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alltíginn meiðir myrkblás drasils tjalda
‘most high-born destroyer of the dark black steed of awnings’ = WARRIOR
the dark black steed of awnings, → SHIP
most high-born destroyer of the SHIP → WARRIOR
[3] ‑tíginn: ‘[…]g[…]’ 325XI 2 l
[2] ‑blás: ‘‑blat’ 325XI 2 l
1. destroyer of the ship
myrkblás drasill tjalda
‘of the dark black steed of awnings’ = SHIP
the dark black steed of awnings, → SHIP
[2] ‑blás: ‘‑blat’ 325XI 2 l
ship, boat horse of the ship
Njǫrðr sóknar
‘Njǫrðr of combat’ = WARRIOR
Njǫrðr of combat, and I → WARRIOR
[3] sóknar: ‘socuar’ 325XI 2 l
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
látr blóða linns
‘of the lair of the serpent’s brother’ = GOLD
the serpent’s brother, → SERPENT
the lair of the SERPENT → GOLD
[7] látrs: ‘laírs’ 325XI 2 l
[8] linns: ‘linn(z)’(?) 325XI 2 l
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
þollr látrs blóða linns
‘fir-tree of the lair of the serpent’s brother’ = MAN
the serpent’s brother, → SERPENT
the lair of the SERPENT → GOLD
Fir-tree of the GOLD → MAN
[7] látrs: ‘laírs’ 325XI 2 l
[8] linns: ‘linn(z)’(?) 325XI 2 l
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
blóði linns
‘of the serpent’s brother’ = SERPENT
the serpent’s brother, → SERPENT
[8] linns: ‘linn(z)’(?) 325XI 2 l
serpent, snake
3. relative of the snake (B4a and B4b)
Gunnar gammteitandi
‘vulture-gladdeners of Gunnr’ = WARRIORS
the vulture of Gunnr → RAVEN/EAGLE
by gladdeners of the RAVEN/EAGLE → WARRIORS
3.1.02. gladdener of the bird of battlefield
Gunnar gammr
‘of the vulture of Gunnr’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the vulture of Gunnr → RAVEN/EAGLE
2.1. bird of the valkyrie (A2)
eldr ægis
‘the flame of the sea’ = GOLD
the flame of the sea. → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
engis lúru látrþverrandi
‘lair-diminisher of the halibut of the meadow’ = GENEROUS MAN
the halibut of the meadow, → SERPENT
the lair of the SERPENT → GOLD
diminisher of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
[7] engis: engi R686ˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 321ˣ, 325XI 2 l
[6] látr‑: látrs Holm4, 325XI 2 l
[6] ‑þverrandi: so J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 68, 61, Holm4, 325V, Bb, Flat, Tóm, 325XI 2 l, Kˣ
generous man
1.03.1. diminisher of gold
engis lúru látr
‘of the lair of the halibut of the meadow’ = GOLD
the halibut of the meadow, → SERPENT
the lair of the SERPENT → GOLD
[7] engis: engi R686ˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 321ˣ, 325XI 2 l
[6] látr‑: látrs Holm4, 325XI 2 l
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
engis lúra
‘of the halibut of the meadow’ = SERPENT
the halibut of the meadow, → SERPENT
[7] engis: engi R686ˣ, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 325VI, 321ˣ, 325XI 2 l
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)