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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Run 8II/6 — støkkva ‘to scatter’

Drap dǫglingr gegn
— dreif strengjar regn —
við Skǫrpusker
skjaldkœnan her.
Rauf styrjar garð,
þás støkkva varð
randǫlun sótt
reiðmanna gnótt.

Gegn dǫglingr drap skjaldkœnan her við Skǫrpusker; regn strengjar dreif. Garð styrjar rauf, þás gnótt reiðmanna, sótt randǫlun, varð støkkva.

The reliable ruler killed the shield-skilled company at the Farne Islands; the rain of the bow-string [ARROWS] streamed. The enclosure of strife [SHIELD] shattered when plenty of horsemen, attacked by the rim-fish [SWORD], were forced to scatter.



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