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Flokkr about Sveinn Úlfsson §

Edited by Kari Ellen Gade

siklings ‘The leader’s’

siklingr (noun m.; °; -ar): king, ruler

[2] vinir siklings ‘the leader’s friends’: These were Haraldr’s men.


vinir ‘friends’

vinr (noun m.; °-ar, dat. -/(-i OsvReyk 92.17); -ir): friend

[2] vinir siklings ‘the leader’s friends’: These were Haraldr’s men.


svǫfðu ‘checked’

svefja (verb): lull to sleep, soothe

[3] svǫfðu (3rd pers. pl. pret. indic.) ‘checked’: Both svefja ‘check, calm’ and svæfa ‘check, calm’ (svæfðu 3rd pers. pl. pret. indic.; so FsAˣ, 39, F) are possible in the present context, but the ms. witnesses show that the latter (svæfðu) is secondary.


hjaldr ‘the fight’

1. hjaldr (noun m.): battle


hǫfðu ‘had’

hafa (verb): have


hugstinnir ‘the fierce-hearted ones’

hugstinnr (adj.): fierce-hearted


snarráðir ‘the quick-witted’

snarráðr (adj.): swift-counselled, resolute


tókusk ‘they began to exchange’

2. taka (verb): take


ófǫl ‘precious’

ófalr (adj.): not-for-sale, precious

[8] ófǫl ‘precious’: Lit. ‘not for sale’.

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Sætt buðu seggja dróttni
siklings vinir mikla;
svǫfðu hjaldr, þeirs hǫfðu,
hugstinnir, lið minna.
Ok snarráðir síðan
sókn, es orðum tókusk,
— ǫnd vas ýta kindum
ófǫl — búendr dvǫlðu.

8Flokkr about Sveinn Úlfsson10


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