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bifraukn bekkjar
‘in shuddering draught animals of the rowing-bench’ = SHIPS
in shuddering draught animals of the rowing-bench → SHIPS
ship, boat other working animal of the ship
drífa vífs Mistar
‘the snow-storm of the woman of Mist’ = BATTLE
the woman of Mist. → VALKYRIE
the snow-storm of the VALKYRIE → BATTLE
1.2.4. shower of the valkyrie
víf Mistar
‘of the woman of Mist’ = VALKYRIE
the woman of Mist. → VALKYRIE
2.2. woman of the valkyrie (B3b)
hrafnvíns svangœðir
‘swan-benefactor of raven-wine’ = WARRIOR
raven-wine → BLOOD
the swan of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
The benefactor of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIOR
3.1.05. strengthener of the bird of battlefield
hrafnvíns svanr
‘of the swan of raven-wine’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
raven-wine → BLOOD
the swan of the BLOOD → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
‘of raven-wine’ = BLOOD
raven-wine → BLOOD
2.1. drink of the raven/eagle (A3)
sótt Jalfaðar
‘with the illness of Jǫlfuðr’ = SPEAR
with the illness of Jǫlfuðr → SPEAR
. illness of Óðinn
hrót Giljaðar
‘the roofs of Giljaðr’ = SHIELDS
the roofs of Giljaðr → SHIELDS
11.1. roof of Óðinn
almdrósar eisu élrunnr
‘storm-bush of the fire of the bow-woman’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the bow -woman → VALKYRIE
the fire of the VALKYRIE → SWORD
the storm of the SWORD → BATTLE
The bush of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Hákon
2.1. tree of battle
almdrósar eisu él
‘of the storm of the fire of the bow-woman’ = BATTLE
the bow -woman → VALKYRIE
the fire of the VALKYRIE → SWORD
the storm of the SWORD → BATTLE
battle shower of swords
almdrósar eisa
‘of the fire of the bow-woman’ = SWORD
the bow -woman → VALKYRIE
the fire of the VALKYRIE → SWORD
1.1.06. fire of the valkyrie
‘of the bow-woman’ = VALKYRIE
the bow -woman → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
einum tveim marr tingls
‘with only two steeds of the prow-board’ = SHIPS
with only two steeds of the prow-board → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the ship
allreiðr vandar Valsendir
‘Valr-sender of the mast’ = SEAFARER = Hákon
the Valr of the mast → SHIP
the utterly enraged sender of the SHIP → SEAFARER = Hákon
seafarer sender of the ship
vandar Valr
‘of the Valr of the mast’ = SHIP
the Valr of the mast → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
‘the attack-cherry-tree’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
The attack-cherry-tree → WARRIOR = Hákon
2.1. tree of battle
skyldir skautjalfaðar
‘ the requisitioner of the sail-bear’ = SEAFARER
the sail-bear → SHIP
The requisitioner of the SHIP → SEAFARER
seafarer steerer of the ship
‘of the sail-bear’ = SHIP
the sail-bear → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
gjǫflastr gollskýflir
‘the most generous gold-destroyer’ = GENEROUS MAN
the most generous gold-destroyer → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.01.1. destroyer of gold
‘spear-storms’ = BATTLES
spear-storms → BATTLES
battle storm/wind of spears
sóknhattar svellrjóðr
‘ice-reddener of the attack-hat’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the attack-hat → HELMET
the ice of the HELMET → SWORD
the reddener of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Hákon
1.7.03. stainer of the weapon
sóknhattar svell
‘of the ice of the attack-hat’ = SWORD
the attack-hat → HELMET
the ice of the HELMET → SWORD
3.8. ice of the helmet
‘of the attack-hat’ = HELMET
the attack-hat → HELMET
1.3. headgear of battle
hraustan geðbœtir
‘the valiant morale-improver’ = RULER = Tryggvi
the valiant morale-improver → RULER = Tryggvi
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
því fljóð Ónars
‘that woman of Ónarr’ = Jǫrð
that woman of Ónarr, → Jǫrð
2. woman of Ánarr/Ónarr (C3a or C4a)
íðvandr Sveigðis salbrigðandi
‘diligent hall-cleaver of Sveigðir’ = WARRIOR = Tryggvi
the hall of Sveigðir, → SHIELD
a diligent cleaver of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Tryggvi
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
Sveigðis salr
‘of the hall of Sveigðir’ = SHIELD
the hall of Sveigðir, → SHIELD
9.2. house of Óðinn
skíð svanvangs
‘on the skis of the swan-plain’ = SHIPS
the swan-plain. → SEA
on the skis of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
‘of the swan-plain’ = SEA
the swan-plain. → SEA
6.1. land of the aquatic bird
gildir vafs handar
‘ the payer of the coil of the arm’ = GENEROUS MAN = Hákon
the coil of the arm → ARM-RING
The payer of the ARM-RING → GENEROUS MAN = Hákon
generous man
2.2.3. giver of rings
víðra land sunda valbrands
