blóm (noun n.) ‘flower’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Anon Alpost 9VII —
blóms ‘flourishing’l. 1
- Bárð ch. 1 —
blóm ‘’l. 1
- Bárð158ˣ —
blóm ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 244
- Anon (FoGT) 13III —
blóms ‘of blossom’l. 6
- Harð ch. 6 —
blómið ‘’l. 1
- Harð ch. 7 —
blóm ‘’l. 1
- Harð ch. 45 —
blómi ‘’l. 1
- Harð —
blomit ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 7578
- Anon Heil 1VII —
blóms ‘of the adornment’l. 8
- Anon Heildr 3VII —
blómi ‘with the bloom’l. 8
- [not skaldic] —
blomi ‘’l. 1
- Kgs —
blomi ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 8634
- Anon Lil 16VII —
blóm ‘fruit’l. 3
- Anon Lil 18VII —
blóm ‘the fruit’l. 2
- Anon Lil 80VII —
blómi ‘fruit’l. 8
- Anon Mdr 6VII —
blóm ‘the flower’l. 6
- Anon Mdr 15VII —
blóm ‘the flower’l. 6
- Anon Mdr 19VII —
blóm ‘flower’l. 2
- Anon Mdr 24VII —
blóm ‘the flower’l. 6
- Anon Mdr 26VII —
blóm ‘flower’l. 8
- Anon Mey 2VII —
blóm ‘flower’l. 6
- Anon Mey 26VII —
blómi ‘bloom’l. 4
- Anon Mey 30VII —
blóm ‘flower’l. 2
- Anon Mey 40VII —
blóm ‘flower’l. 2
- Anon Mey 50VII —
blóm ‘flower’l. 4
- Anon Mey 54VII —
blóm ‘flower’l. 4
- Anon Mey 60VII —
blómið ‘flower’l. 8
- Anon Mv III 29VII —
blóm ‘blossom’l. 5
- Anon Mv III 30VII —
blóm ‘blossom’l. 1
- Anon Pét 9VII —
blóm ‘fruits’l. 4
- Anon Pét 34VII —
blóm ‘the flower’l. 8
- Arngr Gd 60IV —
blómum ‘flowers’l. 7
- Gamlkan Has 8VII —
blóm ‘fruit’l. 3
- Ólhelg Lv 9I —
blómi ‘blossom’l. 2
- Sturl Hrafn 4II —
blómum ‘leaves’l. 4
- [not skaldic] —
blom ‘’l. 1
- BarlA —
blom ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 252
- BarlC —
blomi ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 254
- ClarA —
blom ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 477
- DínDrˣ —
blöm ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 4846
- ElisA —
blom ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 6971
- ElisD —
blom ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 6974
- FlórM —
blómit ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 7167
- FlórKon —
blómit ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 7171
- FskBˣ —
blome ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 7222
- GBpA —
blome ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 7287
- GBpD —
blóm ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 7296
- Georg §474 —
blóma ‘’l. 1
- Georg §580 —
blómum ‘’l. 1
- Georg §654 —
blóminn ‘’l. 1
- Gibb —
blom ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 7334
- GlossPsalt —
blóm ‘’l. 7358
- [not skaldic] —
blóm ‘’l. 1
- SnEW1 —
blom ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 10258
- JBapt2A —
blom ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 8436
- JBapt2B —
blom ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 8437
- Klma —
blómi ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 8683
- KlmBˣ —
blómi ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 8685
- KlmBFrg1980 —
blom ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 8696
- MarA —
blome ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 8989
- MarD634ˣ —
blomi ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 8991
- [not skaldic] —
blomi ‘’l. 1
- MedMisc —
blome ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 9114
- ÓH1005 —
blom ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 9449
- Rauð4 —
blom ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 9645
- Rémˣ —
blóm ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 10124
- SigÞǫgl —
blom ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 10214
- Stj1 —
blom ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 10424
- StjC —
blomi ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 10428
- [not skaldic] —
blóm ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
blome ‘’l. 1
- Thom1 —
blom ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 10577
- Thom2 —
blomi ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 10580
- Thom2y —
blomi ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 10581
- ValvA —
blóm ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 10641
- VP —
blom ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 10714
- Æv10 —
blóm ‘of pinnacle, apotheosis, crowning glory, beauty, magnificence, (verbal) eloquence, eminent deed)’l. 10881
- Æv43 —
blómi ‘(coll.) flower/flowers, flowering plant, blossoming, (fig.) fruit’l. 10907
- elements in compounds
- Anon Lil 25VII —
‘flower of might’
l. 2
- Anon Mdr 37VII —
l. 4