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gunnbráðr Njǫrðr gǫndlar
‘the war-hasty Njǫrðr of battle’ = WARRIOR = Rǫgnvaldr
the war-hasty Njǫrðr of battle → WARRIOR = Rǫgnvaldr
[3] Njǫrðr: vǫrðr R702ˣ, 325III β
[3] gǫndlar: gunnar 325V, 332ˣ, Flat, R702ˣ, 325III β
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
tíu aldin él þélar grafninga
‘ten ancient blizzards of the file of graven shields’ = BATTLES
the file of graven shields → SWORD
ten ancient blizzards of the SWORD → BATTLES
[2] grafninga: ‘grafningia’ 325III β
battle shower of swords
þél grafninga
‘of the file of graven shields’ = SWORD
the file of graven shields → SWORD
[2] grafninga: ‘grafningia’ 325III β
10.3. tool of the shield
‘the battle-master’ = WARRIOR
The battle-master → WARRIOR
2.5.6. master of battle
alkostigr niðr rǫgnvalds
‘the excellent descendant of rǫgnvaldr’ = Þorfinnr
The excellent descendant of Rǫgnvaldr → Þorfinnr
Þorfinnr Sigurðarson
1.1. descendant of Rǫgnvaldr inn ríki Eysteinsson
fen hrosta
‘the swamp of malt’ = ALE
the swamp of malt → ALE
[2] fen: ‘fan’ 325III β
1. liquid of ale components
allan fellir orms
‘all the serpent’s slayer’ = WINTER
all the serpent’s slayer; → WINTER
3. killer of the snake