betr (adv.) ‘better’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- BjH488ˣ —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 326
- Anon Brúðv 10VII —
betr ‘better’l. 2
- Dpl —
bazt ‘’l. 6893
- DplFljˣ —
best ‘’l. 6894
- Anon Eg 1V (WolfAug 9 10 4°) —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Finnb —
betr ‘fortunately’l. 7151
- Anon (FoGT) 13III —
Betr ‘better’l. 5
- Gautr2ˣ —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 7277
- Glúm —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 7366
- Gr ch. 41 —
Betur ‘’l. 1
- Gr —
bezt ‘’l. 7369
- GunnK ch. 6 —
Betur ‘’l. 1
- Heið —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 7593
- Heiðy —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 7594
- Hrólfˣ —
betur ‘be better/best placed, be one of the winning party, come out on top’l. 7845
- Anon Hsv 117VII —
beztr ‘best’l. 4
- [not skaldic] —
bætr ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
bet ‘’l. 1
- Kgs —
bazt ‘’l. 8634
- KgsE —
best ‘’l. 8636
- Korm —
bezt ‘as well as possible, in the best possible way’l. 8731
- Laxd —
bezt ‘’l. 8898
- LdnHb105ˣ —
best ‘’l. 8921
- Anon Mdr 10VII —
beztr ‘the best’l. 7
- Anon Mhkv 25III —
betr ‘better’l. 7
- Anon Mhkv 28III —
betr ‘better’l. 2
- Anon Nj 5V (AM 162 B κ fol) —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Nj ch. 94 —
Betur ‘’l. 1
- NjK —
Betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 9252
- NjM —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 9253
- NjR1908 —
bezt ‘’l. 9282
- ǪrvS —
bazt ‘’l. 11103
- Reykd —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10142
- Vall ch. 7 —
Betur ‘’l. 1
- Án Lv 3VIII (Án 3) —
betr ‘better’l. 1
- Akv 17 —
Betr ‘’l. 1
- Helr 1 —
betr ‘’l. 5
- Völ 26 —
betr ‘’l. 2
- ESk Geisl 5VII —
beztr ‘the best’l. 3
- Gríml Lv 3VIII (GrL 5) —
betr ‘effective’l. 7
- GSúrs Lv 3V (Gísl 5) —
Betr ‘it was better’l. 1
- Herv Lv 17VIII (Heiðr 42) —
Betr ‘better’l. 5
- Hfr Lv 3V (Hallfr 4) —
betr ‘better’l. 7
- Hringrk Lv 1VIII (Frið 39) —
betr ‘better’l. 7
- Keth Lv 18VIII (Ket 31) —
betr ‘better’l. 6
- Mark Eirdr 23II —
beztr ‘best’l. 7
- Mberf Lv 6II —
betr ‘better’l. 8
- ÓTII —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 9521
- ÓTFlat —
betr ‘be better/best placed, be one of the winning party, come out on top’l. 9545
- ÓTOdd —
bezt ‘’l. 9546
- ÓTOddS —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 9547
- OsvReyk —
betvr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 9517
- Runic Lexicon G 208 —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon Sö 195 —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon Sö 197 —
bet ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon Sö 210 —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon Sö 212 —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon Sö Fv1971;207 —
btr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon U 69 —
bitr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon U 338 —
bitr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon U 371 —
bitr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon U 512 —
bitr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon U 539 —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon U 586 —
bitr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon U 758 —
btr ‘’l. 1
- Runic Lexicon U 759 —
bitr ‘’l. 1
- RvHbreiðm Hl 47III —
betr ‘better’l. 4
- Sigv Austv 2I —
betr ‘better’l. 8
- Prose: Hr 35.3 —
betr ‘better’l. 2
- Prose: Laxd 33.10 —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Prose: Laxd 33.12 —
betr ‘’l. 1
- Prose: Skm 6.2 —
betr ‘’l. 1
- ch. 1 —
Betur ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
beꞇr ‘’l. 1
- Alex —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 117
- AlexBr226 —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 129
- AnnLy —
best ‘’l. 193
- AnnaReyk —
betvr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 207
- ÁBpˣ —
betur ‘show better conduct, behave better’l. 2
- Ágr —
betþt ‘’l. 41
- BarlA —
bazt ‘’l. 252
- BarlC —
bazt ‘as well as possible, in the best possible way’l. 254
- Bjark —
bætʀ ‘wish to make a milder/more lenient judgement or assessment, show mercy’l. 312
- [not skaldic] —
bæter ‘’l. 1
- BlFar —
bætr ‘wish to make a milder/more lenient judgement or assessment, show mercy’l. 334
- Blómstrˣ —
best ‘’l. 376
- BorgKr3 —
bazst ‘as well as possible, in the best possible way’l. 390
- BorgKrNY —
bæter ‘wish to make a milder/more lenient judgement or assessment, show mercy’l. 399
- DI VI (*[1478]›tr 1490) —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 2270
- DI VII ([1491-1518]: AM 257 II) —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 2754
- DI VII (1492) —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 2912
- DI IX (1532) —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 4414
- DI X (*1536-1553›apogrˣ) —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 4574
- DN I (1309) —
bætr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 4873
- DN I (1317) —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 4894
- DN I (1339) —
beter ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 4992
- DN II (1348) —
bætær ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 5339
- DN III (*1320›vid 1439) —
bæter ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 5511
