embætti (noun n.) ‘°serving (sby), service, act of service; (spec.) serving God, (a god’s) service, worship (of a god, etc.); task, work, job, function, duty; office, position (in sby’s service); (relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church serv’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Hallfr61 —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 7559
- HallfrÓT ch. 5 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
ætti ‘’l. 1 - Kgs —
æmbætti ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 8634
- ÞorvV ch. 3 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- ÞorvV ch. 7 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- ÞorvVÓTI —
embætti ‘’l. 10838
- ÓTII —
embætti ‘’l. 9521
- Ísls ch. 81 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- Ísls ch. 104 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- PGG ch. 7 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- Gramm4 —
embættí ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 7382
- Adon —
embætti ‘iron. of killing)’l. 11
- AnnReg —
Embetti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 194
- AnnResˣ —
embętti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 196
- Ann764 —
æmbæti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 199
- ÁBp220 —
embætti ‘’l. 4
- ÁBp §168 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- ÁBp §309 —
embættis ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
embette ‘’l. 1
- BarlA —
embette ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 252
- BarlB —
æmbætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 253
- BasFrg —
embętti ‘spec. of the Eucharist)’l. 288
- [not skaldic] —
embette ‘’l. 1
- BlFar —
embette ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 334
- BorgKrNY —
embete ‘spec. of the Eucharist)’l. 399
- DI II (*1345›AM 39) —
embættis ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 911
- DI IX (1525) —
embætte ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 4163
- DN II (*1309›DonVar 1ˣ) —
æmbætte ‘’l. 5171
- DN II (1363) —
eimbete ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 5418
- DN III (*1306›DonVar 1ˣ) —
ambætti ‘’l. 5473
- DN III (*1339›DonVar 1ˣ) —
æmbette ‘’l. 5586
- DN VII (*1320›DonVar 1ˣ) —
æmbætte ‘’l. 6358
- DN VII (*[1337]›apogrˣ) —
ambetti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 6377
- DN VIII (*1306›apogrˣ) —
æmbetti ‘’l. 6410
- DN VIII (*1325›apogrˣ) —
ambætte ‘’l. 6422
- DN VIII (*[1338]›apogrˣ) —
embette ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 6440
- DN IX (*1338›apogrˣ) —
embette ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 6502
- DN X (*1327›apogrˣ) —
embetti ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 6550
- EgSH ch. 6 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- EgSH1005 —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 6953
- EiðKrA —
æmbætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 6956
- ElisC —
embæti ‘’l. 6973
- ElisD —
embætti ‘serving (sby), service, act of service’l. 6974
- Eluc674(1989) —
embette ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 6991
- Eras §14 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- Flóv1 —
embettis ‘(spec.) serving God, (a god's) service, worship (of a god, etc.)’l. 7175
- FrostKrI —
embette ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 7208
- GBpA —
embtte ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 7287
- GBpD —
embættið ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 7296
- [not skaldic] —
æmbæte ‘’l. 1
- Hóm2372 —
ęmbætte ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 7778
- Hóm6711 —
embættí ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 7781
- Hóm677 —
embetti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 7783
- Hungrvˣ —
embætti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 7857
- Jb —
embætti ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 8287
- JKr —
embette ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 8506
- Jón1ˣ —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 8523
- JurTrondh —
embete ‘’l. 8545
- Jur34 —
embꝍtti ‘’l. 8547
- [not skaldic] —
æmbætte ‘’l. 1
- KlmA —
embættis ‘serving (sby), service, act of service’l. 8682
- Klma —
embætti ‘serving (sby), service, act of service’l. 8683
- KlmBˣ —
embætti ‘’l. 8685
- KlmFrg —
æmbætte ‘serving (sby), service, act of service’l. 8686
- KlmA1980 —
embętti ‘serving (sby), service, act of service’l. 8691
- LBpB —
embętti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 8917
- MarB —
embætti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 8990
- MarS —
embætinv ‘carry out a religious ceremony, conduct a service/mass, officiate’l. 8996
- Mess2625 —
embœttí ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 9136
- Mess1619 —
em-bætte ‘spec. of the Eucharist)’l. 9140
- Mess215(1993) —
æmbætte ‘(spec.) serving God, (a god's) service, worship (of a god, etc.)’l. 9141
- MM §155 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- MM §612 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- MMA —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 9179
- unattrib ÓHLeg 1I (DG 8) —
æmbætte ‘’l. 1
- PBpˣ —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 9572
- Pétr2B —
embætti ‘do/perform a service’l. 9580
- PhJˣ —
embættis ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 9601
- RbEM (*1281-1282)2 —
æmbættis ‘’l. 9686
- RbHM (*1308) —
embætti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 9871
- RbHMy (*1358)2ˣ —
embeti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10057
- RbME (1320) —
æmbættis ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10065
- RbMH (*1267-1280) —
æmbætte ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10118
- RRÓT —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10170
- SofReyk —
embætte ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10272
- StatÁrni —
embetis ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10283
- StatEi1351a —
embættis ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10288
- StatEi2 —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10296
- StatEi2C —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10309
- StatEi3 —
embættis ‘’l. 10323
- StatJǫr1 —
embætti ‘’l. 10354
- StatJón —
embætti ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 10340
- StatJón350 —
embætti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10347
- StatPáll3 —
embeti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10362
- Stj1 —
embættis ‘task, work, job, function, duty’l. 10424
- StjC —
æmbætti ‘carry out a religious ceremony, conduct a service/mass, officiate’l. 10428
- StuIK —
embtti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10477
- Sv —
embætti ‘iron. of killing)’l. 10505
- SvKr —
æmbætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10534
- [not skaldic] —
æmbætte ‘’l. 1
- Thom1 —
æmbætte ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10577
- Thom2 —
embættit ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10580
- ViðrLS544(1995) —
embœtti ‘(spec.) serving God, (a god's) service, worship (of a god, etc.)’l. 10680
- VígslB —
embøttí ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10695
- VP —
embætti ‘’l. 10714
- ÞBp §186 —
embættis ‘’l. 1
- ÞBp §281 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- ÞBp §315 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- ÞBpC3ˣ —
embættis ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10744
- ÞiðrII —
æmbæti ‘office, position (in sby's service)’l. 10763
- Æv20 —
embætti ‘(relig.) conduct of office, (ecclesiastical) ceremony, ritual, church service, office, mass, sacrament’l. 10894
- ÆvMið §426 —
embætti ‘’l. 1
- elements in compounds