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reitr sólar
‘the paths of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the paths of the sun, → SKY/HEAVEN
[4] reitum: ‘rettum’ 720a VIII
6.1.1. land of the sun
þenna stýrandi heims
‘that ruler of the world’ = Adam
that ruler of the world: → Adam
[5] þenna: þennan 720a VIII, Vb, 41 8°ˣ, 4892
1. lord of the world
yfirspennandi þrennra heima
‘of the over-spanner of three worlds’ = God
the over-spanner of three worlds. → God
[4] yfirspennanda: yfirspennandi 720a VIII, 99a, 622, 705ˣ
[4] heima: heim að 720a VIII
4.1. encompasser of the world
inn háleiti dróttinn reitar stjörnu
‘the sublime lord of the path of the star’ = God
the path of the star, → SKY/HEAVEN
the sublime Lord of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
[2] háleiti: háleita 720a VIII
[2] reitar: reita 720a VIII, 99a, 705ˣ
1.1. lord of heaven
reitr stjörnu
‘of the path of the star’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the path of the star, → SKY/HEAVEN
[2] reitar: reita 720a VIII, 99a, 705ˣ
6.1.3. land of the star
sendiboði sjaufalds anda
‘the messenger of the sevenfold spirit’ = ANGEL = Gabriel
The messenger of the sevenfold Spirit → ANGEL = Gabriel
[5] Sendiboði: sendiboð 720a VIII, Vb, 41 8°ˣ
3. messenger of the Spirit
sannr hǫfðingi eingla og manna
‘the true chieftain of the angels and men’ = God
The true chieftain of the angels and men, holding → God
1.5. lord of angels and people
guð himnanna
‘the god of the heavens’ = God
the God of the heavens → God
Jesus Christ
haglig myndan heilags anda
‘the proper image of the holy spirit’ = God
the proper image of the Holy Spirit, → God
[7] haglig: hagleiks 720a VIII, 4892
[7] myndan: myndi 720a VIII
[7] heilags: hagleiks heilags 720a VIII
Jesus Christ
‘a hot spring of joy’ = TEARS
a hot spring of joy → TEARS
[2] fagnaðarlaug: so 720a VIII, 99a, 622, 713, Vb, 41 8°ˣ, 705ˣ, 4892
tears, weeping
3. water of joy