of house-parts
‘vulture-path’ = AIR = Loptr <= Loki>
vulture-path → AIR = Loptr <= Loki>
1. path of the vulture
niðr Þorns
‘the descendants of Þorn’ = GIANTS
the descendants of Þorn –, → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
Skotr Gandvíkr
‘the Scots of Gandvík’ = GIANTS
the Scots of Gandvík, → GIANTS
2. relationship to other outlying places
kind Ymsa
‘the offspring of Ymsi’ = GIANT
the offspring of Ymsi → GIANT
3.1. relative of the giant
setr Iðja
‘towards the seat of Iði’ = MOUNTAINS
towards the seat of Iði. → MOUNTAINS
1.2. place of the giant
farmr arma meinsvarri
‘the cargo of the arms of the harm-woman’ = Loki
the harm-woman → Angrboða
The cargo of the arms of ANGRBOÐA → Loki
2.3. lover of Sigyn and Angrboða
farmr arma
‘the cargo of the arms’ = LOVER
The cargo of the arms → LOVER
2. cargo of the arms
sviptir sagna
‘the mover of troops’ = LEADER = Þórr
the mover of troops → LEADER = Þórr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
Rǫgnir galdrs hapts sóknar
‘the Rǫgnir of the incantation of the god of battle’ = WARRIOR = Þjálfi
the god of battle. → Óðinn
the incantation of ÓÐINN → BATTLE
the Rǫgnir of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Þjálfi
warrior Óðinn of battle
galdr hapts sóknar
‘of the incantation of the god of battle’ = BATTLE
the god of battle. → Óðinn
the incantation of ÓÐINN → BATTLE
6.01.2. incantation of Óðinn
haftr sóknar
‘of the god of battle’ = Óðinn
the god of battle. → Óðinn
2.1. god of battle (C2b)
granstraumr Grímnis
‘the lip-streams of Grímnir’ = POEM
the lip-streams of Grímnir; → POEM
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
maðrtælendr halla gallópnis
‘man-destroyers of the halls of the shrill-crier’ = Þórr and his companion
the halls of the shrill-crier → MOUNTAINS
the destroyers of MOUNTAINS → GIANT
the man of the GIANT → Þórr and his companion
Þórr and his companion
1. beguilers of the giant
tælandi halla gallópnis
‘the destroyers of the halls of the shrill-crier’ = GIANT
the halls of the shrill-crier → MOUNTAINS
the destroyers of MOUNTAINS → GIANT
1.4. agent of the mountains
hǫll gallópnis
‘of the halls of the shrill-crier’ = MOUNTAINS
the halls of the shrill-crier → MOUNTAINS
1.4. place of the eagle
‘of the harm-woman’ = Angrboða
the harm-woman → Angrboða
1. woman of harm (C2b)
Mór Endils
‘the Mór of Endill’ = SHIP
the Mór of Endill → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea-king
ver gunnvargs fríðrar himintǫrgu
‘to the sea of the battle-wolf of the splendid sky-shield’ = MOUNTAINS
the splendid sky-shield; [he] → SUN
the battle-wolf of the SUN → Fenrir
to the sea of FENRIR → MOUNTAINS
3.2. sea of the wolf
gunnvargr fríðrar himintǫrgu
‘of the battle-wolf of the splendid sky-shield’ = Fenrir
the splendid sky-shield; [he] → SUN
the battle-wolf of the SUN → Fenrir
2. destructive creature of the sun (A3)
fríðrar himintarga
‘of the splendid sky-shield’ = SUN
the splendid sky-shield; [he] → SUN
2.1. shield of sky/heaven
dreyri frumseyris fljóða
‘the blood of the foremost harasser of women’ = RIVER
the foremost harasser of women, → GIANT
the blood of the GIANT → RIVER
bragðmildr, bræði vændr bǫlkveitir Loka
