This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
þenna mǫgr vindsvals
‘this son of vindsvalr’ = Vetr
this son of Vindsvalr → Vetr
Vetr (vetr ‘winter’)
. son of Vindsvalr
fengr Viðurs
‘the theft of Viðurr’ = POEM
the theft of Viðurr; we [I] → POEM
1.1.3. booty of Óðinn
bjǫrk hols hrynbáls hramma
‘of the birch of the hollow ringing fire of hands’ = WOMAN
the hollow ringing fire of hands → RING
the birch of the RING → WOMAN
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
hols hrynbál hramma
‘of the hollow ringing fire of hands’ = RING
the hollow ringing fire of hands → RING
3. fire of the limb
full burar Billings
‘the cup of the son of Billingr’ = POEM
the son of Billingr, → DWARF
the cup of the DWARF → POEM
1.2.1. drink of the dwarfs
burr Billings
‘of the son of Billingr’ = DWARF
the son of Billingr, → DWARF
1. relative of the dwarf
gæi-Þrúðr hanglúðrs hrosta
‘the watching Þrúðr of the hanging vessel of mash’ = WOMAN
the hanging vessel of mash → CAULDRON
The watching Þrúðr of the CAULDRON → WOMAN
female, woman
15. unique
hanglúðr hrosta
‘of the hanging vessel of mash’ = CAULDRON
the hanging vessel of mash → CAULDRON
cauldron, kettle
. vessel of mash
Lofn loga drafnar
‘the Lofn of the fire of the wave’ = WOMAN
the fire of the wave, → GOLD
the Lofn of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
logi drafnar
‘of the fire of the wave’ = GOLD
the fire of the wave, → GOLD
gold fire of the wave (A1)
skorða fjarðbeins
‘the prop of the fjord-bone’ = WOMAN
the fjord-bone → STONE
The prop of the STONE → WOMAN
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
‘of the fjord-bone’ = STONE
the fjord-bone → STONE
rock, stone
2.1.1. bone of waters
‘the spear-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
the spear-Freyr → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of the weapon
Hrist mjaðar
‘the Hrist of mead’ = WOMAN
the Hrist of mead. → WOMAN
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
brík bjórs
‘of the board of beer’ = WOMAN
the board of beer → WOMAN
female, woman
6.3. tree, wood of drink (B2c)
drykkr dauðs Dvalins
‘the drink of the dead Dvalinn’ = POEM
the drink of the dead Dvalinn. → POEM
1.2.1. drink of the dwarfs
Fríðr funa fjarðar
‘May the Fríðr of the fire of the fjord’ = WOMAN
the fire of the fjord → GOLD
May the Fríðr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
funi fjarðar
‘of the fire of the fjord’ = GOLD
the fire of the fjord → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
grund salar Fundins
‘the land of the hall of Fundinn’ = WOMAN
the hall of Fundinn; → STONE
the land of the STONE → WOMAN
female, woman
2.3. land, landscape of jewellery (B2c)
salr Fundins
‘of the hall of Fundinn’ = STONE
the hall of Fundinn; → STONE
rock, stone
3.1. dwelling place of the dwarf
fastan gustr flagðs
‘my steadfast gust of the troll-woman’ = MIND
my steadfast gust of the troll-woman → MIND
mind, thought
1.1. storm, wind of the giantess
garðr brims
‘the fence of the surf’ = WAVE
the fence of the surf. → WAVE
5. place of the surf