This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
‘a spear-assembly’ = BATTLE
a spear-assembly; → BATTLE
3.1.2. meeting of spears
alls engi arngrennir
‘not one eagle-feeder’ = WARRIOR
Not one eagle-feeder → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
sterkr sonr Dags
‘the strong son of Dagr’ = Grégóríus
The strong son of Dagr → Grégóríus
Grégóríus Dagsson (d. 1161)
1. son of Dagr Eilífsson
hagl strengjar
‘the hail of the bowstring’ = ARROWS
the hail of the bowstring → ARROWS
1.1. shower of the bow
gnýr gagls Gunnar
‘the din of Gunnr’s gosling’ = BATTLE
Gunnr’s gosling; → RAVEN/EAGLE
the din of the RAVEN/EAGLE → BATTLE
2.7. din of the bird of battlefield
gagl Gunnar
‘of Gunnr’s gosling’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
Gunnr’s gosling; → RAVEN/EAGLE
2.1. bird of the valkyrie (A2)
sendir seima
‘the dispenser of gold’ = GENEROUS MAN
The dispenser of gold → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
ljótri drífa boga
‘the hideous storm of bows’ = BATTLE
the hideous storm of bows—, → BATTLE
battle shower of bows