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tolf viðr bála elfar
‘twelve trees of the pyres of the river’ = MEN
the pyres of the river → GOLD
twelve trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
bál elfar
‘of the pyres of the river’ = GOLD
the pyres of the river → GOLD
1.1.2. fire of inland waters (A1)
sóknstríðs tyggi Svía
‘of the battle-hard king of the Swedes’ = Óláfr sœnski
the battle-hard king of the Swedes → Óláfr sœnski
Swedish king, ruler
. ruler of the Swedes
hestr Sigars
‘the horse of Sigarr’ = GALLOWS
the horse of Sigarr → GALLOWS
. horse of Sigarr
Áss gneista
‘the god of the sword’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr Haraldsson
The god of the sword → WARRIOR = Óláfr Haraldsson
1.4.1. god of the weapon
hverr veitir beita sverðs
‘each benefactor of the swingers of the sword’ = GENEROUS MAN
the swingers of the sword → WARRIORS
each benefactor of WARRIORS → GENEROUS MAN
male, man
beitir sverðs
‘of the swingers of the sword’ = WARRIORS
the swingers of the sword → WARRIORS
1.7.04. user of the weapon
ellifu eyðir máls mildings hella
‘eleven destroyers of the speech of the lord of the cave’ = GENEROUS MEN
the lord of the cave → GIANT
the speech of the GIANT → GOLD
Eleven destroyers of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
mál mildings hella
‘of the speech of the lord of the cave’ = GOLD
the lord of the cave → GIANT
the speech of the GIANT → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
mildingr hella
‘of the lord of the cave’ = GIANT
the lord of the cave → GIANT
1.1.1. man of the cave
fiskr lyngs
‘the fish of the heather’ = SNAKE
The fish of the heather → SNAKE
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
flugstyggs sonr Tryggva
‘of the flight-shunning son of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr Tryggvason
the flight-shunning son of Tryggvi → Óláfr Tryggvason
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
vǫrðr grundar
‘the guardian of the land’ = KING = Óláfr
the guardian of the land → KING = Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.1. guardian of the land
mildr faðir Magnúss
‘the gracious father of Magnús’ = Óláfr
The gracious father of Magnús → Óláfr
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
1.4. father of Magnús inn góði Óláfsson
framlundaðr bróðir Ǫgmundar
‘the eager-spirited brother of Ǫgmundr’ = Þórðr
The eager-spirited brother of Ǫgmundr → Þórðr
Þórðr Fólason
. brother of Ǫgmundr
hjaldrmóðum gramr Hringa
‘the battle-bold prince of the Hringar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
the battle-bold prince of the Hringar; → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
hvǫtuðr hildar
‘the inciter of battle’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the inciter of battle; → WARRIOR = Óláfr
warrior hastener of battle
árr alms
‘the envoys of the elm-bow’ = WARRIORS
the envoys of the elm-bow → WARRIORS
1.7.05. envoy of the weapon
mikill stálgustr
‘a great steel-gust’ = BATTLE
a great steel-gust → BATTLE
1.1.1. storm/wind of the weapon
lóns loghreytandi
‘flame-distributors of the lagoon’ = GENEROUS MEN
the flame of the lagoon → GOLD
for the distributors of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
lóns log
‘of the flame of the lagoon’ = GOLD
the flame of the lagoon → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
dróttinn hersa
‘the lord of hersar’ = KING = Óláfr
the lord of hersar → KING = Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
tún reikar
‘the homefields of the hair-parting’ = HEAD
the homefields of the hair-parting → HEAD
1.1. place of the hair (A1b and A3)
‘the iron-play’ = BATTLE
the iron-play. → BATTLE
4.1. play of weapons
skorðu skæ-Njǫrðungr
the steed of the prop. → SHIP
the Njǫrðungar of the SHIP → MEN
1.3.1. god of the ship
skorðu skær
‘of the steed of the prop’ = SHIP
the steed of the prop. → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
húna hyrr
‘of the fire of the mast-tops’ = GOLD
the fire of the mast-tops → GOLD
6. fire of mast-tops (A1)
húna hyrsendir
‘fire-sender of the mast-tops’ = GENEROUS MAN = Óláfr
the fire of the mast-tops → GOLD
the sender of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Óláfr
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
þollr seims
‘the fir-tree of gold’ = MAN
The fir-tree of gold → MAN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
Þróttr þvergarða glyggs gunnranns
‘the Þróttr of the cross-fences of the storm of the battle-hall’ = WARRIOR
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the cross-fences of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the Þróttr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
þvergarðr glyggs gunnranns
‘of the cross-fences of the storm of the battle-hall’ = SHIELD
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the cross-fences of the BATTLE → SHIELD
6.1. enclosure of battle
glygg gunnranns
‘of the storm of the battle-hall’ = BATTLE
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the shield
‘of the battle-hall’ = SHIELD
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
9.1. house of battle
stríðir Engla
‘the opponent of the English’ = Óláfr
the opponent of the English, → Óláfr
Óláfr II inn helgi Haraldsson (r. c. 1015-1030)
5. fighter of the English
fundr odda
‘the meeting of points’ = BATTLE
the meeting of points, → BATTLE
3.1. meeting of weapons
meiðr skers ógnar
‘the trees of the skerry of battle’ = WARRIORS
the skerry of battle → SHIELD
The trees of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
1.1.2. tree of the shield
sker ógnar
‘of the skerry of battle’ = SHIELD
the skerry of battle → SHIELD
5.1.2. land of battle
viðr sárelds
‘the trees of the wound-fire’ = WARRIORS
the wound-fire → SWORD
the trees of the SWORD → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
‘of the wound-fire’ = SWORD
the wound-fire → SWORD
1.1.04. fire of the wound
landreki hers inn fremri
‘better land-ruler of the army’ = KING
better land-ruler of the army → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army
flóttskjǫrrum feðr Magnúss
‘the flight-shy father of Magnús’ = Óláfr
the flight-shy father of Magnús. → Óláfr
kykvir tívar ýs
‘living gods of the yew-bow’ = WARRIORS
living gods of the yew-bow; → WARRIORS
1.4.1. god of the weapon
margr meiðr hrings
‘many a tree of the sword’ = MAN
Many a tree of the sword → MAN
1.1.1. tree of the sword
vǫndr gjallar
‘the rod of clamour’ = SWORD
the rod of clamour, → SWORD
4.1.11. rod/twig of din
verr ylgjar
‘of the husband of the she-wolf’ = WOLF
the husband of the she-wolf, → WOLF
2.1. relative of the wolf (B4a and b)
gramr Jórðánar
‘the prince of the Jordan’ = CHRIST
The prince of the Jordan → CHRIST
Jesus Christ