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frægr flugþverrir
‘the famous flight-diminisher’ = WARRIOR
The famous flight-diminisher → WARRIOR
17. diminisher of flight
skyldir hauka
‘the commander of hawks’ = RULER
the commander of hawks → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
dáðǫflgan bǫrr fangs dolga
‘the deed-mighty tree of the tunic of strife’ = WARRIOR
the tunic of strife → MAIL-SHIRT
the deed-mighty tree of the MAIL-SHIRT → WARRIOR
1.2.2. tree of the mail-coat
fang dolga
‘of the tunic of strife’ = MAIL-SHIRT
the tunic of strife → MAIL-SHIRT
1.1. garment of battle
senna vápna
‘the flyting of weapons’ = BATTLE
the flyting of weapons: → BATTLE
5.1. strife of weapons
hnekkir hertryggðar
‘the confounder of the army’s security’ = WARRIOR
the confounder of the army’s security → WARRIOR
þess sessi þjóðar
‘of this bench-mate of the people’ = RULER
this bench-mate of the people → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
brjótandi bauga
‘breakers of rings’ = GENEROUS MEN
breakers of rings → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
1.02.2. breaker of rings
gnaustan malma
‘the clashing of metal weapons’ = BATTLE
the clashing of metal weapons → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
drasill sunda
‘the horse of sounds’ = SHIP
the horse of sounds, → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
‘with helmet-rods’ = SWORDS
with helmet-rods. → SWORDS
4.1.03. rod/twig of armour
þeim þollr Skævaðar geima
‘that fir of the Skævaðr of the ocean’ = SEAFARER
the Skævaðr of the ocean; → SHIP
that fir of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.2. tree of the ship
Skævaðr geima
‘of the Skævaðr of the ocean’ = SHIP
the Skævaðr of the ocean; → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
‘The army-diminisher’ = RULER
The army-diminisher → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.4. diminisher of the army
harðan stofn svarðar
‘the hard stump of the scalp’ = HEAD
the hard stump of the scalp → HEAD
1.2. place of the scalp (A1b and A3)
kunnum eldviðr
‘of famous sword-trees’ = WARRIORS
famous sword-trees → WARRIORS
1.1.1. tree of the sword
rá holdbarkar
‘the yard-arm of flesh-bark’ = SWORD
flesh-bark → MAIL-SHIRT
the yard-arm of the MAIL-SHIRT → SWORD
6.4. rod of the mail-coat
‘of flesh-bark’ = MAIL-SHIRT
flesh-bark → MAIL-SHIRT
2.2. bark of flesh
margr heggr Gunnþinga
‘many a cherry-tree of meetings of Gunnr’ = WARRIOR
meetings of Gunnr → BATTLES
many a cherry-tree of BATTLES → WARRIOR
2.1. tree of battle
‘of meetings of Gunnr’ = BATTLES
meetings of Gunnr → BATTLES
3.4. meeting of the valkyrie
rymr vígský*s
‘roaring of the war-cloud’ = BATTLE
the war-cloud → SHIELD
Roaring of the SHIELD → BATTLE
2.1.3. din of shields
‘of the war-cloud’ = SHIELD
the war-cloud → SHIELD
2.1.1. cloud of battle
myrðir Vinða
‘the murderer of Wends’ = Óláfr
the murderer of Wends → Óláfr
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
2. defeater of Wends
himinn randar
‘the heaven of the rim’ = SHIELD
the heaven of the rim, → SHIELD
10.1. sky of the shield
varghollr hirðir veltireiðar víðis
‘the wolf-gracious guardian of the rolling wagon of the ocean’ = SEAFARER
the rolling wagon of the ocean → SHIP
The wolf-gracious guardian of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.1.03. guardian of the ship
veltireið víðis
‘of the rolling wagon of the ocean’ = SHIP
the rolling wagon of the ocean → SHIP
ship, boat
4.1. chariot of the sea
harðan hnitveggr
‘the hard clash-wall’ = SHIELD
the hard clash-wall, → SHIELD
7.7. wall of clash
galkn hlífa
‘monsters of shields’ = AXES
Monsters of shields → AXES
2.1. destructive creature of the shield
bǫlkr randar
‘the walls of the rim’ = SHIELDS
the walls of the rim; → SHIELDS
7.2. wall of weapons
Leifa brautar lognárungr
‘flame-possessors of the road of Leifi’ = MEN
the road of Leifi → SEA
the flame of the SEA → GOLD
to possessors of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
Leifa brautar log
‘of the flame of the road of Leifi’ = GOLD
the road of Leifi → SEA
the flame of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
Leifa braut
‘of the road of Leifi’ = SEA
the road of Leifi → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
geigurþing geirs
‘the dangerous meeting of the spear’ = BATTLE
the dangerous meeting of the spear → BATTLE
3.1.2. meeting of spears
stjóri gumna
‘the steerer of men’ = RULER
the steerer of men, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
frœknir farligs húfs fákhlaðandi
‘steed-loaders of planking’ = SEAFARERS
the steed of excellent planking → SHIP
bold loaders of the SHIP → SEAFARERS
1.1.04. loader of the ship
farligs húfs fákr
‘of the steed of excellent planking’ = SHIP
the steed of excellent planking → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
vinr jarla
‘the friend of jarls’ = KING
the friend of jarls → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
skyrta hrings
‘shirts of the ring’ = MAIL-SHIRTS
shirts of the ring, → MAIL-SHIRTS
1.5. shirt of rings
sárir verkandi meginserkjar baugs naddfárs
‘wounded workers of the mighty shirt of the ring of point-harm’ = WARRIORS
point -harm → BATTLE
the ring of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the mighty shirt of the SHIELD → MAIL-SHIRT
Wounded workers of the MAIL-SHIRT → WARRIORS
1.8.10. worker of the mail-coat
meginserkr baugs naddfárs
‘of the mighty shirt of the ring of point-harm’ = MAIL-SHIRT
point -harm → BATTLE
the ring of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the mighty shirt of the SHIELD → MAIL-SHIRT
1.10. shirt of the shield
baugr naddfárs
‘of the ring of point-harm’ = SHIELD
point -harm → BATTLE
the ring of the BATTLE → SHIELD
1.02. circular object of battle
‘of point-harm’ = BATTLE
point -harm → BATTLE
13.1. harm of the weapon
stríðir Breta
‘the harmer of Britons’ = RULER = Óláfr
The harmer of Britons, → RULER = Óláfr
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
3. defeater of Britons
bráðan Heðins rekka bekkdómr
‘bench-judgement of the champions of Heðinn’ = BATTLE
the champions of Heðinn. → Hjaðningar
the bench of HJAÐNINGAR → SHIELD
the headlong judgement of the SHIELD → BATTLE
8.1. judgement of the weapon
Heðins rekka bekkr
‘of the bench of the champions of Heðinn’ = SHIELD
the champions of Heðinn. → Hjaðningar
the bench of HJAÐNINGAR → SHIELD
Heðins rekkr
‘of the champions of Heðinn’ = Hjaðningar
the champions of Heðinn. → Hjaðningar
1. champions of Heðinn
‘sword-screech’ = BATTLE
sword-screech → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
jaðarr sólar
‘the borderland of the sun’ = SKY
the borderland of the sun → SKY
6.1.1. land of the sun
ǫrvan, hugdyggvan sonr Tryggva
‘the swift, steadfast son of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr
the swift, steadfast son of Tryggvi; → Óláfr
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
meiðr malmþings
‘poles of the metal meeting’ = WARRIORS
the metal meeting → BATTLE
poles of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
2.1. tree of battle
‘of the metal meeting’ = BATTLE
the metal meeting → BATTLE
3.1. meeting of weapons
‘of the poison-whitefish’ = SNAKE = Ormr inn langi
the poison-whitefish —, → SNAKE = Ormr inn langi
serpent, snake
1.2. fish of poison (A1b)
ítr*vinr Áta
‘the glorious friends of Áti’ = SEAFARERS
the glorious friends of Áti → SEAFARERS
3.2. friend of the sea-king
‘life-halls’ = BREASTS
life-halls → BREASTS
breast, chest
3. place of life (A3)
viðr randláðs
‘trees of the rim-land’ = WARRIORS
the rim-land → SHIELD
trees of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
1.1.2. tree of the shield
‘of the rim-land’ = SHIELD
the rim-land → SHIELD
shield land of the shield
sylgr ættar Surts
‘drink of the family of Surtr’ = POETRY
the family of Surtr. → GIANTS
drink of GIANTS → POETRY
1.3.1. drink of the giants
ætt Surts
‘of the family of Surtr’ = GIANTS
the family of Surtr. → GIANTS
3.1. relative of the giant
ógrœðir armgrjóts
‘the non-increaser of arm-gravel’ = GENEROUS MAN
arm-gravel → JEWELS
The non-increaser of JEWELS → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03. diminisher of wealth
‘of arm-gravel’ = JEWELS
arm-gravel → JEWELS
2.2. stone/rock of the arm/hand (A1)
snœrivitnir sunds
‘the cable-wolf of the sea’ = SHIP
the cable-wolf of the sea. → SHIP
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
snót sverða
‘the lady of swords’ = Hildr
the lady of swords → Hildr
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
hefnir Hôkonar
‘Hákon’s avenger’ = Eiríkr
Hákon’s avenger → Eiríkr
Eiríkr jarl Hákonarson (r. c. 1000-c. 1014)
2. avenger of Hákon jarl Sigurðarson
þeim hýjǫfnum Goti hlýrs
‘that very straight Goti of the bow’ = SHIP
that very straight Goti of the bow → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
Heita dýrbliks dynsæðinga hungrdeyfir
‘hunger-soother of the din-gulls of the beast-gleam of Heiti’ = WARRIOR
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
the din of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the gulls of the BATTLE → RAVENS/EAGLES
the hunger-soother of RAVENS/EAGLES → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
Heita dýrbliks dynsæðingr
‘of the gulls of the din of the gleam of the beast of Heiti’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
the din of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the gulls of the BATTLE → RAVENS/EAGLES
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
Heita dýrbliks dynr
‘of the din of the gleam of the beast of Heiti’ = BATTLE
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
the din of the SHIELD → BATTLE
2.1.3. din of shields
Heita dýrblik
‘of the gleam of the beast of Heiti’ = SHIELD
