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harri salar fjalla
‘lord of the hall of the mountains’ = God
the hall of the mountains. May → SKY/HEAVEN
lord of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
salr fjalla
‘of the hall of the mountains’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of the mountains. May → SKY/HEAVEN
1.3. house of the land
dǫglingr dœmistóls ok sólar
‘the king of the judgement-seat and of the sun’ = God
the king of the judgement-seat and of the sun → God
1.19. lord of the judgement-seat and of the sun
frægjan harri fagrgims hás hreggranns
‘the famous king of the fair jewel of the high storm-house’ = God
the high storm-house, → SKY/HEAVEN
the fair jewel of the SKY/HEAVEN → SUN
the famous king of the SUN → God
1.2. lord of heavenly bodies
fagrgim hás hreggranns
‘of the fair jewel of the high storm-house’ = SUN
the high storm-house, → SKY/HEAVEN
the fair jewel of the SKY/HEAVEN → SUN
1.3.1. jewel of the sky
hás hreggrann
‘of the high storm-house’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the high storm-house, → SKY/HEAVEN
1.1.1. house of storm/wind
frægjum stýrir aldar
‘to the famous steerer of men’ = God
to the famous steerer of men, → God
1.3. lord of people
lyptimeiðr linns láðs
‘the lifting-poles of the serpent’s land’ = MEN
the serpent’s land; → GOLD
the lifting-poles of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
linns láð
‘of the serpent’s land’ = GOLD
the serpent’s land; → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
hreinlyndr hilmir hreggþjalma
‘the pure-minded prince of the storm-enclosure’ = God
the storm-enclosure → SKY/HEAVEN
the pure-minded prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
‘of the storm-enclosure’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the storm-enclosure → SKY/HEAVEN
svinnir hirðimeiðr linns hræsunda
‘May the wise guarding-poles of the serpent of carrion-channels’ = MEN
carrion-channels → BLOOD
the serpent of the BLOOD → SWORD
May the wise guarding-poles of the SWORD → MEN
1.7.11. guardian of the weapon
linnr hræsunda
‘of the serpent of carrion-channels’ = SWORD
carrion-channels → BLOOD
the serpent of the BLOOD → SWORD
2.4. snake of blood
‘of carrion-channels’ = BLOOD
carrion-channels → BLOOD
1.3. liquid of the corpse (A2)
‘way-adorners’ = MEN
way-adorners → MEN
male, man
snillifimr grundar salvǫrðr
‘earth’s hall-warden’ = God
the hall of the earth → SKY/HEAVEN
The prowess-nimble warden of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
2.1. guardian of heaven
grundar salr
‘of the hall of the earth’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of the earth → SKY/HEAVEN
1.3. house of the land
blíðir viðr byrskíðs
‘gentle trees of the wind-ski’ = SEAFARERS
the wind-ski → SHIP
Gentle trees of the SHIP → SEAFARERS
1.2. tree of the ship
‘of the wind-ski’ = SHIP
the wind-ski → SHIP
ship, boat
2.4. ski of fair wind
skreytandi blakks brautar borðs
‘the furnishers of the horse of the path of the plank’ = SEAFARER
the path of the plank → SEA
the horse of the SEA → SHIP
the furnishers of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.1.02. adorner of the ship
blakkr brautar borðs
‘of the horse of the path of the plank’ = SHIP
the path of the plank → SEA
the horse of the SEA → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
braut borðs
‘of the path of the plank’ = SEA
the path of the plank → SEA
4.2. path of the ship
vegfróðr veitir góðra hluta
‘the way-wise giver of good things’ = God
The way-wise giver of good things → God
fleins flug
‘of spear-flight’ = BATTLE
spear-flight → BATTLE
9.1. flight of weapons
arms hyrskerðandi
‘arm’s fire-diminishers’ = GENEROUS MEN
the fire of the arm, → GOLD
for the diminishers of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
arms hyrr
‘of the fire of the arm’ = GOLD
the fire of the arm, → GOLD
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
fleins fluggreddir
‘flight-nourishers of the spear’ = WARRIORS
spear-flight → BATTLE
nourishers of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
warrior feeder of battle
vǫrðr vallræfrs
‘the warden of the plain-roof’ = God
the plain-roof → SKY/HEAVEN
The warden of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
2.1. guardian of heaven
‘of the plain-roof’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the plain-roof → SKY/HEAVEN
4.2. roof of the land
varrelgs veg- elds -runnr
‘way-trees of the fire of the wake-elk’ = MEN
the wake- elk → SHIP
the way of the SHIP → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
the trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
varrelgs veg- eldr
‘of the fire of the way of the wake-elk’ = GOLD
the wake- elk → SHIP
the way of the SHIP → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
varrelgs vegr
‘of the way of the wake-elk’ = SEA
the wake- elk → SHIP
the way of the SHIP → SEA
4.2. path of the ship
‘of the wake-elk’ = SHIP
the wake- elk → SHIP
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
‘the misfortune-diminisher’ = God
The misfortune-diminisher, → God
3.2. destroyer of harm
mætr meinhrjóðandi
‘the worthy harm-destroyer’ = God
The worthy harm-destroyer → God
