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firnabjúgir fleygi-Njǫrðr fjarðelds
‘the overly stooping throwing-Nirðir of fjord-fire’ = GENEROUS MEN
fjord-fire → GOLD
the overly stooping throwing-Nirðir of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
sœkialfr dýra Atals
‘the attacking elf of the animals of Atall <sea-king>’ = SEA-WARRIOR = Haraldr
the animals of Atall <sea-king>; → SHIPS
the attacking elf of SHIPS → SEA-WARRIOR = Haraldr
2. attacker of the ship
hverr œski-Þrór unnrǫðla
‘May each craving-Þrór of wave-suns’ = MAN
wave-suns → GOLD
May each craving-Þrór of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
3.10. desirer of riches
blóðroðin rœði benja
‘the blood-reddened paddle of wounds’ = SWORD
the blood-reddened paddle of wounds; → SWORD
6.1. rod of the wound
rœki-Njǫrðr rjóðvendils randa
‘the tending-Njǫrðr of the shields’ reddening-rod’ = WARRIOR
the shields’ reddening-rod → SWORD
the tending-Njǫrðr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
rjóðvendill randa
‘of the shields’ reddening-rod’ = SWORD
the shields’ reddening-rod → SWORD
4.1.02. rod/twig of the shield
remmi-Týr rógleiks
‘the strengthening-Týr of strife-play’ = WARRIOR
strife-play → BATTLE
the strengthening-Týr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
‘of war-rods’ = SWORDS
war-rods. → SWORDS
6.2. rod of battle
ár sára
‘of oars of wounds’ = SWORDS
oars of wounds → SWORDS
6.1. rod of the wound
støkkvi-Móði glóða styrjar
‘of the scattering Móði of embers of strife’ = WARRIOR
embers of strife; → SWORDS
the scattering Móði of SWORDS → WARRIOR
warrior Móði of the weapon
sœki-Njǫrðr láðs sverða
‘from attack-Nirðir of the land of swords’ = WARRIORS
the land of swords → SHIELD
from attack-Nirðir of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
warrior attacker of the weapon
skap-Móði óðs
‘creating-Móði of poetry’ = POET
creating-Móði of poetry, → POET
1. god of poetry
sœki-Þróttr sundfaxa
‘the attacking-Þróttr of the channel-horses’ = SEA-WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the channel-horses → SHIPS
The attacking-Þróttr of SHIPS → SEA-WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
2. attacker of the ship
felli-Njǫrðr flótta
‘the slaying-Njǫrðr of the fleeing ones’ = WARRIOR
The slaying-Njǫrðr of the fleeing ones → WARRIOR
4.8. killer of men