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ungr seiðs hrynleiðar eldskerðir
‘fire-cleaver of the pollack’s flowing path’ = GENEROUS MAN
the pollack’s flowing path → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
The young cleaver of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
seiðs hrynleiðar eldr
‘of the fire of the pollack’s flowing path’ = GOLD
the pollack’s flowing path → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
seiðs hrynleið
‘of the pollack’s flowing path’ = SEA
the pollack’s flowing path → SEA
3.2. path of the aquatic animal
gǫfugr granrjóðr freks gífrskæs
‘the glorious whisker-reddener of the ravenous steed of the troll-woman’ = WARRIOR
the ravenous steed of the troll-woman → WOLF
The glorious whisker-reddener of the WOLF → WARRIOR
3.2.3. stainer of the wolf
freks gífrskær
‘of the ravenous steed of the troll-woman’ = WOLF
the ravenous steed of the troll-woman → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
fjǫlnenninn landreki dana
‘the very vigorous land-ruler of the danes’ = DANISH KING = Eiríkr
the very vigorous land-ruler of the Danes. → DANISH KING = Eiríkr
Danish king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Danes
ungr, lofaðr lífgjafi geitunga Ellu
‘the young, lauded life-giver of Ælle’s birds’ = WARRIOR
Ælle’s birds → EAGLES
The young, lauded life-giver of EAGLES → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
geitungr Ellu
‘of Ælle’s birds’ = EAGLES
Ælle’s birds → EAGLES
2.2. flying animal of king Ælla (A2)
vápnboða valgrennir
‘falcon-feeder of the weapon-wave’ = WARRIOR
the weapon-wave → BLOOD
the falcon of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
The feeder of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
vápnboða valr
‘of the falcon of the weapon-wave’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the weapon-wave → BLOOD
the falcon of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
‘of the weapon-wave’ = BLOOD
the weapon-wave → BLOOD
1.2. liquid of the weapon (A2)
hánaðra ráfiðris
‘the tall adder of the sailyard-feather’ = SHIP
the sailyard-feather → SAIL
the tall adder of the SAIL → SHIP
ship, boat
6.2. snake of the ship
‘of the sailyard-feather’ = SAIL
the sailyard-feather → SAIL
2. feather of the sail-yard
snarr svanbekkjar sólþverrir
‘sun-diminisher of the swan-bench’ = GENEROUS MAN
the swan-bench → SEA
the sun of the SEA → GOLD
the brave diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
svanbekkjar sól
‘of the sun of the swan-bench’ = GOLD
the swan-bench → SEA
the sun of the SEA → GOLD
1.3. heavenly body of waters (A1)
‘of the swan-bench’ = SEA
the swan-bench → SEA
6.3. dwelling of the aquatic bird
‘the death-precipitator’ = WARRIOR
The death-precipitator → WARRIOR
16.1. desirer of death
gollungr benþeyjar
‘of young hawks of wound-thaw’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
wound-thaw → BLOOD
young hawks of the BLOOD → RAVENS/EAGLES
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
‘of wound-thaw’ = BLOOD
wound-thaw → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
lofaðr læknir heims
‘the praised healer of the world’ = God
the praised healer of the world, → God
. healer of the world
friðrofi hafljóma
‘to the peace-disturber of sea-radiance’ = GENEROUS MAN
sea-radiance. → GOLD
to the peace-disturber of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.10. peace-destroyer of wealth
‘of sea-radiance’ = GOLD
sea-radiance. → GOLD
1.2. gleam, shine of waters (A1)