‘the action-liberal, rage-familiar misfortune-destroyer of Loki’ = Þórr
the action-liberal, rage-familiar misfortune-destroyer of Loki → Þórr
3. friend of the gods (C3a)
brúðr mága sefgrímnis
‘the bride of the in-laws of sefgrímnir’ = GIANTESS
the in-laws of Sefgrímnir. → GIANTS
the bride of GIANTS → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
1.1. consort of the giant (B3a)
frumseyrir fljóða
‘of the foremost harasser of women’ = GIANT
the foremost harasser of women, → GIANT
mágr sefgrímnis
‘of the in-laws of sefgrímnir’ = GIANTS
the in-laws of Sefgrímnir. → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
vegrþverrir varra Nǫnnu
‘the path-diminisher of the waters of Nanna’ = Þórr
the waters of Nanna → RIVER
the path-diminisher of the RIVER → Þórr
4. vanquisher of the river Vimur (C1a/C3b)
varra Nǫnnu
‘of the waters of Nanna’ = RIVER
the waters of Nanna → RIVER
ver gaupu
‘the sea of the lynx’ = MOUNTAINS
the sea of the lynx. → MOUNTAINS
3.1. sea of the lynx
œstr støkkvir þrjóts urðar
‘the ardent banisher of the lout of the stone’ = Þórr
the lout of the stone → GIANT
The ardent banisher of the GIANT → Þórr
1. enemy of the giant-race (C1a/C3a)
þrjótr urðar
‘of the lout of the stone’ = GIANT
the lout of the stone → GIANT
1.4. agent of the mountains
‘of the stake-path’ = FORD
the stake-path, → FORD
1. path of the stake
‘shot-adders’ = SPEARS
shot-adders → SPEARS
1.5. serpent of shot
mǫrk háfs
‘the borderland of the fish trap’ = RIVER
the borderland of the fish trap → RIVER
3. land of the fish trap
‘the din-file’ = SPEAR
The din-file → SPEAR
hreggi hǫggvin* fellihryn fjalla
‘the storm-blasted toppling-noise of the mountains’ = RIVER
the storm-blasted toppling-noise of the mountains → RIVER
2. din of the mountains
málhvettan byrr markar
‘the chattering wind of the borderland’ = RIVER
the chattering wind of the borderland; → RIVER
hvélvala Hallar
‘the wheel-knuckles of Hǫll’ = STONES
the wheel-knuckles of Hǫll → STONES
rock, stone
2.1.1. bone of waters
steði Feðju
‘the anvil of Fedje’ = ROCK
the anvil of Fedje. → ROCK
rock, stone
2.2. hard object of waters
njótr njarðgjarðar
‘the user of the strength-belt’ = Þórr
The user of the strength-belt → Þórr
6. Determinant: attributes, belongings
harðvaxnar herðr hallands
‘the hard-grown shoulders of the sloping-land’ = ROCKS
the sloping-land → MOUNTAIN
the hard-grown shoulders of the MOUNTAIN → ROCKS
rock, stone
1.1. body parts of the earth
‘of the sloping-land’ = MOUNTAIN
the sloping-land → MOUNTAIN
4. sloping land
þverrir barna Þorns
‘the diminisher of the children of Þorn’ = Þórr
the children of Þorn → GIANTS
The diminisher of GIANTS → Þórr
1.1. defeater of the giants
barn Þorns
‘of the children of Þorn’ = GIANTS
the children of Þorn → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
‘of the roof of the earth’ = SKY
the roof of the earth → SKY
snerriblóð Mǫrnar
‘the rushing blood of Mǫrn’ = RIVER
the rushing blood of Mǫrn → RIVER
eiðsvara víkingr setrs Gauta
‘the oath-bound vikings of the seat of Gauti’ = Þórr and Þjálfi
the seat of Gauti, → Ásgarðr
The oath-bound vikings of ÁSGARÐR → Þórr and Þjálfi
Þórr and his companion
2. vikings of Ásgarðr
setr Gauta
‘of the seat of Gauti’ = Ásgarðr
the seat of Gauti, → Ásgarðr
. abode of Óðinn
sverðrunnit fen Fríðar
‘the sword-filled fen of Fríðr’ = RIVER
the sword-filled fen of Fríðr → RIVER
hretviðri blásin hrǫnn áss
‘the tempest-blown wave of the ridge’ = RIVER
The tempest-blown wave of the ridge → RIVER
1. water of the mountains
herðir nauðar
‘the strengthener of the distress’ = TORMENTOR
the strengthener of the distress → TORMENTOR
. strengthener of need
skafls jarðar hauðrs run*kykvir
‘stream-quickeners of the land of the snow-drift of the earth’ = GIANTESSES
the snow-drift of the earth, → RIDGE
the land of the RIDGE → MOUNTAIN
the stream of the MOUNTAIN → RIVER
the quickeners of the RIVER → GIANTESSES
giantess, troll-woman
2.3. quickener of the mountain-stream (B2a)
skafls jarðar hauðrs run
‘of the stream of the land of the snow-drift of the earth’ = RIVER
the snow-drift of the earth, → RIDGE
the land of the RIDGE → MOUNTAIN
the stream of the MOUNTAIN → RIVER
1. water of the mountains
skafls jarðar hauðr
‘of the land of the snow-drift of the earth’ = MOUNTAIN
the snow-drift of the earth, → RIDGE
the land of the RIDGE → MOUNTAIN
1.1. place of rock/stone
skafl jarðar
‘of the snow-drift of the earth’ = RIDGE
the snow-drift of the earth, → RIDGE
. snow-drift of the earth
herði nauðar skafl jarðar hauðr runkykvir
‘the strengthener of the distress of the quickeners of the stream of the land of the snow-drift of the earth’ = Þórr
the snow-drift of the earth, → RIDGE
the land of the RIDGE → MOUNTAIN
the stream of the MOUNTAIN → RIVER
the quickeners of the RIVER → GIANTESSES
the strengthener of the distress of GIANTESSES → Þórr
1. enemy of the giant-race (C1a/C3a)
‘the strap-sky’ = SHIELD
the strap-sky → SHIELD
10.1. sky of the shield
sinnir ýta skaunar
‘the helper of the launchers of the shield’ = LEADER = Þórr
the launchers of the shield; → WARRIORS
the helper of WARRIORS → LEADER = Þórr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
ýtir skaunar
‘of the launchers of the shield’ = WARRIORS
the launchers of the shield; → WARRIORS
warrior launcher of the weapon
ekkja Hrekkmímis
‘the widows of Hrekkmímir’ = GIANTESSES
The widows of Hrekkmímir → GIANTESSES
giantess, troll-woman
1.1. consort of the giant (B3a)
steypir stophnísu
‘the overcomer of the cliff-porpoise’ = Þórr
the cliff-porpoise → GIANTESS
the overcomer of GIANTESS → Þórr
1.1. defeater of the giants
‘of the cliff-porpoise’ = GIANTESS
the cliff-porpoise → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)
djúpakǫrn dolgs
‘the sea-acorns of animosity’ = HEARTS
the sea-acorns of animosity → HEARTS
1.1. solid object of the mind (A1b)
‘the sea-acorns’ = STONES
the sea-acorns → STONES
rock, stone
2.2. hard object of waters
firar vamms stǫðvar glamma
‘of the disgraceful men of the place of wolves’ = GIANTS
the place of wolves → MOUNTAINS
the disgraceful men of MOUNTAINS → GIANTS
1.1. man of the mountains
stǫð glamma
‘of the place of wolves’ = MOUNTAINS
the place of wolves → MOUNTAINS
1.3. place of the wolf
arfi Eiðsfjarðar
‘the heir of Eidsfjorden’ = Hákon jarl?
The heir of Eidsfjorden → Hákon jarl?