‘of the wide lands of the inlets of the slaughter-fire’ = SHIELDS
the slaughter -fire. → SWORD
the inlets of the SWORD → BLOOD
the wide lands of the BLOOD → SHIELDS
5.1.5. land of blood
sund valbrands
‘of the inlets of the slaughter-fire’ = BLOOD
the slaughter -fire. → SWORD
the inlets of the SWORD → BLOOD
1.2. liquid of the weapon (A2)
vaf handar
‘of the coil of the arm’ = ARM-RING
the coil of the arm → ARM-RING
1. band of the limb
‘war-needles’ = SPEARS
war-needles → SPEARS
vegnum valþagnar hlymmildingr
‘tumult-bestowers of Valþǫgn’ = WARRIORS
the tumult of Valþǫgn. → BATTLE
the slain bestowers of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
. man of battle
valþagnar hlymr
‘of the tumult of valþǫgn’ = BATTLE
the tumult of Valþǫgn. → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
Njǫrðr raddar hámána nadds
‘the Njǫrðr of the voice of the high moon of the spear’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the high moon of the spear → SHIELD
the voice of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the Njǫrðr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
rǫdd hámána nadds
‘of the voice of the high moon of the spear’ = BATTLE
the high moon of the spear → SHIELD
the voice of the SHIELD → BATTLE
6.03. voice of weapons
hámáni nadds
‘of the high moon of the spear’ = SHIELD
the high moon of the spear → SHIELD
1.06. moon of the weapon
vápnunduðum Njǫrðr víðra landa sunda valbrands
‘the weapon-wounded Njǫrðr of the wide lands of the inlets of the slaughter-fire’ = WARRIOR = Guthormr Eiríksson
the slaughter -fire. → SWORD
the inlets of the SWORD → BLOOD
the wide lands of the BLOOD → SHIELDS
the weapon-wounded Njǫrðr of SHIELDS → WARRIOR = Guthormr Eiríksson
warrior Njǫrðr of the weapon
‘of the slaughter-fire’ = SWORD
the slaughter -fire. → SWORD
1.1.08. fire of the corpse
ǫld barma œgis almdrógar
‘the progeny of the brother of the intimidator of the bow-string’ = Eiríkssynir
the intimidator of the bow-string → WARRIOR = Hákon
the brother of the WARRIORHÁKON → Eiríkr blóðøx
The progeny of EIRÍKR BLÓÐØX → Eiríkssynir
2. people of Eiríkr blóðøx
barmi œgis almdrógar
‘of the brother of the intimidator of the bow-string’ = Eiríkr blóðøx
the intimidator of the bow-string → WARRIOR = Hákon
the brother of the WARRIORHÁKON → Eiríkr blóðøx
Eiríkr blóðøx Haraldsson (r. c. 929-34)
3. brother of the warrior
œgir almdrógar
‘of the intimidator of the bow-string’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the intimidator of the bow-string → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior terrifier of the weapon
Baldr bensíks
‘the Baldr of the wound-fish’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the wound-fish, → SWORD
the Baldr of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior Baldr of the weapon
‘of the wound-fish’ = SWORD
the wound-fish, → SWORD
5.3. fish of the wound
bríkar bǫðsœkir
‘battle-attacker of the board’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the battle-board → SHIELD
The attacker of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior attacker of the weapon
brík bǫð
‘of the battle-board’ = SHIELD
the battle-board → SHIELD
3.1. board of battle
rǫdd hjǫrva
‘of the voice of swords’ = BATTLE
the voice of swords → BATTLE
6.03. voice of weapons
þverrir malma
‘the diminisher of metal weapons’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the diminisher of metal weapons; → WARRIOR = Hákon
1.7.02. destroyer of the weapon
ræsir rógeisu
‘the impeller of the strife-fire’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the strife-fire → SWORD
the impeller of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Hákon
1.7.01. mover of the weapon
‘of the strife-fire’ = SWORD
the strife-fire → SWORD
1.1.09. fire of strife
gramr jǫfra
‘the king of princes’ = Hákon
The king of princes → Hákon
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.2. lord of princes
snerra geirvífa
‘the onslaught of spear-women’ = BATTLE
spear-women, → VALKYRIES
the onslaught of VALKYRIES → BATTLE
11.2. assault of the valkyrie
‘of spear-women’ = VALKYRIES
spear-women, → VALKYRIES
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
yfrinn byrr kvánar óls mána
‘an outstanding fair wind of the wife of the affliction of the moon’ = MIND
the affliction of the moon. → GIANT
the wife of the GIANT → GIANTESS
an outstanding fair wind of GIANTESS → MIND
mind, thought
1.1. storm, wind of the giantess
kván óls mána
‘of the wife of the affliction of the moon’ = GIANTESS
the affliction of the moon. → GIANT
the wife of the GIANT → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
1.1. consort of the giant (B3a)
ól mána
‘of the affliction of the moon’ = GIANT
the affliction of the moon. → GIANT