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Fragments §

Edited by Kari Ellen Gade

Hirð ‘retinue’

hirð (noun f.; °-ar; -ir/-ar(FskB— 53‡)): retinue

[1, 2] viðr hirð grams holla sér ‘obtains the loyalty of the lord’s retinue’: Lit. ‘makes the lord’s retinue loyal to himself’.


viðr ‘obtains’

2. viða (verb): gain, bring about

[1, 2] viðr hirð grams holla sér ‘obtains the loyalty of the lord’s retinue’: Lit. ‘makes the lord’s retinue loyal to himself’.


grams ‘of the lord’s’

1. gramr (noun m.): ruler

[1] grams ‘the lord’s’: Skj B assigns this word to a preceding, missing line, which is unnecessary (see NN §878). It is not clear who this ruler (gramr) is, but it is possible that the couplet refers to Haraldr harðráði ‘Hard-rule’ Sigurðarson’s men defecting to Sveinn Úlfsson of Denmark prior to the battle of the river Nissan (Niz) in 1062 (see ÞjóðA Sex 12II). — [1, 2] viðr hirð grams holla sér ‘obtains the loyalty of the lord’s retinue’: Lit. ‘makes the lord’s retinue loyal to himself’.


grams ‘of the lord’s’

1. gramr (noun m.): ruler

[1] grams ‘the lord’s’: Skj B assigns this word to a preceding, missing line, which is unnecessary (see NN §878). It is not clear who this ruler (gramr) is, but it is possible that the couplet refers to Haraldr harðráði ‘Hard-rule’ Sigurðarson’s men defecting to Sveinn Úlfsson of Denmark prior to the battle of the river Nissan (Niz) in 1062 (see ÞjóðA Sex 12II). — [1, 2] viðr hirð grams holla sér ‘obtains the loyalty of the lord’s retinue’: Lit. ‘makes the lord’s retinue loyal to himself’.


með ‘with’

með (prep.): with

[1] með gerðum ‘with [gifts of] war-gear’: This refers to the gifts which a ruler or magnate bestows on his men; in addition to gold and silver (see Frag 2 above), such gifts could consist of weapons and even of ships (see Steinn Óldr 13-16II). Gerð can also mean ‘deed, activity’ or ‘girdle’.


gerðum ‘war-gear’

2. gerð (noun f.): gear

[1] með gerðum ‘with [gifts of] war-gear’: This refers to the gifts which a ruler or magnate bestows on his men; in addition to gold and silver (see Frag 2 above), such gifts could consist of weapons and even of ships (see Steinn Óldr 13-16II). Gerð can also mean ‘deed, activity’ or ‘girdle’.


sér ‘’

sik (pron.; °gen. sín, dat. sér): (refl. pron.)

[1, 2] viðr hirð grams holla sér ‘obtains the loyalty of the lord’s retinue’: Lit. ‘makes the lord’s retinue loyal to himself’.


holla ‘the loyalty’

hollr (adj.; °compar. -ari, superl. -astr): loyal

[1, 2] viðr hirð grams holla sér ‘obtains the loyalty of the lord’s retinue’: Lit. ‘makes the lord’s retinue loyal to himself’.

Click/tap on words in the text for grammatical information and notes.
Hirð viðr grams með gerðum
gollvǫrpuðr sér holla.



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