This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
gagnsælan hvessir hildar
‘the victory-blessed inciter of war’ = WARRIOR
the victory-blessed inciter of war → WARRIOR
warrior inciter of battle
góðum byrr Gríðar
‘a good wind of Gríðr’ = MIND
a good wind of Gríðr— → MIND
mind, thought
1.1. storm, wind of the giantess
bræðir blóðstara
‘the feeder of the blood-starling’ = WARRIOR
the blood-starling, → RAVEN
the feeder of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
‘of the blood-starling’ = RAVEN
the blood-starling, → RAVEN
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
valdr víga
‘to the controller of combats’ = WARRIOR
to the controller of combats. → WARRIOR
2.5.3. causer of battle
herðir gunnar
‘the strengthener of battle’ = WARRIOR
the strengthener of battle. → WARRIOR
2.5.1. increaser / strengthener of battle
gramr egða
‘of the prince of the egðir’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
the prince of the Egðir → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
spjalli gauta
‘the confidant of the people’ = KING
the confidant of the people → KING
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
1.2. friend of people
varðandi regns geira
‘the warden of spears’ rain’ = WARRIOR
spears’ rain, → BATTLE
The warden of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
2.5.7. guardian of battle
regn geira
‘of spears’ rain’ = BATTLE
spears’ rain, → BATTLE
battle shower of spears
erkistóll éls
‘the archiepiscopal seat of the storm’ = HEAVEN
the archiepiscopal seat of the storm. → HEAVEN
8.2. abode of the storm