This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
alandi faxa Imðar
‘the nourishers of Imð’s steed’ = WARRIORS
Imð’s steed → WOLF
the nourishers of the WOLF → WARRIORS
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
faxi Imðar
‘of Imð’s steed’ = WOLF
Imð’s steed → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
viðr Báleygs
‘Báleygr’s trees’ = WARRIORS
Báleygr’s trees → WARRIORS
14. tree of Óðinn
linns láðgefandi
‘land-dispensers of the snake’ = GENEROUS MEN
the snake’s land → GOLD
Dispensers of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.2.1. giver of gold
linnr láð
‘of the snake’s land’ = GOLD
the snake’s land → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
láðgǫfguðum dróttinn haða
‘the land-endowed lord of the haðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the land-endowed lord of the Haðar. → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
œgir jǫfra
‘the terrifier of princes’ = RULER = Magnús
The terrifier of princes → RULER = Magnús
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.5. destroyer of princes
gramr Ívistar
‘the lord of North Uist’ = Lǫgmaðr
the lord of North Uist → Lǫgmaðr
Lǫgmaðr Guðrøðarson
2. lord of North Uist
‘the people’s guardian’ = RULER
The people’s guardian → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.3. guardian of people
Viðurs veðrsmiðr
‘Viðurr’s wind-smith’ = WARRIOR
Viðurr’s wind, → BATTLE
the smith of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
. smith of battle
Viðurs veðr
‘of Viðurr’s wind’ = BATTLE
Viðurr’s wind, → BATTLE
1.1.4. storm/wind of Óðinn
frændi Haralds
‘Haraldr’s kinsman’ = Magnús
Haraldr’s kinsman → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.3. kinsman of Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson
margan baugvangr
‘many a ring-meadow’ = SHIELD
many a ring-meadow → SHIELD
shield land of the shield
‘the battle-teacher’ = WARRIOR
The battle-teacher → WARRIOR
2.5.6. master of battle
steinóðr galli storðar
‘the raging destruction of the sapling’ = STORM
the raging destruction of the sapling → STORM
storm, wind
1.1. destruction of the tree
skelfir dana
‘the terrifier of the danes’ = Magnús
the terrifier of the Danes → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
2.1. defeater of Danish people
hverri glymbrúðr hafs
‘every roaring-bride of the ocean’ = WAVE
every roaring-bride of the ocean. → WAVE
3.2. woman of the sea
valfasti djúps
‘the corpse-flame of the deep’ = GOLD
The corpse-flame of the deep → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘the corpse-flame’ = SWORD
The corpse-flame → SWORD
1.1.08. fire of the corpse
eisa himins
‘the cinder of heaven’ = SUN
the cinder of heaven → SUN
1.1.1. fire of sky/heaven
gramr Upplanda
‘the ruler of Opplandene’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
The ruler of Opplandene → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
dróttinn Svía
‘the lord of the Svíar’ = SWEDISH RULER = Ingi
the lord of the Svíar → SWEDISH RULER = Ingi
Swedish king, ruler
. ruler of the Swedes
‘the troop-terrifier’ = WARRIOR
The troop-terrifier → WARRIOR
4.3.3. trembler of the army
‘the fight-inciter’ = WARRIOR
The fight-inciter → WARRIOR
warrior hastener of battle
faðir Sigurðar
‘of Sigurðr’s father’ = Magnús
Sigurðr’s father → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.4. father of Sigurðr jórsalafari
frœknum faðir Eysteins
‘the bold father of Eysteinn’ = Magnús
the bold father of Eysteinn → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.1. father of Eysteinn Magnússon
drífa Atals
‘Atall’s snow-storm’ = BATTLE
Atall’s snow-storm → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
frændi Haralds
‘Haraldr’s kinsman’ = Magnús
Haraldr’s kinsman, → Magnús
Magnús III berfœttr Óláfsson (r. 1093-1103)
1.3. kinsman of Haraldr harðráði Sigurðarson