This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
leygr skjaldar
‘the flame of the shield’ = SWORD
the flame of the shield → SWORD
sword fire of the shield
herðir harðéla Haddings
‘strengthener of the strong storms of Haddingr’ = WARRIOR
the strong storms of Haddingr, → BATTLE
Strengthener of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
harðél Haddings
‘of the strong storms of Haddingr’ = BATTLE
the strong storms of Haddingr, → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
fljótmæltr konungr Jóta
‘the eloquent king of the Jótar’ = DANISH KING = Eiríkr
The eloquent king of the Jótar, → DANISH KING = Eiríkr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Danes
hræðir Hollseta
‘the terrifier of the Holsteiners’ = Eiríkr
the terrifier of the Holsteiners → Eiríkr
Eiríkr eymuni Eiríksson
1. defeater of the Holsteiners
valr vígs
‘the falcon of slaughter’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the falcon of slaughter → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
grimman grandmeiðr fjanda Sigars
‘the grim harm-tree of Sigarr’s enemy’ = GALLOWS
Sigarr’s enemy; → Hagbarðr
the grim harm-tree of HAGBARÐR → GALLOWS
. tree of Hagbarðr
fjándi Sigars
‘of Sigarr’s enemy’ = Hagbarðr
Sigarr’s enemy; → Hagbarðr
1. enemy of Sigarr
glǫtuðr hrannbáls
‘the destroyer of wave-fire’ = GENEROUS MAN
wave-fire → GOLD
the destroyer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
‘of wave-fire’ = GOLD
wave-fire → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
‘wealth-dispenser’ = GENEROUS MAN
Wealth-dispenser, → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.4. sender of wealth
mót Fjǫlnis hróts
‘the meeting of Fjǫlnir’s roof’ = BATTLE
Fjǫlnir’s roof → SHIELD
the meeting of the SHIELD → BATTLE
3.1.3. meeting of shields
Fjǫlnis hrót
‘of Fjǫlnir’s roof’ = SHIELD
Fjǫlnir’s roof → SHIELD
11.1. roof of Óðinn
vinr drengja
‘the friend of the warriors’ = Sigurðr
the friend of the warriors, → Sigurðr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
sløngvir Vánar dags
‘the slinger of Ván’s daylight’ = GENEROUS MAN
Ván’s daylight → GOLD
the slinger of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
Vánar dagr
‘of Ván’s daylight’ = GOLD
Ván’s daylight → GOLD
1.4. daylight of waters (A1)
‘battle-advancer’ = WARRIOR
Battle-advancer, → WARRIOR
warrior hastener of battle
‘the corpse-gull’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the corpse-gull → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.3. bird of the corpse (A2)
‘battle-strengthener’ = WARRIOR
Battle-strengthener, → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
gagnstígr gýgjar
‘the through-route of the giantess’ = CRAG
the through-route of the giantess; → CRAG
rock, stone
3.2. dwelling place of the giant
hernenninn Gǫndlar þings gný-Þróttr
‘din-Þróttr of Gǫndul’s assembly’ = WARRIOR
the din of Gǫndul’s assembly → BATTLE
battle-enterprising Þróttr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
Gǫndlar þings gnýr
‘of the din of Gǫndul’s assembly’ = BATTLE
the din of Gǫndul’s assembly → BATTLE
. problematic
aftígr lífs
‘deprivation of life’ = DEATH
deprivation of life → DEATH
1. loss of life
margdýrkaðr merkir morðhjóls
‘the much-worshipped marker of the killing-wheel’ = WARRIOR
the killing-wheel → SHIELD
The much-worshipped marker of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
‘of the killing-wheel’ = SHIELD
the killing-wheel → SHIELD
1.02. circular object of battle
ræsir fremðar
‘the advancer of honour’ = KING
the advancer of honour → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
in átta oddhríð
‘the eighth point-storm’ = BATTLE
the eighth point-storm → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
gjald Finns
‘the Saami’s compensation’ = ARROWS
the Saami’s compensation. → ARROWS
4.2. payment of the Saami
bræðir tíkr benja
‘feeder of the bitch of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the bitch of wounds, → SHE-WOLF
Feeder of the SHE-WOLF → WARRIOR
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
tík benja
‘of the bitch of wounds’ = SHE-WOLF
the bitch of wounds, → SHE-WOLF
1. bitch of the wound (A2)
Ála serkjar élfestir
‘storm-strengthener of Áli’s shirt’ = WARRIOR
Áli’s shirt, → BYRNIE
the storm of the BYRNIE → BATTLE
strengthener of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
Ála serkjar él
‘of the storm of Áli’s shirt’ = BATTLE
Áli’s shirt, → BYRNIE
the storm of the BYRNIE → BATTLE
battle shower of the mail-coat
Ála serkr
‘of Áli’s shirt’ = BYRNIE
Áli’s shirt, → BYRNIE
1.7. garment of the sea-king
styrjargjǫrnum friðraskaði
‘of the battle-eager peace-disturber’ = WARRIOR
the battle-eager peace-disturber. → WARRIOR
11. destroyer of peace