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Flokkr about Sveinn Úlfsson §

Edited by Kari Ellen Gade

Allt ‘it all’

allr (adj.): all


aust ‘the’

2. austr (noun n.; °-s): the east < austmaðr (noun m.): easterner

[2] austmenn ‘Norwegians’: Lit. ‘east-men’. In Iceland and the Orkneys, the term austmaðr was used to designate a Norwegian.


menn ‘Norwegians’

maðr (noun m.): man, person < austmaðr (noun m.): easterner

[2] austmenn ‘Norwegians’: Lit. ‘east-men’. In Iceland and the Orkneys, the term austmaðr was used to designate a Norwegian.


flausta ‘of ships’

flaust (noun n.): ship


þás ‘when’

þás (conj.): when


þengils ‘of the lord’


þengill (noun m.): prince, ruler


léttu ‘emptied’

láta (verb): let, have sth done

[6] léttu (3rd pers. pl. pret. indic.) ‘emptied’: The Hkr mss, Flat, H and Hr all have létu (3rd pers. pl. pret. indic. of láta) ‘lost’ for léttu ‘emptied, lightened’: þeir létu fleiri skip ‘they lost more ships’ (so Skj B; Skald; ÍF 28; ÍF 29). However, the ms. witnesses indicate that this reading is secondary. Furthermore, it is not said that any ships perished during this encounter, and all the prose texts contain the verb létta ‘empty, lighten’: þá bað hann sína menn létta skipin ‘then he [Haraldr] told his men to empty the ships’ (ÍF 28, 117; so also ÍF 29, 259; Mork 1928-32, 167; Flat 1860-8, III, 342; Fms 6, 263).


allr ‘All’

allr (adj.): all


sollnu ‘swollen’

1. svella (verb): swell


Jótlands ‘Kattegat’

Jótland (noun n.): Jutland, Jylland < Jótlandshaf (noun n.)

[8] Jótlandshafi ‘Kattegat’: The sea between Jylland, Denmark, and the western coast of Sweden.


hafi ‘’

haf (noun n.; °-s; *-): sea < Jótlandshaf (noun n.)

[8] Jótlandshafi ‘Kattegat’: The sea between Jylland, Denmark, and the western coast of Sweden.


fljóta ‘to float’

fljóta (verb): flow, float

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Allt of frák, hvé elti
austmenn á veg flausta
Sveinn, þás siklingr annarr,
snarlundaðr, helt undan.
Fengr varð Þrœnda þengils
— þeir léttu skip fleiri —
allr á éli sollnu
Jótlandshafi fljóta.

7Flokkr about Sveinn Úlfsson9


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