Hákon jarl Sigurðarson (r. c. 970-c. 995)
1.3. heir of Eidsfjorden
steinn þróttar
‘the stone of valour’ = HEART
the stone of valour → HEART
1.1. solid object of the mind (A1b)
dynr harðgleypnis borðs hlífar
‘din of the harsh swallower of the board of defence’ = BATTLE
the board of defence → SHIELD
the harsh swallower of the SHIELD → SWORD
din of the SWORD → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
harðgleypnir borðs hlífar
‘of the harsh swallower of the board of defence’ = SWORD
the board of defence → SHIELD
the harsh swallower of the SHIELD → SWORD
12.1.2. damaging being of the shield
borð hlífar
‘of the board of defence’ = SHIELD
the board of defence → SHIELD
3.8. board of defence
Hǫrðar barða
‘the hǫrðar of precipices’ = GIANTS
the Hǫrðar of precipices, → GIANTS
1.1. man of the mountains
þjóð fjǫru
‘of the people of the shore’ = GIANTS
the people of the shore, → GIANTS
2. relationship to other outlying places
Heðins reikar skálleikr
‘bowl-game of the hair-parting of Heðinn’ = BATTLE
the bowl of the hair-parting of Heðinn → HELMET
the game of the HELMET → BATTLE
4.1.4. play of the helmet
reikar skál
‘of the bowl of the hair-parting’ = HAT
the bowl of the hair-parting → HAT
hat, hood
1. bowl of the hair-parting
skyld-Breti skytju
‘the kin-Britons of the markswoman [= skaði]’ = GIANTS
the kin-Britons of the markswoman [= Skaði]. → GIANTS
4.3. man of the giantess
Heðins reikar skál
‘of the bowl of the hair-parting of Heðinn’ = HELMET
the bowl of the hair-parting of Heðinn → HELMET
1.2. headgear of a legendary hero
‘the skerry-host’ = GIANTS
The skerry-host → GIANTS
2. relationship to other outlying places
kneyfir dróttar kolgu dolg-Svíþjóðar
‘the oppressor of the host of the cold wave of the hostile Sweden’ = Þórr
the cold wave of the hostile Sweden; → Gandvík
the host of GANDVÍK → GIANTS
the oppressor of GIANTS → Þórr
1.1. defeater of the giants
drótt kolgu dolg-Svíþjóðar
‘of the host of the cold wave of the hostile Sweden’ = GIANTS
the cold wave of the hostile Sweden; → Gandvík
the host of GANDVÍK → GIANTS
2. relationship to other outlying places
kolga dolg-Svíþjóðar
‘of the cold wave of the hostile Sweden’ = Gandvík
the cold wave of the hostile Sweden; → Gandvík
ferð nesja
‘the troop of headlands’ = GIANTS
the troop of headlands → GIANTS
2. relationship to other outlying places
Jólnis funhristis ætt
‘group of the flame-shaker of Jólnir’ = WARRIORS = Þórr and Þjálfi
the flame of Jólnir → SWORD
the shaker of the SWORD → WARRIOR
the group of the WARRIOR → WARRIORS = Þórr and Þjálfi
4.7. kin of the warrior
Jólnis funhristir
‘of the shaker of the flame of Jólnir’ = WARRIOR
the flame of Jólnir → SWORD
the shaker of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior shaker of the weapon
Jólnis funi
‘of the flame of Jólnir’ = SWORD
the flame of Jólnir → SWORD
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
Danr útvés flóðrifs
‘the danes of the outlying sanctuary of the sea-rib’ = GIANTS
the sea-rib → STONE
the outlying sanctuary of the STONE → COAST
the Danes of the COAST → GIANTS
2. relationship to other outlying places
útvé flóðrifs
‘of the outlying sanctuary of the sea-rib’ = COAST
the sea-rib → STONE
the outlying sanctuary of the STONE → COAST
beach, coast, shore
1. sanctuary of stone
‘of the sea-rib’ = STONE
the sea-rib → STONE
rock, stone
2.1.1. bone of waters
þróttarhersir Þornranns
‘of the strength-hersar of the house of Þorn’ = GIANTS
the house of Þorn; → CAVE
the strength-hersar of the CAVE → GIANTS
1.1.1. man of the cave
‘of the house of Þorn’ = CAVE
the house of Þorn; → CAVE
1.2. dwelling of the giant
Kumrar hellis
‘of the cumbrians of the cave’ = GIANTS
the Cumbrians of the cave → GIANTS
1.1.1. man of the cave
hlǫðr hreina gnípu
‘the vanquisher of the reindeer of the peak’ = Þórr
the reindeer of the peak → GIANTS
The vanquisher of GIANTS → Þórr
1.1. defeater of the giants
hreinn gnípu
‘of the reindeer of the peak’ = GIANTS
the reindeer of the peak → GIANTS
1.5. animal of the mountains
kván risa
‘of the wife of the giant’ = GIANTESS
the wife of the giant; → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
1.1. consort of the giant (B3a)
fylving hallvallar
‘by the nuts of the sloping-plain’ = STONES
the sloping-plain → MOUNTAINS
by the nuts of MOUNTAINS → STONES
rock, stone
1.2. hard object of the earth
‘of the sloping-plain’ = MOUNTAINS
the sloping-plain → MOUNTAINS
4. sloping land
hôm logi himna
‘the high flame of the skies’ = LIGHTNING
the high flame of the skies, → LIGHTNING
1. flame of the sky
tungls brásalr
‘eyelash-hall of the moon’ = HEAD
the moon of eyelashes → EYE
the hall of the EYE → HEAD
1.6. place of the eye (A3)
tungl brá
‘of the moon of eyelashes’ = EYE
the moon of eyelashes → EYE
1.1. light of the head (A1b)
hofstjóri váfreiðar hreggs
‘the temple-steerer of the hovering chariot of the thunderstorm’ = Þórr
The temple-steerer of the hovering chariot of the thunderstorm → Þórr
6. Determinant: attributes, belongings
hundfornan kjǫlr hlátrelliða
‘the age-old keel of the laughter-ship’ = BACK
the laughter-ship → BREAST
the age-old keel of the BREAST → BACK
. keel of the breast (A1c)
‘of the laughter-ship’ = BREAST
the laughter-ship → BREAST
breast, chest
4.2. vehicle of laughter (A1a)
hvôrutveggja sprund hellis
‘of both women of the cave’ = GIANTESSES
both women of the cave. → GIANTESSES
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)
konr Jarðar
‘the son of Jǫrð’ = Þórr
The son of Jǫrð → Þórr
2.1. son of Jǫrð (C4a/C4b)
maðr legs mœrar fjarðeplis
‘the men of the lair of the land of the fjord-apple’ = GIANTS
the fjord -apple → STONE
the land of the STONE → MOUNTAINS
the lair of MOUNTAINS → CAVE
the men of the CAVE → GIANTS
1.1.1. man of the cave
leg mœrar fjarðeplis
‘of the lair of the land of the fjord-apple’ = CAVE
the fjord -apple → STONE
the land of the STONE → MOUNTAINS
the lair of MOUNTAINS → CAVE
1.1. dwelling of the earth
mœrr fjarðeplis
‘of the land of the fjord-apple’ = MOUNTAINS
the fjord -apple → STONE
the land of the STONE → MOUNTAINS
1.1. place of rock/stone
‘of the fjord-apple’ = STONE
the fjord -apple → STONE
rock, stone
2.2. hard object of waters
œgir almtaugar
‘the terrifier of the bow-string’ = WARRIOR = Geirrøðr
The terrifier of the bow-string, → WARRIOR = Geirrøðr
warrior terrifier of the weapon
áttrunnr Suðra
‘the relative of Suðri’ = GIANT
the relative of Suðri, → GIANT
afli soðnum segi tangar
‘a hearth-boiled morsel of tongs’ = PIECE OF IRON
a hearth-boiled morsel of tongs → PIECE OF IRON
angrþjóf Óðins
‘of the sorrow-thief of Óðinn’ = Þórr
the sorrow-thief of Óðinn. → Þórr
3. friend of the gods (C3a)
‘of the sorrow-thief’ = HELPER
the sorrow-thief → HELPER
