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Týr fasta farlands
‘the Týr of the fire of the vessel-land’ = MAN = Eiríkr
the vessel-land. → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
the Týr of the GOLD → MAN = Eiríkr
male, man
2.1. god of gold
fasti farlands
‘of the fire of the vessel-land’ = GOLD
the vessel-land. → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘of the vessel-land’ = SEA
the vessel-land. → SEA
4.1. land of the ship
blakkr dreyra vengis
‘the steed of the blood of the land’ = SHIP
the blood of the land → SEA
the steed of the SEA → SHIP
[3] dreyra: so Holm2, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 73aˣ, 78aˣ, 68, 61, 325V, Bb, Flat, Tóm, 325XI 2 i
ship, boat horse of the sea
dreyri vengis
‘of the blood of the land’ = SEA
the blood of the land → SEA
[3] dreyra: so Holm2, J1ˣ, J2ˣ, 73aˣ, 78aˣ, 68, 61, 325V, Bb, Flat, Tóm, 325XI 2 i
1. blood of the earth