- DN III (1333) —
bættær ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 5555
- DN III (1341) —
bætter ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 5591
- DN X (*1327›apogrˣ) —
bætr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 6550
- DN XIV (1325) —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 6767
- EiðKrA —
bazst ‘as well as possible, in the best possible way’l. 6956
- ElisA —
bazt ‘as well as possible, in the best possible way’l. 6971
- Eluc238XVIII(1989) —
betvr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 6988
- FlórKon —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 7171
- Flóv1 —
bazt ‘’l. 7175
- Frostˣ —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 7198
- FskBˣ —
bætr ‘be better/best placed, be one of the winning party, come out on top’l. 7222
- FV153(1993) —
betr ‘better and better, progressively better’l. 7232
- Fær61 —
betr ‘better than expected’l. 7242
- GBpD —
betr ‘not better than (that ...)’l. 7296
- Greg —
betr ‘not better than (that ...)’l. 7394
- GrgKonII —
betr ‘rather’l. 7419
- GrgStað —
batz ‘’l. 7423
- GulKrI —
bazt ‘’l. 7468
- GulKrNA —
bættr ‘wish to make a milder/more lenient judgement or assessment, show mercy’l. 7479
- Gyð(1995) —
betr ‘not better than (that ...)’l. 7502
- GÞiðrˣ —
betr ‘all the more as’l. 7511
- HákEirsp —
bỏtr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 7516
- HákFlat —
betr ‘be better/best placed, be one of the winning party, come out on top’l. 7517
- HákFris —
betr ‘fortunately’l. 7518
- Hák81 —
bestz ‘’l. 7526
- Hirð —
bæzt ‘’l. 7638
- HirðB —
bezt ‘’l. 7639
- [not skaldic] —
bazt ‘’l. 1
- HómÍsl5(1993) —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 7700
- HómÍsl9(1993) —
batst ‘’l. 7704
- HómÍsl33(1993) —
batst ‘’l. 7726
- HómÍsl36(1993) —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 7728
- HómÍsl39(1993) —
batst ‘’l. 7731
- HómÍsl43(1993) —
batst ‘’l. 7732
- HómÍsl60(1993) —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 7741
- HómÍsl62(1993) —
batzt ‘’l. 7743
- Hóm677 —
betr ‘’l. 7783
- HrafnAˣ —
best ‘’l. 7814
- SnE —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10243
- ÍvB —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 8254
- Jarlm1 —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 8273
- Jb —
bezt ‘rather’l. 8287
- JBpA(2003) —
bezt ‘’l. 8465
- JJ SÁM 1 —
betr ‘show better conduct, behave better’l. 8504
- Jvs7 —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 8577
- Jvs291 —
bzt ‘’l. 8578
- KirjA —
bezt ‘’l. 8666
- [not skaldic] —
bétr ‘’l. 1
- KlmA —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 8682
- Klma —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 8683
- KlmAFrg —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 8684
- KlmBˣ —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 8685
- KlmA1980 —
bazt ‘’l. 8691
- Knýtl1741ˣ —
bazt ‘’l. 8711
- KrossInventA —
bazt ‘’l. 8747
- Landsl —
bætr ‘all the more as’l. 8774
- Landsl1154 —
betr ‘rather’l. 8835
- Malc —
bez ‘’l. 8973
- MarD635ˣ —
bezt ‘as well as possible, in the best possible way’l. 8992
- MarE —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 8994
- Mar655XXXII —
betr ‘?make amends’l. 9011
- Martin3 —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 9096
- Mat —
bettz ‘as well as possible, in the best possible way’l. 9102
- Mág1A —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 8956
- Mág2 —
betr ‘not better than (that ...)’l. 8961
- MedMisc —
bettur ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 9114
- MEg2 —
bezst ‘’l. 9129
- Mork —
bazt ‘’l. 9191
- NoDipl (1295) —
bazt ‘’l. 9339
- Orkn325I —
batz ‘’l. 9501
- ÓH —
bazt ‘’l. 9441
- unattrib ÓHLeg 1I (DG 8) —
bætr ‘’l. 1
- Pamph —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 9559
- Parc —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 9561
- Páll2A —
bazt ‘’l. 9550
- Prosper677 —
baztst ‘’l. 9638
- RbHM (*1308) —
bezst ‘’l. 9871
- Rómv1 —
baz ‘’l. 10155
- Rómv2 —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10156
- SigÞǫgl —
bezt ‘’l. 10214
- StatEi2 —
bezt ‘as well as possible, in the best possible way’l. 10296
- StjC —
bazt ‘’l. 10428
- [not skaldic] —
bætr ‘’l. 1
- Streng —
bazt ‘’l. 10468
- StuIK —
bætr ‘fortunately’l. 10477
- StuIIK —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10482
- StuIIR11127ˣ —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 10484
- Sv —
bezt ‘’l. 10505
- SvFlat —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 10507
- Theol151(1993) —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10556
- [not skaldic] —
bætr ‘’l. 1
- Thom1 —
bazt ‘’l. 10577
- Thom2 —
Betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10580
- Trist1ˣ —
betr ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 10605
- VerA —
bazt ‘’l. 10659
- Vilm —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10701
- VSj —
betur ‘more, further, longer, in addition’l. 10723
- ÞBpCod645 —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10739
- unattrib Þiðr 2VIII (AM 178 fol) —
best ‘’l. 1
- ÞiðrI —
betr ‘better, more correct, more friendly (to sby)’l. 10761
- ÞiðrII —
bæzt ‘’l. 10763
- ÞiðrIIˣ —
best ‘’l. 10764
- ÞBrún Lv 4V (Heið 8) —
betr ‘better’l. 1
- ÞjóðA Lv 7II —
betr ‘better’l. 4
- Þorm Lv 4V (Fbr 21) —
Betr ‘better’l. 1
- elements in compounds