1. thief of sorrow
þrøngvir kunnleggs kveldrunninna kvinna
‘the oppressor of the family line of the evening-running women’ = Þórr
the evening-running women → TROLL-WOMEN
the family line of the TROLL-WOMEN → GIANTS
The oppressor of GIANTS → Þórr
1.1. defeater of the giants
kunnleggr kveldrunninna kvinna
‘of the family line of the evening-running women’ = GIANTS
the evening-running women → TROLL-WOMEN
the family line of the TROLL-WOMEN → GIANTS
kveldrunninna kona
‘of the evening-running women’ = TROLL-WOMEN
the evening-running women → TROLL-WOMEN
giantess, troll-woman
3. roamer of the evening (B1a)
‘with his forearm-mouth’ = HAND
with his forearm-mouth → HAND
3.1. mouth of the arm (A1)
þungum rauðbiti þangs tangar
‘the heavy red mouthful of the seaweed of tongs’ = PIECE OF IRON
the heavy red mouthful of the seaweed of tongs, → PIECE OF IRON
hraðskyndir gunnar
‘the swift hastener of battle’ = WARRIOR = Þórr
the swift hastener of battle, → WARRIOR = Þórr
warrior hastener of battle
langvinr þrǫngvar
‘the old friend of the tight spot (þjálfi ‘enclosure’ = þjálfi)’ = Þórr
the old friend of the tight spot (þjálfi ‘enclosure’ = Þjálfi), → Þórr
3. friend of the gods (C3a)
lyptisylgr síu
‘the raised drink of the spark’ = PIECE OF IRON
the raised drink of the spark → PIECE OF IRON
hrapmunnr handa
‘with the hurried mouths of his arms’ = HANDS
with the hurried mouths of his arms, → HANDS
3.1. mouth of the arm (A1)
ǫrÞrasir drósar Hrímnis
‘of the passionate lover of the lady of Hrímnir’ = GIANT = Geirrøðr
the lady of Hrímnir → GIANTESS
the passionate lover of GIANTESS → GIANT = Geirrøðr
4.1. confidant of the giantess
drós Hrímnis
‘of the lady of Hrímnir’ = GIANTESS
the lady of Hrímnir → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
1.1. consort of the giant (B3a)
brjóst greipar
‘the breast of the grip’ = HAND
the breast of the grip → HAND
3.2. breast of the grip (A1)
þrámóðnir Þrúðar
‘the one longing for Þrúðr’ = Þórr
the one longing for Þrúðr. → Þórr
2.3. father of Magni and Þrúðr (C4a/C3a)
Heiðrekr veggjar Þrasis
‘of the Heiðrekr of the wall of Þrasir’ = GIANT = Geirrøðr
the wall of Þrasir → STONE
the Heiðrekr of the STONE → GIANT = Geirrøðr
1.3. legendary person of the mountains
veggr Þrasis
‘of the wall of Þrasir’ = STONE
the wall of Þrasir → STONE
rock, stone
3.1. dwelling place of the dwarf
fornan fótleggr fletbjarnar
‘the old leg of the bench-bear’ = PILLAR
the bench-bear. → HOUSE
the old leg of the HOUSE → PILLAR
pillar, post
1. leg of the house
‘of the bench-bear’ = HOUSE
the bench-bear. → HOUSE
1. animal of house-parts
ítr gulli Ullar
‘the glorious stepfather of Ullr’ = Þórr
The glorious stepfather of Ullr → Þórr
2.4. kinsman of Ullr (C4a)
nest meina
‘the provisions of harm’ = PIECE OF IRON
the provisions of harm → PIECE OF IRON
þrjótr jótrs vegtaugar
‘of the defier of the molar of the way of the fishing-line’ = GIANT
the way of the fishing-line. → SEA
the molar of the SEA → STONE
the defier of the STONE → GIANT
1.4. agent of the mountains
jótr vegtaugar
‘of the molar of the way of the fishing-line’ = STONE
the way of the fishing-line. → SEA
the molar of the SEA → STONE
rock, stone
2.1.2. tooth of waters
‘of the way of the fishing-line’ = SEA
the way of the fishing-line. → SEA
7.2. path of the fishing-line
niðr Glaums
‘the descendants of Glaumr’ = GIANTS