3.2. destroyer of harm
engir skati dýnu otrs
‘no chieftains of the feather-bed of the otter’ = MEN
the feather-bed of the otter, → GOLD
No chieftains of the GOLD → MEN
generous man
dýna otrs
‘of the feather-bed of the otter’ = GOLD
the feather-bed of the otter, → GOLD
8.8. bed of Otr/otter (A3)
sœkir sá*rvita
‘the attacker of the wound-flame’ = WARRIOR
the wound-flame → SWORD
the attacker of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior attacker of the weapon
‘of the wound-flame’ = SWORD
the wound-flame → SWORD
1.1.04. fire of the wound
siklingr setrs sunnu
‘the king of the seat of the sun’ = God
the seat of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
the king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
setr sunnu
‘of the seat of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the seat of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
8.1. abode of the sun
siklingr himinríkis
‘the king of the heaven-kingdom’ = God
the king of the heaven-kingdom → God
1.1. lord of heaven
heppinn heimstýrir
‘the fortunate world-ruler’ = God
the fortunate world-ruler → God
1.8. lord of the earth
dróttinn harra
‘the lord of lords’ = God
the lord of lords, → God
1.3.1. lord of princes
snjallr dróttinn dags hallar
‘the valiant lord of the day’s hall’ = God
the day’s hall → SKY/HEAVEN
the valiant lord of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
dags hǫll
‘of the day’s hall’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the day’s hall → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.4. house of daylight
rǫngum studdan hrafn þjóðtraðar Glamma
‘the rib-supported raven of the highway of Glammi’ = SHIP
the highway of Glammi, → SEA
the rib-supported raven of the SEA → SHIP
ship, boat
5.1. bird of the sea
þjóðtrǫð Glamma
‘of the highway of Glammi’ = SEA
the highway of Glammi, → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
prúðum þram-Valr
‘the magnificent rim-Valr’ = SHIP
the magnificent rim-Valr; → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
jǫfurr hás hreggranns
‘the prince of the high storm-house’ = God
the high storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
The prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
hás hreggrann
‘of the high storm-house’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the high storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
1.1.1. house of storm/wind
siklingr setrs sunnu
‘the king of the seat of the sun’ = God
the seat of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
the king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
setr sunnu
‘of the seat of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the seat of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
8.1. abode of the sun
fjǫlhress tyggi tunglbryggju
‘the very hearty king of the moon-pier’ = God
the moon-pier → SKY/HEAVEN
The very hearty king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
‘of the moon-pier’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the moon-pier → SKY/HEAVEN
7.2. path of the moon
þrekprúðum yfirmaðr þjóðar
‘the strength-magnificent overseer of the people’ = RULER = Moses
the strength-magnificent overseer of the people → RULER = Moses
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
stýrandi hallar heims
‘the steerer of the hall of the world’ = God
the hall of the world → SKY/HEAVEN
The steerer of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
hǫll heims
‘of the hall of the world’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of the world → SKY/HEAVEN
1.5. house of the world
siklingr setrs sunnu
‘the king of the seat of the sun’ = God
the seat of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
the king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
setr sunnu
‘of the seat of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the seat of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
8.1. abode of the sun
buðlungr dýrðar
‘of the king of glory’ = God
the king of glory. → God
Jesus Christ
1.04. lord of glory
in fremsta bjǫrk brands brims
‘the foremost birch of the fire of the sea’ = WOMAN
the fire of the sea → GOLD
The foremost birch of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
brandr brims
‘of the fire of the sea’ = GOLD
the fire of the sea → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
mæztr mildingr dýrðar
‘the most praiseworthy prince of glory’ = God
the most praiseworthy prince of glory, → God
Jesus Christ
1.04. lord of glory
stýrir alls tírar
‘the steerer of all glory’ = God
The steerer of all glory → God
Jesus Christ
1.04. lord of glory
dróttinn dáðstéttar dags lands
‘of the lord of the deed-host of day’s land’ = God
day’s land. → SKY/HEAVEN
the deed-host of the SKY/HEAVEN → ANGELS
the Lord of ANGELS → God
Jesus Christ
1.03. lord of angels
dáðstétt dags lands
‘of the deed-host of day’s land’ = ANGELS
day’s land. → SKY/HEAVEN
the deed-host of the SKY/HEAVEN → ANGELS
1. men of heaven (B2b)
dags land
‘of day’s land’ = SKY/HEAVEN
day’s land. → SKY/HEAVEN
6.3. land of the light
alfríðustum dróttinn gotna himins
‘for the altogether fairest lord of the men of heaven’ = God
the men of heaven. → ANGELS
