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rógǫrs rjóðandi hneitis eggja
‘of the strife-quick reddener of the sword’s edges’ = WARRIOR
the strife-quick reddener of the sword’s edges, → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
‘gold-breakers’ = GENEROUS MEN
gold-breakers → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
hati ormsetrs
‘the hater of the reptile’s home’ = GENEROUS MAN
the reptile’s home → GOLD
The hater of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
‘of the reptile’s home’ = GOLD
the reptile’s home → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
hraustr vinr hǫrða
‘the valiant friend of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the valiant friend of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
3. friend of the Norwegians
inn ungi eggrjóðandi
‘the young blade-reddener’ = WARRIOR
The young blade-reddener → WARRIOR
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
bræðir ara
‘of the feeder of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the feeder of the eagle → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘war-garb’ = ARMOUR
war-garb → ARMOUR
. clothing of battle
rýrir brimlogs
‘the diminisher of surf-fire’ = GENEROUS MAN
surf-fire → GOLD
the diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
‘of surf-fire’ = GOLD
surf-fire → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
søkkvi Sveins
‘the queller of Sveinn’ = Magnús
The queller of Sveinn, → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
3. defeater of Sveinn Álfífuson
sonr Ôleifs
‘of the son of Óláfr’ = Magnús
the son of Óláfr → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
geystu veðr gífrs
‘[their] troubled gale of the troll-woman’ = MIND
[their] troubled gale of the troll-woman, → MIND
mind, thought
1.1. storm, wind of the giantess
hati armsvells
‘the hater of arm-ice’ = GENEROUS MAN
arm-ice, → SILVER
the hater of the SILVER → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.06. hater of wealth
‘of arm-ice’ = SILVER
arm-ice, → SILVER
1.1. ice of the arm/hand
auðvinr okkrum
‘our treasure-friend’ = GENEROUS RULER = Magnús
our treasure-friend. → GENEROUS RULER = Magnús
male, man
angrtælir ylgjar
‘the grief-beguiler of the she-wolf’ = WARRIOR = Magnús
the grief-beguiler of the she-wolf → WARRIOR = Magnús
3.2.2. gladdener of the wolf
‘the grief-beguiler’ = GLADDENER
the grief-beguiler → GLADDENER
2. beguiler of the sorrow
grimmum gnýr grafnings
‘the cruel clash of the graven shield’ = BATTLE
the cruel clash of the graven shield, → BATTLE
2.1.3. din of shields
vísundr hléborðs
‘the bison of the lee-side’ = SHIP
the bison of the lee-side, → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
snarfengjan þengill sygna
‘the swift-acting lord of the sygnir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the swift-acting lord of the Sygnir → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
bjóðr brynþings
‘the convenor of the byrnie-assembly’ = WARRIOR
the byrnie-assembly, → BATTLE
The convenor of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior offerer of battle
‘of the byrnie-assembly’ = BATTLE
the byrnie-assembly, → BATTLE
3.2.1. meeting of mail-coats
œsir fetilstinga
‘the impeller of sword-belt stabbers’ = WARRIOR
sword-belt stabbers. → SWORDS
the impeller of SWORDS → WARRIOR
. man of the weapon
‘of sword-belt stabbers’ = SWORDS
sword-belt stabbers. → SWORDS
10.1. tool of the sword
‘a weapon-blizzard’ = BATTLE
a weapon-blizzard, → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
allfrekr bani hallar
‘the most ravenous slayer of the hall’ = FIRE
the most ravenous slayer of the hall → FIRE
fire, flame
3.1. killer of wood
rammþing Glamma
‘a mighty encounter of Glammi’ = BATTLE
a mighty encounter of Glammi → BATTLE
3.5. meeting of the sea-king
‘a sword-clash’ = BATTLE
a sword-clash → BATTLE
2.1.1. din of swords
hilmir hǫrða
‘the ruler of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the ruler of the Hǫrðar, → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
skapvǫrðr himins
‘the shaping guardian of heaven’ = God
the shaping guardian of heaven → God
2.1. guardian of heaven
barr ulfa
‘wolves’ barley’ = CORPSES
wolves’ barley— → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.2. food of the wolf
allnôttfǫrull marr vífs Yggjar áleggjar
‘ever prowling by night, the steed of the wife of the Yggr of the river-limb’ = WOLF
the river- limb → ROCK
the Yggr of the ROCK → GIANT
the wife of the GIANT → GIANTESS
ever prowling by night, the steed of GIANTESS → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
víf Yggjar áleggjar
‘of the wife of the Yggr of the river-limb’ = GIANTESS
the river- limb → ROCK
the Yggr of the ROCK → GIANT
the wife of the GIANT → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
1.1. consort of the giant (B3a)
Yggr áleggjar
‘of the Yggr of the river-limb’ = GIANT
the river- limb → ROCK
the Yggr of the ROCK → GIANT
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
‘of the river-limb’ = ROCK
the river- limb → ROCK
rock, stone
2.1.1. bone of waters
inn víða frægi vargteitir
‘the widely famed wolf-cheerer’ = WARRIOR
the widely famed wolf-cheerer → WARRIOR
3.2.2. gladdener of the wolf
marga elgr vágs
‘many elks of the wave’ = SHIPS
many elks of the wave. → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
‘the ship-tree’ = SEAFARER
the ship-tree → SEAFARER
1.2. tree of the ship
regn rýgjar rógskýja
‘the rain of the troll-woman of strife-clouds’ = BATTLE
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
the troll-woman of SHIELDS → AXE
the rain of the AXE → BATTLE
battle shower of the axe
rýgr rógskýja
‘of the troll-woman of strife-clouds’ = AXE
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
the troll-woman of SHIELDS → AXE
1.1. female mythical being of the shield
‘of strife-clouds’ = SHIELDS
strife-clouds → SHIELDS
2.1.5. cloud of strife
veðr Hǫgna
‘the wind-storm of Hǫgni’ = BATTLE
the wind-storm of Hǫgni; → BATTLE
1.1.5. storm/wind of a legendary hero
bróðir Bjarnar
‘of Bjǫrn’s brother’ = Sveinn
Bjǫrn’s brother, → Sveinn
Sveinn Úlfsson (r. 1047-1076)
3. brother of Bjǫrn Estridsson
sonr Ôleifs
‘Óláfr’s son’ = Magnús
Óláfr’s son → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
hilmir hǫrða
‘the prince of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
the prince of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Magnús
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
‘a thawing wind of swords’ = BATTLE
a thawing wind of swords → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the sword
ungr þorn auðar
‘the young thorn-tree of treasure’ = MAN
The young thorn-tree of treasure → MAN
male, man
1.2. tree of wealth
grennir ara
‘the feeder of the eagle’ = WARRIOR
the feeder of the eagle → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
lituðr hringserks
‘the painter of the mail-shirt’ = WARRIOR
the painter of the mail-shirt → WARRIOR
1.8.1. stainer of armour
hverr herskyldir
‘which troop-commander’ = RULER
which troop-commander → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army
gǫmlum hauss Ymis
‘the ancient skull of Ymir’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the ancient skull of Ymir → SKY/HEAVEN
9.2. skull of Ymir