This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
hugarland mitt
‘my mind-land’ = BREAST
my mind-land → BREAST
breast, chest
1.1.1. land of the mind (A3)
rennir rítar
‘the speeder of the shield’ = WARRIOR
The speeder of the shield → WARRIOR
1.7.01. mover of the weapon
Hrund gulls
‘a Hrund of gold’ = WOMAN
a Hrund of gold, → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
leynir lýta
‘the concealer of sins’ = NEGLIGENT PRIEST
the concealer of sins → NEGLIGENT PRIEST
negligent priest
2. concealer of sins
mær guðs
‘virgin of god’ = Mary
Virgin of God; → Mary
2.1. woman of God
tregbjóðr trúar
‘the slow-preacher of faith’ = NEGLIGENT PRIEST
the slow-preacher of faith → NEGLIGENT PRIEST
negligent priest
1. opponent of faith
björt brúðr himins
‘the bright bride of heaven’ = Mary
the bright bride of heaven → Mary
2.2. woman of heaven
slík frú himiríkis
‘such a lady of the heavenly kingdom’ = Mary
such a lady of the heavenly kingdom, → Mary
2.2. woman of heaven
þverinn kvalaherr
‘the obstinate torment-army’ = DEVILS
the obstinate torment-army. → DEVILS
1. host of evil-doing
‘fleygir fjarðlogs
‘‘the flinger of the fjord-flame’ = GENEROUS MAN
the fjord-flame → GOLD
‘The flinger of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
‘of the fjord-flame’ = GOLD
the fjord-flame → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
meiðr mens
‘of the tree of the neck-ring’ = MAN
the tree of the neck-ring → MAN
male, man
1.3. tree of rings
‘the elm-bow tree’ = WARRIOR
the elm-bow tree → WARRIOR
1.1.4. tree of the bow
‘sviptuðr siða
‘‘the remover of morals’ = NEGLIGENT PRIEST
‘The remover of morals → NEGLIGENT PRIEST
negligent priest
1. opponent of faith
laus skǫr skýja
‘the deceitful crowd of clouds’ = DEVILS
The deceitful crowd of clouds → DEVILS
1. host of evil-doing
göfugligt víf guðs
‘the glorious wife of god’ = Mary
The glorious wife of God → Mary
2.1. woman of God
lundr linna
‘of the tree of snakes’ = MAN
the tree of snakes → MAN
male, man
. incomplete, half-kennings
mær guðs
‘virgin of god’ = Mary
Virgin of God. → Mary
2.1. woman of God