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nafni Nefju
‘Nefja’s namesake’ = Hrólfr
Nefja’s namesake; → Hrólfr
. namesake of Hrólfr nefja
Yggr valbríkar
‘of the Yggr of the slain-plank’ = WARRIOR
the slain-plank; → SHIELD
the Yggr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
[6] Yggs: ‘Jks’ 158 8°ˣ
[6] ‑bríkar: ‘Brixlar’ 158 8°ˣ
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
‘of the slain-plank’ = SHIELD
the slain-plank; → SHIELD
[6] ‑bríkar: ‘Brixlar’ 158 8°ˣ
3.4. board of the corpse
hvít Hlín jótra heiðar
‘the white Hlín of the heath’s molars’ = WOMAN
the heath’s molars → STONES
The white Hlín of STONES → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
jótr heiðar
‘of the heath’s molars’ = STONES
the heath’s molars → STONES
rock, stone
1.1.2. tooth of the earth