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Teaching Texts

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Fragments §

Edited by Kari Ellen Gade

Kastar ‘throws’

1. kasta (verb): throw


þegnum ‘of his men’

þegn (noun m.; °dat. -/-i; -ar): thane, man, franklin

[2] þegnum (m. dat. pl.) ‘of his men’: This is a dat. of possession. Þegnar ‘men, retainers, subjects’ has been translated here as ‘his men’, reflecting the loyal relationship between a ruler and his men (for the various meanings of this word, see Goetting 2006). For other stanzas describing a king adorning the arms of his men with gold and silver, see e.g. Þblǫnd Sigdr 2 and Sturl Hákkv 31-3II.


ungr ‘the young’

ungr (adj.): young

[3] ungr vísi ‘the young leader’: The R (and LaufE) variant vísir ‘leader’ is a later form and has been normalised accordingly. If this stanza indeed were part of SveinnII and addressed to Sveinn Úlfsson (see Introduction above), the apostrophe ungr vísi ‘young leader’ would be somewhat inappropriate because Sveinn must have been at least middle-aged at this time (c. 1051; see ÍF 35, 129 n. 1).


vísi ‘leader’

vísi (noun m.; °-a): leader

[3] ungr vísi ‘the young leader’: The R (and LaufE) variant vísir ‘leader’ is a later form and has been normalised accordingly. If this stanza indeed were part of SveinnII and addressed to Sveinn Úlfsson (see Introduction above), the apostrophe ungr vísi ‘young leader’ would be somewhat inappropriate because Sveinn must have been at least middle-aged at this time (c. 1051; see ÍF 35, 129 n. 1).


gefr ‘gives’

gefa (verb): give

Click/tap on words in the text for grammatical information and notes.
Kastar gramr á glæstar
gegn valstǫðvar þegnum
— ungr vísi gefr eisu
armleggs — digulfarmi.



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