for the altogether fairest lord of ANGELS → God
1.4. lord of angels
gotnar himins
‘of the men of heaven’ = ANGELS
the men of heaven. → ANGELS
1. men of heaven (B2b)
gramr hreggranns
‘the king of the storm-house’ = God
the storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
The king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
‘of the storm-house’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
1.1.1. house of storm/wind
sólar salr
‘of the hall of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.1. house of the sun
snjallr sólar salkonungr
‘hall-king of the sun’ = God
the hall of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
the excellent king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
hreinn siklingr landa sólar
‘the pure prince of the lands of the sun’ = God
the lands of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
The pure prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
land sólar
‘of the lands of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the lands of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.1. land of the sun
dáðfimr jǫfurr himna
‘the deed-agile prince of the heavens’ = God
The deed-agile prince of the heavens → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
stýrir himins
‘steerer of heaven’ = God
steerer of heaven, → God
1.1. lord of heaven
rǫskr friðkennandi
‘the valiant peace-bringer’ = God
The valiant peace-bringer → God
Jesus Christ
6.3. teacher of peace
Ullr elda elfar
‘An Ullr of the fires of the river’ = MAN
the fires of the river → GOLD
An Ullr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
eldr elfar
‘of the fires of the river’ = GOLD
the fires of the river → GOLD
gold fire of the river (A1)
gramr hreggranns
‘the king of the storm-house’ = God
the storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
The king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
‘of the storm-house’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
1.1.1. house of storm/wind
snjallr sólar salkonungr
‘hall-king of the sun’ = God
the hall of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
the excellent king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
sólar salr
‘of the hall of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.1. house of the sun
blíðr siklingr sólbryggju
‘the joyful prince of the sun-pier’ = God
the sun-pier → SKY/HEAVEN
The joyful prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
óhræðinn, ríkjan ǫðlingr lopthjalms
‘the fearless, powerful prince of the sky-helmet’ = God
the sky-helmet. → SKY/HEAVEN
the fearless, powerful prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
‘of the sun-pier’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the sun-pier → SKY/HEAVEN
7.1. path of the sun
‘of the sky-helmet’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the sky-helmet. → SKY/HEAVEN
5.3. helmet of the air
snjallastr faðir allra
‘the most valiant father of all’ = God
The most valiant father of all → God
Jesus Christ
sonr hauðrs sólar
‘the son of the land of the sun’ = God
the land of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
the son of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
2.4. son of sky/heaven
hauðr sólar
‘of the land of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the sun → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.1. land of the sun
árr ǫðlings hreins bœs heiðar
‘the envoys of the prince of the pure dwelling of the heath’ = APOSTLES
the pure dwelling of the heath → SKY/HEAVEN
the prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
The envoys of GOD → APOSTLES
1. agent of God/Jesus
ǫðlingr hreins bœs heiðar
‘of the prince of the pure dwelling of the heath’ = God
the pure dwelling of the heath → SKY/HEAVEN
the prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
hreins bœr heiðar
‘of the pure dwelling of the heath’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the pure dwelling of the heath → SKY/HEAVEN
1.3. house of the land
skjǫldungr skríns skýja
‘the king of the shrine of the clouds’ = God
the shrine of the clouds → HEAVEN
the king of the HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
skrín skýja
‘of the shrine of the clouds’ = HEAVEN
the shrine of the clouds → HEAVEN
2.2. shrine of the clouds
ǫðlingr salar rǫðla
‘the prince of the hall of heavenly bodies’ = God
the hall of heavenly bodies, → SKY/HEAVEN
The prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
salr rǫðla
‘of the hall of heavenly bodies’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of heavenly bodies, → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2. house of the heavenly body
gramr hreggranns
‘the king of the storm-house’ = God
the storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
The king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
‘of the storm-house’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the storm-house → SKY/HEAVEN
1.1.1. house of storm/wind
snjallr sólar salkonungr
‘hall-king of the sun’ = God
the hall of the sun → HEAVEN
the excellent king of the HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
sólar salr
‘of the hall of the sun’ = HEAVEN
