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sigrakkr mǫgr Sveins
‘battle-bold son of Sveinn’ = Knútr
Battle-bold son of Sveinn, → Knútr
Knútr inn ríki Sveinsson (r. 1014-1035)
1. son of Sveinn tjúguskegg
súðlǫngum hreinn bekkjar Sǫlsa
‘the long-planked reindeer of the bench of Sǫlsi’ = SHIPS
the bench of Sǫlsi → SEA
the long-planked reindeer of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
bekkr Sǫlsa
‘of the bench of Sǫlsi’ = SEA
the bench of Sǫlsi → SEA
2.3. dwelling of the sea-king
trǫð Sveiða
‘the path of Sveiði’ = SEA
the path of Sveiði; → SEA
2.2. path of the sea-king
dýr sunds
‘the animals of the sound’ = SHIPS
the animals of the sound → SHIPS
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
hristir íss sikulgjarðar
‘shaker of the ice of the sword-belt’ = WARRIOR
the ice of the sword-belt, → SWORD
Shaker of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior shaker of the weapon
íss sikulgjarðar
‘of the ice of the sword-belt’ = SWORD
the ice of the sword-belt, → SWORD
3.4. ice of the sword
harðvigg umbands allra landa
‘of the hard horse of the encircling band of all lands’ = SHIP
the encircling band of all lands → SEA
the hard horse of the SEA → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
umband allra landa
‘of the encircling band of all lands’ = SEA
the encircling band of all lands → SEA
1.2. band/fetter of the land
frægr, heiptsnarr vǫrðr leiptra hildar
‘the famous, battle-bold guardian of the lightnings of battle’ = WARRIOR
the lightnings of battle → SWORDS
the famous, battle-bold guardian of SWORDS → WARRIOR
1.7.11. guardian of the weapon
leiptr hildar
‘of the lightnings of battle’ = SWORDS
the lightnings of battle → SWORDS
1.2.1. light of battle
ættleifð Ellu
‘the patrimony of Ælla’ = England
the patrimony of Ælla, → England
már sverðmans
‘the gull of the sword-girl’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the sword-girl. → VALKYRIE
the gull of the VALKYRIE → RAVEN/EAGLE
2.1. bird of the valkyrie (A2)
‘sea-horse’ = SHIP
sea-horse, → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
snyrtiherðir Ullar sundviggs
‘splendid strengthener of Ullr’s sea-horse’ = WARRIOR
sea-horse, → SHIP
Ullr’s of the SHIP → SHIELD
Splendid strengthener of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
1.7.07. strengthener of the weapon
Ullar sundviggs
‘of Ullr’s sea-horse’ = SHIELD
sea-horse, → SHIP
Ullr’s of the SHIP → SHIELD
13.1. ship of Ullr
‘of the sword-girl’ = VALKYRIE
the sword-girl. → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
ræsir ferðar brodda
‘the impeller of the journey of missiles’ = WARRIOR
the journey of missiles → BATTLE
The impeller of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior hastener of battle
ferð brodda
‘of the journey of missiles’ = BATTLE
the journey of missiles → BATTLE
9.5. journey of weapons
rauðljósa baugjǫrð
‘the bright red ring-land’ = SHIELD
the bright red ring-land → SHIELD
shield land of the shield
bǫrr leiðar holmfjǫturs
‘the tree of the path of the island-fetter’ = MAN = Knútr
the island-fetter; → SERPENT
the path of the SERPENT → GOLD
the tree of the GOLD → MAN = Knútr
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
leið holmfjǫturs
‘of the path of the island-fetter’ = GOLD
the island-fetter; → SERPENT
the path of the SERPENT → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
‘of the island-fetter’ = SERPENT
the island-fetter; → SERPENT
serpent, snake
2.1. round or curved object of the land (A1b)
Hǫðr heinlands
‘the Hǫðr of the whetstone-land’ = WARRIOR
the whetstone-land → SWORD
the Hǫðr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Hǫðr of the weapon
‘of the whetstone-land’ = SWORD
the whetstone-land → SWORD
8.1. land of the whetstone
bǫðrakkr nǫkkva bœnar barkrjóðr
‘bark-reddener of the ship of prayer’ = WARRIOR
the ship of prayer, → BREAST
the bark of the BREAST → MAIL-SHIRT
the battle-bold reddener of the MAIL-SHIRT → WARRIOR
1.8.1. stainer of armour
nǫkkva bœnar bǫrkr
‘of the bark of the ship of prayer’ = MAIL-SHIRT
the ship of prayer, → BREAST
the bark of the BREAST → MAIL-SHIRT
2.1. bark of the breast
nǫkkvi bœnar
‘of the ship of prayer’ = BREAST
the ship of prayer, → BREAST
breast, chest
5.2. vehicle of prayer (A1a)
malma jalm-Freyr
‘noise-Freyr of weapons’ = WARRIOR
the noise of weapons → BATTLE
the Freyr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
malma jalmr
‘of the noise of weapons’ = BATTLE
the noise of weapons → BATTLE
2.1. din of weapons
haukr Leiknar odda
‘for the hawks of the Leikn of spears’ = RAVENS/EAGLES
the Leikn of spears. → VALKYRIE
for the hawks of the VALKYRIE → RAVENS/EAGLES
2.1. bird of the valkyrie (A2)
Leikn odda
‘of the Leikn of spears’ = VALKYRIE
the Leikn of spears. → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
hasla jarðar
‘the hazel of the earth’ = Yggdrasill
the hazel of the earth → Yggdrasill
. tree of the earth
valdr munka
‘the ruler of monks’ = God
the ruler of monks → God
1.3.2. lord of monks
moldreks orðbrjótr
‘speech-breaker of the soil-ruler’ = GENEROUS MAN
the soil-ruler → GIANT
the speech of the GIANT → GOLD
the breaker of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
1.02.1. breaker of gold
moldreks orð
‘of the speech of the soil-ruler’ = GOLD
the soil-ruler → GIANT
the speech of the GIANT → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
mold(unlinked proper noun)
‘of the soil-ruler’ = GIANT
the soil-ruler → GIANT
dróttinn alls
‘the lord of all’ = God
the lord of all [defends] → God
1.6. lord of all
ítran salr fjalla
‘the splendid hall of the mountains’ = HEAVEN
the splendid hall of the mountains. → HEAVEN
1.3. house of the land