drykkjustofa (noun f.) ‘°room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Eg ch. 72 —
drykkjustofunni ‘’l. 1
- Gr ch. 18 —
drykkjustofuna ‘’l. 1
- Gr §547 —
drykkjustofuna ‘’l. 1
- Gr —
drykkjustofuna ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 7369
- HeiðrUˣ —
drukiu stofunnj ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 7600
- Snegl ch. Mork —
drykkjustofu ‘’l. 1
- SneglMork —
dryccio stofo ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10269
- Stúf ch. 1 —
drykkjustofuna ‘’l. 1
- Svarfd ch. 6 —
drykkjustofu ‘’l. 1
- Svarfd(1966)ˣ —
dryckiu stofu ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10527
- Vatn ch. 5 —
drykkjustofu ‘’l. 1
- Vígl ch. 6 —
drykkjustofan ‘’l. 1
- Vígl510 —
drykkjustofan ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10691
- ÞJ —
dryckio stofo ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10774
- Þstut ch. 1 —
drykkjustofunni ‘’l. 1
- HkrFris —
dryckiostofvnni ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 7688
- ÓTOdd —
dryckiostofuna ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 9546
- PGG ch. 13 —
drykkjustofu ‘’l. 1
- AnnGott —
dryckiu stofvna ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 188
- Gyð(1995) —
dryckíustofuna ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 7502
- Knýtl1741ˣ —
drykkjustofunni ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 8711
- Mork §1091 —
drykkjustofu ‘’l. 1
- ÓH —
drykiv stofvna ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 9441
- StuIK —
drycio-stofv ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10477
- Sv —
dryckio-stofunni ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10505
- TrójS —
dryckiu stofum ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10620
- Þing1Mork —
dryccio stofoɴi ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10769
- Æv42ˣ —
drykkjustofuna ‘room where people (eat and) drink, drinking hall’l. 10906
- Víglundar sögu §261 —
drykkjustofan ‘’l. 1
- Víglundar sögu §263 —
drykkjustofuna ‘’l. 1
- elements in compounds