the descendants of Glaumr; → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
salrvaniðr Synjar arinbrautar
‘the hall-visitor of the Syn of the hearth-stone-path’ = GIANT
the hearth-stone-path. → MOUNTAINS
the hall-visitor of GIANTESS → GIANT
4.1. confidant of the giantess
Syn arinbrautar
‘of the Syn of the hearth-stone-path’ = GIANTESS
the hearth-stone-path. → MOUNTAINS
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)
‘of the hearth-stone-path’ = MOUNTAINS
the hearth-stone-path. → MOUNTAINS
2.4. path of the stone
tívar tvíviðar
‘the god of the bow’ = WARRIOR = Geirrøðr
the god of the bow, → WARRIOR = Geirrøðr
1.4.1. god of the weapon
‘of the bench-road’ = HOUSE
the bench-road → HOUSE
3. path of the bench
tollurr karms
‘the pole of the wagon-cab’ = CHARIOTEER = Þórr
the pole of the wagon-cab → CHARIOTEER = Þórr
. pole of the wagon-chest
herblótinn hneitir kalfa undirfjalfrs bliku alfheims
‘the people-worshipped vanquisher of the calves of the low hiding-place of the gleam of the elf-world’ = Þórr
the gleam of the elf -world → SUN
the low hiding-place of the SUN → CAVE
the calves of the CAVE → GIANTS
The people-worshipped vanquisher of GIANTS → Þórr
1.1. defeater of the giants
kalfr undirfjalfrs bliku alfheims
‘of the calves of the low hiding-place of the gleam of the elf-world’ = GIANTS
the gleam of the elf -world → SUN
the low hiding-place of the SUN → CAVE
the calves of the CAVE → GIANTS
1.5. animal of the mountains
undirfjalfr bliku alfheims
‘of the low hiding-place of the gleam of the elf-world’ = CAVE
the gleam of the elf -world → SUN
the low hiding-place of the SUN → CAVE
2.1. hiding-place from the sun
blika alfheims
‘of the gleam of the elf-world’ = SUN
the gleam of the elf -world → SUN
1.2.2. light of the elf-world
Rygir Lista vallátrs
‘falcon-Rygir of the lair of Lista’ = GIANTS
the falcon-lair → ROCK
the Lista of the ROCK → MOUNTAINS
1.1. man of the mountains
Listi vallátrs
‘of the Lista of the falcon-lair’ = MOUNTAINS
the falcon-lair → ROCK
the Lista of the ROCK → MOUNTAINS
1.1. place of rock/stone
‘of the falcon-lair’ = ROCK
the falcon-lair → ROCK
rock, stone
3.3. dwelling place of the mountain bird
liðfǫstum aldrminnkandi aldar Ellu steins
‘the life-diminisher of the people of the Ælla of the stonesupport-strong. ’ = Þórr
the Ælla of the stone, → GIANT
the people of the GIANT → GIANTS
the life-diminisher of GIANTSsupport-strong. → Þórr
1.1. defeater of the giants
ǫld Ellu steins
‘of the people of the Ælla of the stone’ = GIANTS
the Ælla of the stone, → GIANT
the people of the GIANT → GIANTS
3.2. men of the giant
Ella steins
‘of the Ælla of the stone’ = GIANT
the Ælla of the stone, → GIANT
1.3. legendary person of the mountains
bróðir Vrǫsku
‘the brother of Rǫskva’ = Þjálfi
The brother of Rǫskva → Þjálfi
1. brother of Rǫskva
faðir Magna
‘the father of Magni’ = Þórr
the father of Magni → Þórr
2.3. father of Magni and Þrúðr (C4a/C3a)
steinn þróttar
‘the stone of valour’ = HEART
the stone of valour → HEART
1.1. solid object of the mind (A1b)
sáð orð sónar
‘the seed of the words of són’ = POETRY
the seed of the words of Són → POETRY
konr mœrar
‘the descendant of the land (= jǫrð)’ = Þórr
the descendant of the land (= Jǫrð) → Þórr
2.1. son of Jǫrð (C4a/C4b)
‘the mind-land’ = BREAST
the mind-land. → BREAST
breast, chest
1.1.1. land of the mind (A3)