afhendr (adj.) ‘°alien, rejected, unwelcome’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Án —
Afhendr ‘alien, rejected, unwelcome’l. 164
- BandM —
afhent ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 239
- Hallfr ch. 6 —
afhendan ‘’l. 1
- Hallfr —
afhendan ‘cast off, renounce’l. 7558
- Hallfr61 —
af hendan ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 7559
- HallfrÓT ch. 6 —
afhendan ‘’l. 1
- HallfrÓT ch. 7 —
afhendan ‘’l. 1
- [not skaldic] —
hænndan ‘’l. 1 - Kgs —
afhænnt ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 8634
- Vatn ch. 21 —
afhendan ‘’l. 1
- Vatnˣ —
afhendan ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 10654
- ÞH ch. 13 —
afhendan ‘’l. 1
- ÁBp220 —
af hennt ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 4
- Barth2 —
afhendan ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 281
- GulI —
afhent ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 7459
- KlmB1980ˣ —
afhent ‘(sby) is opposed to (sth.)’l. 8694
- NoDipl (1291) —
af hænt ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 9328
- ÓHLeg —
afhænt ‘(sby) is opposed to (sth.)’l. 9491
- unattrib ÓHLeg 1I (DG 8) —
hænt ‘’l. 1 - Ridd623 —
afhendr ‘alien, rejected, unwelcome’l. 10151
- StuIR440ˣ —
afhendan ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 10481
- Sv —
af-hent ‘(sby) is opposed to (sth.)’l. 10505
- ÞBpC3ˣ —
af henda ‘declare oneself rid of, declare oneself free of responsibility for, renounce, declare oneself to be no longer involved in’l. 10744
- ÞÞÓT —
af hendir ‘alien, rejected, unwelcome’l. 10866
- elements in compounds