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
. gleam of the ship
Heita dýr
‘of the beast of Heiti’ = SHIP
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
ship, boat
1.3.2. wild animal of the sea-king
‘the land’s guardian’ = RULER = Óláfr
The land’s guardian → RULER = Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.1. guardian of the land
árr elds hôklifs hauka
‘envoys of the fire of the high cliff of hawks’ = GENEROUS MEN
the high cliff of hawks → ARM
the fire of the ARM → GOLD
envoys of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.7. envoy of wealth
eldr hôklifs hauka
‘of the fire of the high cliff of hawks’ = GOLD
the high cliff of hawks → ARM
the fire of the ARM → GOLD
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
hôklif hauka
‘of the high cliff of hawks’ = ARM
the high cliff of hawks → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
árr oddbragðs
‘the envoy of the point-thrust’ = WARRIOR
the point-thrust, → BATTLE
The envoy of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior messenger of battle
‘of the point-thrust’ = BATTLE
the point-thrust, → BATTLE
9. moving/motion of weapons
gramr lofða
‘the ruler of warriors’ = Óláfr
the ruler of warriors → Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
læstyggs burr Tryggva
‘of the deceit-shunning son of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr
the deceit-shunning son of Tryggvi. → Óláfr
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
él stála
‘the blizzard of steel weapons’ = BATTLE
the blizzard of steel weapons; → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
líð lýða landherðar
‘ale of the folk of the land-shoulder’ = POETRY
the land-shoulder —, → ROCK
the folk of the ROCK → GIANTS
1.3.1. drink of the giants
lýðr landherðar
‘of the folk of the land-shoulder’ = GIANTS
the land-shoulder —, → ROCK
the folk of the ROCK → GIANTS
1.1. man of the mountains
‘of the land-shoulder’ = ROCK
the land-shoulder —, → ROCK
rock, stone
1.1. body parts of the earth
margdýrr stýrir mundjǫkuls
‘the magnificent controller of hand-icicle’ = MAN
hand-icicle → SILVER
the magnificent controller of the SILVER → MAN
male, man
3.06. steerer of riches
‘of hand-icicle’ = SILVER
hand-icicle → SILVER
1.1. ice of the arm/hand
kennir auðar
‘the master of riches’ = MAN
the master of riches → MAN
male, man
3.03. master of riches
gnaustan malma
‘the clashing of metal weapons’ = BATTLE
the clashing of metal weapons. → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
nenninn dróttinn Norðmanna
‘the energetic lord of Norwegians’ = Óláfr
the energetic lord of Norwegians → Óláfr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
dýrr stjóri dróttar
‘the worthy steerer of the retinue’ = RULER
the worthy steerer of the retinue → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
flugstyggs sonr Tryggva
‘of the flight-shunning son of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr
the flight-shunning son of Tryggvi. → Óláfr
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
Týr sverða
‘The Týr of swords’ = WARRIOR
The Týr of swords → WARRIOR
warrior Týr of the weapon
vindr meyjar Heðins
‘the wind of the maiden of Heðinn’ = BATTLE
the maiden of Heðinn, → Hildr
the wind of HILDR → BATTLE
1.1.3. storm/wind of the valkyrie
mær Heðins
‘of the maiden of Heðinn’ = Hildr
the maiden of Heðinn, → Hildr
1. woman of Heðinn and the Hjaðningar (C3a)
‘war-breeze’ = BATTLE
war-breeze, → BATTLE
1.1.7. storm/wind of battle
mǫrg bitr benkneif
‘many a biting wound-hook’ = SWORD
many a biting wound-hook → SWORD
10.2. tool of the wound
optþverrir sultar ulfa
‘the frequent diminisher of the famine of wolves’ = WARRIOR
the frequent diminisher of the famine of wolves, → WARRIOR
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
‘a sword-age’ = BATTLE
a sword-age → BATTLE
14.1. time of the sword
dróttinn virða
‘the lord of men’ = RULER
the lord of men; → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.1. lord of people
Norðra niðbyrðr
‘kin-burden of Norðri’ = SKY
the kin of Norðri. → DWARFS
the burden of DWARFS → SKY
9.1.1. burden of the dwarfs
Norðra niðr
‘of the kin of Norðri’ = DWARFS
the kin of Norðri. → DWARFS
1. relative of the dwarf
margauka móts mækis, þess
‘for the much-increaser of the meeting of the sword’ = WARRIOR
the meeting of the sword → BATTLE
for the much-increaser of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
mót mækis
‘of the meeting of the sword’ = BATTLE
the meeting of the sword → BATTLE
3.1.1. meeting of swords
breiðan barðmáni
‘the broad prow-moon’ = SHIELD
the broad prow-moon. → SHIELD
1.01. heavenly body of the ship
flugstyggs sonr Tryggva
‘of the flight-shunning son of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr
the flight-shunning son of Tryggvi. → Óláfr
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson