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Baldrs beiði-Rindi bandalfr
‘belt-elf of the begging-Rindr of Baldr’ = WARRIOR
the begging-Rindr of Baldr → Frigg
the belt of FRIGG → SEA
The elf of the SEA → WARRIOR
1.4.2. elf of the weapon
Baldrs beiði-Rindi band
‘of the belt of the begging-Rindr of Baldr’ = SEA
the begging-Rindr of Baldr → Frigg
the belt of FRIGG → SEA
1.2. band/fetter of the land
hlœðandi hleypiskíða hlunns
‘the loaders of the leaping skis of the roller’ = SEAFARERS
the leaping skis of the roller → SHIPS
the loaders of SHIPS → SEAFARERS
1.1.04. loader of the ship
hleypiskíð hlunns
‘of the leaping skis of the roller’ = SHIPS
the leaping skis of the roller → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.3. ski of the ship
Baldrs beiði-Rindr
‘of the begging-Rindr of Baldr’ = Frigg
the begging-Rindr of Baldr → Frigg
1. begging-goddess of Baldr (C1b)
‘headband-ground’ = WOMAN
headband-ground → WOMAN
female, woman
4.3. land, landscape of the headdress (B2c)
Bil bríma stalls bauga
‘the Bil of the flame of the standing-place of rings’ = WOMAN
the standing-place of rings; → ARM/HAND
the flame of the ARM/HAND → GOLD
the Bil of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
brími stalls bauga
‘of the flame of the standing-place of rings’ = GOLD
the standing-place of rings; → ARM/HAND
the flame of the ARM/HAND → GOLD
2.1.1. fire of the arm/hand (A1)
stallr bauga
‘of the standing-place of rings’ = ARM/HAND
the standing-place of rings; → ARM/HAND
arm, hand
2.1. place of the ring (A3)
setr sólar
‘the seat of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the seat of the sun. → SKY/HEAVEN
8.1. abode of the sun
sveigir logs sunda
‘the bender of the fire of straits’ = GENEROUS MAN = Rǫgnvaldr
the fire of straits, → GOLD
the bender of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Rǫgnvaldr
generous man
1.08. bender of wealth
log sunda
‘of the fire of straits’ = GOLD
the fire of straits, → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
hestr hlunns
‘the horse of the roller’ = SHIP
the horse of the roller, → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the ship
‘the roller-bear’ = SHIP
The roller-bear → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
jǫrð Áta
‘the ground of Áti’ = SEA
the ground of Áti → SEA
2.1. land of the sea-king