botn (noun m.) ‘bottom’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Bárð ch. 14 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- Bárð489 —
botnum ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 246
- Eir ch. 2 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- Eir557 —
botn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 6969
- Flj ch. 2 —
botninn ‘’l. 1
- Fljˣ —
botnninn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 7156
- Gísl ch. 4 —
botni ‘’l. 1
- Gísl —
botni ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 7346
- Harð ch. 19 —
Botni ‘’l. 1
- Harð ch. 22 —
Botn ‘’l. 1
- Harð ch. 25 —
Botns ‘’l. 1
- Krók ch. 10 —
botninum ‘’l. 1
- Ldn ch. 6 —
botninn ‘’l. 1
- Ldn ch. 35 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- LdnHb105ˣ —
botninn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 8921
- LdnStˣ —
botn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 8926
- Nj ch. 88 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- NjM —
botna ‘bottom’l. 9253
- Bragi Rdr 7III —
botni ‘base’l. 2
- Guðr III 8 —
botz ‘’l. 1
- Egill Arkv 18V (Eg 114) —
botni ‘base’l. 8
- FriðÞ Lv 21VIII (Frið 27) —
botni ‘the bottom’l. 5
- ÓHHkr ch. 139 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- Mark Eirdr 32II —
botni ‘bottom’l. 2
- ÓTI —
botnin ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 9519
- ÓTII —
botn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 9521
- Ísls ch. 76 —
botninn ‘’l. 1
- Ísls ch. 146 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- Ísls §1351 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- Sturl Hákkv 5II —
botni ‘bottom’l. 8
- Sturl Hákkv 13II —
botn ‘the head’l. 3
- Andr2A —
botni ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 172
- AnnGott —
botn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 188
- DI VIII (*1393›1779ˣ) —
Botn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 3478
- DN I (1341) —
bonninom ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 5005
- DN II (*1276›apogrˣ) —
botne ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 5132
- EncI —
botninum ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 6996
- GullÞ ch. 13 —
Botn ‘’l. 1
- Hect §1746 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- Hect —
botnn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 7586
- unattrib Hkr 1II (AM 35 fol) —
botn ‘’l. 1
- SnE —
botn ‘bottom’l. 10243
- Jvs §706 —
botninn ‘’l. 1
- Jvs291 —
botniɴɴ ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 8578
- MarS —
botni ‘bottom’l. 8996
- MedMisc —
botni ‘bottom’l. 9114
- ÓH —
botni ‘bottom’l. 9441
- RbHM (*1316)4a —
botnvm ‘container (for wax), tub’l. 10009
- RbHM (*1316)4b —
botnom ‘container (for wax), tub’l. 10011
- StuIK —
botn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 10477
- StuIIK —
botni ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 10482
- StuIIR11127ˣ —
botn ‘head of a valley/fjord, source of a watercourse’l. 10484
- Sv —
botninn ‘bottom’l. 10505
- Vikt —
bottni ‘bottom’l. 10696
- VSj §1136 —
botn ‘’l. 1
- ÞjóðA Frag 5II —
botni ‘the inlet’l. 4
- elements in compounds
- Anon (LaufE) 10III —
‘the end of the bay’
l. 2
- Marm Lv 7VIII (Hálf 12) —
‘the depths of the ocean’
l. 8
- Sigv Erlfl 4I —
‘the wide base’
l. 6
- ÞórǪx Lv 1V (Bárð 5) —
l. 4