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sonr Ôláfs
‘of Óláfr’s son’ = Magnús
Óláfr’s son; → Magnús
Magnús I inn góði Óláfsson (r. 1035-47)
1.1. son of Óláfr Haraldsson
haukey Haralds
‘Haraldr’s hawk-isle’ = Norway
Haraldr’s hawk-isle → Norway
[7] Haralds: ‘Har’ 310
1.1. land of the Norwegian ruler
sonr Tryggva
‘the son of Tryggvi’ = Óláfr
the son of Tryggvi → Óláfr
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
konungr eyna
‘the king of the eynir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
The king of the Eynir → NORWEGIAN KING = Óláfr
[1] Eyna: Óna Kˣ, F, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 61, 53, Bb, FskAˣ, 310
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
mætr meiðr unnviggs
‘the splendid tree of the wave-steed’ = SEAFARER
the wave-steed → SHIP
the splendid tree of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.2. tree of the ship
‘of the wave-steed’ = SHIP
the wave-steed → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
hreinn húnlagar
‘the reindeer of the mast-top-liquid’ = SHIPS
the mast-top-liquid → SEA
the reindeer of the SEA → SHIPS
[5] hreina: hônum FskBˣ, 51ˣ, 302ˣ, FskAˣ, 310
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
‘of the mast-top-liquid’ = SEA
the mast-top-liquid → SEA
8.2. liquid of the ship
dáðǫflgan bǫrr fangs dolga
‘the deed-mighty tree of the tunic of strife’ = WARRIOR
the tunic of strife → MAIL-SHIRT
the deed-mighty tree of the MAIL-SHIRT → WARRIOR
[4] bǫr (‘bꜹr’): gram 310, Kˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 61, 54, Bb, Flat
1.2.2. tree of the mail-coat
fang dolga
‘of the tunic of strife’ = MAIL-SHIRT
the tunic of strife → MAIL-SHIRT
1.1. garment of battle
senna vápna
‘the flyting of weapons’ = BATTLE
the flyting of weapons: → BATTLE
5.1. strife of weapons
hnekkir hertryggðar
‘the confounder of the army’s security’ = WARRIOR
the confounder of the army’s security → WARRIOR
[5] hertryggðar: hertryggvan 310
þess sessi þjóðar
‘of this bench-mate of the people’ = RULER
this bench-mate of the people → RULER
[7] sessa: hressar 310
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
dolgr Frísa
‘the Frisians’ enemy’ = Eiríkr
the Frisians’ enemy → Eiríkr
Eiríkr jarl Hákonarson (r. c. 1000-c. 1014)
4. enemy of the Frisians
roðinn sárlaukr
‘the reddened wound-leek’ = SWORD
the reddened wound-leek → SWORD
4.3.1. leek of the wound
dynr hjalma
‘the din of helmets’ = BATTLE
the din of helmets → BATTLE
2.2.1. din of the helmet
mœtir malmþings
‘the meeter of the metal-assembly’ = WARRIOR
the metal-assembly → BATTLE
the meeter of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior encounterer of battle
‘of the metal-assembly’ = BATTLE
the metal-assembly → BATTLE
3.1. meeting of weapons
ógrœðir armgrjóts
‘the non-increaser of arm-gravel’ = GENEROUS MAN
arm-gravel → JEWELS
The non-increaser of JEWELS → GENEROUS MAN
[1] Ógrœðir: ulfgœðir 310
generous man
1.03. diminisher of wealth
‘of arm-gravel’ = JEWELS
arm-gravel → JEWELS
2.2. stone/rock of the arm/hand (A1)
snœrivitnir sunds
‘the cable-wolf of the sea’ = SHIP
the cable-wolf of the sea. → SHIP
[7] snœri‑: siglu 310
[7] ‑vitni: otri Holm18, 310, Flat
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
reyr dreyra
‘reeds of gore’ = SWORDS
reeds of gore → SWORDS
4.2.1. reed of blood
tungl tangar tingla
‘moons of the tongs of prow-boards’ = SHIELDS
moons of the tongs of prow-boards → SHIELDS
1.01. heavenly body of the ship
Reginn brynflagðs
‘the Reginn of the byrnie-troll-woman’ = WARRIOR = Eiríkr
the byrnie-troll-woman → AXE
the Reginn of the AXE → WARRIOR = Eiríkr
1.4.3. dwarf of the weapon
‘of the byrnie-troll-woman’ = AXE
the byrnie-troll-woman → AXE
1.3. female mythical being of the mail-coat
hríð hjalms
‘a storm of the helmet’ = BATTLE
a storm of the helmet → BATTLE
battle shower of helmets
danska runnr dolgs
‘danish bushes of battle’ = WARRIORS
Danish bushes of battle → WARRIORS
2.1. tree of battle
senna fráns leggbita
‘the flyting of the glittering leg-biter’ = BATTLE
the glittering leg-biter. → SWORD
the flyting of the SWORD → BATTLE
[6] fráns: frán F, Holm18, 310
5.1.1. strife of swords
fráns leggbiti
‘of the glittering leg-biter’ = SWORD
the glittering leg-biter. → SWORD
[6] fráns: frán F, Holm18, 310
trǫð fjarðmývils
‘the path of the fjord-lump’ = SEA
the fjord-lump → SKERRY
the path of the SKERRY → SEA
[5] ‑mývils: ‑refil 310
5.2. path of the sea
‘of the fjord-lump’ = SKERRY
the fjord-lump → SKERRY
[5] ‑mývils: ‑refil 310
island, skerry
3. lump of the sea
Sóti Sifjar
‘the sóti of Sif’ = WOLF
the Sóti of Sif → WOLF
[7] Sifjar: sævar 310, 61, Bb, Flat
1.3. horse of Sif (A3)
sárir verkandi meginserkjar baugs naddfárs
‘wounded workers of the mighty shirt of the ring of point-harm’ = WARRIORS
point -harm → BATTLE
the ring of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the mighty shirt of the SHIELD → MAIL-SHIRT
Wounded workers of the MAIL-SHIRT → WARRIORS
[4] megin: Heðins FskAˣ, Holm18, 310, 4‑7, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 61, 53, Flat
1.8.10. worker of the mail-coat
meginserkr baugs naddfárs
‘of the mighty shirt of the ring of point-harm’ = MAIL-SHIRT
point -harm → BATTLE
the ring of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the mighty shirt of the SHIELD → MAIL-SHIRT
[4] megin: Heðins FskAˣ, Holm18, 310, 4‑7, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 61, 53, Flat
1.10. shirt of the shield
baugr naddfárs
‘of the ring of point-harm’ = SHIELD
point -harm → BATTLE
the ring of the BATTLE → SHIELD
1.02. circular object of battle
‘of point-harm’ = BATTLE
point -harm → BATTLE
13.1. harm of the weapon
hallandi hafvita
‘of the diminisher of the ocean-beacon’ = GENEROUS MAN = Eiríkr
the ocean-beacon → GOLD
the diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Eiríkr
generous man
‘of the ocean-beacon’ = GOLD
the ocean-beacon → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘a weapon-oath’ = BATTLE
a weapon-oath → BATTLE
6.11. oath of the weapon
myrðir Vinða
‘the murderer of Wends’ = Eiríkr
the murderer of Wends. → Eiríkr
Eiríkr jarl Hákonarson (r. c. 1000-c. 1014)
3. defeater of the Wends
Heita dýrbliks dynsæðinga hungrdeyfir
‘hunger-soother of the din-gulls of the beast-gleam of Heiti’ = WARRIOR
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
the din of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the gulls of the BATTLE → RAVENS/EAGLES
the hunger-soother of RAVENS/EAGLES → WARRIOR
[1] Heita: ‘hreyti’ 310
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
Heita dýrbliks dynsæðingr
‘of the gulls of the din of the gleam of the beast of Heiti’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
the din of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the gulls of the BATTLE → RAVENS/EAGLES
[1] Heita: ‘hreyti’ 310
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
Heita dýrbliks dynr
‘of the din of the gleam of the beast of Heiti’ = BATTLE
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
the din of the SHIELD → BATTLE
[1] Heita: ‘hreyti’ 310
2.1.3. din of shields
Heita dýrblik
‘of the gleam of the beast of Heiti’ = SHIELD
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
the gleam of the SHIP → SHIELD
[1] Heita: ‘hreyti’ 310
. gleam of the ship
Heita dýr
‘of the beast of Heiti’ = SHIP
the beast of Heiti → SHIP
[1] Heita: ‘hreyti’ 310
ship, boat
1.3.2. wild animal of the sea-king
‘the land’s guardian’ = RULER = Óláfr
The land’s guardian → RULER = Óláfr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
5.1. guardian of the land
árr elds hôklifs hauka
‘envoys of the fire of the high cliff of hawks’ = GENEROUS MEN
the high cliff of hawks → ARM
the fire of the ARM → GOLD
envoys of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
[8] hôklifs jǫfurr (‘ha cklifs iofurr’): hauk klifs jǫfurr 310
generous man
2.7. envoy of wealth
eldr hôklifs hauka
‘of the fire of the high cliff of hawks’ = GOLD
the high cliff of hawks → ARM
the fire of the ARM → GOLD
[8] hôklifs jǫfurr (‘ha cklifs iofurr’): hauk klifs jǫfurr 310
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
hôklif hauka
‘of the high cliff of hawks’ = ARM
the high cliff of hawks → ARM
[8] hôklifs jǫfurr (‘ha cklifs iofurr’): hauk klifs jǫfurr 310
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
hjǫrdjarfr dróttinn hersa
‘the sword-bold lord of hersar’ = RULER
The sword-bold lord of hersar → RULER
[1] hersa: Hǫrða FskBˣ, FskAˣ, 310
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
‘the gold-diminisher’ = GENEROUS MAN
the gold-diminisher → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
‘spear-breeze’ = BATTLE
spear-breeze → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of spears
hleypimeiðr hlunnviggja
‘the impelling tree of the roller-steeds’ = SEAFARER
the roller-steeds → SHIPS
The impelling tree of SHIPS → SEAFARER
1.2. tree of the ship
‘of the roller-steeds’ = SHIPS
the roller-steeds → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the ship
barklaust birki bǫðserkjar
‘the barkless birches of the battle-shirt’ = WARRIORS
the battle-shirt → MAIL-SHIRT
the barkless birches of the MAIL-SHIRT → WARRIORS
1.2.2. tree of the mail-coat
‘of the battle-shirt’ = MAIL-SHIRT
the battle-shirt → MAIL-SHIRT
1.1. garment of battle
sonr Tryggva
‘Tryggvi’s son’ = Óláfr Tryggvason
Tryggvi’s son, → Óláfr Tryggvason
[2] sonr: sonar or sonr 310
Óláfr I Tryggvason (r. c. 995-c. 1000)
1.1. descendant of Tryggvi Óláfsson
styggvan, ljótvaxinn hestr Leiknar
‘the edgy, ugly-grown horse of Leikn’ = WOLF
the edgy, ugly-grown horse of Leikn. → WOLF
[4] ‑vaxinn: so F, J1ˣ, 61, 54, Bb, 62, Flat, FskBˣ, FskAˣ, 310
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
blǫkku stóð kveldriðu
‘the black stud of the evening-rider’ = WOLF
the evening-rider → TROLL-WOMAN
the black stud of the TROLL-WOMAN → WOLF
[7] blǫkku: blakka 310
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
‘of the evening-rider’ = TROLL-WOMAN
the evening-rider → TROLL-WOMAN
giantess, troll-woman
3. roamer of the evening (B1a)
hǫrð hræskóð
‘hard corpse-harmers’ = SWORDS
hard corpse-harmers → SWORDS
[2] hræ‑: hjalm‑ FskBˣ, 310
9.1.4. harm of the corpse
ríkr lægir róg rekka
‘the powerful subduer of the strife of men’ = JUST RULER
The powerful subduer of the strife of men → JUST RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
. destroyer of strife
‘the army-commander’ = RULER
the army-commander → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army
sá nœrir naddskúrar
‘that nourisher of the missile-shower’ = WARRIOR
the missile-shower → BATTLE
that nourisher of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
[4] sá: því J1ˣ, 61, 53, 54, Bb, 62, 310
warrior feeder of battle
‘of the missile-shower’ = BATTLE
the missile-shower → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
gjóðr hríðar geira
‘for the osprey of the storm of spears’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the storm of spears. → BATTLE
for the osprey of the BATTLE → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.1. bird of battle (A2)
hríð geira
‘of the storm of spears’ = BATTLE
the storm of spears. → BATTLE
battle shower of spears
skerðir seims
‘the diminisher of gold’ = GENEROUS MAN
The diminisher of gold → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
‘sword-sport’ = BATTLE
sword-sport → BATTLE
4.1.1. play of swords
ógnblíðr greddir ulfa
‘the battle-glad feeder of wolves’ = WARRIOR
the battle-glad feeder of wolves → WARRIOR
[3] greddir: græddir 39, 54, Bb, 62, 310
3.2.1. feeder of the wolf
œgir ýdrógar
‘the terrifier of the bow-string’ = WARRIOR
The terrifier of the bow-string → WARRIOR
[5] ‑drógar: ‑drauga 61, 53, 54, Bb, FskBˣ, FskAˣ, 310
warrior terrifier of the weapon
Týr dýrra tjǫrva
‘the Týr of precious spears’ = WARRIOR
the Týr of precious spears → WARRIOR
[7] dýrra: dýra Kˣ, 39, F, 61, 54, Bb, 62, FskAˣ, 310
warrior Týr of the weapon