the hall of the sun → HEAVEN
1.2.1. house of the sun
dróttinn gnóttar vegs
‘lord of the abundance of glory’ = God
Lord of the abundance of glory, → God
1.9. lord of glory
dǫglingr lopts ljósgims
‘the king of the loft of the light-jewel’ = God
the light-jewel → SUN
the loft of the SUN → SKY/HEAVEN
the king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
loft ljósgims
‘of the loft of the light-jewel’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the light-jewel → SUN
the loft of the SUN → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.1. house of the sun
‘of the light-jewel’ = SUN
the light-jewel → SUN
1.3.2. jewel of the light
siklingr sólvangs
‘the prince of the sun-plain’ = God
the sun-plain → SKY/HEAVEN
the prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
‘of the sun-plain’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the sun-plain → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.1. land of the sun
snjallastr konungr allra
‘the most valiant king of all’ = God
The most valiant king of all, → God
1.6. lord of all
drjúgmǫrg hǫfuðmerki verka
‘very numerous chief testimonies of deeds’ = HOLY WRITINGS
Very numerous chief testimonies of deeds → HOLY WRITINGS
dýrligs dáðsterks dróttinn himintǫrgu
‘of the glorious, deed-strong lord of the heaven-shield’ = God
the heaven-shield; → SKY/HEAVEN
the glorious, deed-strong lord of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
‘of the heaven-shield’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the heaven-shield; → SKY/HEAVEN
2.1. shield of sky/heaven
stýri máls
‘my rudder of speech’ = TONGUE
my rudder of speech. → TONGUE
1.2. oar, rudder of speech (A1)
siðminningr Þróttr seima
‘the faithful Þróttr of riches’ = MAN
The faithful Þróttr of riches → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
œztum hrjóðandi angrs þjóðar
‘the most excellent destroyer of the harm of people’ = God
the harm of people → SIN
the most excellent destroyer of the SIN → God
3.1. destroyer of sin
angr þjóðar
‘of the harm of people’ = SIN
the harm of people → SIN
evil-doing, sin, vice
. harm of men
frægs hilmir allra landa
‘of the famous ruler of all lands’ = God
the famous ruler of all lands — may → God
1.8. lord of the earth
dýrstr jǫfurr dagskeiðs
‘the most dear prince of the day-course’ = God
the day-course → SKY/HEAVEN
the most dear prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
‘of the day-course’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the day-course → SKY/HEAVEN
7.5. path of the daylight
hǫll himna
‘the hall of the heavens’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the hall of the heavens. → SKY/HEAVEN
heaven (Christian)
3.1. hall of the heavens
ǫflugr eflir alls sóma
‘the powerful strengthener of all honour’ = God
the powerful strengthener of all honour → God
. strengthener of honour
eilífr deilir skapa
‘May the eternal ruler of fates’ = God
May the eternal ruler of fates, → God
Jesus Christ
stýrandi alls
‘the steerer of all’ = God
the steerer of all → God
1.6. lord of all
ítr yfirstillir túns rítar himins
‘glorious overseer of the home-field of the shield of heaven’ = God
the shield of heaven, → SUN
the home-field of the SUN → SKY/HEAVEN
Glorious overseer of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
tún rítar himins
‘of the home-field of the shield of heaven’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the shield of heaven, → SUN
the home-field of the SUN → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.1. land of the sun
rít himins
‘of the shield of heaven’ = SUN
the shield of heaven, → SUN
2.1. shield of sky/heaven
harmsfullum hallr hugstrandar
‘a sorrowful stone of the shore of thought’ = HEART
the shore of thought. → BREAST
a sorrowful stone of the BREAST → HEART
2.1. solid object of the breast (A1b)
‘of the shore of thought’ = BREAST
the shore of thought. → BREAST
breast, chest
1.1.1. land of the mind (A3)
jǫfurr sunnu
‘May the prince of the sun’ = God
May the prince of the sun → God
Jesus Christ
1.01.1. lord of heavenly bodies
‘my word-weapons’ = ORGANS OF SPEECH
My word-weapons → ORGANS OF SPEECH
organs of speech
2. weapons of speech (A1a)
árr brands
‘the sword-blade’s messenger’ = MAN
the sword-blade’s messenger → MAN
1.7.05. envoy of the weapon
ǫldu eldviðr
‘fire-trees of the wave’ = MEN
the fire of the wave → GOLD
Trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
ǫldu eldr
‘of the fire of the wave’ = GOLD
the fire of the wave → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
dáðhress dǫglingr lopthjalms
‘of the deed-hearty king of the sky-helmet’ = God
the sky-helmet. May → SKY/HEAVEN
the deed-hearty king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
‘of the sky-helmet’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the sky-helmet. May → SKY/HEAVEN
5.3. helmet of the air
dýrr gramr dags hallar
‘the glorious prince of day’s hall’ = God
day’s hall → SKY/HEAVEN
the glorious prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
Jesus Christ
1.01. lord of sky/heaven
dags hǫll
‘of day’s hall’ = SKY/HEAVEN
day’s hall → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.4. house of daylight