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mǫrk fránǫluns
‘of the forest of the flashing fish’ = GOLD
the flashing fish. → SERPENT
the forest of the SERPENT → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
‘of the flashing fish’ = SERPENT
the flashing fish. → SERPENT
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
víðlendr myrðir varga
‘broad-landed destroyer of outlaws’ = RULER = Knútr
broad-landed destroyer of outlaws, → RULER = Knútr
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
4.1. destroyer of evildoers
fasti túna barðs
‘with the fire of the homesteads of the prow’ = GOLD
the homesteads of the prow → SEA
with the fire of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
tún barðs
‘of the homesteads of the prow’ = SEA
the homesteads of the prow → SEA
4.1. land of the ship
eldr djúps
‘for the flame of the deep’ = GOLD
for the flame of the deep, → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
hættinn happsœkjandi hreins branda
‘venturesome, fortunate attacker of the reindeer of stems’ = SEA-WARRIOR = Óláfr
the reindeer of stems, → SHIP
venturesome, fortunate attacker of the SHIP → SEA-WARRIOR = Óláfr
2. attacker of the ship
hreinn branda
‘of the reindeer of stems’ = SHIP
the reindeer of stems, → SHIP
ship, boat
1.2.2. wild animal of the ship
ríkr rœkir linns randar
‘mighty keeper of the serpent of the shield’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the serpent of the shield; → SWORD
mighty keeper of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Óláfr
1.7.06. carer of the weapon
linnr randar
‘of the serpent of the shield’ = SWORD
the serpent of the shield; → SWORD
2.3. snake of the shield
andr eybaugs
‘the skis of the island-ring’ = SHIPS
the island-ring. → SEA
the skis of the SEA → SHIPS
ship, boat
2.1. ski of the sea
‘of the island-ring’ = SEA
the island-ring. → SEA
1.4. ring of the land
sex boði stálregns
‘six announcers of steel-rain’ = WARRIORS
steel-rain → BATTLE
six announcers of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
warrior messenger of battle
‘of steel-rain’ = BATTLE
steel-rain → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
Týr ónhjalta
‘the Týr of sword-hilts’ = WARRIOR = me
the Týr of sword-hilts; → WARRIOR = me
warrior Týr of the weapon
angr ýs
‘the sorrow of the yew’ = FIRE
the sorrow of the yew → FIRE
fire, flame
1.2. sorrow of the tree
‘the arrow-shooter’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
The arrow-shooter → WARRIOR = Óláfr
1.7.01. mover of the weapon
miklu él Ála
‘the great storm of Áli’ = BATTLE
the great storm of Áli; → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
‘a sword-age’ = BATTLE
a sword-age → BATTLE
14.1. time of the sword
‘the spear-assembly’ = BATTLE
the spear-assembly → BATTLE
3.1.2. meeting of spears
vága viggrunnr
‘steed-bush of the waves’ = SEAFARER = Óláfr
the steed of the waves. → SHIP
bush of the SHIP → SEAFARER = Óláfr
1.2. tree of the ship
vága viggr
‘of the steed of the waves’ = SHIP
the steed of the waves. → SHIP
ship, boat horse of the sea
Hildr hvítings
‘Hildr of the bright drinking-horn’ = WOMAN
Hildr of the bright drinking-horn, → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
‘spear-ash-trees’ = WARRIORS
spear-ash-trees → WARRIORS
1.1.3. tree of the spear
þing harðra hjǫrva
‘the assembly of hard swords’ = BATTLE
the assembly of hard swords. → BATTLE
3.1.1. meeting of swords
‘the wound-grouse’ = RAVEN/EAGLE
the wound-grouse → RAVEN/EAGLE
1.4. bird of the wound (A2)
alla Jǫlfuðs élþollr
‘storm-firs of Jǫlfuðr’ = WARRIORS
the storm of Jǫlfuðr → BATTLE
all the firs of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
2.1. tree of battle
Jǫlfuðs él
‘of the storm of Jǫlfuðr’ = BATTLE
the storm of Jǫlfuðr → BATTLE
1.2.3. shower of Óðinn
fastri fleindrífa
‘the ceaseless missile-blizzard’ = BATTLE
the ceaseless missile-blizzard. → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
grǫnn Skǫgul in hvíta setrs hauka
‘the slender, white Skǫgul of the seat of hawks’ = WOMAN
the seat of hawks → ARM
the slender, white Skǫgul of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
setr hauka
‘of the seat of hawks’ = ARM
the seat of hawks → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.2. home, resting place of the bird of prey (A3)
djúp spor hríðar Dags ok danskra vápna
‘the deep tracks of the blizzard of Dagr and of danish weapons’ = WOUNDS
the blizzard of Dagr → BATTLE
the deep tracks of the BATTLEand of Danish weapons → WOUNDS
1.2. track of battle
hríð Dags
‘of the blizzard of Dagr ’ = BATTLE
the blizzard of Dagr → BATTLE
1.2.5. shower of a legendary person
morðvenjandi meldrar Fenju
‘the killing-accustomed one of the flour of Fenja’ = GENEROUS MAN = Þormóðr
the flour of Fenja. → GOLD
the killing-accustomed one of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = Þormóðr
generous man
1.09. killer of wealth
meldr Fenju
‘of the flour of Fenja’ = GOLD
the flour of Fenja. → GOLD
9.2.2. flour of Fenja and Menja (A1)
eik landa ǫglis
‘the oak of the lands of the hawk’ = WOMAN
the lands of the hawk → ARMS
The oak of ARMS → WOMAN
female, woman
11.2. tree, wood of arm/hand (B2c)
land ǫglis
‘of the lands of the hawk’ = ARMS
the lands of the hawk → ARMS
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
drif ǫrva
‘a blizzard of arrows’ = BATTLE
a blizzard of arrows, → BATTLE
battle shower of arrows