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Gunnr logs Nytju
‘the Gunnr of the flame of Nytja’ = WOMAN
the flame of Nytja → GOLD
the Gunnr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
log Nytju
‘of the flame of Nytja’ = GOLD
the flame of Nytja → GOLD
gold fire of the river (A1)
runnr fjarðloga
‘to the bush of the fjord-flame’ = MAN
the fjord-flame → GOLD
to the bush of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
‘of the fjord-flame’ = GOLD
the fjord-flame → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
… meiðr geirþings
‘the … trees of the spear-assembly’ = WARRIORS
the spear-assembly → BATTLE
the … trees of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
2.1. tree of battle
‘of the spear-assembly’ = BATTLE
the spear-assembly → BATTLE
3.1.2. meeting of spears
íugtanni leygs
‘the bear of the flame’ = HOUSE
The bear of the flame → HOUSE
1. animal of house-parts
margreftum fletvargr
‘of the many-raftered bench-wolf’ = HOUSE
the many-raftered bench-wolf. → HOUSE
1. animal of house-parts
heilags deilis friðar
‘of the holy distributor of salvation’ = God
the holy distributor of salvation. → God
döglingr fróns sólar
‘the king of the land of the sun’ = God
the land of the sun, → SKY/HEAVEN
The king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
frón sólar
‘of the land of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the land of the sun, → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.1. land of the sun
hirðir himnagarðs
‘the shepherd of the heavens’ stronghold’ = God
the heavens’ stronghold, → SKY/HEAVEN
The shepherd of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
‘of the heavens’ stronghold’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the heavens’ stronghold, → SKY/HEAVEN
heaven (Christian)
3.2. court of the heavens
meiðr †seiðs grafins
‘the trees … ’ = MEN
… , → GOLD
The trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
. defective/incomprehensible
†seiðr grafins
‘ … ’ = GOLD
… , → GOLD
11. fragmentary or defective
megindjarfir valdr tregs vegs
‘the very bold possessors of slow honour’ = CONTEMPTIBLE MEN
the very bold possessors of slow honour → CONTEMPTIBLE MEN
male, man
marr vers
‘to the horse of the sea’ = SHIP
to the horse of the sea. → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
veitandi leita Góins
‘the givers of the mounds of Góinn’ = GENEROUS MEN
the mounds of Góinn → GOLD
The givers of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.2.1. giver of gold
leiti Góins
‘of the mounds of Góinn’ = GOLD
the mounds of Góinn → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
frams grams hauðrfjörnis
‘of the outstanding king of the earth-helmet’ = God
the earth-helmet; → SKY/HEAVEN
the outstanding king of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
‘of the earth-helmet’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the earth-helmet; → SKY/HEAVEN
5.1. helmet of the land
‘gold-giver’ = GENEROUS MAN
gold-giver: → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.2. giver of wealth
sterkr bani hvess viðar
‘the strong killer of every tree’ = FIRE
the strong killer of every tree → FIRE
fire, flame
3.1. killer of wood
‘with the gold-requesters’ = MEN
with the gold-requesters. → MEN
male, man
3.02.1. demander of riches
hímleiðir viðr stafnreiðar
‘universally loathed trees of the prow-chariot’ = SEAFARERS
the prow-chariot → SHIP
universally loathed trees of the SHIP → SEAFARERS
1.2. tree of the ship
‘of the prow-chariot’ = SHIP
the prow-chariot → SHIP
ship, boat
4.2. chariot of the ship
ræða systir runa
‘the sister of the boar, on heat’ = SOW
The sister of the boar, on heat, → SOW
1. female relative of the boar (B4b)
flýtir skemða
‘the breeder of shameful deeds’ = DEVIL
the breeder of shameful deeds → DEVIL
2. promoter of evil-doing
Hǫrn horna
‘the Hörn of drinking horns’ = WOMAN
the Hörn of drinking horns → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
kringinn bǫrr hjörþings
‘the smart tree of the sword-assembly’ = WARRIOR
the sword-assembly. → BATTLE
the smart tree of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.1. tree of battle
‘of the sword-assembly’ = BATTLE
the sword-assembly. → BATTLE
3.1.1. meeting of swords
alla jór Glamma
‘all the steeds of Glammi’ = SHIPS
all the steeds of Glammi → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea-king
‘sword-play’ = BATTLE
sword-play, → BATTLE
4.1.1. play of swords
vinr dróttar
‘the friend of the people’ = RULER = Magnús or Óláfr Haraldsson
the friend of the people → RULER = Magnús or Óláfr Haraldsson
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
veitir pella
‘the giver of costly materials’ = GENEROUS MAN = Haki
The giver of costly materials → GENEROUS MAN = Haki
generous man
2.2. giver of wealth
neitir vella
‘the squanderer of gold’ = GENEROUS MAN = Kraki
the squanderer of gold → GENEROUS MAN = Kraki
generous man
1.13. denier of wealth
slóð rítar
‘the shield’s track’ = ARM
the shield’s track; → ARM
arm, hand
3.3. place of the shield (A3)
slóð rítar
‘the shield’s track’ = ARM
the shield’s track; → ARM
arm, hand
3.3. place of the shield (A3)
hreytir hodda
‘the scatterer of hoards’ = GENEROUS MAN = Haki
The scatterer of hoards → GENEROUS MAN = Haki
generous man
2.3. flinger of wealth
neytir brodda
‘the user of pikes’ = WARRIOR = Kraki
the user of pikes → WARRIOR = Kraki
1.7.04. user of the weapon
mætum mensveigjandi
‘the excellent necklace-distributor’ = GENEROUS MAN
the excellent necklace-distributor; → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.08. bender of wealth
flærðarkunnum runnr eisu Ránar
‘the notoriously deceitful tree of the fire of Rán’ = MAN
the fire of Rán. → GOLD
the notoriously deceitful tree of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
eisa Ránar
‘of the fire of Rán’ = GOLD
the fire of Rán. → GOLD
8.9. fire of a sea-god/goddess (A1)
orðagnóga þilja hyrjar vága
‘the loquacious plank of the fire of the waves’ = WOMAN
the fire of the waves → GOLD
the loquacious plank of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
hyrr vága
‘of the fire of the waves’ = GOLD
the fire of the waves → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
hinn mildi valdr mána
‘merciful ruler of the moon’ = God
merciful ruler of the moon.’ → God
‘the ale-Gefn’ = WOMAN
The ale-Gefn, → WOMAN
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
neytir vargs unda
‘the user of the wolf of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the wolf of wounds → AXE
the user of the AXE → WARRIOR
1.7.04. user of the weapon
vargr unda
‘of the wolf of wounds’ = AXE
the wolf of wounds → AXE
2.2. destructive creature of the wound
mætr gætir foldsala
‘the excellent keeper of the earth-halls’ = God
the earth-halls → SKY/HEAVEN
The excellent keeper of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
‘of the earth-halls’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the earth-halls → SKY/HEAVEN
1.3. house of the land
einn veitandi hreinnar auðnu
‘the one granter of pure destiny’ = God
the one granter of pure destiny → God
jöfurs skatna
‘of the prince of men’ = God
the prince of men → God
kiennari friðar
‘the teacher of peace’ = God
the teacher of peace → God
gramr hlýrna
‘the prince of heavenly bodies’ = God
the prince of heavenly bodies → God
hirðandi alls
‘the carer of everything’ = God
The carer of everything → God
sæll mildingr ranns mána
‘the blessed prince of the house of the moon’ = God
the house of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
The blessed prince of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
rann mána
‘of the house of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the house of the moon → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.2. house of the moon
‘of the fishing-line-field’ = SEA
the fishing-line-field → SEA
7.1. land of the fishing-line
borg niða
‘of the stronghold of the phases of the moon’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the stronghold of the phases of the moon. → SKY/HEAVEN
1.2.2. house of the moon
jöfurr beima
‘lord of men’ = God
lord of men. → God
stillir hörða
‘the ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr Haraldsson
The ruler of the Hǫrðar. → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr Haraldsson
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians