banvænn (adj.) ‘°expected to die, at the point of death; mortal, deadly; lethal’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Anon Eg 1V (WolfAug 9 10 4°) —
ban vænn ‘’l. 1
- Eg ch. 9 —
banvæn ‘’l. 1
- Eg ch. 27 —
banvænn ‘’l. 1
- Eg ch. 76 —
banvæn ‘’l. 1
- GíslIllA ch. 1 —
banvæn ‘’l. 1
- Gr ch. 80 —
banvænn ‘’l. 1
- Gr —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 7369
- [not skaldic] —
banꝩænn ‘’l. 1
- Kgs —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 8634
- ÞorstVík —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 10821
- Þórð ch. 8 —
banvæn ‘’l. 1
- Þórð2ˣ —
banvæn ‘mortal, deadly’l. 10787
- Gill Lv 2VIII (Gautr 6) —
banvæn ‘a deadly’l. 3
- ÓHHkr ch. 189 —
banvænn ‘’l. 1
- ÓHHkr ch. 231 —
banvæn ‘’l. 1
- ÓTC ch. 12 —
banvænn ‘’l. 1
- ÓTC ch. 31 —
banvænn ‘’l. 1
- HkrIˣ —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 7667
- ÓTI —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 9519
- ÓTFlat —
banuænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 9545
- ÞKak ch. 6 —
banvænt ‘’l. 1
- ÞKak ch. 21 —
banvænt ‘’l. 1
- ÞKak ch. 22 —
banvænn ‘’l. 1
- Ant —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 212
- ÁBpˣ —
ban vænar ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 2
- ÁBp §211 —
banvænar ‘’l. 1
- Ágr —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 41
- ÁlaFl —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 112
- DínDrˣ —
banvæner ‘lethal’l. 4846
- GBpB —
banvæn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 7292
- GrgStað —
banvæɴ ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 7423
- Grg35 —
ban vænt ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 7429
- [not skaldic] —
ban vǽnum ‘’l. 1
- HrafnAˣ —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 7814
- HrafnB2ˣ —
banvæner ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 7819
- SnEW1 —
ban uænu ‘mortal, deadly’l. 10258
- Med194 —
ban-vnir ‘mortal, deadly’l. 9115
- Mich —
banvæna ‘mortal, deadly’l. 9150
- Mthiasˣ —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 9202
- Orkn —
banvęnt ‘mortal, deadly’l. 9499
- OrknFlatII —
banuæn ‘mortal, deadly’l. 9509
- ÓH —
banven ‘mortal, deadly’l. 9441
- ÓH619 —
ban-vænum ‘mortal, deadly’l. 9494
- StjC —
banvæna ‘mortal, deadly’l. 10428
- StuIK —
bannvænt ‘mortal, deadly’l. 10477
- StuIIK —
ban-uænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 10482
- StuIIR11127ˣ —
banvænt ‘mortal, deadly’l. 10484
- ÞBpB —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 10741
- ÞBpC3ˣ —
bannvæn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 10744
- ÞBpC4 —
banvænn ‘expected to die, at the point of death’l. 10745
- Þorgr ch. 1 —
banvænt ‘’l. 1
- elements in compounds